51 resultados para Metolachlor.


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Con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de los dos sistemas de labranzas y controles químico de malezas sobre el comportamiento de las malezas y el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo del frijol común, se llevó a cabo el presente experimento en terrenos de la Empresa Almacenadora del Agro. S.A. (ALMAGRO. S.A.) Masaya. Los factores en estudio fueron: a) Labranza, el cual incluye labranza mínima y convencional. b) Control químico de malezas, donde se evaluaron el efecto de los herbicidas pendimetalin, metolachlor, pendimetalin + metolachlor aplicados 1 día después de la siembra y fomesafen + fluazifop-butyl aplicados 21 días después de la siembra. Los resultados obtenidos indican, que el sistema de labranza convencional permitió la mayor abundancia y cobertura de malezas, sin embargo esta presentó la menor biomasa de malezas dicotiledóneas. El control químico de malezas que presentó el mejor efecto sobre las malezas fue la mezcla de pre-emergentes, pendimetalin más metolachor, al permitir los menores valores en abundancia, cobertura y biomasa (peso seco). El tratamiento con metolachlor fue el que presentó la menor diversidad de malezas. El sistema de labranza mínima presentó el mayor número de vainas, mayor peso de 300 granos y mayor rendimiento. El tratamiento con pendirnetalin más metolachlor presentó el mayor número de vainas por planta, en cambio en la variable número de granos por vaina todo los tratamientos presentaron valores similares. La combinación de herbicidas post-emergente (fomesafen + fusilade) y el sistema de labranza mínima obtuvieron los mejores rendimientos, el mejor beneficio neto y la rnejor rentabilidad. El tratamiento pendirnentalin + rnetolachlor presentó mejor beneficio neto. El tratamiento fomesafen más fluazifop butyl resultó ser no dominado, ya que presentó mayores costos variables y menor beneficio neto.


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El presente estudio se realizó durante la época de postrera (agosto-noviembre), 1996, en los predios de la Empresa Almacenadora del Agro (ALMAGRO), departamento de Masaya. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto de labranzas de suelos (convencional y núnima) y manejos químico de malezas (pendimentalin, pendimentalin+ atrazina, atrazina y metolachlor) sobre la dinámica de malezas y el rendimiento del cultivo del sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Un tratamiento se dejó enmalezado durante todo el ciclo. El diseño utilizado para fue de bloques completos al azar en arreglo de parcelas divididas con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron: abundancia, diversidad, cobertura y biomasa de malezas. También se evaluaron los componentes del rendimiento del sorgo (número de espigilla por panoja, longitud de panoja, peso de mil granos) Los resultados indican que el sistema de labranza convencional tendió a mantener durante todo el ciclo del cultivo la menor abundancias de malezas, menor porcentaje de cobertura y menor acumulación de biomasa por parte de las misma en comparación con la labranza mínima, indicando ello una menor competencia, permitiendo obtener mayores rendimientos en el cultivo del sorgo. Los tratamientos pendimentalin + atrazina y pendimentalin resultaron ser los más beneficiosos en cuanto a control se refiere. El metolachlor ejerció buen control de las malezas, pero presentó problemas de fitotoxicidad para el cultivo lo cual redujo el rendimiento del mismo. Los tratamientos herbicidas mantienen el cultivo con baja presión de malezas durante un periodo aproximado de 40 días después de la siembra, posterior a este periodo el efecto de los herbicidas se reduce o se pierde. El tratamiento a base de atrazina presentó mayor abundancia y biomasa de maleza durante todo el ciclo, y presentó niveles de enmalezamiento similares a los del testigo al momento de la cosecha. El rendimiento obtenido por este tratamiento fue uno de los más bajos del estudio. Los tratamientos pendimentalin + atrazina y pendimentalin, mejoran su efectividad cuando se utilizan bajo labranza convencional, lo cual permite obtener mejores rendimientos de grano. El herbicida metolachlor reduce las poblaciones de coyolillo (Cyperus rotundus L.), sin embargo permite el establecimiento de malezas más agresivas como caminadora (Rottboellia cochinchinensis). El análisis económico de los tratamientos en estudio muestran que la aplicación de pendimetalin presentó la mejor tasa de retorno marginal.


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Con el propósito de evaluar la eficiencia de diferentes métodos de manejo de malezas en el cultivo de cebolla ( Allium cepa L . ), se realizó un ensayo en la época seca de 2006 en el Centro Experimental del Valle de Sébaco, ubicado en San Isidro, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Se estudiaron seis tratamientos: pendimentalin, metolachlor, Testigo Absoluto, Mecánico, oxifluorfen mas fluazifop p-butil y Mecánico más oxifluorfen. Se utilizó un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (BCA) con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron densidad de malezas por grupos, peso fresco de malezas y biomasa de las malezas y rendimiento de bulbos por categorías. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS, se realizaron análisis de varianza y prueba de separación de medias según Tukey al 5 % de margen de error. Se realizó un análisis exploratorio de los datos, para determinar normalidad y homogeneidad de varianza. En casos cuando estas premisas no se cumplieron, se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas (prueba de Friedman). Los resultados agronómicos fueron sometidos a un análisis de presupuesto parcial, para determinar el tratamiento con mayor beneficio económico. El mejor comportamiento en la reducción de la abundancia de malezas, y mejor rendimiento de bulbo de cebolla, se obtuvo en el tratamiento Mecánico. Este tratamiento redujo la abundancia de malezas en un 82 por ciento en comparación con el testigo absoluto, además de presentar el mejor rendimiento de bulbo. El tratamiento seis (Mecánico mas oxifluorfen) presentó el segundo mejor rendimiento a pesar de que la densidad de malezas fue superior al tratamiento mecánico. El tratamiento mecánico mas oxifluorfen redujo la abundancia de malezas en un 48 por ciento en comparación con el testigo absoluto. El mayor beneficio económico se obtuvo con la utilización de metolachlor, sin embargo, la inversión económica para la utilización de control mecánico más oxifluorfen, resulta beneficioso ya que permite obtener un beneficio adicional con una baja inversion


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Este estudio se realizó en postrera de 1996 (agosto-noviembre), en los predios de la Empresa Almacenadora del Agro (ALMAGRO), Masaya, Nicaragua. Se evaluó el efecto de labranza de suelo (convencional y mínima) y manejo químico de malezas (pendimentalin, pendimentalin + atrazina, atrazina y metolachlor + concept 11) sobre la dinámica de malezas y el rendimiento del cultivo del sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Un tratamiento se dejó enmalezado. El diseño utilizado fue parcelas divididas en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron biomasa de malezas, porcentaje de control, fitotoxicidad de los herbicidas y rendimiento del cultivo. Los resultados indican que labranza convencional presentó menor acumulación de biomasa de malezas en comparación con labranza mínima. los tratamientos pendimentalin + atrazina y pendimentalin, resultaron ser los de mejor control de las malezas. El metolachlor ejerció buen control de las malezas, pero presentó problemas de fitotoxicidad al cultivo, lo cual redujo el rendimiento de grano. los tratamientos herbicidas mantuvieron el cultivo con baja presión de malezas durante un perfodo aproximado de 40 días después de la siembra, posterior a este período el efecto de los herbicidas se redujo o se perdió. El tratamiento a base de atrazina presentó mayor biomasa de maleza y presentó niveles de enmalezamiento similares a los del testigo al momento de la cosecha. El rendimiento de este tratamiento fue uno de los más bajos del estudio. Pendimentalin + atrazina y pendimentalin, mejoraron su efectividad cuando se utilizaron bajo labranza convencional, lo cual permitió obtener mejores rendimientos de grano. El herbicida metolachlor redujo las poblaciones de coyolillo ( Cypsrus rotundus l.), sin embargo permitió el establecimiento de malezas más agresivas como la caminadora (Rottboellia cochinchinensis).


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In the environment humans and biota are generally exposed to chemical mixtures rather than individual chemicals. Therefore, when assessing the environmental risk of chemicals, it is important to consider chemical mixtures and their possible interactions. The main objective of this work focused on the environmental risk assessment of pesticides found in the water of the Alqueva reservoir and their binary combinations. In this aquatic ecosystem several pesticides were above of the environmental quality standards. But in addition, there were several sampling points of the reservoir where ecotoxicity was observed despite the presence of these contaminants at low concentrations. Here, a component-based approach was used to assess the effects of the pesticide mixtures. The effects of the binary combinations of four herbicides, atrazine (ATR), terbuthylazine (TER), simazine (SIM) and metolachlor (MET), on the growth rate of the microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and the effects of the binary combinations of the s-triazine herbicides ATR and TER and the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) on the swimming behaviour and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the zebrafish Danio rerio were assessed using the two reference models of concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA). Moreover, the combined effects of the herbicides (ATR, TER and MET) and the insecticide CPF were also tested on the swimming behaviour and AChE activity of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius after the cholinesterases characterization. In this risk characterization, the calculated risk quotients for the herbicides ATR, TER, SIM and MET were higher than 1, meaning that these herbicides present a high risk for the Alqueva ecosystem. As expected, the microalgae P. subcapitata was the most sensitive species to the herbicides. However, despite these herbicides pose no or low risk to other aquatic organisms tested in this study, with EC50 values much higher than the concentrations found in this aquatic ecosystem, they are able to increase the toxic effects of CPF when they are tested in binary mixtures. Moreover, the risk quotients of mixtures of these herbicides present simultaneously in three different locations of the reservoir were also higher than 1, so this confirms the fact that these herbicides when present in mixtures, present a greater risk for this ecosystem than the expected considering each single chemical by its own.


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This thesis is divided in to 9 chapters and deals with the modification of TiO2 for various applications include photocatalysis, thermal reaction, photovoltaics and non-linear optics. Chapter 1 involves a brief introduction of the topic of study. An introduction to the applications of modified titania systems in various fields are discussed concisely. Scope and objectives of the present work are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 explains the strategy adopted for the synthesis of metal, nonmetal co-doped TiO2 systems. Hydrothermal technique was employed for the preparation of the co-doped TiO2 system, where Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4, urea and metal nitrates were used as the sources for TiO2, N and metals respectively. In all the co-doped systems, urea to Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 was taken in a 1:1 molar ratio and varied the concentration of metals. Five different co-doped catalytic systems and for each catalysts, three versions were prepared by varying the concentration of metals. A brief explanation of physico-chemical techniques used for the characterization of the material was also presented in this chapter. This includes X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR analysis, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), UV-Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET Surface Area Measurements and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Chapter 3 contains the results and discussion of characterization techniques used for analyzing the prepared systems. Characterization is an inevitable part of materials research. Determination of physico-chemical properties of the prepared materials using suitable characterization techniques is very crucial to find its exact field of application. It is clear from the XRD pattern that photocatalytically active anatase phase dominates in the calcined samples with peaks at 2θ values around 25.4°, 38°, 48.1°, 55.2° and 62.7° corresponding to (101), (004), (200), (211) and (204) crystal planes (JCPDS 21-1272) respectively. But in the case of Pr-N-Ti sample, a new peak was observed at 2θ = 30.8° corresponding to the (121) plane of the polymorph brookite. There are no visible peaks corresponding to dopants, which may be due to their low concentration or it is an indication of the better dispersion of impurities in the TiO2. Crystallite size of the sample was calculated from Scherrer equation byusing full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the (101) peak of the anatase phase. Crystallite size of all the co-doped TiO2 was found to be lower than that of bare TiO2 which indicates that the doping of metal ions having higher ionic radius into the lattice of TiO2 causes some lattice distortion which suppress the growth of TiO2 nanoparticles. The structural identity of the prepared system obtained from XRD pattern is further confirmed by Raman spectra measurements. Anatase has six Raman active modes. Band gap of the co-doped system was calculated using Kubelka-Munk equation and that was found to be lower than pure TiO2. Stability of the prepared systems was understood from thermo gravimetric analysis. FT-IR was performed to understand the functional groups as well as to study the surface changes occurred during modification. EDX was used to determine the impurities present in the system. The EDX spectra of all the co-doped samples show signals directly related to the dopants. Spectra of all the co-doped systems contain O and Ti as the main components with low concentrations of doped elements. Morphologies of the prepared systems were obtained from SEM and TEM analysis. Average particle size of the systems was drawn from histogram data. Electronic structures of the samples were identified perfectly from XPS measurements. Chapter 4 describes the photocatalytic degradation of herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor using metal, non-metal co-doped titania systems. The percentage of degradation was analyzed by HPLC technique. Parameters such as effect of different catalysts, effect of time, effect of catalysts amount and reusability studies were discussed. Chapter 5 deals with the photo-oxidation of some anthracene derivatives by co-doped catalytic systems. These anthracene derivatives come underthe category of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Due to the presence of stable benzene rings, most of the PAH show strong inhibition towards biological degradation and the common methods employed for their removal. According to environmental protection agency, most of the PAH are highly toxic in nature. TiO2 photochemistry has been extensively investigated as a method for the catalytic conversion of such organic compounds, highlighting the potential of thereof in the green chemistry. There are actually two methods for the removal of pollutants from the ecosystem. Complete mineralization is the one way to remove pollutants. Conversion of toxic compounds to another compound having toxicity less than the initial starting compound is the second way. Here in this chapter, we are concentrating on the second aspect. The catalysts used were Gd(1wt%)-N-Ti, Pd(1wt%)-N-Ti and Ag(1wt%)-N-Ti. Here we were very successfully converted all the PAH to anthraquinone, a compound having diverse applications in industrial as well as medical fields. Substitution of 10th position of desired PAH by phenyl ring reduces the feasibility of photo reaction and produced 9-hydroxy 9-phenyl anthrone (9H9PA) as an intermediate species. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography using 70:30 hexane/DCM mixtures as the mobile phase and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy and GCMS analysis. Chapter 6 elucidates the heterogeneous Suzuki coupling reaction by Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on TiO2. Sol-Gel followed by impregnation method was adopted for the synthesis of Cu/Pd-TiO2. The prepared system was characterized by XRD, TG-DTG, SEM, EDX, BET Surface area and XPS. The product was separated and purified by column chromatography using hexane as the mobile phase. Maximum isolated yield of biphenyl of around72% was obtained in DMF using Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti as the catalyst. In this reaction, effective solvent, base and catalyst were found to be DMF, K2CO3 and Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti respectively. Chapter 7 gives an idea about the photovoltaic (PV) applications of TiO2 based thin films. Due to energy crisis, the whole world is looking for a new sustainable energy source. Harnessing solar energy is one of the most promising ways to tackle this issue. The present dominant photovoltaic (PV) technologies are based on inorganic materials. But the high material, low power conversion efficiency and manufacturing cost limits its popularization. A lot of research has been conducted towards the development of low-cost PV technologies, of which organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are one of the promising. Here two TiO2 thin films having different thickness were prepared by spin coating technique. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, AFM and conductivity measurements. The thickness of the films was measured by Stylus Profiler. This chapter mainly concentrated on the fabrication of an inverted hetero junction solar cell using conducting polymer MEH-PPV as photo active layer. Here TiO2 was used as the electron transport layer. Thin films of MEH-PPV were also prepared using spin coating technique. Two fullerene derivatives such as PCBM and ICBA were introduced into the device in order to improve the power conversion efficiency. Effective charge transfer between the conducting polymer and ICBA were understood from fluorescence quenching studies. The fabricated Inverted hetero junction exhibited maximum power conversion efficiency of 0.22% with ICBA as the acceptor molecule. Chapter 8 narrates the third order order nonlinear optical properties of bare and noble metal modified TiO2 thin films. Thin films were fabricatedby spray pyrolysis technique. Sol-Gel derived Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 in CH3CH2OH/CH3COOH was used as the precursor for TiO2. The precursors used for Au, Ag and Pd were the aqueous solutions of HAuCl4, AgNO3 and Pd(NO3)2 respectively. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDX. The nonlinear optical properties of the prepared materials were investigated by Z-Scan technique comprising of Nd-YAG laser (532 nm,7 ns and10 Hz). The non-linear coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental Z-Scan plot with the theoretical plots. Nonlinear absorption is a phenomenon defined as a nonlinear change (increase or decrease) in absorption with increasing of intensity. This can be mainly divided into two types: saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA). Depending on the pump intensity and on the absorption cross- section at the excitation wavelength, most molecules show non- linear absorption. With increasing intensity, if the excited states show saturation owing to their long lifetimes, the transmission will show SA characteristics. Here absorption decreases with increase of intensity. If, however, the excited state has strong absorption compared with that of the ground state, the transmission will show RSA characteristics. Here in our work most of the materials show SA behavior and some materials exhibited RSA behavior. Both these properties purely depend on the nature of the materials and alignment of energy states within them. Both these SA and RSA have got immense applications in electronic devices. The important results obtained from various studies are presented in chapter 9.


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O experimento foi instalado em área de plantio comercial de soja Roundup Ready®, na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, no município de Euclides da Cunha Paulista-SP, localizada a 20º 43' 11'' S e 50º 10' 20'' W, com uma altitude de 270 m. A fase experimental foi conduzida de dezembro de 2006 a abril de 2007, sob sistema plantio direto, com uma temperatura média de 25 ºC e índice pluviométrico de 800 mm. O solo da área experimental apresenta classe textural franco-argilo arenosa. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficácia e seletividade de glyphosate na formulação Roundup Transorb®, associado aos herbicidas diclosulam, cloransulam-methyl, flumioxazina e S-metolachlor em duas modalidades de aplicação: única, com associação do glyphosate aos herbicidas; e uma sequencial apenas com glyphosate aos 15 DAA, no manejo das plantas daninhas trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis) e corda-de-viola (Ipomoea triloba) durante o cultivo da soja. O experimento foi instalado no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em arranjo fatorial acrescido de duas testemunhas: sem capina manual e com capina manual. O arranjo fatorial 2 x 5 contemplou duas condições de aplicação dos herbicidas (única e sequencial) e cinco herbicidas (glyphosate, glyphosate + diclosulam, glyphosate + cloransulam-methyl, glyphosate + flumioxazin e glyphosate + S-metolachlor). Nas condições de produtos, épocas de aplicação e doses, os resultados mostraram que o herbicida glyphosate aplicado em dose única ou sequencial e suas combinações com diclosulam e cloransulam-methyl na primeira aplicação não promovem fitointoxicação nas plantas de soja. A combinação com flumioxazin e S-metolachlor promoveu atraso no crescimento das plantas e no fechamento da cultura, em razão do efeito na altura dos indivíduos e comprimento dos ramos. No tratamento com o S-metolachlor, isso pode ser explicado pelo fato de o herbicida ser registrado para controle em pré-emergência e ter sido aplicado em pós-emergência. Nenhum dos tratamentos influenciou significativamente a produção de grãos da cultura da soja. A aplicação única ou a complementação com aplicação sequencial de glyphosate promoveram excelente controle de Commelina benghalensis e Ipomoea triloba.


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Este trabalho constou de quatro estudos que foram realizados em casa de vegetação, nos quais se avaliou a seletividade de diferentes herbicidas, aplicados em pré-emergência, sobre algumas gramíneas forrageiras tropicais: Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Panicum maximum cultivares Tanzânia e Mombaça. Os herbicidas e as doses utilizadas, em g ha-1, para cada estudo foram: alachlor - 1.680 e 3.360, metolachlor - 1.200 e 2.400, diuron - 800 e 1.600, imazaquin - 75 e 150, imazapyr - 250 e 500, imazethapyr - 50 e 100, clomazone - 450 e 900, flumetsulam - 70 e 140, ametryn - 625 e 1.250, metribuzin - 525 e 1.050 e trifluralin - 900 e 1.800, além de uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicidas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições. O consumo de calda de aplicação foi de 180 L ha-1,e a barra de aplicação continha quatro bicos de jato plano tipo 'Teejet' 110.02, espaçados de 0,50 m. Avaliou-se visualmente a intoxicação das plantas através de uma escala percentual de notas e, no final dos estudos, a altura e o peso de matéria seca de plantas. Para P. maximum cv. Mombaça, apenas os herbicidas imazaquin (75 g ha-1), imazethapyr e flumetsulam, em ambas as doses testadas, foram seletivos. Para P. maximum cv. Tanzânia, nenhum dos herbicidas testados foi totalmente seletivo. em relação a B. decumbens, os herbicidas imazaquin e imazethapyr, em ambas as doses, e ametryn (625 g ha¹) foram seletivos. No caso de B. brizantha, os herbicidas diuron (800 g ha¹), ametryn, imazaquin, imazethapyr e flumetsulam, em ambas as doses, apresentaram-se seletivos.


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Herbicidas tais como trifluralina, simazina, atrazina, metribuzina e metolaclor são usados na agricultura brasileira. A eficiência de um método em pequena escala para a determinação destes herbicidas e dois produtos de degradação em amostras de solo foi avaliada. Os compostos foram extraídos das amostras de solo (5 g) com 20 ml de acetato de etila em agitador mecânico por 50 min. Após a extração, o sobrenadante foi filtrado em sulfato de sódio anidro, concentrado e analisado por cromatografia a gás de alta resolução com detector termiônico específico. Valores médios de recuperação obtidos de amostras de solo fortificadas em três níveis diferentes variaram de 81 a 115 % com valores de desvio padrão relativo entre 1,2 e 12,7 %. Os limites de detecção do método variaram de 0,01 a 0,06 mg kg-1. A metodologia foi aplicada a amostras de solo de fazendas localizadas próximas à cidade de Araraquara, estado de São Paulo, Brasil.


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O rendimento de grãos de milho é afetado pela interferência com as plantas daninhas, que pode variar em função da eficiência e da época de realização do método de controle utilizado no manejo da cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os efeitos da aplicação de herbicidas e de capinas em diferentes épocas sobre o controle de plantas daninhas e o rendimento de grãos na cultura do milho. O experimento foi instalado no sistema convencional de preparo do solo em Eldorado do Sul (RS), no ano agrícola 1997/98. A espécie de planta daninha predominante na área experimental foi Brachiaria plantaginea (BRAPL), em infestação média de 285 plantas por m². Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela aplicação isolada, seqüencial ou em mistura em tanque, em diferentes doses e épocas, dos herbicidas atrazine, atrazine + óleo vegetal, metolachlor e nicosulfuron. Todos os tratamentos com herbicidas foram correspondidos por tratamentos em que se utilizou capina manual com início na mesma época de aplicação dos herbicidas. O controle realizado em pré-emergência ou no início do desenvolvimento da cultura proporcionou maior rendimento de grãos, mesmo com a diminuição do controle de BRAPL no final do ciclo. As aplicações seqüenciais de herbicidas proporcionaram maior rendimento de grãos do que as misturas em tanque. Os rendimentos de grãos obtidos com a aplicação de herbicidas nas diversas épocas não foram diferentes em relação às suas respectivas capinas.


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O intenso uso de herbicidas implica a necessidade de determinar o potencial dessas substâncias em contaminar fontes aquáticas subsuperficiais. Diante dessa preocupação, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes lâminas de água sobre o potencial de lixiviação de quatro herbicidas utilizados em pré-emergência na cultura do algodão, em dois solos provenientes de Campo Novo do Parecis-MT (RQ - textura arenosa) e Tangará da Serra-MT (LV - textura argilosa). No desenvolvimento deste trabalho utilizouse a técnica de bioensaio em colunas de solo, nas quais foram simuladas irrigações de 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 mm, após a aplicação de alachlor (RQ 2,40; LV 3,36 kg ha-1), oxyfluorfen (RQ 0,48; LV 0,72 kg ha-1), prometryne (RQ 0,75; LV 1,50 kg ha-1) e S-metolachlor (RQ 1,20; LV 1,44 kg ha-1). Nas amostras de solo com textura arenosa (RQ), evidenciou-se que lâminas de 80 e 100 mm de água proporcionaram lixiviação até a profundidade de 10-15 cm do alachlor e até 15-20 cm do S-metolachlor. Independentemente da lâmina de água aplicada, nas amostras de RQ oxyfluorfen não ultrapassou a camada de 5-10 cm, e o prometryne movimentou-se até a camada de 10-15 cm somente na lâmina de 100 mm de água. Nas amostras de solo com textura argilosa (LV), o oxyfluorfen não se movimentou além da camada superficial, mesmo sob as maiores lâminas de irrigação, e o prometryne atingiu 5-10 cm de profundidade sob lâminas de 80 e 100 mm. Os herbicidas alachlor e S-metolachlor atingiram 10-15 cm de profundidade sob lâminas de 80 e 100 mm no LV. Evidenciou-se uma maior movimentação efetiva das moléculas de herbicidas nas amostras de solo com textura arenosa (RQ), em relação às amostras de solo com textura argilosa (LV).


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A study on the presence of herbicides, namely simazine, metribuzin, metolachlor, trifluralin, atrazine and two metabolites, deisopropylatrazine (DIA) and deethylatrazine (DEA), was performed in ground and surface waters from Primavera do Leste region, Mato Grosso state (Middle West of Brazil). The analytical procedure was based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) with Sep-Pak C18 disposable cartridges and ethyl acetate for elution solvent. Residue levels were determined by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. For most of the pesticides average recoveries at different fortification levels were >with relative standard deviation < The recoveries of DIA and trifluralin in water were 25% and 56%, respectively, which were attributed to the incomplete retention of DIA and strong retention on the sorbing material and high volatility of trifluralin. Detection limits ranged from 0.023 to 0.088 μg L-1. This method was applied for the analysis of 5 superficial water samples and 28 groundwater samples, in places used for human consumption without previous treatment, collected in Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Results indicated that the highest level of contamination in a water sample was 1.732 μg L-1 for metolachlor, while metribuzin was the most frequently detected herbicide with maximum concentration of 0.351 μg L-1. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Mechanical sugarcane harvest without burning and continuous straw on the soil surface may affect the Rottboellia exaltata infestation dynamics in sugarcane fields. Three greenhouse experiments were conducted with the aim of studying the effects of sowing depth (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 cm), amount of sugarcane straw on the soil surface (0, 5, 10, and 15 ton ha-1), and residual herbicide (clomazone, flumioxazin, imazapyr, isoxaflutole, and s-metolachlor) on the emergence of Rottboellia exaltata. For each experiment, a completely randomized design with four replicates was applied. The combination of mulch on soil surface (especially with larger amounts of straw) with deeper sowing depths provides less emergence and mass accumulation of R. exaltata. In bare soil, the sowing depth did not affect the weed dynamics. Clomazone and imazapyr were effective herbicides controlling R. exaltata regardless of the amount of straw on the soil surface. Flumioxazin was also effective in controlling R. exaltata but only under bare soil conditions. Even with 60 mm of accumulated rainfall over the 4 day period after application, the amount of flumioxazin leached to the soil was not enough to ensure the same control observed when applying the herbicide on bare soil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA