24 resultados para Microcrustaceans


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An environmental impact study was conducted to determine the Piracicamirim's creek water quality in order to assess the influence of effluents from a sugar industry in this water body. For this, toxicity tests were performed with a water sample upstream and downstream the industry using the microcrustaceans Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii as test organisms, as well as physical and chemical analysis of water. Results showed that physical and chemical parameters did not change during the sampling period, except for the dissolved oxygen. No toxicity was observed for D. magna and reproduction of C. dubia and C. silvestrii in both sampling points. Thus, the industry was not negatively impacting the quality of this water body.


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An environmental impact study was conducted to determine the Piracicamirim's creek water quality in order to assess the influence of effluents from a sugar industry in this water body. For this, toxicity tests were performed with a water sample upstream and downstream the industry using the microcrustaceans Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii as test organisms, as well as physical and chemical analysis of water. Results showed that physical and chemical parameters did not change during the sampling period, except for the dissolved oxygen. No toxicity was observed for D. magna and reproduction of C. dubia and C. silvestrii in both sampling points. Thus, the industry was not negatively impacting the quality of this water body.


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Os reservatórios, por serem corpos de água dinâmicos e pelos seus usos múltiplos, sofrem acelerado processo de eutrofização. Neste estudo avaliou-se a atual condição da represa do Lobo (municípios de Brotas e Itirapina, SP) em relação a algumas características físicas, químicas e biológicas em uma perspectiva temporal. As amostragens foram realizadas em duas épocas representativas das estações seca e chuvosa, compreendidas no período de setembro de 2000 e junho de 2001. Foram estabelecidos seis pontos de coleta, nos quais foram coletadas amostras de água para análises de nutrientes, clorofila, material em suspensão, zooplâncton e foram também realizadas medidas \"in situ\" de variáveis físicas e químicas, com o multisensor Horiba U10. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que ocorreram variações sazonais de moderada amplitude, caracterizando dois períodos: o seco com temperaturas menores, águas mais oxigenadas, menor condutividade elétrica e maiores concentrações de nutrientes. O zooplâncton da represa do Lobo foi numericamente dominado pelos rotíferos, seguidos pelos cladóceros e copépodos em proporções bem menores, similarmente ao reportado pelos estudos anteriores, indicando que em nível de grandes grupos não houve ainda uma mudança na estrutura desta comunidade. As variações na densidade dos principais grupos zooplanctônicos estão relacionadas às características físicas e químicas das diferentes porções da represa (com maiores densidades na porção superior, mais eutrófica) e à sazonalidade, com maior abundância de rotíferos no período chuvoso e maiores densidades de protozoários e microcrustáceos no inverno. Durante o período de estudo a condição trófica do reservatório foi mesotrófica, contudo com níveis de nutrientes e biomassa do fitoplâncton, indicada pela concentração de clorofila, superiores aos níveis reportados para a década de 1970. Concluiu-se portanto que a represa está sofrendo um processo de eutrofização.


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The species composition, longitudinal distribution and seasonal dynamics of zooplankton were studied in the Zagyva River, Hungary. A total of 108 taxa was recorded from which 61 were new for the river. Rotatoria was the most abundant group, microcrustaceans were less important, only nauplii and copepodites were represented in similar individual numbers. Frequent species included Anuraeopsis fissa, Pompholyx spp., Keratella cochlearis, Brachionus angularis, Bdelloida sp., Bosmina longirostris. Dominance of cosmopolitan species was observed both in the river and its reservoir, and species characteristic of eutrophic waters were of major importance in the latter. There was a downstream decrease in zooplankton densities, which was explained by modified conditions. The relatively large number of individuals in autumn months, and the characteristic large number of individuals in the upper section contrasted general findings of potamoplankton dynamics. On the basis of the species abundance matrix, three river sections can be distinguished (upper, middle, lower section). Due to waste water discharges - received from the Tarján Stream - we found extremely high number of individuals and the lowest diversity at the sampling site Nagybátony (148 rkm).


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The spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of the crustacean zooplankton were studied in the Danube River and in its side arms near Budapest, Hungary. Microcrustaceans were sampled biweekly from October 2006 to November 2007 at eleven sites. Thermocyclops crassus, Moina micrura and Bosmina longirostris added up to 57.6% of the total density. Comparisons of the different water bodies stressed the separation of the eupotamal and parapotamal side arms. Densities in the side arms were one respectively two orders of magnitude higher as compared to the main channel, which was relatively poor in plankton. There were remarkable longitudinal and transversal variations in the abundance of the major zooplankton groups (cladocerans, adult copepods, copepodites, nauplii) and dominant species (t-test, P < 0.05). However, no general pattern was observed, the spatial distribution depended on the examined objects. There were statistically significant seasonal differences in zooplankton abundance (Tukey-test, P < 0.05). Water residence time and water discharge were not found to be related to zooplankton abundance, but water temperature was positively correlated with microcrustacean density.