997 resultados para Methyl Transferase


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By most accounts the psychological stressor restraint produces a distinct pattern of neuronal activation in the brain. However, some evidence is incongruous with this pattern, leading us to propose that the restraint- induced pattern in the central nervous system might depend on the duration of restraint used. We therefore determined the pattern of neuronal activation ( as indicated by the presence of Fos protein) seen in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdala, locus coeruleus, nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and thoracic spinal cord of the rat in response to 0, 15, 30 or 60 min periods of restraint. We found that although a number of cell groups displayed a linear increase in activity with increasing durations of restraint ( e. g. hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) cells, medial amygdala neurons and sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the thoracic spinal cord), a number of cell groups did not. For example, in the central amygdala restraint produced both a decrease in CRF cell activity and an increase in non-CRF cell activity. In the locus coeruleus, noradrenergic neurons did not display Fos in response to 15 min of restraint, but were significantly activated by 30 or 60 min restraint. After 30 or 60 min restraint a greater degree of activation of more rostral A1 noradrenergic neurons was observed compared with the pattern of A1 noradrenergic neurons in response to 15 min restraint. The results of this study demonstrate that restraint stress duration determines the amount and the pattern of neuronal activation seen in response to this psychological stressor.


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Glutathione transferase (GST) GSTT1-1 is involved in the biotransformation of several chemicals widely used in industry, such as butadiene and dichloro methane DCM. The polymorphic hGSTT1-1 may well play a role in the development of kidney tumours after high and long-term occupational exposure against trichloroethylene. Although several studies have investigated the association of this polymorphism with malignant diseases little is known about its enzyme activity in potential extrahepatic target tissues. The known theta-specific substrates methyl chloride (MC) dichloromethane and 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) were used to assay GSTT1-1 activity in liver and kidney of rats, mice, hamsters and humans differentiating the three phenotypes (non-conjugators, low conjugators, high conjugators) seen in humans. In addition GSTT1-1 activity towards MC and DCM was determined in human erythrocytes. No GSTT1-1 activity was found in any tissue of non-conjugators (NC). In all organs high conjugators (HC) showed twofold higher activity towards MC and DCM than low conjugators (LC). The activity in human samples towards EPNP was too close to the detection limit to differentiate between the three conjugator phenotypes. GSTT1-1 activity towards MC was two to seven-times higher in liver cytosol than in kidney cytosol. The relation for MC between species was identical in both organs: mouse > HC > rat > LC > hamster > NC. In rats, mice and hamsters GSTT1-1 activity in liver cytosol towards DCM was also two to seven-times higher than in the kidney cytosol. In humans this activity was twice as high in kidney cytosol than in liver cytosol. The relation between species was mouse > rat > HC > LC > hamster > NC for liver, but mouse > HC > LC/rat > hamster/NC for kidney cytosol. The importance to heed the specific environment at potential target sites in risk assessment is emphasized by these results.


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Methyl chloride transferase, a novel enzyme found in several fungi, marine algae, and halophytic plants, is a biological catalyst responsible for the production of atmospheric methyl chloride. A previous paper reports the purification of this methylase from Batis maritima and the isolation of a cDNA clone of the gene for this enzyme. In this paper, we describe the isolation of a genomic clone of the methylase gene and the expression of recombinant methyl chloride transferase in Escherichia coli and compare the kinetic behavior of the wild-type and recombinant enzyme. The recombinant enzyme is active and promotes the production of methyl chloride by E. coli under in vivo conditions. The kinetic data indicate that the recombinant and wild-type enzymes have similar halide (Cl−, Br−, and I−)-binding capacities. Both the recombinant and wild-type enzymes were found to function well in high NaCl concentrations. This high salt tolerance resembles the activity of halobacterial enzymes rather than halophytic plant enzymes. These findings support the hypothesis that this enzyme functions in the control and regulation of the internal concentration of chloride ions in halophytic plant cells.


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Methyl chloride transferase catalyzes the synthesis of methyl chloride from S-adenosine-l-methionine and chloride ion. This enzyme has been purified 2,700-fold to homogeneity from Batis maritima, a halophytic plant that grows abundantly in salt marshes. The purification of the enzyme was accomplished by a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography on Sephadex G100 and adenosine-agarose, and TSK-250 size-exclusion HPLC. The purified enzyme exhibits a single band on SDS/PAGE with a molecular mass of approximately 22.5 kDa. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was 22,474 Da as determined by matrix-associated laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. The methylase can function in either a monomeric or oligomeric form. A 32-aa sequence of an internal fragment of the methylase was determined (GLVPGCGGGYDVVAMANPER FMVGLDIXENAL, where X represents unknown residue) by Edman degradation, and a full-length cDNA of the enzyme was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends–PCR amplification of cDNA oligonucleotides. The cDNA gene contains an ORF of 690 bp encoding an enzyme of 230 aa residues having a predicted molecular mass of 25,761 Da. The disparity between the observed and calculated molecular mass suggests that the methylase undergoes posttranslational cleavage, possibly during purification. Sequence homologies suggest that the B. maritima methylase defines a new family of plant methyl transferases. A possible function for this novel methylase in halophytic plants is discussed.


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In general, the biological activation of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons proceeds via conjugatiton with glutathione. It has mostly been assamed that the main site of initial conjugation is the liver, followed by a mandatory transfer of intermediates to the kidney. It was therefore of interest to study the enzyme activities of subgroups of glutathione transferases (GSTs) in renal cancers and the surrounding normal renal tissues of the same individuals (n = 21). For genotyping the individuals with respect to known polymorphic GST isozymes the following substrates with differential specificity were used: 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene for overall GST activity (except GST θ); 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole for GST α; 1,2-dichloro-4-nitro-benzene for GST μ; ethacrynic acid and 4-vinylpyridine for GST π; and methyl chloride for GST θ. In general, the normal tissues were able to metabolize the test substrates. A general decrease in individual GST enzyme activities was apparent in the course of cancerization, and in some (exceptional) cases individual activities, expressed in the normal renal tissue, were lost in the tumour tissue. The GST enzyme activities in tumours were independent of tumour stage, or the age and gender of the patients. There was little influence of known polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTM3 and GSTP1 upon the activities towards the test substrates, whereas the influence of GSTT1 polymorphism on the activity towads methyl chloride was straightforward. In general, the present findings support the concept that the initial GST-dependent bioactivation step of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons may take place in the kidney itself. This should be a consideration in toxicokinetic modelling.


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The coffee components kahweol and cafestol (K/C) have been reported to protect the colon and other organs of the rat against the formation of DNA adducts by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP) and aflatoxin B1. PhIP is a cooked-food mutagen to which significant human exposure and a role in colon cancer etiology are attributed, and, interestingly, such cancers appear to develop at a lower rate in consumers of coffees with high amounts of K/C. Earlier studies in rodent liver have shown that a key role in the chemopreventive effect of K/C is likely to be due to the potential of these compounds to induce the detoxification of xenobiotics by glutathione transferase (GST) and to enhance the synthesis of the corresponding co-factor glutathione. However, mutagens like PhIP may also be detoxified by UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) for which data are lacking regarding a potential effect of K/C. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effect of K/C on UDPGT and, concomitantly, we studied overall GST and the pattern of individual GST classes, particularly GST-θ, which was not included in earlier experiments. In addition, we analyzed the organ-dependence of these potentially chemopreventive effects. K/C was fed to male F344 rats at 0.122% in the chow for 10 days. Enzyme activities in liver, kidney, lung, colon, salivary gland, pancreas, testis, heart and spleen were quantified using five characteristic substrates and the hepatic protein pattern of GST classes α, μ, and π was studied with affnity chromatography/HPLC. Our study showed that K/C is not only capable of increasing overall GST and GST classes α, μ, and π but also of enhancing UDGPT and GST-θ. All investigated K/C effects were strongest in liver and kidney, and some response was seen in lung and colon but none in the other organs. In summary, our results show that K/C treatment leads to a wide spectrum of increases in phase II detoxification enzymes. Notably, these effects occurred preferentially in the well perfused organs liver and kidney, which may thus not only contribute to local protection but also to anti-carcinogenesis in distant, less stimulated organs such as the colon.


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The Escherichia coli mu operon was subcloned into a pKK233-2 vector containing rat glutathione S-transferase (GST) 5-5 cDNA and the plasmid thus obtained was introduced into Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. The newly developed strain S.typhimurium NM5004, was found to have 52-fold greater GST activity than the original umu strain S.typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. We compared sensitivities of these two tester strains, NM5004 and TA1535/ pSK1002, for induction of umuC gene expression with several dihaloalkanes which are activated or inactivated by GST 5-5 activity. The induction of umuC gene expression by these chemicals was monitored by measuring the cellular P-galactosidase activity produced by umuC'lacZ fusion gene in these two tester strains. Ethylene dibromide, 1-bromo-2-chloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, and methylene dichloride induced umuC gene expression more strongly in the NM5004 strain than the original strain, 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine were found to induce umuC gene expression to similar extents in both strains. In the case of 1-nitropyrene and 2-nitrofluorene, however, NM5004 strain showed weaker umuC gene expression responses than the original TA1535/ pSK1002 strain, 1,2-Epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane, a known substrate for GST 5-5, was found to inhibit umuC induction caused by 1-bromo-2-chloroethane. These results indicate that this new tester NM5004 strain expressing a mammalian GST theta class enzyme may be useful for studies of environmental chemicals proposed to be activated or inactivated by GST activity.


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The presence of theta-class glutathione S-transferase (GST) in marmoset monkey liver cytosol was investigated. An anti-peptide antibody targeted against the C-terminus of rGSTT1 reacted with a single band in marmoset liver cytosol that corresponded to a molecular weight of 28 kDa. The intensity of the immunoreactive band was not affected by treatment of marmoset monkeys with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Similarly, activity towards methyl chloride (MC) was unaffected by these treatments. However, GST activity towards 1,2-epoxy3-(p- nitrophenoxy)-propane (EPNP) was increased in marmosets treated with phenobarbitone (2.6-fold) and rifampicin (2.6-fold), activity towards dichloromethane (DCM) was increased by 50% after treatment of marmosets with clofibric acid, and activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was raised slightly (30-42% increases) after treatment with phenobarbitone, rifampicin or clofibric acid. Compared with humans, marmoset liver cytosol GST activity towards DCM was 18-fold higher, activity towards MC was 7 times higher and activity towards CDNB was 4 times higher. Further, EPNP activity was clearly detectable in marmoset liver cytosol samples, but was undetectable in human samples. Immunoreactive marmoset GST was partially purified by affinity chromatography using hexylglutathione-Sepharose and Orange A resin. The interaction of immunoreactive marmoset GST was similar to that found previously for rat and human GSTT1, suggesting that this protein is also a theta class GST. However, unlike rat GSTT1, the marmoset enzyme was not the major catalyst of EPNP conjugation. Instead, immunoreactivity was closely associated with activity towards MC. In conclusion, these results provide evidence for the presence of theta-class GST in the marmoset monkey orthologous to rGSTT1 and hGSTT1.


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A new system has been developed to determine enzyme activities of glutathione transferase θ (GSTT1-1) based on radiometric product detection resulting from the enzymic reaction of methyl chloride with 35S-labelled glutathione. In principle, the method is universally applicable for determination of glutathione transferase activities towards a multiplicity of substrates. The method distinguishes between erythrocyte GSTT1-1 activities of human 'non-conjugators', 'low conjugators' and 'high conjugators'. Application to cytosol preparations of livers and kidneys of male and female Fischer 344 and B6C3F1 mice reveals differential GSTT1-1 activities in hepatic and renal tissues. These ought to be considered in species-specific modellings of organ toxicities of chlorinated hydrocarbons.


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Dihalomethanes can produce liver tumors in mice but not in rats, and concern exists about the risk of these compounds to humans. Glutathione (GSH) conjugation of dihalomethanes has been considered to be a critical event in the bioactivation process, and risk assessment is based upon this premise; however, there is little experimental support for this view or information about the basis of genotoxicity. A plasmid vector containing rat GSH S-transferase 5-5 was transfected into the Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA1535, which then produced active enzyme. The transfected bacteria produced base-pair revertants in the presence of ethylene dihalides or dihalomethanes, in the order CH2Br2 > CH2BrCl > CH2Cl2. However, revertants were not seen when cells were exposed to GSH, CH2Br2, and an amount of purified GSH S-transferase 5-5 (20-fold excess in amount of that expressed within the cells). HCHO, which is an end product of the reaction of GSH with dihalomethanes, also did not produce mutations. S-(1-Acetoxymethyl)GSH was prepared as an analog of the putative S-(1-halomethyl)GSH reactive intermediates. This analog did not produce revertants, consistent with the view that activation of dihalomethanes must occur within the bacteria to cause genetic damage, presenting a model to be considered in studies with mammalian cells. S-(1-Acetoxymethyl)GSH reacted with 2′-deoxyguanosine to yield a major adduct, identified as S-[1-(N2-deoxyguanosinyl)methyl]GSH. Demonstration of the activation of dihalomethanes by this mammalian GSH S-transferase theta class enzyme should be of use in evaluating the risk of these chemicals, particularly in light of reports of the polymorphic expression of a similar activity in humans.


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The transformation of ethylene oxide (EO), propylene oxide (PO) and 1- butylene oxide (1-BuO) by human glutathione transferase theta (hGSTT1-1) was studied comparatively using 'conjugator' (GSTT1 + individuals) erythrocyte lysates. The relative sequence of velocity of enzymic transformation was PO > EO >> 1-BuO. The faster transformation of PO compared to EO was corroborated in studies with human and rat GSTT1-1 (hGSTT1-1 and rGSTT1-1, respectively) expressed by Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. This sequence of reactivities of homologous epoxides towards GSTT1-1 contrasts to the sequence observed in homologous alkyl halides (methyl bromide, MBr; ethyl bromide, EtBr; n-propyl bromide, PrBr) where the relative sequence MeBr >> EtBr > PrBr is observed. The higher reactivity towards GSTT1-1 of propylene oxide compared to ethylene oxide is consistent with a higher chemical reactivity. This is corroborated by experimental data of acid-catalysed hydrolysis of a number of aliphatic epoxides, including ethylene oxide and propylene oxide and consistent with semi-empirical molecular orbital modelings.


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Despite recent advances in understanding the biological basis ofprostate cancer (PCa), the management of this disease remains a challenge. Chemoprotective agents have been usedto protect against or eradicateprostatemalignancies. Here, we investigated the protective effect of -tocopherol on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced epithelial dysplasia in the rat ventral prostate (VP). Thirty-two male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=8): control (CT): healthy control animals fed a standard diet; control+-tocopherol (CT+T): healthy control animals without intervention fed a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg); N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU): rats that received a single dose of MNU (30mg/kg) plus testosterone propionate (100mg/kg) and were fed a standard diet; and MNU+-tocopherol (MNU+T): rats that received the same treatment of MNU plus testosterone and were fed with a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg). After 4months, the VPs were excised to evaluate morphology, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), glutathione-S-transferase-pi (GST-pi) and androgen receptor (AR) protein expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity. An increase in the incidence of epithelial dysplasias, such as stratified epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia, in the MNU group was accompanied by augmented cell proliferation, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression and pro-MMP-9 activity. Stromal thickening and inflammatory foci were also observed. The administration of a -tocopherol-enriched diet significantly attenuated the adverse effects of MNU in the VP. The incidence of epithelial dysplasia decreased, along with the cell proliferation index, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression. The gelatinolytic activity of pro-MMP-9 returned to the levels observed for the CT group. These results suggest that -tocopherol acts as a protective agent against MNU-induced prostatic disorders in the rat ventral prostate.


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Two glutathione S-transferase (GST) isozymes, A1/A1 and B1/B2, were purified from etiolated, O-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl-methyl-2,2,2,-trifluoro-4′-chloroacetophenone-oxime-treated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) shoots. GST A1/A1, a constitutively expressed homodimer, had a subunit molecular mass of 26 kD and an isoelectric point of 4.9. GST A1/A1 exhibited high activity with 1-chloro-2, 4,dinitrobenzene (CDNB) but low activity with the chloroacetanilide herbicide metolachlor. For GST A1/A1, the random, rapid-equilibrium bireactant kinetic model provided a good description of the kinetic data for the substrates CDNB and glutathione (GSH). GST B1/B2 was a heterodimer with subunit molecular masses of 26 kD (designated the B1 subunit) and 28 kD (designated the B2 subunit) and a native isoelectric point of 4.8. GST B1/B2 exhibited low activity with CDNB and high activity with metolachlor as the substrate. The kinetics of GST B1/B2 activity with GSH and metolachlor fit a model describing a multisite enzyme having two binding sites with different affinities for these substrates. Both GST A1/A1 and GST B1/B2 exhibited GSH-conjugating activity with ethacrynic acid and GSH peroxidase activity with cumene hydroperoxide, 9-hydroperoxy-trans-10,cis-12-octadecadienoic acid and 13-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid. Both GST A1/A1 and GST B1/B2 are glycoproteins, as indicated by their binding of concanavalin A. Polyclonal antibodies raised against GST A1/A1 exhibited cross-reactivity with the B1 subunit of GST B1/B2. Comparisons of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the GST A1, B1, and B2 subunits with other type I θ-GSTs indicated a high degree of homology with the maize GST I subunit and a sugarcane GST.


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