1000 resultados para Marriott, Williams McKim, 1885-1936.


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El presente libro “es el árbol de vida en flor de ideales y amores” de su autora Prudencia Ayala, con el deseo de que los lectores lo guarden como germen que produce bien, y fue escrito por el deseo que inspiraba a su creadora y lo dejo libre y huérfano de apoyo al criterio de los intelectuales, para que ellos lo absuelvan o lo condenen con su fallo justiciero


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Contains also: Charge to the pastor, by Rev. Gardner B. Perry, p. [31]-33; Fellowship of the churches, by Rev. Milton P. Braman, p. [34]-35.


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In the early twentieth century, musicology was established as an academic discipline in the United States. Nonetheless, with the exception of Iberian medieval and Renaissance repertories, U.S. scholars largely overlooked the music of the Spanish- and Portuguese- speaking world. Why should this have been the case, especially in light of Spain’s strong historical presence in the United States? This autobiographical essay examines this question by tracing the career of an individual musicologist, the Hispanist musicologist Carol A. Hess. Evaluated here are disciplinary shifts in U.S. musicology —methodological, philosophical, and ideological— over the past thirty years. These transformations have combined to make this repertory a viable field of study today. Musicologists in the United States can now make their careers by specializing in Iberian and Latin American music, as well as the music of the Hispanic diaspora. They research topics ranging from the avant-garde composer Llorenç Barber to the rapper Nach Scratch or the popular bandleader Xavier Cugat and his U.S. audiences of the 1940s, while others also pursue the time-tested areas of medieval and Renaissance music. Iberian and Latin American music is regularly offered in postsecondary institutions while instructors now have a variety of textbooks and other pedagogical resources from which to choose. All add up to a disciplinary freedom that would have been unthinkable only a few decades ago.


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Moreira, A, Arsati, F, de Oliveira Lima-Arsati, YB, de Freitas, CG, and de Araujo, VC. Salivary immunoglobulin a responses in professional top-level futsal players. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 1932-1936, 2011-The purpose of this study was to investigate the responses of salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) in 10 professional top-level Brazilian futsal players after 2 highly competitive games separated by 7 days. Unstimulated saliva was collected over a 5-minute period at PRE- and POST-match. The SIgA was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the absolute concentration (SIgAabs) and secretion rate of IgA (SIgArate). Rate of perceived exertion and heart rate were used to monitor the exercise intensity. A 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures showed nonsignificant differences between matches to SIgAabs, SIgArate, and saliva flow rate (p > 0.05). However, significant time differences were observed for all these parameters. In summary, we showed that a competitive training match induced a decrease in SIgA levels in top-level futsal players, which suggests an increment of the vulnerability to infections meditated by the training stimulus. This decrease suggests that the athletes were at an increased risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection, and therefore, it could be necessary to take protective actions to minimize contact with cold viruses or even reduce the training load for athletes.


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The genera Lobatocreadium, Pseudocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are redefined and host lists given. Provisional keys to species of Lobatocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are presented. The following species are described from (1) the Great Barrier Reef: Lobatocreadium exiguum from Balistapus undulatus and Sufflamen bursa; Hypocreadium cavum n. sp. from Abalistes stellatus (type-host) and Cantheschenia grandisquamis; H. grandisquamis n. sp. from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; Dermadena spatiosa n. sp, from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; and (2) southwestern Australia: D. stirlingi n. sp. from Meeschenia hippocrepis. The following new combinations are made: Lobatocreadium vitellosum (Ozaki, 1936) n. comb. (originally Leptocreadium); Hypocrendium balistes (Nagaty, 1942) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. biminensis (Sogandares-Bernal, 1959) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. indicum (Madhavi, 1972) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); and H. galapagoensis (Manter, 1945) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium). Several nominal species of Pseudocreadium and Hypocreadium are considered incertae sedis.


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Microsatellites are difficult to recover from large plant genomes so cross-specific utilisation is an important source of markers. Fifty micro satellites were tested for cross-specific amplification and polymorphism to two New World hard pine species, slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (R caribaea var. hondurensis). Twenty-nine (58%) markers amplified in both hard pine species, and 23 of these 29 were polymorphic. Soft pine (subgenus Strobus) microsatellite markers did amplify, but none were polymorphic. Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and R caribaea var. hondurensis showed mutational changes in the flanking regions and the repeat motif that were informative for Pinus spp. phylogenetic relationships. Most allele length variation could be attributed to variability in repeat unit number. There was no evidence for ascertainment bias.


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The rheological behaviour of nine unprocessed Australian honeys was investigated for the applicability of the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) model. The viscosity of the honeys was obtained over a range of shear rates (0.01-40 s(-1)) from 2degrees to 40 degreesC, and all the honeys exhibited Newtonian behaviour with viscosity reducing as the temperature was increased. The honeys with high moisture were of lower viscosity, The glass transition temperatures of the honeys, as measured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), ranged from -40degrees to -46 degreesC, and four models (WLF. Arrhenius, Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF), and power-law) were investigated to describe the temperature dependence of the viscosity. The WLF was the most suitable and the correlation coefficient averaged 0.999 +/- 0.0013 as against 0.996 +/- 0.0042 for the Arrhenius model while the mean relative deviation modulus was 0-12% for the WLF model and 10-40% for the Arrhenius one. With the universal values for the WLF constants, the temperature dependence of the viscosity was badly predicted. From non-linear regression analysis, the constants of the WLF models for the honeys were obtained (C-1 = 13.7-21.1: C-2 = 55.9-118.7) and are different from the universal values. These WLF constants will be valuable for adequate modeling of the rheology of the honeys, and they can be used to assess the temperature sensitivity of the honeys. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Busca compreender a participação de 23 professoras normalistas formadas no Curso de Educação Física do Espírito Santo, na década de 1930, na escolarização da disciplina. Objetiva analisar como elas significaram sua presença como professoras e autoras da Educação Física capixaba. Como referencial teórico, utiliza os conceitos de lutas de representações (CHARTIER, 1990), estratégia e táticas (CERTEAU, 1994) e do paradigma indiciário (GINZBURG, 1999). Metodologicamente, faz uso da crítica documental (BLOCH, 2001). Como fontes, mobiliza documentos da Escola Normal, do Colégio Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, do Arquivo Permanente do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Cefd/Ufes) (1931-1961), documentos do Arquivo Público do Estado do Espírito Santo, a Revista de Educação (1934-1937), o Diário da Manhã (1908-1937) e a revista Vida Capichaba (1923-1959). O Curso de Educação Física foi criado em 1931 e mantido por militares formados no Centro Militar de Educação Física. Apesar de a historiografia apontar o curso como espaço de irradiação de uma pretensa militarização e esportivização da Educação Física, os achados indicam outros intuitos. Essas outras intencionalidades são percebidas por meio de monografias produzidas pelos primeiros docentes formados no curso que, em sua maioria, eram mulheres. Foi possível perceber as apropriações e os usos realizados da cultura em circulação pelas alunas para a construção de seus trabalhos finais, que foram divulgados em impressos locais. Com as publicações, as mulheres alcançaram destaque e passaram a ocupar cadeiras em importantes instituições educacionais da região. Ao dar visibilidade à atuação das 23 professoras de Educação Física, torna-se possível perceber como elas fizeram uso de um capital simbólico acumulado ao longo de suas carreiras como professoras, autoras, enfim, como mulheres que se moviam de forma tática em meio aos discursos que buscavam determinar seus papéis sociais.