771 resultados para Mentha villosa
We investigated the effects of piperitenone oxide (PO), a major constituent of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa, on the guinea pig ileum. PO (30 to 740 µg/ml) relaxed basal tonus without significantly altering the resting membrane potential. In addition, PO relaxed preparations precontracted with either 60 mM K+ or 5 mM tetraethylammonium in a concentration-dependent manner. At concentrations from 0.1 to 10 µg/ml PO potentiated acetylcholine-induced contractions, while higher concentrations (>30 µg/ml) blocked this response. These higher PO concentrations also inhibited contractions induced by 60 mM K+. PO also blocked the components of acetylcholine contraction which are not sensitive to nifedipine or to solutions with nominal zero Ca2+ and EGTA. These results show that PO is a relaxant of intestinal smooth muscle and suggest that this activity may be mediated at least in part by an intracellular effect
The vasorelaxing activity of rotundifolone (ROT), a major constituent (63.5%) of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa, was tested in male Wistar rats (300-350 g). In isolated rat aortic rings, increasing ROT concentrations (0.3, 1, 10, 100, 300, and 500 µg/ml) inhibited the contractile effects of 1 µM phenylephrine and of 80 or 30 mM KCl (IC50 values, reported as means ± SEM = 184 ± 6, 185 ± 3 and 188 ± 19 µg/ml, N = 6, respectively). In aortic rings pre-contracted with 1 µM phenylephrine, the smooth muscle-relaxant activity of ROT was inhibited by removal of the vascular endothelium (IC50 value = 235 ± 7 µg/ml, N = 6). Furthermore, ROT inhibited (pD2 = 6.04, N = 6) the CaCl2-induced contraction in depolarizing medium in a concentration-dependent manner. In Ca2+-free solution, ROT inhibited 1 µM phenylephrine-induced contraction in a concentration-dependent manner and did not modify the phasic contractile response evoked by caffeine (20 mM). In conclusion, in the present study we have shown that ROT produces an endothelium-independent vasorelaxing effect in the rat aorta. The results further indicated that in the rat aorta ROT is able to induce vasorelaxation, at least in part, by inhibiting both: a) voltage-dependent Ca² channels, and b) intracellular Ca2+ release selectively due to inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate activation. Additional studies are required to elucidate the mechanisms underlying ROT-induced relaxation.
The hypolipidemic effects of several medicinal plants have already been demonstrated, but many plants commonly used to treat diseases still need to be studied. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is widely consumed by the population for different purposes, but not for the treatment of dyslipidemias. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of this plant on human biochemical and anthropometric profiles and blood pressure, based on the administration of peppermint juice twice daily for 30 days. Blood samples were collected before and after the treatment in order to determine the glycemic and lipid profiles, and the Body Mass Index (BMI) analysis was performed. Results indicated that 41.5% of the subjects showed a reduction in glycemia, 66.9% in total cholesterol levels, 58.5% in triacylglycerides, 52.3% in LDL-c (low-density lipoproteins) indices, 70% in GOT (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) levels, 74.5% in GPT (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) levels, and that 52% presented an increase in HDL-c (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) indices. Also, 52.5% showed a decrease in blood pressure and 48.7% in BMI. The use of peppermint by humans can be considered beneficial in the prevention and treatment of risk factors of chronic degenerative diseases.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL
Several clinic evaluations have been possible with radiobiocomplexes labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc). Some natural and synthetic drugs are capable of to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Authors have also reported about the toxicity of several natural products. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the Mentha crispa (hortelã) and of the Hypericum perforatum (hipérico) in different experimental models. On the labeling of red blood cells (RBC) and plasma and cellular proteins with 99mTc, both extracts were capable of to decrease the radioactivity percentage on the cellular compartment and on the fixation on plasma and cellular proteins. On the morphometry of the RBC, only the hortelã was capable to alter the shape and the perimeter/area ratio of the RBC. On the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4), the hortelã increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the kidney, spleen, liver and thyroid, meanwhile the hipérico decreased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the bone, stomach, lungs and thyroid, and increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the pancreas. On the bacterial cultures survival, the hipérico was capable of to protect the bacteria against the stannous chloride (SnCl2) effect. The hipérico did not alter the topology of plasmidial DNA and did not protect the plasmidial DNA against the SnCl2 action. Probably, the effects presented by both extracts could be due to chemical compounds of the extracts that could alter the morphology of the RBC and the plasma membrane ions transport, and/or by phytocomplexes that could be formed with different effects dependent on the biological system considered
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estudo objetivou avaliar translocação orgânica, índices fisiológicos da análise de crescimento e rendimento do óleo essencial de Mentha piperita L. cultivada em solução nutritiva com variação dos níveis de N, P, K e Mg. Assim, foram avaliados os quatro tratamentos contendo 50% N, P, K, 25% Mg; 50% N, P, K, Mg; 65%N, 50%P, 25%K, 100% Mg e 100% N, P, K, Mg. A translocação orgânica foi avaliada por meio da determinação da razão de massa foliar (RMF) e da distribuição de massa seca para os diferentes órgãos. Os índices fisiológicos razão de área foliar (RAF), área foliar específica (AFE), taxa assimilatória líquida (TAL) e taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR) derivadas que compõem a análise de crescimento foram estimados pelo programa ANACRES, após ajuste exponencial quadrático da área foliar e massa seca de lâminas foliares e total da planta em relação ao tempo. O rendimento do óleo essencial, em porcentagem, foi calculado após extração da parte aérea por hidrodestilação. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com nível completo de nutrientes (100%N/P/K/Mg) exportaram com menor eficiência o material orgânico a partir da folha e a RMF mostrou queda mais lenta, devido à retenção desse material por mais tempo no local de sua produção. Além disso, não apresentaram melhor produtividade e as curvas da TAL e TCR mostraram quedas mais lentas. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg revelaram adequada exportação de matéria orgânica da folha para caule e pecíolos, conforme demonstra a RMF e a distribuição de massa seca para esses órgãos. Revelaram ainda a RAF mais elevada no inicio do desenvolvimento e mais baixa aos 94 DAT, indicando sombreamento das folhas como resultado de seu crescimento. A AFE dessas plantas mostrou menor variação durante o ciclo, refletindo espessura mais constante de suas folhas. A TAL e a TCR apresentaram curvas decrescentes, com quedas bem acentuadas em relação às demais plantas. Todos esses índices indicam melhor produtividade das plantas submetidas ao tratamento 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg, que também apresentaram rendimento de óleo essencial, em média, maior durante o ciclo. Conclui-se que a redução de 35% de N, 50% de P, 75% de K (65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg) é indicada para o cultivo e extração de óleo essencial de M. piperita.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Polifenoloxidase (PPO, EC extraída de folhas de Mentha arvensis foi isolada por precipitação com (NH4)2SO4 e diálise extensiva. Seu pH e temperatura ótimos variaram com o substrato. A PPO apresentou atividade com vários difenóis. Valores de Km foram 0,825; 0,928 e 7,41 mM para ácido caféico, 4-metilcatecol e catecol, respectivamente. Na inativação térmica, 50% da enzima foi inativada após 60 e 15 segundos a 70 e 75ºC, respectivamente. A medida de atividade residual mostrou um efeito estabilizante de sacarose a várias temperaturas e uma energia de ativação (Ea) para inativação aumentando com a concentração de sacarose de 0 a 40% (p/p). Valores de energias de ativação de 78,13; 80,37; 82,79 and 81,00 kJ/Mol foram encontradas para 0, 15, 30 e 40% de sacarose, respectivamente. A PPO foi inibida pelos ácidos ascórbico, benzóico, cinamico, ferulico, p-cumárico, protocatéquico, além de metabisulfito de sódio, resorcinol e pirogalol. Os valores de Ki mostram que o ácido ascórbico foi o mais efetivo inibidor. O tipo de inibição foi determinado para cada inibidor.
This study aimed at evaluating glycemia and lipid profile of offspring from diabetic Wistar rats treated with Mentha piperita (peppermint) juice. Male offspring from nondiabetic dams (control group: 10 animals treated with water and 10 treated with peppermint juice) and from dams with streptozotocin-induced severe diabetes (diabetic group: 10 animals treated with water and 10 treated with peppermint juice) were used. They were treated during 30 days, and, after the treatment period, levels of glycemia, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and fractions were analyzed in the adult phase. The offspring from diabetic dams treated with peppermint showed significantly reduced levels of glucose, cholesterol, LDL-c, and triglycerides and significant increase in HDL-c levels. The use of the M. piperita juice has potential as culturally appropriate strategy to aid in the prevention of DM, dyslipidemia, and its complications.
Anthelmintic resistance is a worldwide concern in small ruminant industry and new plant-derived compounds are being studied for their potential use against gastrointestinal nematodes. Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon martinii and Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oils were evaluated against developmental stages of trichostrongylids from sheep naturally infected (95% Haemonchus contortus and 5% Trichostrogylus spp.) through the egg hatch assay (EHA), larval development assay (LDA), larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA), and the larval exsheathment assay (LEA). The major constituent of the essential oils, quantified by gas chromatography for M. piperita oil was menthol (42.5%), while for C. martinii and C. schoenanthus the main component was geraniol (81.4% and 62.5%, respectively). In all in vitro tests C. schoenanthus essential oil had the best activity against ovine trichostrongylids followed by C. martini, while M. piperita presented the least activity. Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil had LC(50) value of 0.045 mg/ml in EHA, 0.063 mg/ml in LDA, 0.009 mg/ml in LFIA, and 24.66 mg/ml in LEA. The anthelmintic activity of essential oils followed the same pattern in all in vitro tests, suggesting C. schoenanthus essential oil could be an interesting candidate for nematode control, although in vivo studies are necessary to validate the anthelmintic properties of this oil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Insect oocytes are surrounded by the follicular epithelium which is simple and cuboidal, wih the mainly functions of: synthesis of vitellin membrane and chorion and synthesis and transport of hemolymph products (proteins). In Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa ants workers aged less than 10 days do not present the formation of ovarian follicles (oocytes, nurse cells and follicular cells) indicating that vitellogenesis starts at approximately 10 days of age. Studies of participation of the follicular epithelium in Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa showed that in stage I oocytes the epithelium does not present the opening of intercellular spaces. In stage II these spaces begin to be observed together with separation of the follicular epithelium from the oocyte surface. In stage III two types of material were observed in the intercellular spaces: electrodense material in the basal region and compacted material in apical one as well as follicular epithelium/oocytes interface suggesting that the extraovarian material that reach oocytes undergoes some type of modification during passage through the intercellular spaces. The follicular epithelium spaces in queen are bigger than in workers oocytes.
The ultrastructure of the fat body cells (trophocytes) of the last larval instar of Pachycondyla (= Neoponera) villosa is presented. The cytoplasm is restricted to the cell periphery and to the smaller strips among the vacuoles, protein granules, lipid droplets, and around the nucleus. Cytochemically, the presence of basic amino acids in the protein granules and in the nuclei was observed by using the ethanolic phosphotungstic acid technique (EPTA). The lipid droplets stained for unsaturated lipids. This result was further confirmed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, where the unsaturated fatty acids were identified as oleic and linoleic acids together with saturated fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic acid. Carbohydrates (glycogen) were also detected in the fat body. The glycogen is present as beta particles distributed among the lipid droplets and sometimes attached to them.