87 resultados para Micrurus spixii spixii


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biomarkers as lipid peroxidation, metallothionein and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase were determined in Cathorops spixii to compare the biological responses of this fish from estuaries with distinct anthropogenic influence. Three areas were selected in two estuaries in accordance with the levels of contamination for the polluted (Santos/So Vicente) and with the hydrodynamic characteristics for the non-polluted (Canan,ia) estuary. Water characteristics and mercury levels in C. spixii confirmed a high human influence in the polluted system. In general, the biomarkers showed differences between the estuaries, suggesting disturbances in the specific cell mechanisms due to the presence of multiple xenobiotics in the contaminated system. Therefore, these biomarkers are recommended to promote more accurate information about the exposure to pollutants. Additionally, the study of the effect of the multiple xenobiotics on resident species such as the benthic fish C. spixii can favor a better assessment of the environmental quality of these systems.


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In the present study Cathorops spixii, was evaluated as a bioindicator fish for trace metal pollution. Concentrations of cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in liver. Mercury (Hg) and methyl-mercury (MeHg) were analyzed by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in muscles and livers. High concentrations of Co, Fe, Se and Zn were observed in C. spixii from Santos Bay in comparison to fish collected in a non-polluted site in the same Brazilian coast. These trace metal concentrations were out of the permissible levels for human consumption. Although, Hg and MeHg levels were low, the C. spixii could still be used as an effective bioindicator to observe trace metal behaviors in the environment in function of the bioaccumulation process observed mainly by other analyzed trace metals. Thus, the use of this species is strongly recommended to monitor the effects and behavior of trace metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems in Brazil due to its bioaccumulation function.


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Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human activity (Cananeia) and in three regions (Santos Channel: SC, Santos Bay: SB and Sao Vicente Channel: SVC) of the Santos-Sao Vicente estuary impacted by various anthropogenic activities. Increases in NAE were observed in fish from SC and SVC sampled in the summer period as compared with specimens from the Cananeia estuary. These results suggest the presence of genotoxic compounds in these regions. However, the absence of significant differences in micronuclei frequency reflects slight mutagenic effects in these individuals. It is possible that the lower NAE frequency in specimens from SB might be associated with the greater remobilization and dilution of chemicals in this region. The low frequency of NAE in C. spixii from the Cananeia estuary is in accordance with the slight anthropogenic influence in this system, and may be suggestive of the absence of genotoxic and mutagenic effects in these organisms.


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Caviomorph development includes an inverted yolk sac. Since principle processes are not understood, we investigated its differentiation in Galen and re-examined material from the guinea pig. Galea showed the typical caviomorph conditions in blastocyst development and the nature of the definitive yolk sac, formed of the visceral layer that became villous, proliferative, vascularized and attached to the uterus and placenta. In contrast to what was known before, in both species parts of the parietal yolk sac and a yolk sac cavity were temporarily present. Data suggest that early yolk sac development in caviomorphs is more complex than thought before. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the phases of sexual development and spermatogenesis of Spix's yellow-toothed cavy (Galea spixii) based on analyses of the structural components of the testes. The testes of animals from 0 to 150 days of age were collected by orchiectomy, weighed, and processed for analysis by light microscopy. At 45 days of age, spermatozoa were seen in the tubular lumen. Spermatogenesis was not established in animals from 45 to 150 days of age. The stages of sexual development may be classified into the following phases: from birth to the age of 15 days (immature); 30 days of age (prepubertal); 45-105 days of age (pubertal); and 120 and 150 days of age (postpubertal). This is the first study to address the male reproductive biology of Spix's yellow-toothed cavy.


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Whilst a fall in neuron numbers seems a common pattern during postnatal development, several authors have nonetheless reported an increase in neuron number, which may be associated with any one of a number of possible processes encapsulating either neurogenesis or late maturation and incomplete differentiation. Recent publications have thus added further fuel to the notion that a postnatal neurogenesis may indeed exist in sympathetic ganglia. In the light of these uncertainties surrounding the effects exerted by postnatal development on the number of superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons, we have used state-of-the-art design-based stereology to investigate the quantitative structure of SCG at four distinct timepoints after birth, viz., 1-3 days, 1 month, 12 months and 36 months. The main effects exerted by ageing on the SCG structure were: (i) a 77% increase in ganglion volume; (ii) stability in the total number of the whole population of SCG nerve cells (no change - either increase or decrease) during post-natal development; (iii) a higher proportion of uninucleate neurons to binucleate neurons only in newborn animals; (iv) a 130% increase in the volume of uninucleate cell bodies; and (v) the presence of BrdU positive neurons in animals at all ages. At the time of writing our results support the idea that neurogenesis takes place in the SCG of preas, albeit it warrants confirmation by further markers. We also hypothesise that a portfolio of other mechanisms: cell repair, maturation, differentiation and death may be equally intertwined and implicated in the numerical stability of SCG neurons during postnatal development. (C) 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. São encontrados nas regiões da Caatinga e do Cerrado Brasileiro e se reproduz ao longo do ano, apresentando um período de gestação de 48 dias e uma ninhada de 2 a 4 crias. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente os componentes estruturais dos órgãos genitais de preás machos relacionando com a evolução cronológica destes órgãos na espécie. Foram utilizados para análise animais ao nascimento e aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 e aos 150 dias de idade. Fragmentos do epidídimo, ducto deferente, pênis e glândulas sexuais acessórias foram coletados, fixados e processados para descrição em microscopia de luz. O epidídimo apresentou epitélio colunar simples e em cada fase sexual notou-se diferença quanto ao tamanho do lúmen tubular e à presença de espermatozóides no lúmen aos 45 dias de idade. O epitélio do ducto deferente no preá mostrou-se pseudo-estratificado colunar com crescente presença de estereocilios com o avanço da idade. A glândula vesicular no preá apresentou uma mucosa com pregueamento variado, de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento sexual. A próstata mostrou-se pouco desenvolvida, com lúmen pequeno nos preás ao nascimento e aos 15 dias de idade; aos 45 dias mostrou-se com um pregueamento do epitélio variável. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do preá passaram por transformações morfológicas no decorrer da idade e com o desenvolvimento sexual, isso colaborou para a determinação do início da fase da puberdade, que na espécie em estudo foi aos 45 dias de idade.


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Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human activity (Cananéia) and in three regions (Santos Channel: SC, Santos Bay: SB and São Vicente Channel: SVC) of the Santos-São Vicente estuary impacted by various anthropogenic activities. Increases in NAE were observed in fish from SC and SVC sampled in the summer period as compared with specimens from the Cananéia estuary. These results suggest the presence of genotoxic compounds in these regions. However, the absence of significant differences in micronuclei frequency reflects slight mutagenic effects in these individuals. It is possible that the lower NAE frequency in specimens from SB might be associated with the greater remobilization and dilution of chemicals in this region. The low frequency of NAE in C. spixii from the Cananéia estuary is in accordance with the slight anthropogenic influence in this system, and may be suggestive of the absence of genotoxic and mutagenic effects in these organisms.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. São encontrados nas regiões da Caatinga e do Cerrado Brasileiro e se reproduz ao longo do ano, apresentando um período de gestação de 48 dias e uma ninhada de 2 a 4 crias. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente os componentes estruturais dos órgãos genitais de preás machos relacionando com a evolução cronológica destes órgãos na espécie. Foram utilizados para análise animais ao nascimento e aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 e aos 150 dias de idade. Fragmentos do epidídimo, ducto deferente, pênis e glândulas sexuais acessórias foram coletados, fixados e processados para descrição em microscopia de luz. O epidídimo apresentou epitélio colunar simples e em cada fase sexual notou-se diferença quanto ao tamanho do lúmen tubular e à presença de espermatozóides no lúmen aos 45 dias de idade. O epitélio do ducto deferente no preá mostrou-se pseudo-estratificado colunar com crescente presença de estereocilios com o avanço da idade. A glândula vesicular no preá apresentou uma mucosa com pregueamento variado, de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento sexual. A próstata mostrou-se pouco desenvolvida, com lúmen pequeno nos preás ao nascimento e aos 15 dias de idade; aos 45 dias mostrou-se com um pregueamento do epitélio variável. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do preá passaram por transformações morfológicas no decorrer da idade e com o desenvolvimento sexual, isso colaborou para a determinação do início da fase da puberdade, que na espécie em estudo foi aos 45 dias de idade.


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Estudos baseados nas características testiculares estão altamente relacionados com a eficiência reprodutiva de varias espécies. Assim, o projeto desenvolvido teve como objetivo identificar as células do epitélio seminífero, caracterizar histologicamente suas associações, que formam os estádios, e determinar a frequência destes. Os fragmentos de testículos, com 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 150 dias foram coletados no Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), Mossoró/ RN. Passando pelos processos de fixação, lavagens em soluções de concentrações crescentes de álcoois (70-100%), desidratação em xilol, inclusão em Histosec®, preparação das lâminas histológicas, colorações em Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE) e suas fotomicrografias para a caracterização dos núcleos celulares do epitélio germinativo e a definição dos oitos estágios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero (CES) baseados no Método da Morfologia Tubular. Das faixas etárias analisadas todos os animais de 90-150 dias de idade apresentaram todos os estádios do CES. Os estádios I e III foram os que apresentaram maior e menor freqüência, respectivamente. Os animais caracterizados como pré-púberes (30 dias), púberes (45-90 dias de idade) e pós-púberes (105150 dias de idade) apresentaram os estádios I, VIII e IV com uma maior freqüência, respectivamente.


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Cross-amplification was tested and variability in microsatellite primers (designed for Neotropical parrots) compared, in five macaw species, viz., three endangered blue macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii [extinct in the wild], Anodorhynchus leari [endangered] and Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus [vulnerable]), and two unthreatened red macaws (Ara chloropterus and Ara macao). Among the primers tested, 84.6% successfully amplified products in C. spixii, 83.3% in A. leari, 76.4% in A. hyacinthinus, 78.6% in A. chloropterus and 71.4% in A. macao. The mean expected heterozygosity estimated for each species, and based on loci analyzed in all the five, ranged from 0.33 (A. hyacinthinus) to 0.85 (A. macao). As expected, the results revealed lower levels of genetic variability in threatened macaw species than in unthreatened. The low combined probability of genetic identity and the moderate to high potential for paternity exclusion, indicate the utility of the microsatellite loci set selected for each macaw species in kinship and population studies, thus constituting an aid in planning in-situ and ex-situ conservation.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a taxocenose de bagres marinhos do complexo baía-estuário de São Vicente, SP. As coletas foram mensais, no período de setembro de 2000 a agosto de 2002, em quatro regiões do estuário. Foram capturados 3.985 exemplares, pertencentes a cinco gêneros e seis espécies, totalizando 47.807 g. A espécie Cathorops spixii apresentou a maior abundância numérica com 1.569 indivíduos amostrados. No transecto I (próximo da região costeira) foi registrada a maior riqueza e no transecto IV (estuário acima) a maior abundância com 2.602 exemplares e peso de 26.236 g. Em março de 2002 registrou-se a maior abundância com 687 indivíduos e o maior peso ocorreu em fevereiro de 2002 (8.816 g). A salinidade da água de fundo, ao longo do período de estudo, variou entre 14 e 36 e a temperatura da água variou entre 19 e 30 °C. Na região amostrada foram capturados exemplares jovens e adultos, ocorrendo um predomínio de jovens, o que demonstra que esta área apresenta condições favoráveis para crescimento.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii Wagler, 1831) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. Pouca literatura é encontrada sobre essa espécie em relação a sua morfologia e seu comportamento ambiental e reprodutivo. Com o objetivo de entender a morfologia geral, em foco, na inervação do membro pélvico dessa espécie, neste trabalho, foi explorado o nervo isquiático, o qual é o maior de todos os nervos do organismo. Foram utilizados 10 preás (cinco machos e cinco fêmeas) que vieram a óbito por causas naturais, oriundos do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (CEMAS/UFERSA). Os animais foram fixados após o óbito em solução aquosa de formaldeído 10% e, após 48 horas de imersão nessa solução, foram dissecados para exposição do nervo isquiático. Dessa forma, os dados obtidos foram compilados em tabelas e expressos em desenhos esquemáticos e fotografias. Os pares de nervos isquiáticos originaram-se de raízes ventrais de L6L7S1 (70%) e de L7S1S2 (30%) e distribuíram-se pelos músculos glúteo profundo, bíceps femural, semitendinoso e semimembranoso.


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Background: Micrurus corallinus (coral snake) is a tropical forest snake belonging to the family Elapidae. Its venom shows a high neurotoxicity associated with pre- and post-synaptic toxins, causing diaphragm paralysis, which may result in death. In spite of a relatively small incidence of accidents, serum therapy is crucial for those bitten. However, the adequate production of antiserum is hampered by the difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of venom from a small snake with demanding breeding conditions. In order to elucidate the molecular basis of this venom and to uncover possible immunogens for an antiserum, we generated expressed sequences tags (ESTs) from its venom glands and analyzed the transcriptomic profile. In addition, their immunogenicity was tested using DNA immunization. Results: A total of 1438 ESTs were generated and grouped into 611 clusters. Toxin transcripts represented 46% of the total ESTs. The two main toxin classes consisted of three-finger toxins (3FTx) (24%) and phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) (15%). However, 8 other classes of toxins were present, including C-type lectins, natriuretic peptide precursors and even high-molecular mass components such as metalloproteases and L-amino acid oxidases. Each class included an assortment of isoforms, some showing evidence of alternative splicing and domain deletions. Five antigenic candidates were selected (four 3FTx and one PLA(2)) and used for a preliminary study of DNA immunization. The immunological response showed that the sera from the immunized animals were able to recognize the recombinant antigens. Conclusion: Besides an improvement in our knowledge of the composition of coral snake venoms, which are very poorly known when compared to Old World elapids, the expression profile suggests abundant and diversified components that may be used in future antiserum formulation. As recombinant production of venom antigens frequently fails due to complex disulfide arrangements, DNA immunization may be a viable alternative. In fact, the selected candidates provided an initial evidence of the feasibility of this approach, which is less costly and not dependent on the availability of the venom.