103 resultados para Melancolia


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Maria Judite de Carvalho began his literature in 1949 in journals of Lusitanian capital. Until his death, which occurred in 1998, published more a thousand texts, most of them have never been extracted from their support original, the newspaper, making them unknown to the public today. In order to rescue of this precious material chosen as the literary corpus of Search the chronicles published in the Diário de Lisboa, periodic where the writer published the largest number of texts in the section Rectângulos da Vida, 395 (three hundred and ninety-five) chronic for five consecutive years (1968-1972). Looking at these texts I realized that she inserted into her narrative the changes occurred in the twentieth century, in Portugal, capturing the moment of breaking with traditional models and introducing new paradigms imposed by modernity. What happens in this period is an extremely fast and deep change of values and customs with which the Portuguese society faces and experiences with a certain uneasiness. Given this unstable scenario, Maria Judite expresses, through her ironic and critical narrative, the portrait of the Portuguese people and their behavior full of anguish and sorrows that are revealed through the gloom. After a thorough reading of his texts I found that this was the guiding element of juditiana writing. It is presented in the chronicles in many respects they were privileged during the five years of publications they are loneliness, abandonment, death, isolation of individuals who feel increasingly powerless in the face of changes experienced as a consequence of this state and present is melancholy all the time. This is a photograph of Maria Judite de Carvalho on Portuguese society told in her chronicles as I saw this survey.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o romance Cinzas do Norte (2005), de Milton Hatoum, verificando quais são as relações das categorias estéticas de melancolia e resistência com o contexto histórico da Ditadura Militar, de 1964, no Brasil. Partindo da ideia de que a teoria com a qual estamos lidando é marcada pela melancolia segundo Walter Benjamin. Nesse sentido, examinamos como a arte, que é parte de composição da narrativa e, também as referências memorialísticas, utilizadas como estratégias ficcionais de resistência ao regime de repressão, em particular, ao autoritarismo, servem de base para problematizar os regimes de imposição instaurados naquele período. Com base em algumas abordagens teóricas, relacionadas à resistência, à melancolia e à memória. Mediante essas abordagens verificamos quais consequências estão ligadas ao período ditatorial, e como elas fazem parte da compreensão do sujeito melancólico. Para dar conta da teoria relacionada à melancolia utilizamos os textos de autores como: Sigmund Freud (1976), Maria Rita Kehl (2009), Julia Kristeva (1989), Walter Benjamin (1985), Susan Sontag (1976), Suzana Lages (2007). Para os estudos relacionados à resistência e a memória, utilizaremos os textos de Alfredo Bosi (2002), Jacques Le Goff (2003), Paul Ricoeur (2007) e Aleida Assmann (2011), servirão de base para nossas reflexões.


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Temos como principal objetivo nesse estudo analisar, enquanto narrativas de resistência, os romances Tristessa do escritor norte americano Jack Kerouac e Nove Noites do brasileiro Bernardo Carvalho. Partimos da hipótese que ambos constituem narrativas de resistência inerente à escrita (BOSI, 2012), quando a resistência não é tema da obra, mas manifesta-se na construção das personagens e no desenrolar da trama. Neste caso, o elemento utilizado como meio de manifestar a resistência é a melancolia. Pretendeu-se verificar por meio de um estudo de caso, como ambos os romances trabalham representações do sujeito em sua relação com a morte com base em processos melancólicos e como a melancolia se encontra ligada a uma atitude de resistência predominante na escrita. Assim, examina-se a melancolia enquanto patologia (FREUD, 2005) e elemento estético, assim como o processo da narrativa de resistência ao mesclar ética e estética. Para tanto foram considerados os contextos sociais nos quais as narrativas foram escritas, e como estes indicam que cada romance faz uma crítica social a uma força opressora contemporânea a sua publicação. Durante nosso estudo, por meio de análise comparativa, constatamos que temas com a perda, a morte, a ruína, o afastamento melancólico, a marginalização social e a transitoriedade do real são comuns aos dois romances.


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The cinematographic language is notedly plural and heterogeneous. There are many filmic elements that “narrate” all the time, in different ways. Besides enumerating some of them, this study seeks to analyse if the criticism is attentive to all of these tools or if it sticks only to some of them. It’s also reflects if this activity uses more objectives or subjectives aspects as basis for its conclusions. Here, a very specific field was chosen: the study is done by a comparative analysis of the reception of Brazilian’s and European’s criticism from two Lars Von Trier’s films, Antichrist and Melancholia. After explaining how the narrative elements are used in the cinema, it’s demonstrated that, in general, the criticism is negligent and does not analyze all of those tools. In some cases, the analysis of some elements is done in a superficial way, so others aspects can be highlighted


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Discret rahonament, quiexa formal que fan contra el Micalet de la Seu, la Torre de Espioca, y la Torre de Paterna, sobre la gran visita que éste tingué en lo dia cinc de Deembre [sic] ... per veure y admirar tan magnífica obra y deliciosa vista ... Carlos Quart (que Deu guart) y el señor Don Fernando de Borbó ... : (XVIII/1105).


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This master‘s thesis presents an analytical reading of Cyro dos Anjos (1906-1994)‘s novel O amanuense Belmiro (1937) and its main objective is to analyze the way some aspects of melancholy, together with the notion of memory, diary writing as well as time permeate all the narrative of this unique book in the Brazilian literary scenario. Anjos‘ novel is an atypical work in the fiction of the 1930s as it is considered a dissonant voice compared to the regional and social productions of the time it was published. Among other themes, the book depicts the relationship of man with life; the present and the past; love and frustrations and the hero in search of itself. Belmiro Borba, character-narrator, is a sentimental man, often handicapped by his inner life. For this matter, Borba decides to write a book in order to register his stories, memories, feelings, meditations and illusions. From this perspective, this research aims to deal with issues related to the aesthetics of melancholy, especially its relationship with the creative process, which belongs to Borba‘s attempt to write literature. Throughout our academic research, we used the work of Aristotle (1998), Lambotte (2000), Benjamin (2011) and Kristeva (1989) to articulate relevant issues of melancholy; Halbwachs (2006) on the concept of memory, among other theorists who were essential to the completion of this study.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica