83 resultados para Metallography.


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Corrosion of SAE 310 stainless steel in H2-H2O-H2S gas mixtures was studied at a constant temperature of 1150 K. Reactive gas mixtures were chosen to yield a constant oxygen potential of approximately 6 × 10-13 Nm-2 and sulfur potentials ranging from 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2 to 33 × 10-2 Nm-2. The kinetics of corrosion were determined using a thermobalance, and the scales were analyzed using metallography, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Two corrosion regimes, which were dependent on sulfur potential, were identified. At high sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 2.7 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were high, the kinetics obeyed a linear rate equation, and the scales consisted mainly of sulfide phases similar to those observed from pure sulfidation. At low sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were low, the kinetics obeyed a parabolic rate equation, and scales consisted mainly of oxide phases. Thermochemical diagrams for the Fe-Cr-S-O, Fe-Ni-S-O, Cr-Ni-S-O, and Si-Cr-S-O systems were constructed, and the experimental results are discussed in relation to these diagrams. Based on this comparison, reasonable corrosion mechanisms were developed. At high sulfur potentials, oxide and sulfide phases initially nucleate as separate islands. Overgrowth of the oxide by the sulfide occurs and an exchange reaction governs the corrosion process. Preoxidation at low oxygen potentials and 1150 K is beneficial in suppressing sulfidation at high sulfur potentials.


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In this work, the fracture behavior of magnesium single crystals is studied by conducting experiments with notched three point bend specimens of three crystallographic orientations. In the first and second orientations, the c-axis is along the normal to the flat surface of the notch, while in the third it is aligned with the notch front. For all the orientations, in situ electron back scattered diffraction observations made around the notch root show profuse tensile twinning of {10 (1) over bar2} type. Further, in the first two orientations basal and prismatic slip traces are identified from optical metallography. The width of the most prominent twin saturates at around 120-150 mu m, while twins continue to nucleate farther away to accommodate plastic deformation. In all the orientations, crack initiation occurs before the attainment of peak load and the crack grows stably along twin-matrix interface before deflecting at twin-twin intersections. Results show that profuse tensile twinning is an important energy dissipating mechanism that enhances the fracture toughness. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic composites were fabricated through vacuum resin infusion technology by adopting two different processing conditions, viz., vacuum only in the first and vacuum plus external pressure in the next, in order to generate two levels of void-bearing samples. They were relatively graded as higher and lower void-bearing ones, respectively. Microscopy and C-scan techniques were utilized to describe the presence of voids arising from the two different processing parameters. Further, to determine the influence of voids on impact behavior, the fabricated +45 degrees/90 degrees/-45 degrees composite samples were subjected to low velocity impacts. The tests show impact properties like peak load and energy to peak load registering higher values for the lower void-bearing case where as the total energy, energy for propagation and ductility indexes were higher for the higher void-bearing ones. Fractographic analysis showed that higher void-bearing samples display lower number of separation of layers in the laminate. These and other results are described and discussed in this report.


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The microstructures and the characteristics of water-atomized, nitrogen gas-atomized Al powders and ultrasonic argon gas-atomized Al-Li alloy powder were investigated by means of metallography, SEM, Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. Rapidly solidified powders were explosively consolidated into different sized cylinders under various explosive parameters. The explosively consolidated compacts have been tested and analysed for density microhardness, retention of rapidly solidified microstructures, interparticle bonding, fractography and lattice distortion. It is shown that the explosive consolidation technique is an effective method for compacting rapidly solidified powders. The characteristics of surface layers play a very important role in determining the effectiveness of the joints sintered, and the Al-Li alloy explosive compacts present an abnormal softening appearance compared to the original powder.


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O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi analisar o comportamento superficial do titânio comercialmente puro (grau 2 ASTM) usinado e obtido pelo processamento de metalurgia do pó sob a ação de diferentes soluções fluoretadas, através da análise do grau de corrosão em microscopia óptica (MO) e da rugosidade superficial. Além disso, o estudo se propôs a comparar essas análises com os resultados obtidos com o titânio fundido da dissertação de mestrado de Barros (2004). Todas as amostras receberam procedimento metalográfico padrão e foram divididas em grupos: Gr.1- saliva artificial com pH 7.0 (controle), Gr.2- gel de flúor fosfato acidulado a 1,23% com pH 3.5, Gr.3- gel de NaF a 2% com pH 6.5, Gr.4- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 4.0 e Gr.5- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 7.5. As amostras foram expostas a estas soluções por 1, 4, 8 e 16 min, intercaladas com imersão em saliva artificial por 24 h, e depois foram observadas em MO e MEV, a cada intervalo de tempo. As imagens em MO, 100x, foram classificadas através de escores de 0 a 4, conforme o grau de corrosão. A rugosidade foi analisada utilizando o parâmetro Ra. Os resultados da análise de MO foram tratados estatisticamente pelo teste qui-quadrado e da rugosidade pelo teste F de Snedecor e de Bonferroni (p<0,05). Nos três tipos de amostras, o Gr2 apresentou a corrosão mais severa, e os Gr.4 e 5 apresentaram os menores graus de corrosão. Entretanto, nas amostras usinadas o Gr5 apresentou uma corrosão menos acentuada em relação ao Gr4. No Gr3 houve um aumento da corrosão em função do tempo, sendo que as amostras fundidas mostraram este aumento mais rapidamente. Houve um aumento significativo na rugosidade superficial no Gr.2 nos três tipos de amostras. Nos diversos grupos, os valores de rugosidade superficial das amostras fundidas foram significantemente maiores que os das usinadas e as de metalurgia do pó. Os autores concluíram que as soluções fluoretadas de uso odontológico são danosas às superfícies do titânio fundido, usinado e metalurgia do pó, principalmente as soluções com alta concentração de fluoreto.


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Os aços inoxidáveis do tipo duplex possuem grande importância na indústria, principalmente na do petróleo e gás natural, por apresentarem elevada resistência mecânica e excelente resistência à corrosão. Caracterizam-se por apresentar estrutura bifásica, constituída de proporções praticamente iguais de ferrita e austenita. O presente trabalho caracterizou juntas soldadas por TIG autógeno de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S32760. Foram confeccionados quatro grupos de amostras, provenientes da variação da corrente de soldagem e consequentemente do aporte térmico (corrente de pico: 25A e 40A - aporte térmico: 0,12KJ/mm e 0,19KJ/mm) e da composição do gás de proteção (argônio puro ou argônio contendo 2,5% nitrogênio). Foram utilizadas técnicas de caracterização por metalografia colorida, análise e processamento digital de imagens, ensaios de microdureza Vickers. Para avaliar a resistência à corrosão foram realizados ensaios de potencial em circuito aberto com solução de cloreto férrico (FeCl3) e eletrodo de referência de calomelano saturado. A análise quantitativa das fases ferrita e austenita presentes nas juntas soldadas mostrou que a adição de nitrogênio no gás de proteção favoreceu a formação da fase austenita, variando de 11% (sem nitrogênio) para 26% (com nitrogênio) a quantidade desta fase. Em uma análise qualitativa a variação do aporte térmico: 0,12KJ/mm para 0,19KJ/mm resultou no aumento do tamanho de grãos da fase ferrita.


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O maior objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da composição dos fluxos para arco submerso sobre algumas importantes características de um metal de solda ferrítico, como composição química, microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas e geometria do cordão. Para realizar tal pesquisa, vinte oito fluxos aglomerados foram elaborados de compostos de pureza comercial e utilizados em soldagens ao aorco submerso, mantendo constante todas as demais condições de soldagem. Houve uma notável influência da composição química e do índice de basicidade dos fluxos sobre os níveis de oxig~enio, silício e manganês do metal de solda. Um modelo termodinâmico, baseado no conceito de potencial de oxigênio, foi proposto para explicar as reações gás-meta-escória ocorrendo durante a soldagem. Este modelo mostrou-se usável para as reações entre silício, oxigênio e carbono, permitindo um melhor entendimento das mesmas. A composição química do metal de solda pôde ser relacionada a sua microestrutura, através de metalografia quantitativa. Foi observado que oxigênio, silício, manganês e titânio têm grande influência sobre ela. A fase mais tenaz encontrada foi a ferrita acicular. A respeito da geometria do cordão, a sílica mostrou o efeito mais forte, com os outros compostos influenciando somente o acabamento do cordão soldado.


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Jet impingement erosion test rig has been used to erode titanium alloy specimens (Ti-4Al-4V). Eroded surface profiles have been obtained by vertical sectioning method for light microscopy observation. Mixed fractals have been measured from profile images by a digital image processing and analysis technique. The use of this technique allows glimpsing a quantitative correlation among material properties, fractal surface topography and erosion phenomena. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The 2024 and 7050 aluminium alloys used as aircraft components were subjected to laboratory corrosion tests in sodium chloride solution, Light-microscope examinations make it possible to characterise morphological aspects of the localised corrosion. Image analysis was used to determine both depth and width of pits over corroded surfaces. It has been concluded that the annealing could reduce the pit growth in both alloys, by means of grains recrystallization or recovery. The 2024 alloy also tends to present an exfoliation mechanism, mainly throughout non-recrystallized and recrystallized grain boundaries, increasing the width and sustaining the depth of pit cavities during exposition to saline atmosphere. SEM and EDS analysis reveal the morphology and elemental distribution of the corrosion products formed after immersion corrosion test. Some of these products were identified by X-ray diffraction analysis. For 2024, Al(OH)(3), MS(OH)(2) and Cu2O were found. AI(OH)(3) and Cu2O were also found in 7050 samples.


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The effects of heat treatment on morphologies and microstructures of Al 2024 and Al 7050 alloys, used as aircraft components, were studied by metallographic techniques. Light microscopy (LM) and quantitative image analysis were used to characterize the precipitate dispersion and morphology for these alloys. The application of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) combined techniques for studying these multiphase systems makes it possible to distinguish and quantify the different phases in the surface structure. Xray diffraction also permitted a qualitative comparison of the structures before and after heat treatments.


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An automatic image processing and analysis technique has been developed for quantitative characterization of multi-phase materials. For the development of this technique is used the Khoros system that offers the basic morphological tools and a flexible, visual programming language. These techniques are implemented in a highly user oriented image processing environment that allows the user to adapt each step of the processing to his special requirements.To illustrate the implementation and performance of this technique, images of two different materials are processed for microstructure characterization. The result is presented through the determination of volume fraction of the different phases or precipitates.


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The chemical and electrochemical behaviour of the Ti-1 5V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al alloy in Kroll reagent has been studied after ageing at 350-600degreesC, to optimise metallographic etching. Etching tests and polarisation curves showed that samples aged at higher temperatures have been more susceptible to corrosion. It has been attributed to the formation of intra- and intergranular alpha-phase precipitates during ageing.


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This work is an example of the improvement on quantitative fractography by means of digital image processing and light microscopy. Two techniques are presented to investigate the quantitative fracture behavior of Ti-4Al-4V heat-treated alloy specimens, under Charpy impact testing. The first technique is the Minkowski method for fractal dimension measurement from surface profiles, revealing the multifractal character of Ti-4Al-4V fracture. It was not observed a clear positive correlation of fractal values against Charpy energies for Ti-4Al-4V alloy specimens, due to their ductility, microstructural heterogeneities and the dynamic loading characteristics at region near the V-notch. The second technique provides an entire elevation map of fracture surface by extracting in-focus regions for each picture from a stack of images acquired at successive focus positions, then computing the surface roughness. Extended-focus reconstruction has been used to explain the behavior along fracture surface. Since these techniques are based on light microscopy, their inherent low cost is very interesting for failure investigations.


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Porosity in starch consolidation casting technique is rightly related to original size and morphology of starch granules, leaving a pore structure after burning out. This work reports the results for the addition of different native potato and corn starch proportions in suspension,; with TiO(2) (rutile) powder. Gelling temperature have been defined after observation under light microscopy using a heating stage. Analysis of porous network and isolated pores have been clone from images of samples surfaces obtained by depth from focus reconstruction, revealing a qualitative correlation of pores characteristics and starches additions in suspensions, suggesting that the presence of isolated or interconnected pores can be handled by starches selection to control the amylopectin and amylose contents in slurries. Also, the analysis of porous fraction distribution shows no consistent pattern through specimens' volume according to starches in mixtures.