54 resultados para Metatarsal


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Recommendations - 1 To identify a person with diabetes at risk for foot ulceration, examine the feet annually to seek evidence for signs or symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease. (GRADE strength of recommendation: strong; Quality of evidence: low) - 2 In a person with diabetes who has peripheral neuropathy, screen for a history of foot ulceration or lower-extremity amputation, peripheral artery disease, foot deformity, pre-ulcerative signs on the foot, poor foot hygiene and ill-fitting or inadequate footwear. (Strong; Low) - 3 Treat any pre-ulcerative sign on the foot of a patient with diabetes. This includes removing callus, protecting blisters and draining when necessary, treating ingrown or thickened toe nails, treating haemorrhage when necessary and prescribing antifungal treatment for fungal infections. (Strong; Low) - 4 To protect their feet, instruct an at-risk patient with diabetes not to walk barefoot, in socks only, or in thin-soled standard slippers, whether at home or when outside. (Strong; Low) - 5 Instruct an at-risk patient with diabetes to daily inspect their feet and the inside of their shoes, daily wash their feet (with careful drying particularly between the toes), avoid using chemical agents or plasters to remove callus or corns, use emollients to lubricate dry skin and cut toe nails straight across. (Weak; Low) - 6 Instruct an at-risk patient with diabetes to wear properly fitting footwear to prevent a first foot ulcer, either plantar or non-plantar, or a recurrent non-plantar foot ulcer. When a foot deformity or a pre-ulcerative sign is present, consider prescribing therapeutic shoes, custom-made insoles or toe orthosis. (Strong; Low) - 7 To prevent a recurrent plantar foot ulcer in an at-risk patient with diabetes, prescribe therapeutic footwear that has a demonstrated plantar pressure-relieving effect during walking (i.e. 30% relief compared with plantar pressure in standard of care therapeutic footwear) and encourage the patient to wear this footwear. (Strong; Moderate) - 8 To prevent a first foot ulcer in an at-risk patient with diabetes, provide education aimed at improving foot care knowledge and behaviour, as well as encouraging the patient to adhere to this foot care advice. (Weak; Low) - 9 To prevent a recurrent foot ulcer in an at-risk patient with diabetes, provide integrated foot care, which includes professional foot treatment, adequate footwear and education. This should be repeated or re-evaluated once every 1 to 3 months as necessary. (Strong; Low) - 10 Instruct a high-risk patient with diabetes to monitor foot skin temperature at home to prevent a first or recurrent plantar foot ulcer. This aims at identifying the early signs of inflammation, followed by action taken by the patient and care provider to resolve the cause of inflammation. (Weak; Moderate) - 11 Consider digital flexor tenotomy to prevent a toe ulcer when conservative treatment fails in a high-risk patient with diabetes, hammertoes and either a pre-ulcerative sign or an ulcer on the distal toe. (Weak; Low) - 12 Consider Achilles tendon lengthening, joint arthroplasty, single or pan metatarsal head resection, or osteotomy to prevent a recurrent foot ulcer when conservative treatment fails in a high-risk patient with diabetes and a plantar forefoot ulcer. (Weak; Low) - 13 Do not use a nerve decompression procedure in an effort to prevent a foot ulcer in an at-risk patient with diabetes, in preference to accepted standards of good quality care. (Weak; Low)


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Context : Stress fractures are one of the most common injuries in sports, accounting for approximately 10% of all overuse injuries. Treatment of fifth metatarsal stress fractures involves both surgical and nonsurgical interventions. Fifth metatarsal stress fractures are difficult to treat because of the risks of delayed union, nonunion, and recurrent injuries. Most of these injuries occur during agility tasks, such as those performed in soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. Objective : To examine the effect of a rigid carbon graphite footplate on plantar loading during 2 agility tasks. Design :  Crossover study. Setting : Laboratory. Patients or Other Participants : A total of 19 recreational male athletes with no history of lower extremity injury in the past 6 months and no previous metatarsal stress fractures were tested. Main Outcome Measure(s) :  Seven 45° side-cut and crossover-cut tasks were completed in a shoe with or without a full-length rigid carbon plate. Testing order between the shoe conditions and the 2 cutting tasks was randomized. Plantar-loading data were recorded using instrumented insoles. Peak pressure, maximum force, force-time integral, and contact area beneath the total foot, the medial and lateral midfoot, and the medial, middle, and lateral forefoot were analyzed. A series of paired t tests was used to examine differences between the footwear conditions (carbon graphite footplate, shod) for both cutting tasks independently (α = .05). Results : During the side-cut task, the footplate increased total foot and lateral midfoot peak pressures while decreasing contact area and lateral midfoot force-time integral. During the crossover-cut task, the footplate increased total foot and lateral midfoot peak pressure and lateral forefoot force-time integral while decreasing total and lateral forefoot contact area. Conclusions : Although a rigid carbon graphite footplate altered some aspects of the plantar- pressure profile during cutting in uninjured participants, it was ineffective in reducing plantar loading beneath the fifth metatarsal.


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La osteocondritis de los sesamoideos es una enfermedad infrecuente, que se puede dar en cualquiera de los dos sesamoideos, siendo una patología incapacitante. A pesar de que los sesamoideos juegan un papel fundamental en la mecánica del antepié, algunos trastornos que se dan en ellos a menudo se pasan por alto o son mal diagnosticados. Se revisa y analizan las características clínicas de la enfermedad, su tratamiento y las claves diagnósticas que nos permiten establecer un correcto diagnóstico diferencial con otros procesos patológicos que afectan a los sesamoideos.


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La termometría es una técnica no invasiva que permite cuantificar los cambios en la temperatura cutánea y evaluarla de forma cuantitativa. El aumento significativo de la temperatura puede indicar la existencia de patología. Se ha demostrado que la actividad muscular induce procesos de transferencia de calor entre los músculos y las capas superficiales de tejido. En este estudio queremos cuantificar los cambios de temperatura que se producen en los músculos del pie y miembro inferior tras una carrera de 30 km, para ello hemos utilizado una cámara termográfica de alta resolución. Contamos con la colaboración voluntaria de 32 sujetos sanos a los que procedimos a tomar fotografías de la planta del pie, parte anterior de la pierna, parte posterior de la pierna, parte anterior del muslo y parte posterior del muslo en dos etapas, primero antes de la carrera y segunda toma después de la carrera de 30 km, de esta manera pudimos valorar si había o no variación de temperatura en las zonas seleccionadas. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos encontramos significativas variaciones térmicas en Talón, cabeza primer metatarsiano, cabeza segundo metatarsiano, cabeza tercer metatarsiano, cabeza cuarto metatarsiano, cabeza quinto metatarsiano, apófisis estiloides quinto metatarsiano, arco longitudinal interno, maléolo interno, maléolo externo, peroneo lateral largo, vasto interno, vasto externo, recto femoral, tensor de la fascia lata, inserción cuádriceps, gemelo interno, tendón de Aquiles y Biceps femoral.


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Antecedentes. Pes Adulto planus (pie plano) es un problema común encontrado por muchos profesionales de la salud. A pesar de la percepción de que el pie plano puede causar dolor y deteriorar su función, la disponibilidad y el uso generalizado de diversos tratamientos, no hay consenso sobre la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones conservadoras (no quirúrgicos) para pie plano en los adultos. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Esto incluye: el Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados; los Juicios CMSG Especializados Registro; una búsqueda electrónica se realizó utilizando MEDLINE (1960 a junio de 2012), EMBASE (1980 a junio de 2012), y CINAHL (1982 - junio de 2012). Revistas especializadas, listas de referencias de ensayos y artículos de revisión se realizaron búsquedas manuales. Criterios de selección: Ensayos aleatorios o cuasialeatorios de intervenciones de tratamiento para el pie plano en los adultos. Se excluyeron los ensayos que incluyeron patologías específicas como el dolor plantar del talón, las fracturas por sobrecarga de los metatarsianos, disfunción del tendón tibial posterior-, fracturas de tobillo, patologías del pie reumatoide, enfermedades neuromusculares y las complicaciones del pie diabético. Recopilación y análisis de datos: Dos autores seleccionaron de forma independiente los resultados de la búsqueda para identificar a aquellos que satisfacen los criterios de inclusión y evaluaron la calidad de los incluidos mediante una lista de control basado en la Evaluación de la Colaboración Cochrane de Riesgo. Esta herramienta se centró en el riesgo de la selección, el rendimiento, la detección, la heterogeneidad y el sesgo de notificación. Resultados. Cuatro ensayos, con 140 sujetos, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Los cuatro fueron juzgados como de alto riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área, y también estaban en riesgo de sesgo incierto en al menos otra zona. Todos anotaron altamente en relación al sesgo de deserción, debido al corto seguimiento tiempos y diseños experimentales utilizados. Los datos no se agruparon debido al alto nivel de heterogeneidad identificada en las intervenciones evaluadas, los participantes seleccionados y medir los resultados. Los resultados de un estudio sugieren que después de cuatro semanas de uso ortesis puede resultar en una mejora significativa en vaivén lateral medio, y pueden resultar en una mejor, aunque no significativa, en general relacionados con la calidad de vida de los pies (Roma 2004). Un estudio (Redmond 2009) sugiere que su efecto sobre la distribución de la presión plantar en el pie puede no depender de si son personalizados o dispositivos prefabricados. Aunque este estudio se identificaron cambios significativos en algunas variables de presión plantar tanto con la costumbre y dispositivos prefabricados, otro (Esterman 2005) no encontró ningún efecto significativo de longitud ¾ ortesis prefabricadas sobre el dolor, la incidencia de lesiones, salud pie o de calidad de vida en un grupo de reclutas de la fuerza aérea. El cuarto estudio (Jung 2009) sugiere que el ejercicio de los músculos intrínsecos del pie puede mejorar el efecto de las ortesis. A pesar de estos resultados, ya que cada estudio incurrió riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área no se pueden sacar conclusiones


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In podiatric clinics is very common to find inflamatory process in metatarsophalangeal joint capsule , plantar plate and collateral ligaments damage, but it is not clearly recognized. Many authors hipotetized with joint instability of multiple aetiology and his concomitant evolution in different stages with own joint disease. This pathology has more incidence in second metatarsophalangeal joint than third and others and it is a common etiology of metatarsal pain. Bad biomechanics alters forefoot function and can produce overload in capsular joint, decreasing mobility and getting worse the pathology.


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Il a été démontré que la torsion des têtes métatarsiennes est influencée par le mode de locomotion chez les primates et peut être utilisée pour déterminer la présence ou non d’une arche longitudinale chez les ancêtres hominines. Chez l’humain moderne, l’arche longitudinale rend le pied plus inversé que chez les grands singes, provoquant un léger basculement de l’axe dorsoplantaire de l’articulation proximale des métatarses. Ainsi, les têtes métatarsiennes subissent une torsion par rapport à l’axe de la diaphyse pour que leur surface plantaire reste parallèle au sol. Comme les femmes ont une arche longitudinale plus haute que les hommes et comme le port du soulier à semelles rigides provoque des changements morphologiques au niveau du pied, rendant l’arche longitudinale plus haute et l’hallux moins divergeant, il est attendu que la torsion métatarsienne soit différente selon le sexe et le type de soulier porté. Ce mémoire examine donc l’effet du contexte environnemental du pied et de la plasticité de la torsion des têtes métatarsiennes en comparant différentes populations humaines. L’échantillon disponible pour cette étude est constitué de 166 individus provenant de 18 sites archéologiques différents comprenant 57 hommes, 35 femmes et 74 individus de sexe indéterminé qui ont été divisés en quatre grands groupes : Amérindiens, Inuits, Militaires et Euro-canadiens. Il n’y a aucune différence de torsion entre les hommes et les femmes, ce qui suggère que la différence de hauteur de l’arche longitudinale entre les hommes et les femmes n’est pas assez importante pour être perçues au niveau de la torsion des têtes métatarsiennes. La topographie ne semble pas provoquer assez de modifications au niveau du pied pour provoquer une torsion différentielle des têtes métatarsiennes. Cependant, la surface du sol, plat ou accidenté, pourrait être un facteur modifiant ce trait. Finalement, le port de souliers constrictif à semelles dures comparativement aux souliers souples, tels les mocassins, provoque une torsion différentielle des têtes métatarsiennes. Les individus chaussant des souliers à semelles souples ont un premier métatarsien présentant une plus grande éversion et un troisième, quatrième et cinquième métatarsien présentant une plus petite éversion comparativement aux individus chaussant des souliers constrictifs. Ces résultats viennent appuyer l’hypothèse de la capacité plastique de la torsion des têtes métatarsiennes.


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A case study of a goat metatarsal exhibiting a complex diaphyseal fracture from Pottery Neolithic Jarmo in the Central Zagros region of the eastern Fertile Crescent is here described and analysed. The Central Zagros is one of the areas with the earliest evidence for goat domestication. The significance of the pathology may be viewed within the context of domestic goat ecology in the landscape of Jarmo, potentially impacting browsing behaviour (goats raise themselves on their hind limbs to browse) and movement with the herd in the landscape (the terrain around Jarmo is very steep in places, which would be difficult for an animal to navigate on three legs). In the light of this, possible levels of care that the Neolithic human community may have afforded this animal are discussed – from a situation where therapeutic intervention may have occurred, to one of stall confinement of the animal to allow the pathology to heal, to a position of simple awareness of the condition – and how this impacts on our understanding of changes in attitudes towards animals through the process of domestication.


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Compares the metatarsal structural design (subarctometatarsus) of recently discovered Chinese feathered dinosaurs with the metatarsus (arctometatarsus) possessed by more advanced theropod dinosaurs and the metatarsus of more primitive forms. The subarctometatarsus was proved to be an intermediate structure. Additionally the metatarsus appears to co-incide with the evolution of the avian feather suggesting a possible relationship between the subarctometatarsus's evolution and the evolution of avian flight.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two new species of brachycephalid frogs are described from Pico Marumbi, municipality of Morretes, and Pico da Igreja, municipality of Guaratuba, Parana State, southern Brazil. The new species share the following attributes: body bufoniform; skin on top of the head, and central part of the back body smooth with no dermal co-ossification; outer metatarsal tubercle distinct; dermal roofing bones of skull unornamented; all paired cranial bones distinct and not fused; quadratojugals, and maxillary odontoids present. The new species from Pico Marumbi is characterized by male SVL = 11.6-12.5 and female SVL = 13.0-14.5 turn; and general color orange with dorsal reddish-brown irregular markings, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish spots and small dots. The new species from Pico da Igreja is characterized by male SVL = 12.6-13.9 and female SVL = 14.6-15.3 mm; and general color orange, lateral surfaces with small dark brown spots, and belly with brownish coalescent spots and small dots. Comparisons with other brachycephalid species and osteological data are provided.


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A 2-month-old dog was presented with injuries involving both hind paws. Only the 5th digit and its digital pad were present on the right paw. Following a full-thickness skin graft, the 5th digital pad was transferred distal to the metatarsal bones. The transferred pad permitted weight-bearing on the limb.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of type IIb external skeletal fixators with a transarticular pin in experimental tarsocrural arthrodesis. Twelve adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, ranging in age from two to five years and weighing 12 to 25kg, were used. The configuration of the fixator consisted in the application of a transarticular Steinmann pin and of centrally threaded pins to the proximal portion of the tibia and calcaneus and to the distal portion of the metatarsal bones. In addition, Schanz pins were inserted into the medial and lateral side of the tibia and into the medial side of the metatarsal bones. Radiographs were taken 15; 30 and 45 days after surgery. Bone fusion of the treated joints were observed at 30 days in all animals, and the implants were removed after 45 days. Loosening of the centrally threaded pins was observed in all groups, especially for those applied to the calcaneus. The configuration of the external fixator proposed here was found to be satisfactory in terms of bone union for all joints during the same period, irrespective of the weight of the animal.


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Objective: To examine the influence of a preventative training program (PTP) on sagittal plane kinematics during different landing tasks and vertical jump height (VJH) in males. Design: Six weeks prospective exercise intervention. Participants: Fifteen male volleyball athletes (13 ± 0.7 years, 1.70 ± 0.12 m, 60 ± 12 kg). Interventions: PTP consisting of plyometric, balance and core stability exercises three times per week for six weeks. Bilateral vertical jumps with double leg (DL) and single leg (SL) landings were performed to measure the effects of training. Main outcome measurements: Kinematics of the knee and hip before and after training and VJH attained during both tasks after training. The hypothesis was that the PTP would produce improvements in VJH, but would not generate great changes in biomechanical behavior. Results: The only change identified for the SL was the longest duration of landing, which represents the time spent from initial ground contact to maximum knee flexion, after training, while increased angular displacement of the knee was observed during DL. The training did not significantly alter the VJH in either the SL (difference: 2.7 cm) or the DL conditions (difference: 3.5 cm). Conclusions: Despite the PTP's effectiveness in inducing some changes in kinematics, the changes were specific for each task, which highlights the importance of the specificity and individuality in selecting prevention injury exercises. Despite the absence of significant increases in the VJH, the absolute differences after training showed increases corroborating with the findings of statistically powerful studies that compared the results with control groups. The results suggest that short-term PTPs in low risk young male volleyball athletes may enhance performance and induce changes in some kinematic parameters. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Background: Intraperitoneal adhesions are common in equines, especially following exploratory celiotomy. Adhesiolysis is the treatment of choice for patients presenting postsurgical adhesions. Laparoscopic approach for adhesiolysis presents several advantageous aspects in human patients. The aim of the current study was to report a case of successful laparoscopic adhesiolysis in a mini pony horse. Case: A male Shetland Pony, weighing 140 kg, was admitted under complaint of right hind limb trauma and treated surgically for metatarsal fracture reduction. The patient has also had intermittent episodes of colic and was always treated clinically without major complications. The pony had no history of previous abdominal surgery and no episodes of acute abdomen were seen during hospital stay. Three months following ostheosynthesis, an exploratory laparoscopic approach was carried out to assess the possible cause or consequences of the episodes of acute abdomen. The patient was submitted to general anesthesia, positioned in dorsal recumbency and the abdomen was clipped and aseptically prepared for surgery. During the laparoscopic inspection, there were adhesions involving the ventral abdominal wall and a ventral mesogastric segment of duodenum. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis was performed using a two-port approach, by gently breaking the adhesion bands using meticulous traction with a 10-mm laparoscopic atraumatic Babcock forceps. Afterwards, the intestinal loop was rinsed with heparin sodium solution diluted in normal saline. The pneumoperitoneum was completely drained and the trocars sequentially withdrawn from the abdominal wall. The synthesis of the muscular layer was carried out using an interrupted cross mattress pattern, followed by synthesis of the skin with an interrupted cushion pattern. Total surgical time was 58 min. the patient was able to recover without complications. In the early postoperative period, the surgical recovery was considered excellent. No apparent adhesion involving the previously affected intestinal loop was found during the ultrasound exam following 15 days of surgery. Furthermore, the surgical wounds had healed completely, with no complications. Discussion: In the current case report, the primary cause of the acute abdomen episodes was not determined since the patient had never undergone abdominal surgery. It was hypothesized that an acute inflammation of the duodenal loop that was involved by the adhesion bands may have triggered the adhesiogenesis. Laparoscopy was efficient and presented a short operative time, due to magnification of image and adequate observation of structures surrounded by adhesion bands. Although the use of Babcock forceps is not usually recommended for adhesiolysis in the current literature, it was both effective in manipulating the bowel and performing the adhesiolysis. The heparin solution diluted in normal saline was effective in preventing the recurrence of new adhesions, which was evidenced by ultrasonography following 15 days. The laparoscopic approach usually minimizes the new formation of adhesions as trauma to the peritoneal surfaces is minimized by the use of delicate instruments, as observed in the current study. In addition, laparoscopy reduces the possibility of contact among the peritoneal surfaces and foreign bodies, such as gauze, glove powder and room air particles. Moreover, it maintains the abdominal surfaces in adequate humidity environment.