997 resultados para Marcus Aurelius Claudius, surnamed Gothicus, 214-270.
Tr. of De rebus suis.
Mode of access: Internet.
Imprint varies.
Tr. of: De rebus suis
Includes index.
Programm - K. Gymnasium zu Hanau.
Mode of access: Internet.
Pages [1]-[2] following p. 214, p. [2] at front of v. 2, and p. [1]-[2] following p. 566 are blank.
Last page wrongly numbered, p. 634.
Mode of access: Internet.
Membrane filtration has become increasingly attractive in the processing of both foodand biotechnological products. However, the poor selectivity of the membranes and fouling are the critical factors limiting the development of UF systems for the specific fractionation of protein mixtures. This thesis gives an overview on fractionation of proteins from model protein solutions or from biological solutions. An attempt was made to improve the selectivity of the available membranes by modifying the membranes and by exploiting the different electrostatic interactions between the proteins and the membrane pore surfaces. Fractionation and UF behavior of proteins in the model solutions and in the corresponding biological solutions were compared. Characterization of the membranes and protein adsorptionto the membrane were investigated with combined flux and streaming potential studies. It has been shown that fouling of the membranes can be reduced using "self-rejecting" membranes at pH values where electrostatic repulsion is achieved between the membrane and the proteins in solution. This effect is best shown in UF of dilute single protein solutions at low ionic strengths and low pressures. Fractionation of model proteins in single, binary, and ternary solutionshas been carried out. The results have been compared to the results obtained from fractination of biological solutions. It was generally observed that fractination of proteins from biological solutions are more difficult to carry out owingto the presence of non studied protein components with different properties. Itcan be generally concluded that it is easier to enrich the smaller protein in the permeate but it is also possible to enrich the larger protein in the permeateat pH values close to the isoelectric point of the protein. It should be possible to find an optimal flux and modification to effectively improve the fractination of proteins even with very similar molar masses.
Painovuosi nimekkeestä.
Invokaatio: Tou Theou Theou eulogounto kai sunergounto.
Ce mémoire démontre que la pratique littéraire de l’écrivain américain Ralph Waldo Emerson s’inscrit dans le sillage de la tradition des exercices spirituels mise au jour par l’helléniste Pierre Hadot et qu’elle permet de penser une modernité insoupçonnée par ce dernier. La production de textes littéraires devient alors une manière d’établir « une relation originale avec l’univers » (cf. l’introduction de Nature). Le premier chapitre explique la spécificité de la spiritualité traditionnelle, où l’écriture consiste à implanter en soi le texte de la tradition. La pratique littéraire de Marc Aurèle, Sénèque et saint Augustin est étudiée afin de montrer comment ils tâchent de vivre conformément à la conception de la transcendance qui est la leur : personnelle chez les stoïciens, institutionnelle chez les chrétiens. Le deuxième chapitre montre comment Emerson renverse le rapport traditionnel au texte dans la vie de l’esprit en arguant que la révélation du Christ est, à l’origine, une expérience personnelle de la transcendance qui n’est pas institutionnalisable. Il se dégage de cette confrontation romantique avec le christianisme un concept de littérature lié au mysticisme et inséparable d’une compréhension « expressiviste » du langage (Charles Taylor). Le dernier chapitre examine l’ascèse littéraire d’Emerson : sa conception antiscolastique du « scholar » est étudiée puis mise en relief avec sa façon d’arrimer sa pratique de la pensée à une conception fluctuante de l’univers. La dernière section porte sur la façon dont son mode de vie expérimental suppose une conception de la littérature en tant que processus.
As áreas de visualização e modelagem baseados em pontos têm sido pesquisadas ativamente na computação gráfica. Pontos com atributos (por exemplo, normais) são geralmente chamados de surfels e existem vários algoritmos para a manipulação e visualização eficiente deles. Um ponto chave para a eficiência de muitos métodos é o uso de estruturas de particionamento do espaço. Geralmente octrees e KD-trees, por utilizarem cortes alinhados com os eixos são preferidas em vez das BSP-trees, mais genéricas. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma estrutura chamada Constrained BSP-tree (CBSP-tree), que pode ser vista como uma estrutura intermediárias entre KD-trees e BSP-trees. A CBSP-tree se caracteriza por permitir cortes arbitrários desde que seja satisfeito um critério de validade dos cortes. Esse critério pode ser redefinido de acordo com a aplicação. Isso permite uma aproximação melhor de regões curvas. Apresentam-se algoritmos para construir CBSP-trees, valendo-se da flexibilidade que a estrutura oferece, e para realizar operações booleanas usando uma nova classificação de interior/exterior.