616 resultados para Metabólitos fecais de glicocorticóides


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A ocitocina (OT) é um hormônio peptídico cujas funções clássicas incluem a contração uterina durante o parto e o reflexo de liberação do leite. Trabalhos recentes identificaram a participação da OT em outros processos, como no reconhecimento social, no comportamento maternal e na memória. O objetivo desta tese é identificar com maior precisão os efeitos da administração sistêmica de OT sobre os processos de consolidação e evocação da memória, em especial na tarefa de esquiva inibitória (EI), bem como mapear os mecanismos neurofisiológicos através dos quais a OT sistêmica exerce seus efeitos sobre o sistema nervoso central no processo de evocação da memória. A fim de estudar os efeitos da OT sobre a memória, ratos Wistar machos e fêmeas foram treinados na EI e receberam, imediatamente pós-treino ou 30 minutos pré-teste, ocitocina i.p. ou seu veículo (solução salina). A OT não apresentou efeitos sobre os ratos machos que a receberam imediatamente pós-treino, mas apresentou efeito amnésico sobre os outros três grupos - machos com OT pré-teste, fêmeas com OT pós-treino ou pré-teste. Uma vez que a OT tem conhecidos efeitos ansiolíticos, a tarefa do labirinto em cruz elevado foi utilizada para demonstrar que o efeito amnésico encontrados nesses três grupos não tem relação com os níveis de ansiedade, pois a dose consistentemente amnésica de OT não foi ansiolítica. Nas outras duas tarefas testadas, com caráter menos aversivo e mais espacial que a EI, o labirinto aquático e a habituação ao campo aberto, a OT não apresentou qualquer efeito sobre os ratos machos nelas treinados. Para investigar os mecanismos através dos quais a OT exerce seus efeitos sobre a evocação da memória, ratos Wistar machos receberam, 30 minutos préteste, administrações concomitantes de ocitocina i.p. (ou seu veículo, salina) e de 1) escopolamina (antagonista colinérgico não-seletivo) intra-hipocampal, ou 2) MT3 (antagonista colinérgico seletivo para M4) intra-hipocampal, ou 3) timolol (antagonista beta-adrenérgico) intra-hipocampal, ou 4) dexametasona (glicocorticóide sintético) i.p., ou ainda de veículo, tampão fosfato-salina para administração hipocampal ou salina para administração i.p.. Em todos estes experimentos, o efeito amnésico da OT sobre a evocação foi revertido por uma dose sem efeito próprio da outra droga. Estes resultados indicam que os efeitos amnésicos da ocitocina sobre a evocação da memória na tarefa da esquiva inibitória envolvem a participação dos sistemas colinérgico e adrenérgico no hipocampo e também dos glicocorticóides circulantes.


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A deficiência da desidrogenase de acilas de cadeia média (MCAD) é o mais freqüente erro inato da oxidação de ácidos graxos. Os indivíduos afetados por esse distúrbio apresentam-se sintomáticos durante períodos de descompensação metabólica, caracterizado pelo acúmulo de ácidos graxos de cadeia média (AGCM), particularmente os ácidos octanóico (AO), decanóico (AD) e cis-4-decenóico (AcD). Durante as crises, os pacientes apresentam hipoglicemia hipocetótica, hipotonia, rabdomiólise, edema cerebral e, finalmente, entram em coma, podendo ter um desenlace fatal. O tratamento de urgência é baseado na infusão de glicose nos pacientes durante as crises, enquanto uma dieta rica em carboidratos e pobre em gorduras é recomendada nos períodos fora das crises. Uma parte considerável dos pacientes que sobrevivem às crises apresenta um grau variável de manifestações neurológicas. Entretanto, os mecanismos responsáveis pelos sintomas neurológicos da deficiência de MCAD são praticamente desconhecidos. No presente estudo avaliamos a influência dos principais metabólitos acumulados na deficiência de MCAD, os ácidos AO, AD e AcD, e , em alguns casos, também de seus derivados de carnitina e glicina, sobre as atividades de enzimas importantes do metabolismo energético em córtex cerebral de ratos Wistar de 30 dias de vida. AO, AD, AcD e octanoilcarnitina inibiram a atividade da Na+, K+-ATPase, com ênfase ao AcD, o inibidor mais potente da atividade da enzima. Além disso, verificamos que a co-incubação do AO com glutationa (GSH) ou trolox (vitamina E solúvel) evitou seu efeito inibitório sobre a atividade da enzima. A inibição da enzima pelo AcD foi também prevenida quando o mesmo foi co-incubado com as enzimas catalase (CAT) e superóxido dismutase (SOD) juntas, mas não com GSH. Além disso, AO, AD e AcD aumentaram a lipoperoxidação em homogeneizados de córtex cerebral de ratos, medidos por quimioluminescência e TBA-RS. Tais resultados sugerem que esses metabólitos inibiram a atividade da Na+, K+-ATPase via radicais livres. Observamos ainda que somente AD e AcD inibiram atividades dos complexos da cadeia respiratória, ao contrário do AO que não teve qualquer ação sobre essas atividades. Enquanto o AD diminuiu somente a atividade do complexo IV a uma concentração muito alta (3 mM), o AcD diminuiu as atividades dos complexos II, II-III e IV dentro da faixa de concentrações encontrada na deficiência de MCAD (0,25-0,5 mM). Além disso, AO, AD e AcD inibiram a produção de CO2 a aprtir de glicose e acetato radiativos como substratos, indicando uma inibição do ciclo de Krebs. No entanto, somente AD e AcD reduziram a produção de CO2 a partir de citrato, enquanto AO não alterou a mesma. Além disso, nenhum dos três metabólitos testados alterou a atividade da citrato sintase. Demonstramos ainda que o AcD reduziu as atividades da creatinaquinase mitocondrial e citosólica, mas em uma concentração muito alta não encontrada na deficiência de MCAD. Este efeito não foi evitado por GSH, vitamina C+E ou L-NAME, sugerindo que o mesmo deve ter ocorrido via mecanismo distinto do estresse oxidativo. AcD foi o inibidor mais potente das atividades enzimáticas testadas neste trabalho, indicando que deve ser o metabólito de maior toxicidade nesta doença, ao menos no que se refere ao comprometimento do metabolismo energético. Espera-se que nossos resultados possam contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos responsáveis pelos sintomas neurológicos envolvidos na deficiência de MCAD.


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NASCIMENTO, H. G. ; FERNANDES, L. C. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Avaliação da fidedignidade dos ensaios de esteróides fecais realizados no Laboratório de Medidas Hormonais do Departamento de Fisiologia da UFRN. Publica , v. 2, p. 39-48, 2006.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Aim: The aim of this work was to investigate the hypothesis that catechol and 3MC inhibit FADH2-linked basal respiration in mitochondria isolated from rat liver and brain homogenates. Moreover, catechol ability to induce DNA damage in rat brain cells through the comet assay (alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis assay) was also observed. Methods: Two different catechols were evaluated: pirocatechol (derived from benzene) and 3-methylcatechol (derived from toluene); rat liver and brain homogenates were incubated with 1mM catechol at pH 7.4 for up to 30 minutes. After that, mitochondrial fractions were isolated by differential centrifugation. Basal oxygen uptake was measured using a Clark-type electrode after the addition of 10 mM sodium succinate for a period of 12 minutes. In additional experiments, rat brain cells were treated with 1, 5 and 10mM pirocatechol for up to 20 minutes at 37º C, and submitted to electrophoresis. Results: Catechols (pirocatechol and 3methylcatechol) induced a time-dependent partial inhibition of FADH2-linked basal mitochondrial respiration. Indeed, pirocatechol was able to produce a dosedependent DNA oxidative damage in rat brain cells by 2 and 4 injury levels. These results suggest that reactive oxygen species generated by the oxidation of catechols, induced an impairment on mitochondrial respiration and a DNA damage, which might be related to their citotoxicity. Conclusion: Catechols produced an inhibition of basal respiration associated to FADH2 in isolated liver and brain mitochondria; 3-methylcatechol, at the same concentration, produced similar toxicity in the mitochondrial model. Indeed, pirocatechol induced a DNA damage in rat brain cells, mainly observed in comets formation and consequent DNA degradation


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Seed germination and seedling establishment are critical processes for commercial plantation and depend directly on reserve mobilization as a source of cellular fuels and biosynthetic precursors. In this way, we investigated the coordination among reserve mobilization, metabolite partitioning, and mobilizing enzyme activities in Moringa oleifera Lam (moringa) an oil-seeded species employed in biofuel production. Seeds were germinated under controlled conditions and seedlings were grown hydroponically at a greenhouse. Samples were harvested at 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 days after imbibition (DAI). The contents of dry mass (DM), neutral lipids (NL), soluble proteins (SP), starch, total soluble sugars (TSS), non-reducing sugars (NRS), and total free amino acids (TFAA) as the activity of isocitrate lyase (ICL), acid proteases, and amylases were determined. The mobilization of storage proteins was initiated during seed germination whereas the mobilization of storage lipids and starch was triggered throughout seedling establishment although all reserves have been depleted until 20 DAI. The partitioning of DM and metabolites to the roots and the shoots was uneven during seedling establishment. Low shoot/root ratio on the basis of DM could be related to the natural occurrence of moringa in drought climates. In the roots, TSS, NRS, and TFAA were accumulated from 12 to 16 DAI and then were consumed until the end of the experiment. In the shoots, TSS and TFAA were consumed in parallel with NRS accumulation from 12 to 20 DAI. The activity of ICL, acid proteases, and amylases was coordinated with the mobilization of lipids, proteins and starch respectively. Thus, we propose that the patterns of reserve mobilization and metabolite partitioning verified in moringa seem distinct from those found to other tree species and may be involved in metabolic strategies to enable environment colonization


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O monitoramento endócrino pela mensuração de metabólitos urinários e fecais de hormônios esteróides tem se mostrado uma alternativa viável na investigação da fisiologia reprodutiva e do estresse em uma grande variedade de aves e mamíferos, domésticos e selvagens. Esta abordagem tem contribuído para uma maior integração da endocrinologia com estudos comportamentais e ecológicos, gerando informações mais detalhadas em diversas áreas tais como bem-estar animal, comportamento social, reprodução, biologia da conservação, biomedicina, entre outros. Todavia, o emprego desta metodologia no Brasil tem sido limitado principalmente à pesquisa de parâmetros reprodutivos e de estresse em espécies selvagens, não havendo até o momento trabalhos publicados utilizando a quantificação urinária ou fecal de glucocorticóides ou esteróides sexuais em animais domésticos. Desta forma, esta palestra tem como objetivo ilustrar alguns exemplos de estudos conduzidos no país envolvendo técnicas de monitoramento endócrino não-invasivo, assim como expor possíveis áreas de aplicação desta ferramenta em pesquisas com espécies domesticas.


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The technology of anaerobic reactors for sanitary wastewater treatment has been extensively developed in Brazil, and today it is practically consolidated. They present several advantages, such as low construction and operating costs, and low sludge production, the anaerobic reactors are an attractive alternative to minimize problematic lack of basic sanitation in urban areas, and also of the rural areas. The anaerobic filters have been widely used in Brazil. It produces an effluent with low concentration of organic matter and solids suspended, besides conserving the nutrients, therefore, it is good for use in irrigation, but the practice must be associated with knowledge of the pathogens presence. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters in removal faecal coliforms and helminth eggs, and to verify if the effluent can be used for agricultural purposes, according to the World Organization of Health (WHO, 1989). The protocol used to enumerate helminths eggs was the modified Bailenger method, (Ayres and Mara, 1996) recommended by WHO for evaluation of raw effluent and treated effluent. The membrane filtration method was utilized to determine the concentrations of faecal coliforms. Three different systems of sewer treatment composed by anaerobic filters were analyzed. The results, in a general analysis, showed that all the researched systems reached a larger removal than 93% to helminth eggs, resulting in an effluent with smaller average than 1 egg/L. One of these systems, Sistema RN, reached a larger removal than 99%, confirming the good performance of the anaerobic filters in removal helminths eggs. Even with low concentrations of eggs in the influent, the filters were capable to remove this parameter efficiently. About faecal coliforms, it was observed for all the researched systems an effluent with 106 CFU/100mL. The high concentrations to faecal coliforms in the effluent just allow reuse for restricted irrigation, in agreement with the guidelines of WHO. Although the researched systems have not removed faecal coliforms efficiently, the results indicated a good efficiency of the anaerobic filters in removal helminth eggs


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Many studies on environmental ecosystems quality related to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been carried out routinely due to their ubiquotus presence worldwide and to their potential toxicity after its biotransformation. PAH may be introduced into the environmet by natural and anthropogenic processes from direct runoff and discharges and indirect atmospheric deposition. Sources of naturally occurring PAHs include natural fires, natural oil seepage and recent biological or diagenetic processes. Anthropogenic sources of PAHs, acute or chronic, are combustion of organic matter (petroleum, coal, wood), waste and releases/spills of petroleum and derivatives (river runoff, sewage outfalls, maritime transport, pipelines). Besides the co-existence of multiples sources of PAH in the environmental samples, these compounds are subject to many processes that lead to geochemical fates (physical-chemical transformation, biodegradation and photo-oxidation), which leads to an alteration of their composition. All these facts make the identification of the hydrocarbons sources, if petrogenic, pyrolytic or natural, a challenge. One of the objectives of this study is to establish tools to identify the origin of hydrocarbons in environmental samples. PAH diagnostic ratios and PAH principal component analysis were tested on a critical area: Guanabara Bay sediments. Guanabara Bay is located in a complex urban area of Rio de Janeiro with a high anthropogenic influence, being an endpoint of chronic pollution from the Greater Rio and it was the scenario of an acute event of oil release in January 2000. It were quantified 38 compounds, parental and alkylated PAH, in 21 sediment samples collected in two surveys: 2000 and 2003. The PAH levels varied from 400 to 58439 ng g-1. Both tested techniques for origin identification of hydrocarbons have shown their applicability, being able to discriminate the PAH sources for the majority of the samples analysed. The bay sediments were separated into two big clusters: sediments with a clear pattern of petrogenic introduction of hydrocarbons (from intertidal area) and sediments with combustion characteristics (from subtidal region). Only a minority of the samples could not display a clear contribution of petrogenic or pyrolytic input. The diagnostic ratios that have exhibited high ability to distinguish combustion- and petroleum-derived PAH inputs for Guanabara Bay sediments were Phenanthrene+Anthracene/(Phenanthrene+Anthracene+C1Phenanthrene); Fluorantene/(Fluorantene+Pyrene); Σ (other 3-6 ring PAHs)/ Σ (5 alkylated PAH series). The PCA results prooved to be a useful tool for PAH source identification in the environment, corroborating the diagnostic indexes. In relation to the temporal evaluation carried out in this study, it was not verified significant changes on the class of predominant source of the samples. This result indicates that the hydrocarbons present in the Guanabara Bay sediments are mainly related to the long-term anthropogenic input and not directly related to acute events such as the oil spill of January 2000. This findings were similar to various international estuarine sites. Finally, this work had a complementary objective of evaluating the level of hydrocarbons exposure of the aquatic organisms of Guanabara Bay. It was a preliminary study in which a quantification of 12 individual biliar metabolites of PAH was performed in four demersal fish representing three different families. The analysed metabolites were 1-hydroxynaphtalene, 2-hidroxinaphtalene, 1hydroxyphenanthrene, 9-hydroxyphenanthrene, 2-hydroxyphenanthrene, 1hydroxypyrene, 3-hidroxibiphenil, 3- hydroxyphenanthrene, 1-hydroxychrysene, 9hydroxyfluorene, 4-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrene. The metabolites concentrations were found to be high, ranging from 13 to 177 µg g-1, however they were similar to worldwide regions under high anthropogenic input. Besides the metabolites established by the used protocol, it was possible to verified high concentrations of three other compounds not yet reported in the literature. They were related to pyrolytic PAH contribution to Guanabara Bay aquatic biota: 1-hydroxypyrine and 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrine isomers


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The purpose of this study was to verify the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in fecal samples from cats of the Andradina city, SP. This work was carried out from March to November of 2007, and used 51 cats delivered to the Center of Zoonoses Control of that city. Techniques of Willis and Faust were used in the fecal examination and resulted in detection of Ancylostoma spp. in 96.1% of the animals; Toxocara spp. in 43.1%; Cystoisospora spp. in 43.1%; Dipylidium caninum in 21.6% and Giardia spp. in 5.9% samples. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were detected in 3.9% fecal samples by the use of malachite green negative stain. There was no significant association between the occurrence of endoparasites and consistency of fecal samples. The results confirm that these cats represent important hosts of parasites, some of those with high zoonotic potential.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)