940 resultados para Medical Image Database


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One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram


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Data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data. It is an increasingly popular field that uses statistical, visualization, machine learning, and other data manipulation and knowledge extraction techniques aimed at gaining an insight into the relationships and patterns hidden in the data. Availability of digital data within picture archiving and communication systems raises a possibility of health care and research enhancement associated with manipulation, processing and handling of data by computers.That is the basis for computer-assisted radiology development. Further development of computer-assisted radiology is associated with the use of new intelligent capabilities such as multimedia support and data mining in order to discover the relevant knowledge for diagnosis. It is very useful if results of data mining can be communicated to humans in an understandable way. In this paper, we present our work on data mining in medical image archiving systems. We investigate the use of a very efficient data mining technique, a decision tree, in order to learn the knowledge for computer-assisted image analysis. We apply our method to the classification of x-ray images for lung cancer diagnosis. The proposed technique is based on an inductive decision tree learning algorithm that has low complexity with high transparency and accuracy. The results show that the proposed algorithm is robust, accurate, fast, and it produces a comprehensible structure, summarizing the knowledge it induces.


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Due to the huge growth of the World Wide Web, medical images are now available in large numbers in online repositories, and there exists the need to retrieval the images through automatically extracting visual information of the medical images, which is commonly known as content-based image retrieval (CBIR). Since each feature extracted from images just characterizes certain aspect of image content, multiple features are necessarily employed to improve the retrieval performance. Meanwhile, experiments demonstrate that a special feature is not equally important for different image queries. Most of existed feature fusion methods for image retrieval only utilize query independent feature fusion or rely on explicit user weighting. In this paper, we present a novel query dependent feature fusion method for medical image retrieval based on one class support vector machine. Having considered that a special feature is not equally important for different image queries, the proposed query dependent feature fusion method can learn different feature fusion models for different image queries only based on multiply image samples provided by the user, and the learned feature fusion models can reflect the different importances of a special feature for different image queries. The experimental results on the IRMA medical image collection demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the retrieval performance effectively and can outperform existed feature fusion methods for image retrieval.


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We propose a novel query-dependent feature aggregation (QDFA) method for medical image retrieval. The QDFA method can learn an optimal feature aggregation function for a multi-example query, which takes into account multiple features and multiple examples with different importance. The experiments demonstrate that the QDFA method outperforms three other feature aggregation methods.


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With the development of the internet, medical images are now available in large numbers in online repositories, and there exists the need to retrieval the medical images in the content-based ways through automatically extracting visual information of the medical images. Since a single feature extracted from images just characterizes certain aspect of image content, multiple features are necessarily employed to improve the retrieval performance. Furthermore, a special feature is not equally important for different image queries since a special feature has different importance in reflecting the content of different images. However, most existed feature fusion methods for image retrieval only utilize query independent feature fusion or rely on explicit user weighting. In this paper, based on multiply query samples provided by the user, we present a novel query dependent feature fusion method for medical image retrieval based on one class support vector machine. The proposed query dependent feature fusion method for medical image retrieval can learn different feature fusion models for different image queries, and the learned feature fusion models can reflect the different importance of a special feature for different image queries. The experimental results on the IRMA medical image collection demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the retrieval performance effectively and can outperform existed feature fusion methods for image retrieval.


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We propose a novel re-ranking method for content-based medical image retrieval based on the idea of pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF). Since the highest ranked images in original retrieval results are not always relevant, a naive PRF based re-ranking approach is not capable of producing a satisfactory result. We employ a two-step approach to address this issue. In step 1, a Pearson's correlation coefficient based similarity update method is used to re-rank the high ranked images. In step 2, after estimating a relevance probability for each of the highest ranked images, a fuzzy SVM ensemble based approach is adopted to re-rank the images. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms two other re-ranking methods.


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Traditional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) scheme with assumption of independent individual images in large-scale collections suffers from poor retrieval performance. In medical applications, images usually exist in the form of image bags and each bag includes multiple relevant images of the same perceptual meaning. In this paper, based on these natural image bags, we explore a new scheme to improve the performance of medical image retrieval. It is feasible and efficient to search the bag-based medical image collection by providing a query bag. However, there is a critical problem of noisy images which may present in image bags and severely affect the retrieval performance. A new three-stage solution is proposed to perform the retrieval and handle the noisy images. In stage 1, in order to alleviate the influence of noisy images, we associate each image in the image bags with a relevance degree. In stage 2, a novel similarity aggregation method is proposed to incorporate image relevance and feature importance into the similarity computation process. In stage 3, we obtain the final image relevance in an adaptive way which can consider both image bag similarity and individual image similarity. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach can improve the image retrieval performance significantly.


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In this paper, we address a new problem of noisy images which present in the procedure of relevance feedback for medical image retrieval. We concentrate on the noisy images, caused by the users mislabeling some irrelevant images as relevant ones, and a noisy-smoothing relevance feedback (NS-RF) method is proposed. In NS-RF, a two-step strategy is proposed to handle the noisy images. In step 1, a noisy elimination algorithm is adopted to identify and eliminate the noisy images. In step 2, to further alleviate the influence of noisy images, a fuzzy membership function is employed to estimate the relevance probabilities of retained relevant images. After noisy handling, the fuzzy support vector machine, which can take into account different relevant images with different relevance probabilities, is adopted to re-rank the images. The experimental results on the IRMA medical image collection demonstrate that the proposed method can deal with the noisy images effectively.


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Lo studio dell’intelligenza artificiale si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di una classe di problemi che richiedono processi cognitivi difficilmente codificabili in un algoritmo per essere risolti. Il riconoscimento visivo di forme e figure, l’interpretazione di suoni, i giochi a conoscenza incompleta, fanno capo alla capacità umana di interpretare input parziali come se fossero completi, e di agire di conseguenza. Nel primo capitolo della presente tesi sarà costruito un semplice formalismo matematico per descrivere l’atto di compiere scelte. Il processo di “apprendimento” verrà descritto in termini della massimizzazione di una funzione di prestazione su di uno spazio di parametri per un ansatz di una funzione da uno spazio vettoriale ad un insieme finito e discreto di scelte, tramite un set di addestramento che descrive degli esempi di scelte corrette da riprodurre. Saranno analizzate, alla luce di questo formalismo, alcune delle più diffuse tecniche di artificial intelligence, e saranno evidenziate alcune problematiche derivanti dall’uso di queste tecniche. Nel secondo capitolo lo stesso formalismo verrà applicato ad una ridefinizione meno intuitiva ma più funzionale di funzione di prestazione che permetterà, per un ansatz lineare, la formulazione esplicita di un set di equazioni nelle componenti del vettore nello spazio dei parametri che individua il massimo assoluto della funzione di prestazione. La soluzione di questo set di equazioni sarà trattata grazie al teorema delle contrazioni. Una naturale generalizzazione polinomiale verrà inoltre mostrata. Nel terzo capitolo verranno studiati più nel dettaglio alcuni esempi a cui quanto ricavato nel secondo capitolo può essere applicato. Verrà introdotto il concetto di grado intrinseco di un problema. Verranno inoltre discusse alcuni accorgimenti prestazionali, quali l’eliminazione degli zeri, la precomputazione analitica, il fingerprinting e il riordino delle componenti per lo sviluppo parziale di prodotti scalari ad alta dimensionalità. Verranno infine introdotti i problemi a scelta unica, ossia quella classe di problemi per cui è possibile disporre di un set di addestramento solo per una scelta. Nel quarto capitolo verrà discusso più in dettaglio un esempio di applicazione nel campo della diagnostica medica per immagini, in particolare verrà trattato il problema della computer aided detection per il rilevamento di microcalcificazioni nelle mammografie.


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MRI-based medical image analysis for brain tumor studies is gaining attention in recent times due to an increased need for efficient and objective evaluation of large amounts of data. While the pioneering approaches applying automated methods for the analysis of brain tumor images date back almost two decades, the current methods are becoming more mature and coming closer to routine clinical application. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview by giving a brief introduction to brain tumors and imaging of brain tumors first. Then, we review the state of the art in segmentation, registration and modeling related to tumor-bearing brain images with a focus on gliomas. The objective in the segmentation is outlining the tumor including its sub-compartments and surrounding tissues, while the main challenge in registration and modeling is the handling of morphological changes caused by the tumor. The qualities of different approaches are discussed with a focus on methods that can be applied on standard clinical imaging protocols. Finally, a critical assessment of the current state is performed and future developments and trends are addressed, giving special attention to recent developments in radiological tumor assessment guidelines.


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Spinal image analysis and computer assisted intervention have emerged as new and independent research areas, due to the importance of treatment of spinal diseases, increasing availability of spinal imaging, and advances in analytics and navigation tools. Among others, multiple modality spinal image analysis and spinal navigation tools have emerged as two keys in this new area. We believe that further focused research in these two areas will lead to a much more efficient and accelerated research path, avoiding detours that exist in other applications, such as in brain and heart.


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Background Gray scale images make the bulk of data in bio-medical image analysis, and hence, the main focus of many image processing tasks lies in the processing of these monochrome images. With ever improving acquisition devices, spatial and temporal image resolution increases, and data sets become very large. Various image processing frameworks exists that make the development of new algorithms easy by using high level programming languages or visual programming. These frameworks are also accessable to researchers that have no background or little in software development because they take care of otherwise complex tasks. Specifically, the management of working memory is taken care of automatically, usually at the price of requiring more it. As a result, processing large data sets with these tools becomes increasingly difficult on work station class computers. One alternative to using these high level processing tools is the development of new algorithms in a languages like C++, that gives the developer full control over how memory is handled, but the resulting workflow for the prototyping of new algorithms is rather time intensive, and also not appropriate for a researcher with little or no knowledge in software development. Another alternative is in using command line tools that run image processing tasks, use the hard disk to store intermediate results, and provide automation by using shell scripts. Although not as convenient as, e.g. visual programming, this approach is still accessable to researchers without a background in computer science. However, only few tools exist that provide this kind of processing interface, they are usually quite task specific, and don’t provide an clear approach when one wants to shape a new command line tool from a prototype shell script. Results The proposed framework, MIA, provides a combination of command line tools, plug-ins, and libraries that make it possible to run image processing tasks interactively in a command shell and to prototype by using the according shell scripting language. Since the hard disk becomes the temporal storage memory management is usually a non-issue in the prototyping phase. By using string-based descriptions for filters, optimizers, and the likes, the transition from shell scripts to full fledged programs implemented in C++ is also made easy. In addition, its design based on atomic plug-ins and single tasks command line tools makes it easy to extend MIA, usually without the requirement to touch or recompile existing code. Conclusion In this article, we describe the general design of MIA, a general purpouse framework for gray scale image processing. We demonstrated the applicability of the software with example applications from three different research scenarios, namely motion compensation in myocardial perfusion imaging, the processing of high resolution image data that arises in virtual anthropology, and retrospective analysis of treatment outcome in orthognathic surgery. With MIA prototyping algorithms by using shell scripts that combine small, single-task command line tools is a viable alternative to the use of high level languages, an approach that is especially useful when large data sets need to be processed.


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Although a vast amount of life sciences data is generated in the form of images, most scientists still store images on extremely diverse and often incompatible storage media, without any type of metadata structure, and thus with no standard facility with which to conduct searches or analyses. Here we present a solution to unlock the value of scientific images. The Global Image Database (GID) is a web-based (http://www.g wer.ch/qv/gid/gid.htm) structured central repository for scientific annotated images. The GID was designed to manage images from a wide spectrum of imaging domains ranging from microscopy to automated screening. The annotations in the GID define the source experiment of the images by describing who the authors of the experiment are, when the images were created, the biological origin of the experimental sample and how the sample was processed for visualization. A collection of experimental imaging protocols provides details of the sample preparation, and labeling, or visualization procedures. In addition, the entries in the GID reference these imaging protocols with the probe sequences or antibody names used in labeling experiments. The GID annotations are searchable by field or globally. The query results are first shown as image thumbnail previews, enabling quick browsing prior to original-sized annotated image retrieval. The development of the GID continues, aiming at facilitating the management and exchange of image data in the scientific community, and at creating new query tools for mining image data.


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Current image database metadata schemas require users to adopt a specific text-based vocabulary. Text-based metadata is good for searching but not for browsing. Existing image-based search facilities, on the other hand, are highly specialised and so suffer similar problems. Wexelblat's semantic dimensional spatial visualisation schemas go some way towards addressing this problem by making both searching and browsing more accessible to the user in a single interface. But the question of how and what initial metadata to enter a database remains. Different people see different things in an image and will organise a collection in equally diverse ways. However, we can find some similarity across groups of users regardless of their reasoning. For example, a search on Amazon.com returns other products also, based on an averaging of how users navigate the database. In this paper, we report on applying this concept to a set of images for which we have visualised them using traditional methods and the Amazon.com method. We report on the findings of this comparative investigation in a case study setting involving a group of randomly selected participants. We conclude with the recommendation that in combination, the traditional and averaging methods would provide an enhancement to current database visualisation, searching, and browsing facilities.


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An approach to building a CBIR-system for searching computer tomography images using the methods of wavelet-analysis is presented in this work. The index vectors are constructed on the basis of the local features of the image and on their positions. The purpose of the proposed system is to extract visually similar data from the individual personal records and from analogous analysis of other patients.