989 resultados para Maya calendar
n.s. no.38(2006)
El estudio analiza y compara las percepciones y conocimientos ambientales que estudiantes de primaria del municipio maya de Felipe Carrillo Puerto tienen sobre la vecina Reserva de la Biósfera de Sian Ka’an (RBSK) en términos de biodiversidad, con el fin de evaluar y elaborar programas de Educación Ambiental (EA) dirigidos a promover la protección de este espacio natural. Se analizan dibujos, cuestionarios y encuestas recogidos en tres comunidades maya que difieren en su proximidad a la RBSK y en su nivel de urbanización. Los resultados indican que los niños en general desconocen la RBSK y la biodiversidad de la zona. Para aumentar el conocimiento ambiental de los alumnos se propone potenciar el conocimiento vivencial, mantener la lengua y cultura maya y el contacto de ésta con la naturaleza y potenciar la afinidad del maestro por la temática ambiental y por la RBSK.
This annual analysis of data provides an overview of HIV and STI epidemiology in Northern Ireland for the calendar year 2009. Information from a variety of sources is collated and analysed in detail, while any evident trends over time are highlightedwithgraphs and tables. As well as a general summary of STI diagnoses and a number of overall conclusions, the report looks specifically at each of the following STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and HIV.
This annual analysis of data provides an overview of HIV and STI epidemiology in Northern Ireland for the calendar year 2010. Information from a variety of sources is collated and analysed in detail, while any evident trends over time are highlighted�with�graphs and tables. As well as a general summary of STI diagnoses and a number of overall conclusions, the report looks specifically at each of the following STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and HIV.
This report aims to provide an overview of HIV epidemiology in Northern Ireland by collating and analysing information from a number of sources. Although it reflects epidemiological trends over time, its main focus will be on data collected in 2012.
This annual analysis of data provides an overview of HIV and STI epidemiology in Northern Ireland for the calendar year 2009. Information from a variety of sources is collated and analysed in detail, while any evident trends over time are highlighted�with�graphs and tables. As well as a general summary of STI diagnoses and a number of overall conclusions, the report looks specifically at each of the following STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and HIV.
This paper examines the synergism among diet, disease, and ecology at two related coastal Maya sites in Belize (Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro) for the Postclassic and Historic periods (1350-1650 AD), which immediately follow the Classic period collapse. Stable carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios in collagen and stable carbon-isotope ratios in structural carbonate were analysed for bones from 65 humans and a wide variety of faunal species. There are no apparent differences in whole diets or degree of carnivory between individuals with lesions indicative of anemia and those without, but those with lesions appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods and protein from lower trophic levels. Non-specific infection (periostitis) and vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) are also present in high frequencies and appear to co-occur with lesions indicative of anemia, particularly in childhood. Individuals with scurvy also appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods than normal individuals. Spondyloarthropathy is common in adults. These findings are discussed in light of: (1) the debate on how anemia versus scurvy are manifest and diagnosed, (2) Spanish ethnohistoric descriptions of the poor state of Maya health at the time of contact, and (3) the Osteological Paradox. We suggest that although this coastal environment exacerbated morbidity because of possible parasitic infection, the inhabitants were probably able to survive physiological stresses better than either their inland contemporaries or their modern counterparts.
El projecte s’emmarca dins els estudis que fa el Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de Cuba. Aquest organisme realitza un monitoreig ambiental integral de les platges, avaluant aspectes estructurals, morfològics i dinàmics, estat de la vegetació i qualitat de l’aigua. El projecte es centra en el monitoreig ambiental de l’aigua de les platges, que té com a propòsit fonamental valorar, observar i controlar el recurs aigua per protegir, conservar i millorar la seva qualitat. Es pretén analitzar puntualment i evolutivament la qualitat sanitària de les platges utilitzant la Norma Cubana com a límit establert. Per determinar aquesta qualitat es tenen en compte diferents indicadors físico-químics i microbiològics i també aspectes estètics
Employers in Iowa with 1,000 or more Employees Based on 2002 Calendar Year. Annual data ofr the State of Iowa produced by Iowa Workforce Development.
The following information summarizes the major statistical trends relative to Iowa’s GED testing program for calendar year 2001
The Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) was created by the Iowa Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2005 as Senate File 200. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member Board conducted eight meetings throughout the year in-person or via teleconference. Meetings were held January 24, February 27, March 13, May 15, August 7, September 20, October 6, and December 18. Attachment 3 lists the board members and their organization affiliation. The Board appointed a five-member subcommittee to review and revise the Request For Applications (RFA) documents and submit recommendations to the full Board. The RFA documents were approved as modified at the May 15, 2006 Board meeting.