104 resultados para Marl.


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Critical bed shear stress for incipient motion has been determined for biogenic free-living coralline algae known as maërl. Maërl from three different sedimentary environments (beach, intertidal, and open marine) in Galway Bay, west of Ireland have been analysed in a rotating annular flume and linear flume. Velocity profile measurements of the benthic boundary layer, using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, have been obtained in four different velocity experiments. The bed shear stress has been determined using three methods: Law of the Wall, Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Reynolds Stress. The critical Shields parameter has been estimated as a non-dimensional mobility number and the results have been compared with the Shields curve for natural sand. Maërl particles fall below this curve because its greater angularity allows grains to be mobilised easier than hydraulically equivalent particles. From previous work, the relationship between grain shape and the settling velocity of maërl suggests that the roughness is greatest for intertidal maërl particles. During critical shear stress determinations, beds of such rough particles exhibited the greatest critical shear stress probably because the particle thalli interlocked and resisted entrainment. The Turbulent Kinetic Energy methodology gives the most consistent results, agreeing with previous comparative studies. Rarely-documented maërl megaripples were observed in the rotating annular flume and are hypothesised to form at velocities ~10 cm s-1 higher than the critical threshold velocity, where tidal currents, oscillatory flow or combined-wave current interaction results in the preferential transport of maërl. A determination of the critical bed shear stress of maërl allows its mobility and rate of erosion and deposition to be evaluated spatially in subsequent applications to biological conservation management.


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The load–frequency control (LFC) problem has been one of the major subjects in a power system. In practice, LFC systems use proportional–integral (PI) controllers. However since these controllers are designed using a linear model, the non-linearities of the system are not accounted for and they are incapable of gaining good dynamical performance for a wide range of operating conditions in a multi-area power system. A strategy for solving this problem because of the distributed nature of a multi-area power system is presented by using a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) approach. It consists of two agents in each power area; the estimator agent provides the area control error (ACE) signal based on the frequency bias estimation and the controller agent uses reinforcement learning to control the power system in which genetic algorithm optimisation is used to tune its parameters. This method does not depend on any knowledge of the system and it admits considerable flexibility in defining the control objective. Also, by finding the ACE signal based on the frequency bias estimation the LFC performance is improved and by using the MARL parallel, computation is realised, leading to a high degree of scalability. Here, to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed approach, a three-area power system example is given with two scenarios.


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Optimal control of traffic lights at junctions or traffic signal control (TSC) is essential for reducing the average delay experienced by the road users amidst the rapid increase in the usage of vehicles. In this paper, we formulate the TSC problem as a discounted cost Markov decision process (MDP) and apply multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms to obtain dynamic TSC policies. We model each traffic signal junction as an independent agent. An agent decides the signal duration of its phases in a round-robin (RR) manner using multi-agent Q-learning with either is an element of-greedy or UCB 3] based exploration strategies. It updates its Q-factors based on the cost feedback signal received from its neighbouring agents. This feedback signal can be easily constructed and is shown to be effective in minimizing the average delay of the vehicles in the network. We show through simulations over VISSIM that our algorithms perform significantly better than both the standard fixed signal timing (FST) algorithm and the saturation balancing (SAT) algorithm 15] over two real road networks.


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Research has proven that Shoreline Erosion is caused by excess water contained within the shore face. This Research presents an opportunity to control erosion by managing the near shore water table. Our Research on Bogue Banks North Carolina suggests that our buildings and other impervious surfaces collect and concentrate water from storm rain runoff into the surface water table and within the critical beach front water exit point. Presently our Potable Fresh Water is supplied from deep wells located beneath an impervious layer of Marl. After our use, the Waste water is drained into the Surface Aquifer, the combined waste and storm rain water raises the Surface Aquifer water table and produces Erosion. The Deep Aquifers presently supplying our Potable Water have an unknown recharge rate, with increasing reports of Salt Water intrusion. We believe our Vital Fresh water supply system should be modified to supply Reverse Osmosis treatment plants from shallow wells. This will lower the Surface Water Table. These Shallow wells, either horizontal or vertical, might be located within the beach front, adjacent to high erosion risk properties. Beach Drains and Reverse Osmosis Water systems are new and proven technologies. By combining these technologies we can reduce or reverse Shore Erosion, ensure a safe Potable Water supply, reduce requirements for periodic beach nourishment, reduce taxes and protect our property well into the Future. (PDF contains 5 pages)


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Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms face two main difficulties: the curse of dimensionality, and environment non-stationarity due to the independent learning processes carried out by the agents concurrently. In this paper we formalize and prove the convergence of a Distributed Round Robin Q-learning (D-RR-QL) algorithm for cooperative systems. The computational complexity of this algorithm increases linearly with the number of agents. Moreover, it eliminates environment non sta tionarity by carrying a round-robin scheduling of the action selection and execution. That this learning scheme allows the implementation of Modular State-Action Vetoes (MSAV) in cooperative multi-agent systems, which speeds up learning convergence in over-constrained systems by vetoing state-action pairs which lead to undesired termination states (UTS) in the relevant state-action subspace. Each agent's local state-action value function learning is an independent process, including the MSAV policies. Coordination of locally optimal policies to obtain the global optimal joint policy is achieved by a greedy selection procedure using message passing. We show that D-RR-QL improves over state-of-the-art approaches, such as Distributed Q-Learning, Team Q-Learning and Coordinated Reinforcement Learning in a paradigmatic Linked Multi-Component Robotic System (L-MCRS) control problem: the hose transportation task. L-MCRS are over-constrained systems with many UTS induced by the interaction of the passive linking element and the active mobile robots.


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A produção acadêmica motivada pela epidemia de HIV e Aids impulsionou as pesquisas relativas à sexualidade configurando novos campos de investigação, em especial sobre os gays. No entanto, não é significativa no Brasil a produção acadêmica que aborde a vulnerabilidade às DSTs a partir da identidade lésbica. A saúde sexual das mulheres presumidamente heterossexuais tendeu a permanecer subsumida à exclusiva preocupação com a reprodução ao longo da trajetória das políticas de atenção à saúde das mulheres, mesmo frente à Aids. De forma ainda mais acentuada que a sexualidade feminina heterossexual, a homossexualidade feminina tendeu à invisibilidade na sociedade brasileira e frente ao discurso médico-ginecológico. O advento da epidemia contribuiu para a manutenção desta invisibilidade por força da crença de que o corpo lésbico seria o único infenso à infecção pela via sexual. Nesta tese busca-se compreender a transformação discursiva do corpo lésbico dos primeiros tempos da epidemia até hoje. Mais especificamente, como um corpo imune à epidemia está calcada na idéia de que a vulnerabilidade das lésbicas é o passaporte para a afirmação/inclusão de um dado marco identitário na agenda de políticas públicas. Nesse sentido, o campo em que se desenha a disputa do corpo lésbico face às DST/Aids é marcado pela tensão entre prática sexual e identidade sexual.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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Contient : 1 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX au « Sr de Montmorency, mareschal de France... A Thoulouse, le VIIIe jour de fevrier 1565 » ; 2 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX au « duc de Nevers, pair de France... A Chaune, le XVIIIe jour de aoust 1567 » ; 3 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX au « duc de Nevers,... lieutenant general delà les montz... A Chaune, le XVIIIe jour de aoust 1567 » ; 4 Lettre de « CATERINE » DE MEDICIS au duc de Nevers, « A Chaune, le XXme jour de aoust 1567 » ; 5 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans [Menaud de Martres]... A Nogent sur Seine, le VIIe jour d'avril M. V.C. XLVIII, apres Pasques » ; 6 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX au « duc de Nevers,... A Paris, le cinquiesme jour de juing 1572 » ; 7 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [DE CLEVES]... à monseigneur de Rasay, cappitaine et gouverneur de Maisieres... A Chaallons, ce XVIIe jour d'apvril 1548 » ; 8 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY [connétable de France]... à monseigneur [l'évêque] de Conserans... De Amboise, le IIIIe jour d'avril » ; 9 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans... D'Amboise, le XIIIe jour d'avril » ; 10 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Fere en Tardenois, ce XXIIIe avril » ; 11 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans... De Chantilly, le XIIIe jour de may » ; 12 Copie d'une lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCI » à « monseigneur de Conserans,... A Paris, ce VIIIe de may mil V.C. XLVII » ; 13 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Chantilly, le XXIe jour de juillet » ; 14 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY » à « monseigneur de Conserans,... De Berryseau, le XXIIIIe juillet » ; 15 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Braye Conte Robert, le XVIIe jour de juillet » ; 16 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur [l']evesque de Conserans,... De Charenton, ce jour de Nostre Dame de septembre » ; 17 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans,... De Fontainebleau, ce XXVIIe jour de septembre 1547 » ; 18 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Chantilly, ce dernier jour de septembre » ; 19 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Chantilly, ce XXIIIe jour d'octobre » ; 20 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans,... De Poissy, ce XXIIIIe octobre » ; 21 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Cozerans,... De Fontainebleau, ce dernier jour d'octobre » ; 22 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... D'Escouen, le IIIe jour de novembre » ; 23 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Chantilly, ce VIe jour de novembre » ; 24 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans,... De Yere lez Nonnains, le VIIe jour de novembre » ; 25 Lettre de « JEHAN [DE BUZ], e[vêque] de Meaulx... à monseigneur de Coserans,... De Villemarueil, ce quatriesme jour de may mil cinq cens quarante deux » ; 26 Lettre de « GUY [XVII, comte] DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur... de Coserans,... A Paris, ce VIe de febvrier M.V.C.XLI » ; 27 Lettre de « GUY [XVII, comte] DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Vitré, le XXIXe jour de mars mil V.C. quarente et ung » ; 28 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Fontaynebleau, le Xe jour de novembre V.C.XL » ; 29 Lettre de « GUY [XVII, comte] DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Paris, le XVe jour de febvrier » ; 30 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Bloys, ce VIIIe jour de mars, l'an mil V.C.XL » ; 31 Reçu délivré par « GUY, conte DE LAVAL », à « Menault de Marthory, evesque de Coserans,... A Coloummiers en Brye, le dernier jour de mars, l'an mil cinq cens quarante trois, apres Pasques » ; 32 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Bloys, ce VIIIme jour de mars » ; 33 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Bloys, ce XIe jour de mars » ; 34 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Villanche, ce XXVIIIme jour de mars » ; 35 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Vitré, le IIIe jour de may » ; 36 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Vitré, le Xe de may » ; 37 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Chastellerault, ce quatriesme juing » ; 38 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Chastellerault, ce XVe juing » ; 39 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A l'abbaye de Trouare, ce XXVe juung M. V.C.XLV » ; 40 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Longjumeau, ce XVIe juillet » ; 41 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Paris, le dernier jour d'octobre » ; 42 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Fere, ce dymanche VIe jour de novembre » ; 43 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Paris, ce XIXe novembre » ; 44 Copie d'une lettre du connétable ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur le conte de Laval,... D'Amboyse, ce XIIe avril 1540 » ; 45 Copie d'une lettre de l'évêque de « Coserans [MENAUD DE MARTRES]... à madame de Laval,... A Colomyers, ce XXVIe séptembre mil V.C.XLVII » ; 46 Lettre de « GUY DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur le duc de Nyvernoys,... A Lorriz, ce Xe jour de may 1554 » ; 47 Lettre de « RENEE DE LORRAINE [abbesse de Saint-Pierre de Reims]... à monsieur le duc de Nevers,... De Reims, ce XIXe de jeung 1554 » ; 48 Lettre de « JEHAN DE BRETAYGNE [duc d'Étampes]... à monsieur le duc de Nyvernoys,... De Maulepvrier, ce IIIIe jour de novembre 1554 » ; 49 Lettre de « MADELENE DE MAILLY,... à madame la duchesse de Nevers,... De Roucy, ce XVe jour de febvrier 1558 » ; 50 Lettre de « RENE DE MAILLY,... à monseigneur le duc de Nivernois,... De Monstreul, le XVIIe de febvrier 1558 » ; 51 Lettre de « CHANTEREAU,... à monseigneur le duc de Nevers,... De Villiers Costeretz, ce VIIIe de mars 1558 » ; 52 Lettres des gens de « conseil aux comptes à Nevers... à monseigneur » le duc de Nevers. « De Nevers, ce penultime jour de mars 1559 » ; 53 Lettre de « CHARLES DE ROUCY, e[vêque] de Soissons... à monseigneur le duc de Nivernois,... A Reims, ce XXIIe de septembre 1559 » ; 54 Lettre de « DE ROCHECHOUART,... à monseigneur le duc de Nyvernoys,... De Rems, ce XXIIIe jour de septembre V.C.LIX » ; 55 Lettre de « CHARLES DU MOLIN,... à monseigneur le duc de Nyvernoys,... De Paris, ce Xe janvier 1560 » ; 56 Lettre de « D'ESTAMPLE,... à monseigneur de La Herbaudure,... receveur general des finances de monseigneur [le duc de Nevers]... De Annet, le XXe jour de janvier 1560 » ; 57 Lettre de « GUILLAUME DE CROY,... à madame la marquise de Rynel,... A Chierves, le XXVIIe de janvyer 1560 » ; 58 Lettre de « KATERINE DE CLAI[VES]... à madame la comtesse de Senighan,... De Joinville, ce XIIIe jour de febvrier 1560 » ; 59 Lettre d'« ANTHOINETTE [DE BOURBON]... à madame la contesse de Senighan,... De Joinville, ce XIIIIe jour de febvrier 1560 » ; 60 Lettre des gens du « conseil aux comptes à Nevers... à monseigneur [le duc de Nevers]... De Nevers, ce XXIXe jour de may 1560 » ; 61 Lettre des gens du « conseil et des comptes à Nevers... à monsieur le bailly de Nivernoys... De Nevers, ce XXIXe jour de may 1560 » ; 62 Lettre de « LAMOIGNON,... à monseigneur [le duc de Nevers]... De Paris, ce XXVIIe janvier » ; 63 Lettre des gens du conseil des « comptes à Nevers... à monseigneur [le duc de Nevers]... De Nevers, ce VIe jour de jung 1561 » ; 64 Lettre de « HAVIRLET,... à monsieur Lamaignon,... A Hambye, ce XIe de juing 1561 » ; 65 État des revenus du roi d'Espagne, « Don Felipe », en l'année 1562. En espagnol ; 66 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [II DE NEVERS]... à La Herbaudure,... A St Germain, le XIIIIe jour d'aoust 1562 » ; 67 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [II DE NEVERS]... à La Herbaudure,... De St Germain en Laye, le penultime jour d'aoust 1562 » ; 68 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [II DE NEVERS]... à La Herbaudure,... A St Germain en Laye, le Ve jour de septembre 1562 » ; 69 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur le prince de Portian,... De Troyes, le dernier jour de mars 1563 » ; 70 Lettre de « ROBERT DE LA MARK [duc DE BOUILLON]... à... monsieur le prince de Portian,... De Chaallons, ce XIXe apvril 1564 » ; 71 Lettre d'« ANTHOINE DE CROY,... à monsieur de Sturmes,... De Chasteau Porcian, ce XXIe jour d'avril 1564 » ; 72 Lettre de « JEHAN DE BRETAYGNE [duc d'Étampes]... à monseigneur [l'évêque] de Conserans... De Boussac, ce VIIIe jour de fevrier » ; 73 Lettre de « JEHAN DE BRETAYGNE,... à monsieur l'evesque de Conserans... De Boussac, ce XXVIe jour de fevrier » ; 74 Lettre de « JEHAN DE BRETAYGNE,... à monsieur l'evesque de Conserans... D'Estampes, ce jour de Pasques » ; 75 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LUXEMBOURG,... à monseigneur l'evesque de Conserans... De Boussac, ce XXVe jour de febvrier » ; 76 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LUXEMBOURG,... à... monseigneur l'evesque de Conzerans... De Boussac, ce XXVe jour de febvrier » ; 77 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LUXEMBOURG,... à monseigneur [l'évêque] de Conserans... De Boussac, ce VIIIe de mars » ; 78 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LUXEMBOURG,... à... monseigneur [l'évêque] de Conserans... De Boussac, ce IXe de mars » ; 79 Lettre de « DE THOU,... à monseigneur de Coserans » ; 80 Fragment de lettre de « MARTIN DE JOUY,... De Paris, ce premier lundi de caresme XIIe febvrier » ; 81 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS, cardinal] DE TOURNON, ar[chevêque] de Bourges... De Yvry, ce XXIIIIe de fevrier » ; 82 Lettre de « DE THOU,... à monseigneur de Coserans,... A Boisdaulphin, ce Vme may » ; 83 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... De Bayonne, le XIXe jour de may » ; 84 Lettre de « DE ROCHECHOUART,... à monseigneur le president Seguier et à monseigneur de La Mongnon,... De Lyon, ce XVIe juing » ; 85 Lettre de « JEHAN DE LAVAL,... à monseigneur... [l']evesque de Conserans... De Maysdon, ce XVme jour d'aoust » ; 86 Lettre de « F[BANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à monseigneur de Conzerans,... De Villiers Costeretz, ce XIIIe de septembre » ; 87 Lettre d' « ODET DE FOYX » à « monseigneur de Coserans,... A Parme, le XVe jour de novembre » ; 88 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Coserans,... A Conches, le XXVIe jour d'avril » ; 89 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conserans,... De Fontainebleau, ce XXVIII may » ; 90 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Coserans,... A Fontainebleau, le dernier jour de may » ; 91 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Coserans,... De Paris, ce XIIIIe de juing » ; 92 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conserans,... A Villiers Costerez, ce IIe de septembre » ; 93 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conserans,... De Milly, ce XIIIIe novembre » ; 94 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... A Parys, ce XIIIe de may » ; 95 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... A Laval, ce XXIe de decenbre » ; 96 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... A Laval, ce Xe de mars » ; 97 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... A Estempes, ce IIIIme d'abvyr » ; 98 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... A Parys, ce XXVIme d'oubz » ; 99 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserant,... A Vitré, ce XXVIme de janvyer » ; 100 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Monjaut, ce XIXe d'apvirl » ; 101 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conzerant,... A Laval, ce XVIIIIe de janvyer » ; 102 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Laval, le IIIIe jour d'aoust » ; 103 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Laval, le XXme octobre » ; 104 Lettre de « HENRY DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conserans,... A Evreux, ce sabmedy premier jour de may » ; 105 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à... monseigneur de Conserans,... A Laval, le Vme septembre » ; 106 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Laval, le XXIIe jour d'octobre » ; 107 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX.... à... monseigneur de Conzerans,... De Tours, ce XV de desanbre » ; 108 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOYS,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Chasteaubriant, ce XXVIIIe jour d'octobre » ; 109 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE FOIX,... à monseigneur de Conserans,... A Vitré, ce VIe jour d'aoust » ; 110 Lettre de « DE ROUGIER, Sr DE MARL RAS,... à monseigneur le prince de Pourcian,... A Lyon, le XXVIIIe may 1563 » ; 111 Lettre de « FEUQUERES,... à monsieur le prince de Porcian,... Du Boys de Vincennes, se IIIe de jung » ; 112 Lettre de « JAQUES DE CLEVES,... à monsieur le prince de Porcian,... De Vitry, le XXVIIe avril 1563 » ; 113 Lettre de « JAQUES [DE CLEVES]... à messieurs les president Seguyer et Lamongnon, conseiller du roy en sa court de parlement à Paris... De Lion, ce XXVe jour de jung 1564 » ; 114 Lettre de « DUBROC,... à messeigneurs Seguyer,... et Lamoignon,... D'Aucerre, ce Vme aoust V.C.LXIIII » ; 115 Extrait d'une « lettre missive envoyée en la chambre des comptes à Nevers par Me Edme Vincent, bailly de Beauche, en datte du XIXe jour de juillet 1564 » ; 116 Lettre des « gens du conseil et des comptes à Nevers... à messrs Seguyer,... president, et Lamoignon, conseiller en la cour de parlemant... De Nevers, ce tiers jour d'aoust 1564 » ; 117 Vidimus donné le « 20 mars 1566 » des « lectres des franchises de l'isle de Ré », octroyées par le roi CHARLES VI en 1408 ; 118 Lettre de « GUILLAUME RABOT,... à la royne... De Metz, ce VIIIe d'avril 1567 » ; 119 Minute de « lectres de la royne [CATHERINE DE MEDICIS] au lantgrave de Hessen, du XIIe jour d'avril 1567 » ; 120 Minute de « lectres du roy [CHARLES IX] au lantgrave de Hessen, du XIIe jour d'avril 1567 » ; 121 Lettre de « BILLIAR,... à monseigneur le duc de Nivernoys,... De Lyon, le XXIIIIe jour de may 1567 » ; 122 « Coppie d'une lectre escripte de la main de monseigneur... le cardinal [CHARLES] DE BOURBON,... Orleans, 1573, 7 janvier » ; 123 Formules de médicaments. En italien ; 124 Lettre, en italien, de « GASPAR BARCHINO,... Di Milano, l'otto d'aprile 1569 » ; 125 Fragment d'un acte, en latin, daté du 4 novembre 1566, relatif à certains arrangements avec un débiteur et ses créanciers ; 126 « Chifre pour faire de nuit entendre ce que l'on veult... par M. ANTONIO DONI,... 1569 » ; 127 « Extret des monstres faittes cejourduy des compagnies tant italienes que françoieses... Belleville, 1561, 10 novembre »


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Wall plaster sequences from the Neolithic town of Çatalhöyük have been analysed and compared to three types of natural sediment found in the vicinity of the site, using a range of analytical techniques. Block samples containing the plaster sequences were removed from the walls of several different buildings on the East Mound. Sub-samples were examined by IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence to determine the overall mineralogical and elemental composition, whilst thin sections were studied using optical polarising microscopy, IR Microscopy and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis. The results of this study have shown that there are two types of wall plaster found in the sequences and that the sediments used to produce these were obtained from at least two distinct sources. In particular, the presence of clay, calcite and magnesian calcite in the foundation plasters suggested that these were prepared predominantly from a marl source. On the other hand, the finishing plasters were found to contain dolomite with a small amount of clay and no calcite, revealing that softlime was used in their preparation. Whilst marl is located directly below and around Çatalhöyük, the nearest source of softlime is 6.5 km away, an indication that the latter was important to the Neolithic people, possibly due to the whiter colour (5Y 8/1) of this sediment. Furthermore, the same two plaster types were found on each wall of Building 49, the main building studied in this research, and in all five buildings investigated, suggesting that the use of these sources was an established practice for the inhabitants of several different households across the site.


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The well-dated section of Cassis-La Bédoule in the South Provencal Basin (southern France) allows for a detailed reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental change during the latest Barremian and Early Aptian. For this study, phosphorus (P) and clay-mineral contents, stable-isotope ratios on carbonate (δ13Ccarb) and organic matter (δ13Corg), and redox-sensitive trace elements (RSTE: V, U, As, Co, and Mo) have been measured in this historical stratotype. The base of the section consists of rudist limestone, which is attributed to the Urgonian platform. The presence of low P and RSTE content, and content of up to 30% kaolinite indicate deposition under oligotrophic and oxic conditions, and the presence of warm, humid climatic conditions on the adjacent continent. The top of the Urgonian succession is marked by a hardground with encrusted brachiopods and bivalves, which is interpreted as a drowning surface. The section continues with a succession of limestone and marl containing the first occurrence of planktonic foraminifera. This interval includes several laminated, organic-rich layers recording RSTE enrichments and high Corg:Ptot ratios. The deposition of these organic-rich layers was associated with oxygen-depleted conditions and a large positive excursion in δ13Corg. During this interval, a negative peak in the δ13Ccarb record is observed, which dates as latest Barremian. This excursion is coeval with negative excursions elsewhere in Tethyan platform and basin settings and is explained by the increased input of light dissolved inorganic carbon by rivers and/or volcanic activity. In this interval, an increase in P content, owing to reworking of nearshore sediments during the transgression, is coupled with a decrease in kaolinite content, which tends to be deposited in more proximal areas. The overlying hemipelagic sediments of the Early Aptian Deshayesites oglanlensis and D. weissi zones indicate rather stable palaeoenvironmental conditions with low P content and stable δ13C records. A change towards marl-dominated beds occurs close to the end of the D. weissi zone. These beds display a long decrease in their δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg records, which lasted until the end of the Deshayesites deshayesi subzone (corresponding to C3 in Menegatti et al., 1998). This is followed by a positive shift during the Roloboceras hambrovi and Deshayesites grandis subzones, which corresponds in time to oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1a interval. This positive shift is coeval with two increases in the P content. The marly interval equivalent to OAE 1a lacks organic-rich deposits and RSTE enrichments indicating that oxic conditions prevailed in this particular part of the Tethys ocean. The clay mineralogy is dominated by smectite, which is interpreted to reflect trapping of kaolinite on the surrounding platforms rather than indicating a drier climate.


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This paper deals with the complex issue of reversing long-term improvements of fertility in soils derived from heathlands and acidic grasslands using sulfur-based amendments. The experiment was conducted on a former heathland and acid grassland in the U.K. that was heavily fertilized and limed with rock phosphate, chalk, and marl. The experimental work had three aims. First, to determine whether sulfurous soil amendments are able to lower pH to a level suitable for heathland and acidic grassland re-creation (approximately 3 pH units). Second, to determine what effect the soil amendments have on the available pool of some basic cations and some potentially toxic acidic cations that may affect the plant community. Third, to determine whether the addition of Fe to the soil system would sequester PO4− ions that might be liberated from rock phosphate by the experimental treatments. The application of S0 and Fe(II)SO4− to the soil was able to reduce pH. However, only the highest S0 treatment (2,000 kg/ha S) lowered pH sufficiently for heathland restoration purposes but effectively so. Where pH was lowered, basic cations were lost from the exchangeable pool and replaced by acidic cations. Where Fe was added to the soil, there was no evidence of PO4− sequestration from soil test data (Olsen P), but sequestration was apparent because of lower foliar P in the grass sward. The ability of the forb Rumex acetosella to apparently detoxify Al3+, prevalent in acidified soils, appeared to give it a competitive advantage over other less tolerant species. We would anticipate further changes in plant community structure through time, driven by Al3+ toxicity, leading to the competitive exclusion of less tolerant species. This, we suggest, is a key abiotic driver in the restoration of biotic (acidic plant) communities.


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Eased on field observations and compilation of data, a new stratigraphic concept, herein named the Permian-Triassic boundary stratigraphic set (PTBST), is proposed. The PTBST consists of, in ascending order, beds of claystone, limestone (or marl) and claystone. This boundary stratigraphic
set has been recognized at many sections in the Yangtze region of South China, with laterally stable lithological characters, the same or comparable biotas, comparable radiometric ages, and identical or similar magnetostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic signals. Therefore, the PTBST marks an isochronous unit and can serve as an important and effective marker set for regional and global correlations.
The important index fossils for the lowermost Triassic, Hindeodus parvus or Claraia, may be diachronous in their first occurrences with respect to the base of the PTBST and, therefore, should not be used as an exclusive indicator for the beginning of the Triassic. Rather more attention should
be paid to events, succession of events and/or event surfaces, which would potentially provide a more precise tool for high-resolution stratigraphic division and correlation.


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Staple fibre yarns vary quite markedly in linear density (tex) along their length and the degree to which twist redistributes from thick to thin places will affect the strength, torque and extension behaviour of the yarn. Theory suggests that twist along worsted yarns should vary as 1/(tex)2 if fibres were locked in the structure, whereas themean torque of worsted yarns reported in the literature implies that twist should be proportional to 1/tex. This article examines twist distribution in ring-spun marl yarns, down to 5 mm resolution, as a function of linear density measured using a high-resolution capacitive sensor. It is found for moderate twist-level worsted yarns that twist is approximately proportional to 1/(tex)1.6. The results and theory provide a guide as to the effect the observed large variations in linear density will have on yarn properties such as tenacity and torque.


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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Este trabalho, que escolheu como tema a presença da tradição no romance Marajó de Dalcídio Jurandir, procura investigar como a escritura do romance citado dialoga intertextualmente com a tradição literária, mitológica e oral, sem anular o caráter social da ficção dalcidiana. Defendo a hipótese de que o jogo intertextual presente na obra não está a favor de uma exaltação das fontes ou como mera transposição de influências, mas se projeta como diferença. A base teórica do trabalho se fundamentou, sobretudo, a partir das discussões sobre “fonte” e “influência” estabelecidas pela literatura comparada nas figuras de autores como Tania Franco Carvalhal e Silviano Santiago e de algumas considerações de escritores importantes da literatura moderna como T. S. Eliot e Jorge Luis Borges, reconhecidos como os iniciadores das discussões acerca do legado da tradição, retomada pela literatura modernista. A escolha da literatura comparada possibilitou a presente leitura, uma abertura teórica em que entram em cena, na abordagem, a Psicanálise freudiana, a escritura-jogo de Roland Barthes, Júlia Kristeva e Jacques Derrida, além de outros pressupostos analíticos de pesquisadores da ficção de Dalcídio Jurandir como os professores Vicente Salles, Marli Tereza Furtado, Paulo Nunes, Audemaro Taranto Goulart e Pedro Maligo e estudiosos da tradição como Anthony Giddens, Homi Bhabha, Stuart Hall e Walter Benjamin.