37 resultados para Milnor fibration


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We study the horospherical geometry of submanifolds in hyperbolic space. The main result is a formula for the total absolute horospherical curvature of M, which implies, for the horospherical geometry, the analogues of classical inequalities of the Euclidean Geometry. We prove the horospherical Chern-Lashof inequality for surfaces in 3-space and the horospherical Fenchel and Fary-Milnor`s theorems.


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In this paper we provide a complete algebraic invariant of link-homotopy, that is, an algebraic invariant that distinguishes two links if and only if they are link-homotopic. The paper establishes a connection between the ""peripheral structures"" approach to link-homotopy taken by Milnor, Levine and others, and the string link action approach taken by Habegger and Lin. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present some formulae for topological invariants of projective complete intersection curves with isolated singularities in terms of the Milnor number, the Euler characteristic and the topological genus. We also present some conditions, involving the Milnor number and the degree of the curve, for the irreducibility of complete intersection curves.


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We show that a holomorphic map germ f : (C(n), 0) -> (C(2n-1), 0) is finitely determined if and only if the double point scheme D(f) is a reduced curve. If n >= 3, we have that mu(D(2)(f)) = 2 mu(D(2)(f)/S(2))+C(f)-1, where D(2)(f) is the lifting of the double point curve in (C(n) x C(n), 0), mu(X) denotes the Milnor number of X and C(f) is the number of cross-caps that appear in a stable deformation of f. Moreover, we consider an unfolding F(t, x) = (t, f(t)(x)) of f and show that if F is mu-constant, then it is excellent in the sense of Gaffney. Finally, we find a minimal set of invariants whose constancy in the family f(t) is equivalent to the Whitney equisingularity of F. We also give an example of an unfolding which is topologically trivial, but it is not Whitney equisingular.


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Let M -> B, N -> B be fibrations and f(1), f(2): M -> N be a pair of fibre-preserving maps. Using normal bordism techniques we define an invariant which is an obstruction to deforming the pair f(1), f(2) over B to a coincidence free pair of maps. In the special case where the two fibrations axe the same and one of the maps is the identity, a weak version of our omega-invariant turns out to equal Dold`s fixed point index of fibre-preserving maps. The concepts of Reidemeister classes and Nielsen coincidence classes over B are developed. As an illustration we compute e.g. the minimal number of coincidence components for all homotopy classes of maps between S(1)-bundles over S(1) as well as their Nielsen and Reidemeister numbers.


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Let M be a compact, connected non-orientable surface without boundary and of genus g >= 3. We investigate the pure braid groups P,(M) of M, and in particular the possible splitting of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence 1 -> P(m)(M \ {x(1), ..., x(n)}) hooked right arrow P(n+m)(M) (P*) under right arrow P(n)(M) -> 1, where m, n >= 1, and p* is the homomorphism which corresponds geometrically to forgetting the last m strings. This problem is equivalent to that of the existence of a section for the associated fibration p: F(n+m)(M) -> F(n)(M) of configuration spaces, defined by p((x(1), ..., x(n), x(n+1), ..., x(n+m))) = (x(1), ..., x(n)). We show that p and p* admit a section if and only if n = 1. Together with previous results, this completes the resolution of the splitting problem for surface pure braid groups. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We define algebraically for each map germ f: Kn, 0→ Kp, 0 and for each Boardman symbol i = (il, . . ., ik) a number ci(f) which is script A sign-invariant. If f is finitely determined, this number is the generalization of the Milnor number of f when p = 1, the number of cusps of f when n = p = 2, or the number of cross caps when n = 2, p = 3. We study some properties of this number and prove that, in some particular cases, this number can be interpreted geometrically as the number of Σi points that appear in a generic deformation of f. In the last part, we compute this number in the case that the map germ is a projection and give some applications to catastrophe map germs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We characterize finite determinacy of map germs f : (C-2, 0) -> (C-3, 0) in terms of the Milnor number mu(D(f)) of the double point curve D(f) in (C-2, 0) and we provide an explicit description of the double point scheme in terms of elementary symmetric functions. Also we prove that the Whitney equisingularity of 1-parameter families of map germs f(t) : (C-2, 0) -> (C-3, 0) is equivalent to the constancy of both mu(D(f(t))) and mu(f(t)(C-2)boolean AND H) with respect to t, where H subset of C-3 is a generic plane. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We prove a new Morse-Sard-type theorem for the asymptotic critical values of semi-algebraic mappings and a new fibration theorem at infinity for C-2 mappings. We show the equivalence of three different types of regularity conditions which have been used in the literature in order to control the asymptotic behaviour of mappings. The central role of our picture is played by the p-regularity and its bridge toward the rho-regularity which implies topological triviality at infinity.


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The Euler obstruction of a function f can be viewed as a generalization of the Milnor number for functions defined on singular spaces. In this work, using the Euler obstruction of a function, we establish several Lê–Greuel type formulas for germs f:(X,0)→(C,0) and g:(X,0)→(C,0). We give applications when g is a generic linear form and when f and g have isolated singularities.


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Wir berechnen die Eulerzahl der 10-dimensionalen exzeptionellen irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeit, die von O Grady konstruiert wurde. Die Idee besteht darin, zunächst eine Lagrangefaserung zu konstruieren und dann die Eulerzahlen der Fasern zu berechnen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass fast alle Fasern die Eulerzahl 0 haben, und deswegen reduziert sich das Problem auf die Berechnung der Eulerzahlen der übrigen Fasern. Diese Fasern sind Modulräume von halbstabilen Garben auf singulären Kurven. Der Hauptteil dieser Dissertation ist der Berechnung der Eulerzahlen dieser Modulräume gewidmet. Diese Resultate sind von unabhängigem Interesse.


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In this work we investigate the deformation theory of pairs of an irreducible symplectic manifold X together with a Lagrangian subvariety Y in X, where the focus is on singular Lagrangian subvarieties. Among other things, Voisin's results [Voi92] are generalized to the case of simple normal crossing subvarieties; partial results are also obtained for more complicated singularities.rnAs done in Voisin's article, we link the codimension of the subspace of the universal deformation space of X parametrizing those deformations where Y persists, to the rank of a certain map in cohomology. This enables us in some concrete cases to actually calculate or at least estimate the codimension of this particular subspace. In these cases the Lagrangian subvarieties in question occur as fibers or fiber components of a given Lagrangian fibration f : X --> B. We discuss examples and the question of how our results might help to understand some aspects of Lagrangian fibrations.


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If the generic fibre f−1(c) of a Lagrangian fibration f : X → B on a complex Poisson– variety X is smooth, compact, and connected, it is isomorphic to the compactification of a complex abelian Lie–group. For affine Lagrangian fibres it is not clear what the structure of the fibre is. Adler and van Moerbeke developed a strategy to prove that the generic fibre of a Lagrangian fibration is isomorphic to the affine part of an abelian variety.rnWe extend their strategy to verify that the generic fibre of a given Lagrangian fibration is the affine part of a (C∗)r–extension of an abelian variety. This strategy turned out to be successful for all examples we studied. Additionally we studied examples of Lagrangian fibrations that have the affine part of a ramified cyclic cover of an abelian variety as generic fibre. We obtained an embedding in a Lagrangian fibration that has the affine part of a C∗–extension of an abelian variety as generic fibre. This embedding is not an embedding in the category of Lagrangian fibrations. The C∗–quotient of the new Lagrangian fibration defines in a natural way a deformation of the cyclic quotient of the original Lagrangian fibration.