153 resultados para Meliaceae


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Trichilia catigua A. Juss. - Meliaceae has been traditionally used as a tonic and digestive medicine. Some Brazilian pharmaceutical firms use this species to produce phytopharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages. The aim of this work is to determine its geographical distribution and characterise the environments where catuaba is found in the state of Paraná, in order to support the domestication strategy for the agricultural production of this species. Based on the literature, botanical collections and field observations it was established, that five species of the genus occurring in Paraná, which were identified as T casaretti, T catigua, T claussenii, T elegans, T pallida and another supposed to be T pattens. Trichilia catigua occurs within a wide but defined strip in the state. By evaluating data of climate; soil types; natural vegetation formations; mean, maximum and minimum temperatures; relative humidity; rainfall; altitudes and evapotranspiration the strip may be localised above latitude 25° in the central and Eastern regions of the state and above latitude 26° in South-western Parana. In general, T catigua was found to occur on fertile, organic-matter-rich soils and predominantly under forest canopies.


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Trichilia pallida Swartz is an Atlantic Forest shady climax tree of Meliaceae family that presents insecticide properties against chewing insects like as some family trees, making it interesting for forestry uses. Forty plants of Oito Pontas Farm population were collected in Bofete County, Santa Genebra Ecological Station in Campinas County, and Caetetus Ecological Station in Gélia County, all in the Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Leaf DNA analysis was used by RAPD method, that showed 10 highly polymorphic primers, with 72 dominant markers, used to estimate genetic diversity within and among populations. The polymorphism within populations varied from 90.3 to 97.2%, and the effective allele number varied from 1.46 ± 0.33 to 1.57 ± 0.33, while the average of genetic differentiation of populations varied from 0.27 ± 0.18 to 0, 33 ± 0.15. The gene diversity in the total population (H T) was 0.334 ± 0.02, while the average gene diversity within populations (H s) was 0.292 ± 0.017, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST) was 0.125, Bofete and Campinas populations had the smallest Nei's genetic distance (0.049) and the distances of both with Gália were 0.117 and 0.107, respectively.


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Recent studies, proposed to obtain active compounds against termites (Heterotermes tenuis Hagen, as a model) have showed that attention could be driven to the limonoids, because they present high insecticidal activity against several insects. In this work, the limonoids nimbolin-A, 1,2- hydroxyamoorastatone, mexicanolide, cedrelone and 1,2-dihydrocedrelone were tested in order to verify their potential for the control of H. tenuis workers. The results indicated that cedrelone and 1,2-dihydrocedrelone are the limonoids with higher antifeeding activity, followed by 12-hydroxyamoorastatone, mexicanolide and nimbolin-A.


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ABSTRACT: Six compounds comprising the groups of steroids, the ergosterol, the ergosterol peroxide, the cerevisterol, the neociclocitrinols, the ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, the 25-hydroxy-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, were isolated from Penicillium herquei fungus obtained from Melia azedarach. The structures were identified by spectral methods of RMN 1D and 2D and MS.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Various factors affect spatial genetic structure in plant populations, including adult density and primary and secondary seed dispersal mechanisms. We evaluated pollen and seed dispersal distances and spatial genetic structure of Carapa guianensis Aublet. (Meliaceae) in occasionally inundated and terra firme forest environments that differed in tree densities and secondary seed dispersal agents. We used parentage analysis to obtain contemporary gene flow estimates and assessed the spatial genetic structure of adults and juveniles. Despite the higher density of adults (diameter at breast height >= 25 cm) and spatial aggregation in occasionally inundated forest, the average pollen dispersal distance was similar in both types of forest (195 +/- 106 m in terra firme and 175 +/- 87 m in occasionally inundated plots). Higher seed flow rates (36.7% of juveniles were from outside the plot) and distances (155 +/- 84 m) were found in terra firme compared to the occasionally inundated plot (25.4% and 114 +/- 69 m). There was a weak spatial genetic structure in juveniles and in terra firme adults. These results indicate that inundation may not have had a significant role in seed dispersal in the occasionally inundated plot, probably because of the higher levels of seedling mortality.


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We studied the effects of crude extracts and fractions of Azadirachta indica, Melia azedarach, Toona ciliata and Trichilia pallida on both egg and nymph mortality and embryonic development of Bemisia tabaci B biotype, using tomato plants grown in a greenhouse. Next, we studied the host selection behavioral effects on the adult whitefly under laboratory conditions. The dichloromethane extracts from all plant species and fractions of the extract from branches of T. pallida (EBTPD) and of the extract from leaves of T. ciliata (ELTCD) in dichloromethane caused mortality of nymphs, but neither affected egg viability. However, the branches of the ethanolic extract of A. indica increased the period of embryonic development of the B. tabaci. In addition, the tomato leaflets treated with the fraction of ELTCD dichloromethane (0.28%) were the least preferred by adults, reducing the number of insects resting on the tomato leaflets. The ELTCD methanol and EBTPD dichloromethane fractions inhibited B. tabaci oviposition. Thus, Meliaceae derivatives can contribute to the reduction of the B. tabaci population. The susceptibility of the B. tabaci to Meliaceae derivatives and the relevant behavioral changes of this pest are discussed.


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The effect of soil incorporation of 7 Meliaceae derivatives (6 commercial neem cakes and leaves of Melia azedarach L.) on C and N dynamics and on nutrient availability to micropropagated GF677 rootstock was investigated. In a first laboratory incubation experiment the derivatives showed different N mineralization dynamics, generally well predicted by their C:N ratio and only partly by their initial N concentration. All derivatives increased microbial biomass C, thus representing a source of C for the soil microbial population. Soil addition of all neem cakes (8 g kg-1) and melia leaves (16 g kg-1) had a positive effect on plant growth and increased root N uptake and leaf green colour of micropropagated plants of GF677. In addition, the neem cakes characterized by higher nutrient concentration increased P and K concentration in shoot and leaves 68 days after the amendment. In another experiment, soil incorporation of 15N labeled melia leaves (16 g kg-1) had no effect on the total amount of plant N, however the percentage of melia derived-N of treated plants ranged between 0.8% and 34% during the experiment. At the end of the growing season, about 7% of N added as melia leaves was recovered in plant, while 70% of it was still present in soil. Real C mineralization and the priming effect induced by the addition of the derivatives were quantified by a natural 13C abundance method. The real C mineralization of the derivatives ranged between 22% and 40% of added-C. All the derivatives studied induced a positive priming effect and, 144 days after the amendment, the amount of C primed corresponded to 26% of added-C, for all the derivatives. Despite this substantial priming effect, the C balance of the soil, 144 days after the amendment, always resulted positive.


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Carapa guianensis Aubl é uma planta conhecida popularmente como andiroba, pertencente à família Meliaceae, sendo uma espécie utilizada com diversas finalidades pelas populações da região Norte do Brasil. O estudo sobre a fenologia oferece informações que podem ser aplicadas para o uso e coleta de material vegetal. O objetivo do trabalho foi de avaliar o período de floração e frutificação da andirobeira visando à coleta para uso das folhas e ou sementes, bem como, a sua relação com a precipitação pluviométrica. O trabalho foi realizado na coleção do horto de plantas medicinais da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental situada no município de Belém-PA. Foram registrados diariamente no período de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2015 os dados de floração e frutificação. Os dados coletados foram anotados em fichas de campo e tabulados em planilhas do Excel. Os valores de precipitação foram fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). A maior média de número de dias de floração foi registrada no mês de maio com 20,5 dias e as menores médias de número de dias ocorreram nos meses de abril, julho e setembro coincidindo com os menores índices de precipitação pluviométrica. Os resultados obtidos na frutificação são semelhantes aos da floração, a maior média de número de dias foi no mês de maio com 20,5 dias e as menores médias de números de dias foram observadas nos meses de outubro, setembro e fevereiro. O período mais indicado para coleta e uso das folhas e sementes são os meses de menor e maior número de dias, respectivamente, contendo as fenofases que foram influenciadas pela precipitação pluviométrica.


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Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae: Swietenioideae) provides one of the premier timbers of the world. The mahogany shoot borer Hypsipyla robusta Moore (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an economically important pest of S. macrophylla throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific. No viable method of controlling this pest is known. Previous observations have suggested that the presence of overhead shade may reduce attack by H. robusta, but this has not been investigated experimentally. This research was therefore designed to assess the influence of light availability on shoot-borer attack on S. macrophylla, by establishing seedlings under three different artificial shade regimes, then using these seedlings to test oviposition preference of adult moths, neonate larval survival and growth and development of shoot borer larvae. Oviposition preference of shoot borer moths was tested on leaves from seedlings grown under artificial shade for 63 weeks. A significant difference in choice was recorded between treatments, with 27.4 ± 1.5 eggs laid under high shade and 87.1 ± 1.8 under low shade. Neonate larval survival on early flushing leaflets of S. macrophylla did not differ significantly between shade treatments. Larval growth rate, estimated by measuring daily frass width, was significantly higher for those larvae fed on seedlings from the high and medium shade treatments (0.1 mm/day), than the low shade treatment (0.06 mm/day). In laboratory-reared larvae, the total mass of frass produced was significantly higher in the high shade treatment (0.4 g) than under the low shade treatment (0.2 g). Longer tunnel lengths were bored by larvae in plants grown under high shade (12.0 ± 2.4 cm) than under low shade (7.07 ± 1.9 cm). However, pupal mass under low shade was 48% higher than that under the high shade treatment, suggesting that plants grown under high shade were of lower nutritional quality for shoot borer larvae. These results indicate that shading of mahogany seedlings may reduce the incidence of shoot borer attack, by influencing both oviposition and larval development. The establishment of mahogany under suitable shade regimes may therefore provide a basis for controlling shoot borer attack using silvicultural approaches.


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Published information on the incidence of pathogens in the field and laboratory infections of Hypsipyla spp. with entomopathogens is reviewed. In addition, some preliminary results of field collections from Ghana and Costa Rica are presented. Fungal pathogens from the Deuteromycetes have been isolated from both H. robusta Moore and H. grandella Zeller. Mermithid nematodes, Hexamermis spp., have been frequently isolated from larvae in the field and incidence of infection with these pathogens can reach significant levels. Microsporidia have been found in cadavers of larvae collected in the field but none have been identified so far. A number of pathogens of other Lepidoptera have been shown to be infectious to H. grandella , including Bacillus thuringiensis , Deuteromycete fungi and a nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) from Autographa californica . Hypsipyla spp. are difficult targets for microbial control, since the larvae are cryptic, occur at low density and occur sporadically. In addition, there is a low damage threshold, the plant is susceptible for a number of years and the susceptible part of the plant will rapidly outgrow any surface application. Key features of the biology of entomopathogens with relevance to the control of low density and cryptic pests are discussed. In the light of this experience, we discuss strategies to improve the possibilities of microbial control of this pest and suggest areas for research.


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Existing evidence for successful silvicultural control of Hypsipyla spp. is conflicting and to a large extent anecdotal. Levels of attack have been correlated with factors such as shade, planting density, species mixtures, site characteristics, etc. These factors have often been poorly defined and are usually interdependent. The actual mechanisms that determine whether or not Hypsipyla spp. adversely affects plants we define as host-finding, host suitability, host recovery and natural enemies. These mechanisms can be influenced by the silvicultural techniques applied to a stand. Success of silvicultural techniques can usually be attributed to more than one mechanism and it is difficult to assess which is most the important for minimising the impact of Hypsipyla as these analytical data are lacking. This highlights the need for further research on silvicultural methods for controlling Hypsipyla spp. However, several silvicultural techniques that are briefly described show promise for improving the performance of future plantations. Examples of silvicultural control are reviewed with reference to these mechanisms.