768 resultados para Masculine sexuality


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Several problematic aspects of women's paid employment - e.g. low pay and lack of promotional opportunities - are exacerbated by the segregation of women and men into different occupations. In this article, the potential of in-store equal opportunities policies to break down such gender segregation will be explored, through consideration of the existence and implementation of these policies in twenty-two multinational retail companies in Dublin and Paris. It will be argued that, with one notable exception, the instore equal opportunities policies are effectively neutralized, and furthermore are neutralized in nationally specific ways which can be related to differences between France and Ireland in the organization of labour-market regulation and in women's labour-force participation (LFP). The case-study findings also suggest that the 'country' variable has a stronger effect on the existence and implementation of these policies than the extent of a shop's links to an overseas headquarters. The findings of this study have implications for both the equity of women's incorporation into the paid labour force and understanding of aspects of HRM in branches of multinational companies.


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Ganoderma boninense was determined to be heterothallic and tetrapolar with multiple alleles at both mating type loci. Mycelial interactions amongst siblings were assessed to determine if closely related isolates of G. boninense exhibited vegetative incompatibility. Interactions amongst monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelia generally grouped into four categories ranging from strong antagonism to the absence of antagonism. Pairing of dikaryotic mycelia always resulted in antagonism and the degree of antagonism generally correlated with the relatedness of the isolates. Genetically different dikaryons therefore constitute discrete individuals. This is the first report of such interactions in G. boninense and these findings provide the basis for further studies on natural populations of this species.


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Study objective: To assess the representativeness of survey participants by systematically comparing volunteers in a national health and sexuality survey with the Australian population in terms of self reported health status (including the SF-36) and a wide range of demographic characteristics. Design: A cross sectional sample of Australian residents were compared with demographic data from the 1996 Australian census and health data from the 1995 National Health Survey. Setting: The Australian population. Participants: A stratified random sample of adults aged 18-59 years drawn from the Australian electoral roll, a compulsory register of voters. Interviews were completed with 1784 people, representing 40% of those initially selected (58% of those for whom a valid telephone number could be located). Main results: Participants were of similar age and sex to the national population. Consistent with prior research, respondents had higher socioeconomic status, more education, were more likely to be employed, and less likely to be immigrants. The prevalence estimates, means, and variances of self reported mental and physical health measures (for example, SF-36 subscales, women's health indicators, current smoking status) were similar to population norms. Conclusions: These findings considerably strengthen inferences about the representativeness of data on health status from volunteer samples used in health and sexuality surveys.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Média Interativos


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The links between gender, sex and sexuality and their relevance are theoretically and politically problematic (Richardson, 2007). One of the difficulties in understanding their interconnections is that these terms are often used differently and ambiguously by different authors (and even by the same authors). This article reports the results of an analysis of the articles published in open access communication journals with known impact factor, edited in Portugal and published between 2005 and 2012. The diverse conceptualisations of those three basic concepts and of their (inter)relationships within communication research are identified. The complexity and the intricate (and often implicit) nature of both the meanings of these categories and their relationships underlie and justify our attention and further research. What the findings suggest about the current communication research into gender issues published in the two journals surveyed is that the ‘Gender differences discourse’ (Sunderland, 2004) is the most pervasive discourse (also) in academic practice. Additionally, they show that gender and sex are mainly taken for a fact, not a question that is worth being studied. The editors of these journals, as well as the scholars submitting manuscripts, need to be more aware of the traditional nature of the theoretical and methodological choices that they make regarding gender- and sex-related issues, as well as of the relative lack of attention to sexuality as a research subject.


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On few occasions, Phytomonas davidi (McGhee & Postell isolate) cultures in LIT (liver infusion-tryptose) medium around 27oC presented, as seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a set of peculiar morphological features, among them being noticeable the pairs of apposed cells attached by their posterior ends, where occurred a stained line and/or a dilatation, usually bulb-like in shape; sometimes this dilatation could occupy one of the cells or hold both together. In some pairs, the nucleus of each parasite seemed migrating towards the other, entering into such dilatation; in others, both nuclei were inside it, sometimes in close proximity or seeming fused; peculiar chromatin arrangements involving both nuclei were occasionally observed. Several mono or binucleate round forms bearing one or two flagella, as well as flagellate slender cells without nucleus were concomitantly seen there. In some instances, an intriguing small stained body occurred beside a single large nucleus, either in pairs presenting the bulb-like structure or in round cells. These cytological findings seemed steps of a dynamic process suggesting sexuality, since in several of them nuclear interactions following fusion of two parasites appeared to occur


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In five experiments, Leishmania (Leishmania) major (MRHO/SU/59/P-strain) grew poorly when seeded in FYTS medium supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum, but presented several peculiar pairs of promastigotes diametrically opposed and attached at their posterior ends (5.8-13.5%). As seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a ring-like line and/or an enlargement, generally occurred at the parasite junction. A close proximity of nuclei, which sometimes were difficult to distinguish from each other, was also observed at this junction. Several of these pairs appeared to be composed of fused cells in which the nuclei could be apparently fused, as shown by fluorescence microscopy to detect ß-tubulin and DNA, and by scanning electron microscopy. Under other culture conditions these pairs were absent or occurred at very low rates (0.2-2.2%). Such pairs differ markedly from longitudinally dividing cells and resemble those described in two other Leishmania species, as well as in Herpetomonas megaseliae and Phytomonas davidi, suggesting steps of a putative sexual process


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La Suisse de 1939 à 1945 se caractérise par une relative tolérance envers l'homosexualité. Depuis 1942, le Code pénal suisse dépénalise les relations entre adultes consentant·e·s dans l'ensemble de la Confédération. Zurich accueille la seule association homosexuelle existant au monde durant ces années.¦Cette image d'Épinal a longtemps rendu invisibles les vécus quotidiens de l'homosexualité. Cet ouvrage offre un regard inédit en se fondant sur des sources jusqu'alors inexplorées provenant de la justice militaire. Le Code pénal militaire punit en effet les relations sexuelles entre hommes depuis 1928, et la mobilisation générale amène à un paroxysme permettant de dévoiler un ordinaire habituellement masqué. Quelque 120 affaires sont instruites par la justice militaire avec le concours des polices militaires et civiles, des autorités communales et, parfois, du Service sanitaire de l'armée ou de médecins civils. Ces affaires permettent de mettre en évidence, au-delà de l'interdiction de l'homosexualité au sein de la troupe, une marge de liberté dans les grandes villes, mais aussi la surveillance policière et un opprobre social tenace.¦La relative tolérance envers l'homosexualité s'inscrit comme un compromis entre un progressisme et un conservatisme politique, juridique, voire médical, qui diffère selon les régions du pays ou l'origine sociale des prévenus.


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The International Longevity Centre - UK��launched a new paper (Wednesday, 6th July 2011). The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care homes, provides care home workers and managers with information and practical advice on this complex, controversial and sensitive issue.The need for affection, intimacy and relationships for people with dementia in care homes has too often been ignored and side-lined in policy and practice. The onset of old age or a cognitive impairment does not erase the need for affection, intimacy and/or relationships. While the issues involved can be complex, controversial and sensitive and may challenge our own beliefs and value system, it is essential that we understand more about them to foster a more person-centred approach to dementia care. Care home residents with dementia often have complex care needs and trying to understand and respond to the more intimate and sexual aspects of a resident’s personality can be challenging.Aimed at care home workers and managers, the guide not only provides essential information on this aspect of dementia care but offers practical advice to support current work-based practices. Set out in an accessible and easy-to-read format, this guide includes case studies, questions, suggestions and a self assessment quiz to promote easy learning. It also provides a possible pathway for care home managers to develop a guiding policy on sexual expression in dementia.The guide for care staff is summarised in 10 key points:1. Some residents with dementia will have sexual or sensual needs.2. Affection and intimacy contribute to overall health and wellbeing for residents.3. Some residents with dementia will have the capacity to make decisions about their needs.4. If an individual in care is not competent to decide, the home has a duty of care towards the individual to ensure they are protected from harm.5. There are no hard and fast rules. Assess each situation on an individual basis6. Remember not everyone with dementia is heterosexual.7. Inappropriate sexual behaviour is not particularly common in dementia.8. Confront your own attitudes and behaviour towards older people and sex generally.9. Communicate – look at how you can improve communication with your colleagues, managers, residents and carers on this subject10. Look after yourself and remember your own needs as a care professional��The full paper is available: The Last Taboo


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Improvement in cancer treatments resulted in an increased number of men surviving cancer. Quality of life has become an important issue in these patients. Anti cancer treatments might have transient or definitive harmful effects on male fertility. Sperm cryoconservation is currently the only proven method to preserve fertility in patients undergoing oncologic treatment. It should be proposed to every patient at reproductive age before chemotherapy, radiotherapy or any surgery involving reproductive tract. Despite low use rate, this simple method could allow patients presenting infertility after treatment to father a child.


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Le diagnostic de stérilité masculine ne doit plus reposer sur les seuls outils diagnostiques habituels (spermiogramme, examens urologiques), mais sur des investigations andrologiques et génétiques spécifiques. L'injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes (ICSI) permet d'obtenir une fécondation in vitro au moyen de spermatozoïdes équivalents en nombre à celui des ovocytes prélevés (soit 10 en moyenne). Seuls des patients dûment investigués et informés doivent être traités. Les investigations visent à éviter la transmission de maladies génétiques à l'origine de la stérilité. Seule la collaboration d'une équipe soignante multidisciplinaire autorise une prise en charge adéquate.