46 resultados para Melittin


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Hybrid analogs of cecropin A (CA) and melittin (M), which are potent antibacterial peptides, have been synthesized. To understand the structural requirements for this antibacterial activity, we have also synthesized the enantio, retro, and retroenantio isomers of two of the hybrids and their N-terminally acetylated derivatives. All analogs of CA(1-13)M(1-13)-NH2 were as active as the parent peptide against five test bacterial strains, but one bacterial strain was resistant to the retro and retroenantio derivatives. Similarly, all analogs of CA(1-7)M(2-9)-NH2 were active against four strains, while two strains were resistant to the retro and retroenantio analogs containing free NH3+ end groups, but acetylation restored activity against one of them. From these data it was concluded that chirality of the peptide was not a critical feature, and full activity could be achieved with peptides containing either all L- or all D-amino acids in their respective right-handed or left-handed helical conformations. For most of the bacterial strains, the sequence of these peptides or the direction of the peptide bonds could be critical but not both at the same time. For some strains, both needed to be conserved.


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The influence of the membrane active peptides, Tat44–57 (activator in HIV-1) and melittin (active content of bee venom), on self-assembled monolayers of 6-mercaptohexanoic acid (MHA) on gold electrodes has been studied with scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). It was found that MHA, when deprotonated at physiological pH, significantly affected the relative rates of electron transfer between the [Fe(CN)6]4− solution based mediator and the underlying gold electrode, predominantly by the electrostatic interaction between the mediator and MHA. Upon the introduction of Tat44–57 ormelittin to the electrolyte, the relative rate of electron transfer through the MHA layer could be increased or decreased depending on the mediator used. However, in all cases it was found that these peptides have the ability to be incorporated into synthetic SAMs, which has implications for future electrochemical studies carried out using cell mimicking membranes immobilised on such layers.


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Induced Cotton effects have been observed in the visible region on interaction of bilirubin with chiral mono- and diamines and poly-l-lysine. At alkaline pH distinct CD spectra are observed for bilirubin bound to the α-helical and β-sheet conformation of poly-l-lysine, which differ from that observed for the pigment bound to human serum albumin. The CD pattern observed on binding to N-acetyl-Lys-N1-methylamide in CH2Cl2 and dioxane is different from that observed in the presence of l-Ala-NH-(CH2)6-NH-l-Ala in dioxane. The latter case resembles the spectrum observed in the presence of human serum albumin. Binding to the helical polypeptide melittin and the antiparallel β-sheet peptide, gramicidin S, in aqueous solutions results in opposite signs of the bilirubin CD bands. The quenching of tryptophan fluorescence in melittin, in aqueous solution and enhancement of bilirubin fluorescence in dioxane on binding to gramicidin S have been used to monitor pigment-peptide interactions. The results suggest the utility of bilirubin as a conformational probe.


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Dansylcadaverine, a cationic fluorescent probe binds to bacterial lipopolysaccharide and lipid A, and is displaced competitively by other compounds which possess affinity toward endotoxins. The binding parameters of dansylcadaverine for lipid A were determined by Scatchard analysis to be two apparently equivalent sites with apparent dissociation constants (Kd) ranging between 16 μM to 26 μM, while that obtained for core glycolipid from Salmonella minnesota Re595 yielded a Kd of 22 μM to 28 μM with three binding sites. The Kd of polymyxin B for lipid A was computed from dansylcadaverine displacement by the method of Horovitz and Levitzki (Horovitz, A., and Levitzki, A. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 6654–6658). The applicability of this method for analyzing fluorescence data was validated by comparing the Kds of melittin for lipid A obtained by direct Scatchard analysis, and by the Horovitz-Levitzki method. The displacement of dansylcadaverine from lipid A by polymyxin B was distinctly biphasic with Kds for polymyxin B-lipid A interactions corresponding to 0.4 μM and 1.5 μM, probably resulting as a consequence of lipid A being a mixture of mono- and di-phosphoryl species. This was not observed with core glycolipid, for which the Kd for polymyxin was estimated to range from 1.1 μM to 5.8 μM. The use of dansylcadaverine as a displacement probe offers a novel and convenient method of quantitating the interactions of a wide variety of substances with lipid A.


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采用DEAE-sephadex A-50、Sephadex G-100、CM-sepharose cl-6B三步柱层析,从烙铁头(T. mucrosquamatus)蛇毒中纯化得到的精氨酸酯酶在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(pH 8.3)和SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胼电泳中均呈现单一的蛋白带。其分子量为29000,等电点pI为5.2;由225个氨基酸残基组成,其中Gly,Asp和Glu的含量较高。它是一个糖蛋白,含有0.5%的中性已糖和0.75%的唾液酸,对热及酸碱变化较稳定。在280nm波长处有典型的蛋白质吸收峰,此时的消光数E0.1%/1cm为1.332。该酶具有较强的精氨酸酯酶活性和纤维蛋白原溶解活性,无出血活性、酪蛋白水解活性以及粗毒中含有的其它酶活性。从烙铁头(T. mucrosquamatus)蛇毒中纯化的具纤维蛋白原溶解活性的精氨酸酯酶(MFAE)是一丝氨酸蛋白酶,其活性可被PMSF抑制而不受EDTA的影响。MFAE酶促反应的最适pH为8.4,最适温度55 ℃; pH7.6、37 ℃时水解BAEER的米氏常数K_m为20 * 10~(-3)M。该酶能降解纯化人纤维蛋白原的Bβ链以及纯化牛纤维蛋白原的Aα和Bβ链,并有一定的纤维蛋白溶解活性。它能明显延长兔血浆的凝血酶时间和复钙时间。纯化的MFAE无出血活性、凝血酶样活性及血小板聚集活性,对ADP、AA、TMVA、Melittin等诱导的血小板聚集也无抑制或解聚作用。本文还测定了它对凝血酶及胞浆毒特异性合成三肽底物的水解活性。


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In this report, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was used to study the binding interactions between calmodulin and two target peptides (melittin and substance P). Various matrix conditions were tested and the less acidic matrix DHAP and THAP were found to favor the survival of the intact calcium-calmodulin as well as the calmodulin-peptide complexes. However, the application of direct MALDI-MS to detect the intact complexes turned out to be very difficult due to the dissociation of the complexes and the formation of nonspecific aggregates. In contrast, the specific binding of the target peptides to calmodulin could be easily deduced using intensity-fading (IF) MALDI-MS. Compared with the nonbinding control, clear reduction in the ion abundances of the target peptides was observed with the addition of calmodulin.


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Nisin is a positively charged antibacterial peptide that binds to the negatively charged membranes of gram-positive bacteria. The initial interaction of the peptide with the model membrane of negatively charged DPPG (dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol) was studied by cyclic voltammetry and a.c. impedance spectroscopy. Nisin could induce pores the supported bilayer lipid membrane, thus, it led to the marker ions Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) crossing the lipid membrane and giving the redox reaction on the glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Experimental results suggested that the pore formation on supported bilayer lipid membrane was dependent on the concentration of nisin and it included three main concentration stages: low, middling, high concentration.


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On the basis of histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, an octadecapeptide was isolated from the skin extract of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens), This peptide was purified to homogeneity using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and found to have the following primary structure by Edman degradation and pyridylethylation: LVRGCWTKSYPPKPCFVR, in which Cys(5) and Cys(15) are disulfide bridged. The peptide was named peptide leucine-arginine (pLR), reflecting the N- and C-terminal residues. Molecular modeling predicted that pLR possessed a rigid tertiary loop structure with flexible end regions, pLR was synthesized and elicited rapid, noncytolytic histamine release that had a a-fold greater potency when compared with one of the most active histamine-liberating peptides, namely melittin, pLR was able to permeabilize negatively charged unilamellar lipid vesicles but not neutral vesicles, a finding that was consistent with its nonhemolytic action, pLR inhibited the early development of granulocyte macrophage colonies from bone marrow stem cells but did not induce apoptosis of the end stage granulocytes, i,e. mature neutrophils, pLR therefore displays biological activity with both granulopoietic progenitor cells and mast cells and thus represents a novel bioactive peptide from frog skin.


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One common mechanism of resistance against antimicrobial peptides in Gram-negative bacteria is the addition of 4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose (l-Ara4N) to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule. Burkholderia cenocepacia exhibits extraordinary intrinsic resistance to antimicrobial peptides and other antibiotics. We have previously discovered that unlike other bacteria, B. cenocepacia requires l-Ara4N for viability. Here, we describe the isolation of B. cenocepacia suppressor mutants that remain viable despite the deletion of genes required for l-Ara4N synthesis and transfer to the LPS. The absence of l-Ara4N is the only structural difference in the LPS of the mutants compared with that of the parental strain. The mutants also become highly sensitive to polymyxin B and melittin, two different classes of antimicrobial peptides. The suppressor phenotype resulted from a single amino acid replacement (aspartic acid to histidine) at position 31 of LptG, a protein component of the multi-protein pathway responsible for the export of the LPS molecule from the inner to the outer membrane. We propose that l-Ara4N modification of LPS provides a molecular signature required for LPS export and proper assembly at the outer membrane of B. cenocepacia, and is the most critical determinant for the intrinsic resistance of this bacterium to antimicrobial peptides.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an important opportunistic pathogen of patients with cystic fibrosis. This bacterium is inherently resistant to a wide range of antimicrobial agents, including high concentrations of antimicrobial peptides. We hypothesized that the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of B. cenocepacia is important for both virulence and resistance to antimicrobial peptides. We identified hldA and hldD genes in B. cenocepacia strain K56-2. These two genes encode enzymes involved in the modification of heptose sugars prior to their incorporation into the LPS core oligosaccharide. We constructed a mutant, SAL1, which was defective in expression of both hldA and hldD, and by performing complementation studies we confirmed that the functions encoded by both of these B. cenocepacia genes were needed for synthesis of a complete LPS core oligosaccharide. The LPS produced by SAL1 consisted of a short lipid A-core oligosaccharide and was devoid of O antigen. SAL1 was sensitive to the antimicrobial peptides polymyxin B, melittin, and human neutrophil peptide 1. In contrast, another B. cenocepacia mutant strain that produced complete lipid A-core oligosaccharide but lacked polymeric O antigen was not sensitive to polymyxin B or melittin. As determined by the rat agar bead model of lung infection, the SAL1 mutant had a survival defect in vivo since it could not be recovered from the lungs of infected rats 14 days postinfection. Together, these data show that the B. cenocepacia LPS inner core oligosaccharide is needed for in vitro resistance to three structurally unrelated antimicrobial peptides and for in vivo survival in a rat model of chronic lung infection.


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Sensitivities to polycationic peptides and EDTA were compared in Yersinia enterocolitica pathogenic and environmental biogroups. As shown by changes in permeability to the fluorescent hydrophobic probe N-phenylnaphthylamine (NPN), the outer membranes (OMs) of pathogenic and environmental strains grown at 26 degrees C in standard broth were more resistant to poly-L-lysine, poly-L-ornithine, melittin, cecropin P1, polymyxin B, and EDTA than Escherichia coli OMs. At 37 degrees C, OMs of pathogenic biogroups were resistant to EDTA and polycations and OMs of environmental strains were resistant to EDTA whereas E. coli OMs were sensitive to both EDTA and polycations. Similar results were found when testing deoxycholate sensitivity after polycation exposure or when isogenic pairs with or without virulence plasmid pYV were compared. With bacteria grown without Ca++ available, OM permeability to NPN was drastically increased in pathogenic but not in environmental strains or E. coli. Under these conditions, OMs of pYV+ and pYV- cells showed small differences in NPN permeability but differences in polycation sensitivity could not be detected by fluorimetry. O:1,6 (environmental type) lipopolysaccharide (LPS), but not O:3 or O:8 LPS, was markedly rough at 37 degrees C, and this could explain the differences in polycation sensitivity. LPSs from serotypes O:3 and O:8 grown at 37 degrees C were more permeable to NPN than O:1,6 LPS, and O:8 LPS was resistant to polycation-induced permeabilization. These data suggest that LPSs relate to some but not all the OM differences described. It is hypothesized that the different OM properties of environmental and pathogenic biogroups reflect the adaptation of the latter biogroups to pathogenicity.


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Aquesta tesi doctoral està basada en el desenvolupament de nous agents antimicrobians derivats del pèptid híbrid cecropina A-melitina WKLFKKILKVL-NH2 (Pep3) que siguin sostenibles i útils per al control de malalties de plantes. Es van dissenyar i sintetitzar més de 133 anàlegs de Pep3 mitjançant química combinatòria. Es van obtenir anàlegs de Pep3 amb una elevada activitat contra fitopatògens i que presentaven baixa toxicitat. Els millors anàlegs van presentar eficàcies comparables amb pesticides de referència en la prevenció d'infeccions causades per fitopatògens. Es va estudiar el mecanisme d'acció de KKLFKKILKYL-NH2 (BP100) investigant la seva interacció amb models de membrana mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques. Es va observar la capacitat de BP100 a induir la permeabilització, la neutralització, i l'agregació de vesícules lipídiques aniòniques a una determinada concentració llindar. Es va deduir una equació que relaciona la CMI d'un pèptid antimicrobià amb la constant de partició i la concentració llindar en la membrana.


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Surface pressure measurements, external reflection- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and neutron re. flectivity have been used to investigate the lipid-binding behavior of three antimicrobial peptides: melittin, magainin II, and cecropin P1. As expected, all three cationic peptides were shown to interact more strongly with the anionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol3-( phosphor-rac-( 1- glycerol)) ( DPPG), compared to the zwitterionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine ( DPPC). All three peptides have been shown to penetrate DPPC lipid layers by surface pressure, and this was confirmed for the melittin-DPPC interaction by neutron reflectivity measurements. Adsorption of peptide was, however, minimal, with a maximum of 0.4 mg m(-2) seen for melittin adsorption compared to 2.1 mg m(-2) for adsorption to DPPG ( from 0.7 mu M solution). The mode of binding to DPPG was shown to depend on the distribution of basic residues within the peptide alpha-helix, although in all cases adsorption below the lipid layer was shown to dominate over insertion within the layer. Melittin adsorption to DPPG altered the lipid layer structure observed through changes in the external reflection-Fourier transform infrared lipid spectra and neutron reflectivity. This lipid disruption was not observed for magainin or cecropin. In addition, melittin binding to both lipids was shown to be 50% greater than for either magainin or cecropin. Adsorption to the bare air-water interface was also investigated and surface activity followed the trend melittin. magainin. cecropin. External re. ection- Fourier transform infrared amide spectra revealed that melittin adopted a helical structure only in the presence of lipid, whereas magainin and cecropin adopted helical structure also at an airwater interface. This behavior has been related to the different charge distributions on the peptide amino acid sequences.


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Gomesin is an antimicrobial peptide isolated from hemocytes of a common Brazilian tarantula spider named Acanthoscurriagomesiana. This peptide exerts antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo by an unknown mechanism. In this study, the cytotoxic mechanism of gomesin in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells was investigated. Gomesin induced necrotic cell death and was cytotoxic to SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. The peptide evoked a rapid and transient elevation of intracellular calcium levels in Fluo-4-AM loaded PC12 cells, which was inhibited by nimodipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker. Preincubation with nimodipine also inhibited cell death induced by gomesin in SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. Gomesin-induced cell death was prevented by the pretreatment with MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors, but not with PKA inhibitor. In addition, gomesin generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in SH-SY5Y cells, which were blocked with nimodipine and MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors. Taken together, these results suggest that gomesin could be a useful anticancer agent, which mechanism of cytotoxicity implicates calcium entry through L-type calcium channels, activation of MAPK/ERK, PKC and PI3K signaling as well as the generation of reactive oxygen species. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anoplin, an antimicrobial, helical decapeptide from wasp venom, looses its biological activities by mere deamidation of its C-terminus. Secondary structure determination, by circular dichroism spectroscopy in amphipathic environments, and lytic activity in zwitterionic and anionic vesicles showed quite similar results for the amidated and the carboxylated forms of the peptide. The deamidation of the C-terminus introduced a negative charge at an all-positive charged peptide, causing a loss of amphipathicity, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations in TFE/water mixtures and this subtle modification in a peptide`s primary structure disturbed the interaction with bilayers and biological membranes. Although being poorly lytic, the amidated form, but not the carboxylated, presented ion channel-like activity on anionic bilayers with a well-defined conductance step; at approximately the same concentration it showed antimicrobial activity. The pores remain open at trans-negative potentials, preferentially conducting cations, and this situation is equivalent to the interaction of the peptide with bacterial membranes that also maintain a high negative potential inside. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.