56 resultados para Methylphenidate


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The electrophysiological properties of acute and chronic methylphenidate (MPD) on neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and caudate nucleus (CN) have not been studied in awake, freely behaving animals. The present study was designed to investigate the dose-response effects of MPD on sensory evoked potentials recorded from the PFC and CN in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes, as well as their behavioral (locomotor) activities. On experimental day 1, locomotor behavior of rats was recorded for 2 h post-saline injection, and sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p., MPD administration. Animals were injected for the next five days with daily 2.5 mg/kg MPD to elicit behavioral sensitization. Locomotor recording was resumed on experimental days 2 and 6 after the MPD maintenance dose followed by 3 days of washout. On experimental day 10, rats were connected again to the electrophysiological recording system and rechallenged with saline and the identical MPD doses as on experimental day 1. On experimental day 11, rat's locomotor recording was resumed before and after 2.5 mg/kg MPD administration. Behavioral results showed that repeated administration of MPD induced behavioral sensitization. Challenge doses (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) of MPD on experimental day 1 elicited dose-response attenuation in the response amplitude of the average sensory evoked field potential components recorded from the PFC and CN. Chronic MPD administration resulted in attenuation of the PFC's baseline recorded on experimental day 10, while the same treatment did not modulate the baseline recorded from the CN. Treatment of MPD on experimental day 10 resulted in further decrease of the average sensory evoked response compared to that obtained on experimental day 1. This observation of further decrease in the electrophysiological responses after chronic administration of MPD suggests that the sensory evoked responses on experimental day 10 represent neurophysiological sensitization. Moreover, two different response patterns were obtained from PFC and CN following chronic methylphenidate administration. In PFC, the baseline and effect of methylphenidate expressed electrophysiological sensitization on experimental day 10, while recording from CN did not exhibit any electrophysiological sensitization.


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Threo-methylphenidate is a chiral psychostimulant drug widely prescribed to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. An enantioselective CE-based assay with head-column field-amplified sample stacking for analysis of threo-methylphenidate enantiomers in liquid/liquid extracts of oral fluid is described. Analytes are electrokinetically injected across a short water plug placed at the capillary inlet and become stacked at the interface between plug and buffer. Enantiomeric separation occurs within a few minutes in a pH 3.0 phosphate/triethanolamine buffer containing 20 mg/mL (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD as chiral selector. The assay with six point multilevel internal calibration provides a linear response for each enantiomer in the 10-200 ng/mL concentration range, is simple, inexpensive, and reproducible, and has an LOQ of 5 ng/mL. It was applied to oral fluid patient samples that were collected up to 12 h after intake of an immediate release tablet and two different extended release formulations with racemic methylphenidate. Drug profiles could thereby be assessed in a stereoselective way. Almost no levorotary threo-methylphenidate enantiomer was detected after intake of the two extended release formulations, whereas this enantiomer was detected during the first 2.5 h after intake of the immediate release preparation. The noninvasive collection of oral fluid is an attractive alternative to plasma for the monitoring of methylphenidate exposure in the pediatric community.


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Repeated treatment with psychostimulants produces behavioral sensitization that results in increased locomotor responses so that lower drug doses are required to obtain the same effect and cross-sensitization with other stimulants. Methylphenidate (MPD; Ritalin) is most frequently prescribed to treat children having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a syndrome with onset in childhood characterized by high levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Little is known of the consequences involving the long-term use of MPD as treatment for ADHD. This study investigates if there are age, genetic/strain, and sex differences in the prolonged exposure to MPD and cross-sensitization with amphetamine. The objective is to determine whether (a) early exposure to MPD in adolescent rats increases their sensitivity to the drug when they are adult rats, (b) there are strain and sex differences in the response to MPD, and (c) treatment with MPD in adolescent and adult Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), spontaneously hyperactive/hypertensive rat (SHR), and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat results in cross-sensitization with amphetamine. The hypotheses are that (1) early exposure to MPD in adolescent rats increases their sensitivity to the drug when they reach adulthood, and that this hypersensitivity is dose-, strain-, and sex-dependent and (2) adult rats treated with MPD as adolescents will show a greater cross-sensitization to amphetamine than those adult rats treated with saline as adolescents, and that this cross-sensitization is dose-, strain-, and sex-dependent. The study consists of recording and evaluating locomotor activity of female and male WKY, SHR, and SD rats before and after acute and repeated MPD administration when these rats are young and as adults follows by an amphetamine treatment. Results showed that repeated treatment with MPD elicited behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization with amphetamine in these animals. The study also found that strain and sex play a crucial role in the differentiated sensitivity to the acute and chronic effects of MPD. The development of behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization are also dependent on the dose of MPD and the age of the rat. ^


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Methylphenidate is currently a drug of abuse and readily prescribed to both adolescents and adults. Chronic methylphenidate (MPH) exposure results in an increase in DA in the motive circuit, including the caudate nucleus (CN), similar to other drugs of abuse. This study focuses on research aimed to elucidate if there are intrinsic underlying differences in the CN electrophysiological activity of animals exhibiting different chronic responses to the same dose of MPH. Behavioral and caudate nucleus (CN) neuronal activity following acute and chronic doses of MPH was assessed by simultaneously recording the behavioral and neuronal activity. The experimental protocol lasted for 10 days using four groups; saline, 0.6, 2.5 and 10.0mg/kg MPH. Initially, the study determined that animals exposed to the same dose of MPH exhibited either behavioral sensitization or behavioral tolerance. Therefore animals were classified into two groups (behaviorally sensitized/tolerant) and their neuronal activity was evaluated. Four hundred and fifty one units were evaluated. Overall, a mixture of increases and decreases in CN neuronal populations was observed at initial MPH exposure, and at ED10 baseline and ED10 rechallenge. When separated based on their behavioral response (sensitized/tolerant), significant differences in neuronal response patterns was revealed. Animals exhibiting sensitization were more likely to increase their neuronal activity at ED1 and ED10 baseline, expressing the opposite response at ED10 rechallenge. Furthermore, when neuronal populations recorded from those animals exhibiting behavioral sensitization were statistically compared to those from animals exhibiting behavioral tolerance significant differences were observed. Collectively, these findings tell us that animals exposed to the same dose of MPH can respond oppositely and moreover that there is in fact some intrinsic difference in the two population’s neuronal activity. This study offers new insight into the electrophysiological differences between sensitized and tolerant animals.


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Functional MRI revealed differences between children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and healthy controls in their frontal–striatal function and its modulation by methylphenidate during response inhibition. Children performed two go/no-go tasks with and without drug. ADHD children had impaired inhibitory control on both tasks. Off-drug frontal–striatal activation during response inhibition differed between ADHD and healthy children: ADHD children had greater frontal activation on one task and reduced striatal activation on the other task. Drug effects differed between ADHD and healthy children: The drug improved response inhibition in both groups on one task and only in ADHD children on the other task. The drug modulated brain activation during response inhibition on only one task: It increased frontal activation to an equal extent in both groups. In contrast, it increased striatal activation in ADHD children but reduced it in healthy children. These results suggest that ADHD is characterized by atypical frontal–striatal function and that methylphenidate affects striatal activation differently in ADHD than in healthy children.


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Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric diagnosis among preschool children. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the Risperidone treatment compared to Methylphenidate (MPH) in preschool children with ADHD. Patients and Methods: Thirty three outpatient preschool children, aged 3-6 years, diagnosed with ADHD (The diagnosis of ADHD was established by two child and adolescent psychiatrists according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria), participated in a 6-week, double-blind clinical trial with risperidone (0.5-1.5 mg/d) and methylphenidate (5-20 mg/d), in two divided doses. Treatment outcomes were assessed using the Parent ADHD Rating Scale and Conners Rating Scale. Patients were assessed by a child psychiatrist at baseline, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after the medication started. Side effects were also rated by side effects questionnaire. Results: There were no significant differences between the two protocols on the Parent ADHD Rating Scale scores (P > 0.05) and Parent Conners Rating Scale scores (P > 0.05). Both groups showed a significant improvement in ADHD symptoms over the 6 weeks of treatment for parent ADHD Rating Scale (P < 0.001) and Parent Conners Rating Scale (P < 0.001). The most common adverse effects seen with risperidone were daytime drowsiness and anorexia (20%), and with methylphenidate it was anorexia (55%). Conclusions: Results of this study show that risperidone may be effective and well tolerated for ADHD in preschool children, but more researches are needed to clarify the potential benefits and adverse effects in long term use and comorbid conditions.


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Cognitive impairments of attention, memory and executive functions are a fundamental feature of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The neurophysiological and neurochemical changes in the auditory cortex are shown to underlie cognitive impairmentsin schizophrenia patients. Functional state of the neural substrate of auditory information processing could be objectively and non-invasively probed with auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and event- related fields (ERFs). In the current work, we explored the neurochemical effect on the neural origins of auditory information processing in relation to schizophrenia. By means of ERPs/ERFs we aimed to determine how neural substrates of auditory information processing are modulated by antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia spectrum patients (Studies I, II) and by neuropharmacological challenges in healthy human subjects (Studies III, IV). First, with auditory ERPs we investigated the effects of olanzapine (Study I) and risperidone (Study II) in a group of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. After 2 and 4 weeks of treatment, olanzapine has no significant effects on mismatch negativity(MMN) and P300, which, as it has been suggested, respectively reflect preattentive and attention-dependent information processing. After 2 weeks of treatment, risperidone has no significant effect on P300, however risperidone reduces P200 amplitude. This latter effect of risperidone on neural resources responsible for P200 generation could be partly explained through the action of dopamine. Subsequently, we used simultaneous EEG/MEG to investigate the effects of memantine (Study III) and methylphenidate (Study IV) in healthy subjects. We found that memantine modulates MMN response without changing other ERP components. This could be interpreted as being due to the possible influence of memantine through the NMDA receptors on auditory change- detection mechanism, with processing of auditory stimuli remaining otherwise unchanged. Further, we found that methylphenidate does not modulate the MMN response. This finding could indicate no association between catecholaminergic activities and electrophysiological measures of preattentive auditory discrimination processes reflected in the MMN. However, methylphenidate decreases the P200 amplitudes. This could be interpreted as a modulation of auditory information processing reflected in P200 by dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Taken together, our set of studies indicates a complex pattern of neurochemical influences produced by the antipsychotic drugs in the neural substrate of auditory information processing in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and by the pharmacological challenges in healthy subjects studied with ERPs and ERFs.


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A Ritalina, nome comercial do metilfenidato, tem sido cada vez mais produzida e consumida no Brasil. Somente entre 2002 e 2006, produção brasileira de metilfenidato, cresceu 465%. Sua vinculação ao diagnóstico de TDAH tem sido fator predominante de justificativa para tal crescimento. Entretanto, os discursos que circulam em torno do tema e legitimam seu uso também contribuem para o avanço nas vendas. Estes discursos não estão despojados de atravessamentos sociais e são o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa. Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise das publicações brasileiras sobre os usos da Ritalina, de 1998, ano em que o medicamento foi autorizado no Brasil, até 2008. Para tanto, realizamos uma busca em todos os periódicos de psiquiatria brasileiros indexados na base Scielo, assim como nos jornais e revistas direcionados para o público em geral com maior tiragem. Em nossa análise, discutimos quais pontos são priorizados e quais são omitidos nos discursos sobre o metilfenidato no Brasil, e quais são seus possíveis efeitos na prática clínica com o paciente. Além disso, as diferenças nas prioridades de informações encontradas nos dois tipos de publicação, leiga e científica, também são discutidas neste trabalho.


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O cloridrato de metilfenidato é um estimulante moderado do sistema nervoso central com propriedades semelhantes à anfetamina, indicado principalmente para tratar o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Segundo relatórios da ONU, sua produção mundial cresceu em torno de 357% entre os anos de 1996 e 2012 enquanto que sua comercialização no Brasil, nesse mesmo período, passou de 9 Kg para 578 Kg, o que significou um aumento de aproximadamente 6.322%. A ampliação no consumo se justifica pela expansão da categoria diagnóstica de TDAH, visto que, a desordem transitória que atingia um número menor de crianças foi transformada em um quadro psiquiátrico incluindo um maior número de sinais e sintomas, persistindo durante a adolescência e toda a vida adulta. Outro possível motivo para o crescimento na comercialização do fármaco é o uso para aprimoramento cognitivo, ou seja, a utilização do metilfenidato por pessoas sem o citado diagnóstico, mas com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho nos estudos e no trabalho. Assim, buscando entender os usos e sentidos associados ao consumo do remédio, fizemos uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo e exploratório. Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do medicamento. Participaram da investigação onze homens e cinco mulheres, entre 23 e 48 anos. A análise de dados mostrou que todos os entrevistados, independentemente de terem ou não o diagnóstico de TDAH, se reconheciam com dificuldades de atenção, que poderia ser constitucional ou passageiro. Mas, para a maioria dos entrevistados, a procura pelo remédio só ocorreu quando essa característica virou um problema, atrapalhando a preparação para uma importante etapa na vida profissional, como uma prova para concurso público ou residência. Também foi percebido que o relato dos amigos sobre os benefícios do remédio e a experiência pessoal do primeiro comprimido de metilfenidato foi fundamental para que a muitos usuários investigados buscassem a prescrição médica. Ou seja, a maior parte dos entrevistados da pesquisa iniciou a ingestão quando seus amigos lhes contaram sobre os benefícios do remédio para superar os problemas na concentração que atrapalhavam o alcance de uma importante meta profissional. Os participantes da pesquisa apontaram que o consumo do fármaco teria contribuído para melhorar o rendimento nos estudos, já que o estimulante teria aumentado a disposição, a concentração, a memória e a eficiência do desempenho cognitivo. Porém, não foi possível identificar o quanto os efeitos positivos podiam ser o resultado de uma sugestão psicológica, questão levantada por alguns usuários. A análise qualitativa dos dados também revelou que o uso do estimulante ora era vivido como um tratamento para TDAH, ora como aprimoramento cognitivo. Tal ambiguidade parece ser o reflexo de o discurso médico ser o principal meio para justificar o uso do remédio, sem precisar questionar aspectos emocionais, sociais e/ou éticos para alcançar uma melhor performance cognitiva. Assim, entendemos que o presente estudo é uma importante contribuição no campo da Saúde Coletiva por ampliar o conhecimento sobre os usos e sentidos que os seus usuários depositam no estimulante.


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O cloridrato de metilfenidato é um estimulante moderado do sistema nervoso central com propriedades semelhantes à anfetamina, indicado principalmente para tratar o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Segundo relatórios da ONU, sua produção mundial cresceu em torno de 357% entre os anos de 1996 e 2012 enquanto que sua comercialização no Brasil, nesse mesmo período, passou de 9 Kg para 578 Kg, o que significou um aumento de aproximadamente 6.322%. A ampliação no consumo se justifica pela expansão da categoria diagnóstica de TDAH, visto que, a desordem transitória que atingia um número menor de crianças foi transformada em um quadro psiquiátrico incluindo um maior número de sinais e sintomas, persistindo durante a adolescência e toda a vida adulta. Outro possível motivo para o crescimento na comercialização do fármaco é o uso para aprimoramento cognitivo, ou seja, a utilização do metilfenidato por pessoas sem o citado diagnóstico, mas com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho nos estudos e no trabalho. Assim, buscando entender os usos e sentidos associados ao consumo do remédio, fizemos uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo e exploratório. Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do medicamento. Participaram da investigação onze homens e cinco mulheres, entre 23 e 48 anos. A análise de dados mostrou que todos os entrevistados, independentemente de terem ou não o diagnóstico de TDAH, se reconheciam com dificuldades de atenção, que poderia ser constitucional ou passageiro. Mas, para a maioria dos entrevistados, a procura pelo remédio só ocorreu quando essa característica virou um problema, atrapalhando a preparação para uma importante etapa na vida profissional, como uma prova para concurso público ou residência. Também foi percebido que o relato dos amigos sobre os benefícios do remédio e a experiência pessoal do primeiro comprimido de metilfenidato foi fundamental para que a muitos usuários investigados buscassem a prescrição médica. Ou seja, a maior parte dos entrevistados da pesquisa iniciou a ingestão quando seus amigos lhes contaram sobre os benefícios do remédio para superar os problemas na concentração que atrapalhavam o alcance de uma importante meta profissional. Os participantes da pesquisa apontaram que o consumo do fármaco teria contribuído para melhorar o rendimento nos estudos, já que o estimulante teria aumentado a disposição, a concentração, a memória e a eficiência do desempenho cognitivo. Porém, não foi possível identificar o quanto os efeitos positivos podiam ser o resultado de uma sugestão psicológica, questão levantada por alguns usuários. A análise qualitativa dos dados também revelou que o uso do estimulante ora era vivido como um tratamento para TDAH, ora como aprimoramento cognitivo. Tal ambiguidade parece ser o reflexo de o discurso médico ser o principal meio para justificar o uso do remédio, sem precisar questionar aspectos emocionais, sociais e/ou éticos para alcançar uma melhor performance cognitiva. Assim, entendemos que o presente estudo é uma importante contribuição no campo da Saúde Coletiva por ampliar o conhecimento sobre os usos e sentidos que os seus usuários depositam no estimulante.


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Rapid ascent to high altitude causes illness and fatigue, and there is a demand for effective acute treatments to alleviate such effects. We hypothesized that increased oxygen delivery to the tissue using a combination of a hypertensive agent and an endothelin receptor A antagonist drugs would limit exercise-induced fatigue at simulated high altitude. Our data showed that the combination of 0.1 mg/kg ambrisentan with either 20 mg/kg ephedrine or 10 mg/kg methylphenidate significantly improved exercise duration in rats at simulated altitude of 4,267 m, whereas the individual compounds did not. In normoxic, anesthetized rats, ephedrine alone and in combination with ambrisentan increased heart rate, peripheral blood flow, carotid and pulmonary arterial pressures, breathing rate, and vastus lateralis muscle oxygenation, but under inspired hypoxia, only the combination treatment significantly enhanced muscle oxygenation. Our results suggest that sympathomimetic agents combined with endothelin-A receptor blockers offset altitude-induced fatigue in rats by synergistically increasing the delivery rate of oxygen to hypoxic muscle by concomitantly augmenting perfusion pressure and improving capillary conductance in the skeletal muscle. Our findings might therefore serve as a basis to develop an effective treatment to prevent high-altitude illness and fatigue in humans.


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Le trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDA/H) est un des troubles comportementaux le plus commun chez les enfants. TDAH a une étiologie complexe et des traitements efficaces. Le médicament le plus prescrit est le méthylphénidate, un psychostimulant qui bloque le transporteur de la dopamine et augmente la disponibilité de la dopamine dans la fente synaptique. Des études précliniques et cliniques suggèrent que le cortisol peut potentialiser les effets de la dopamine. Un dysfonctionnement du système hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien (HHS) est associé avec plusieurs maladies psychiatriques comme la dépression, le trouble bipolaire, et l’anxiété. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que le cortisol influence l’efficacité du traitement des symptômes du TDAH par le méthylphénidate. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer les niveaux de cortisol le matin au réveil et en réponse à une prise de sang dans un échantillon d’enfants diagnostiqué avec TDAH âgé de 8 ans. Le groupe était randomisé dans un protocole en chassé croisé et en double aveugle avec trois doses de méthylphénidate et un placebo pour une période de quatre semaines. Les enseignants et les parents ont répondu aux questionnaires SWAN et à une échelle d’évaluation des effets secondaires. Les résultats ont démontrés qu’un niveau de cortisol élevé au réveil prédit les sujets qui ne répondent pas au traitement du TDAH, si on se fie aux rapports des parents. En plus, la réactivité au stress élevé suggère un bénéfice additionnel d’une dose élevée de méthylphénidate selon les enseignants. Aussi, les parents rapportent une association entre la présence de troubles anxieux co-morbide avec le TDAH et une meilleure réponse à une dose élevée. Cette étude suggère qu’une forte réactivité de l’axe HHS améliore la réponse clinique à des doses élevées, mais qu’une élévation chronique du niveau de cortisol pourrait être un marqueur pour les non répondeurs. Les résultats de cette étude doivent être considérés comme préliminaires et nécessitent des tests plus approfondis des interactions possibles entre les médicaments utilisés pour traiter le TDAH et l’axe HHS.


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Cette thèse poursuit un double objectif. D’une part, mesurer et situer le niveau de la condition physique, de la performance motrice et de la participation aux activités physiques chez des enfants ayant un TDAH. D’autre part, apprécier l’impact d’un programme structuré en activité physique sur la condition physique, la performance motrice, certains comportements cibles ainsi que sur les fonctions cognitives propres à ces enfants. Pour vérifier l’atteinte de ces objectifs, trois études expérimentales ont été complétées et ont fait l’objet d’articles soumis pour publications. Dans le premier article, on évalue la condition physique et la performance motrice chez des enfants ayant un TDAH prenant ou non de la médication. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la condition physique, comprenant ici des variables reliées à la composition corporelle, l’endurance musculaire et la flexibilité de ces enfants, ne diffèrent pas de celle des membres d’un groupe témoin. Seul l’indice de masse corporelle est significativement moins élevé chez les enfants ayant un TDAH prenant de la médication. Aucune différence n’est observée entre les groupes en ce qui a trait à la capacité aérobie telle que mesurée lors d’une épreuve de tapis roulant. Par contre, lorsqu’évaluée à partir d’un test navette, la performance aérobie de tous les participants est significativement moins élevée, d’où l’importance du choix de l’instrument de mesure. Finalement, les enfants ayant un TDAH ont significativement plus de problèmes de motricité globale que les enfants du groupe témoin. Ces difficultés sont particulièrement importantes pour la locomotion. Dans le cadre d’un programme d’activités physiques structurées et supervisées, le deuxième article porte, d’une part, sur l’évaluation de l’intensité de la participation aux exercices proposés chez des enfants ayant un TDAH. D’autre part, l’impact potentiel de facteurs comme les problèmes de poids et la présence de difficultés motrices sont également pris en considération. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que ces enfants atteignent une intensité et une durée d’exercice qui ne diffèrent pas de celles des enfants du groupe témoin. Quant aux enfants qui ont un problème de poids ou des difficultés motrices, l’intensité et la durée de leur participation ne diffèrent pas de celles des participants témoins. Sur la base des données obtenues, les enfants ayant un TDAH peuvent parvenir à un degré de participation aux exercices qui permet de bénéficier des bienfaits de la pratique d’activités physiques. Le troisième article traite de l’impact potentiel d’un programme d’activités physiques sur la condition physique, la performance motrice, certains comportements ainsi que sur les fonctions cognitives des enfants ayant un TDAH. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il est possible de faire valoir que la participation à un tel programme permet d’améliorer les capacités musculaires, les habiletés motrices, certains comportements observés par les parents et les enseignants ainsi que la capacité d’attention. Cela pourrait produire un impact significatif dans l’adaptation fonctionnelle de ces jeunes. Ces résultats soulignent le besoin de continuer la recherche dans les domaines de l’activité physique et du TDAH. La discussion générale présente les liens existants entre les manuscrits en fonction du modèle de l’engagement dans les activités physiques. Le déficit de la motricité globale ainsi que l’impact clinique potentiel de l’activité physique dans le traitement du TDAH sont les deux axes de recherche qui semblent le plus propices à des travaux futurs.