972 resultados para Manual order picking


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Der Druck auf Kosteneinsparungen und Produktivitätszuwachs in Bereichen der Kommissionierung und somit auch der Wunsch nach Rationalisierung durch Automatisierung wachsen stetig. Besonders bei in Beuteln verpackten Artikeln gestaltet sich jedoch eine Automatisierung der Kommissioniervorgänge aufgrund der mechanischen Produkteigenschaften schwierig. Entsprechende Systeme sind erst noch zu entwickeln. Im Systementwicklungsprozess möchte man möglichst frühzeitig Entscheidungen treffen können, um die technisch-wirtschaftlich sinnvollste Lösungsvariante auszuwählen und Entwicklungsaufwand einzusparen. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Eigenschaften besagter Produkte im Hinblick auf deren automatisierte Handhabung und zeigt einen konstruktionsmethodischen Ansatz zur Bewertung systemtechnischer Lösungsansätze mit zugehörigerer Sensitivitätsanalyse auf.


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The estimation of the average travel distance in a low-level picker-to-part order picking system can be done by analytical methods in most cases. Often a uniform distribution of the access frequency over all bin locations is assumed in the storage system. This only applies if the bin location assignment is done randomly. If the access frequency of the articles is considered in the bin location assignment to reduce the average total travel distance of the picker, the access frequency over the bin locations of one aisle can be approximated by an exponential density function or any similar density function. All known calculation methods assume that the average number of orderlines per order is greater than the number of aisles of the storage system. In case of small orders this assumption is often invalid. This paper shows a new approach for calculating the average total travel distance taking into account that the average number of orderlines per order is lower than the total number of aisles in the storage system and the access frequency over the bin locations of an aisle can be approximated by any density function.


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Die voranschreitende Entwicklung von Konzepten und Systemen zur Nutzung digitaler Informationen im industriellen Umfeld eröffnet verschiedenste Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Informationsverarbeitung und damit der Prozesseffektivität und -effizienz. Werden die relevanten Daten zu Produkten oder Prozessen jedoch lediglich in digitaler Form zur Verfügung gestellt, fällt ein Eingriff des Menschen in die virtuelle Welt immer schwerer. Auf Grundlage dessen wird am Beispiel der RFIDTechnologie dargestellt, inwiefern digitale Informationen durch die Verwendung von in den Arbeitsablauf integrierten Systemen für den Menschen nutzbar werden. Durch die Entwicklung eines Systems zur papierlosen Produktion und Logistik werden exemplarisch Einsatzszenarien zur Unterstützung des Mitarbeiters in Montageprozessen sowie zur Vermeidung von Fehlern in der Kommissionierung aufgezeigt. Dazu findet neben einer am Kopf getragenen Datenbrille zur Visualisierung der Informationen ein mobiles RFID-Lesegerät Anwendung, mit Hilfe dessen die digitalen Transponderdaten ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand für den Anwender genutzt werden können.


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Rechnergestützte Modellansätze, die Logistiksysteme gestalten und generieren, sind eine hochkomplexe Aufgabenstellung. Die bisher in der Praxis existierenden Planungs- und Steuerungsmodelle für Intralogistiksysteme weisen für die aktuellen und zukünftigen Anforderungen wie der Komplexitätsbewältigung, Reaktionsschnelligkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit Schwachstellen auf. – Ein innovativer Ansatz, diesen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, stellen Multiagentensysteme dar. Mit ihrem dezentralen und modularen Charakter sind sie für ein komplexes Problem mit einem geringen Grad an Strukturiertheit geeignet. Außerdem ermöglichen diese computergestützten intelligenten Systeme den Anwendern eine einfache und aufwandsarme Handhabung.


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Purpose: This paper extends the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) data for accounting of warehouse costs and services. Time Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC) methodology is enhanced with the real-time collected RFID data about duration of warehouse activities. This allows warehouse managers to have accurate and instant calculations of costs. The RFID enhanced TDABC (RFID-TDABC) is proposed as a novel application of the RFID technology. Research Approach: Application of RFID-TDABC in a warehouse is implemented on warehouse processes of a case study company. Implementation covers receiving, put-away, order picking, and despatching. Findings and Originality: RFID technology is commonly used for the identification and tracking items. The use of the RFID generated information with the TDABC can be successfully extended to the area of costing. This RFID-TDABC costing model will benefit warehouse managers with accurate and instant calculations of costs. Research Impact: There are still unexplored benefits to RFID technology in its applications in warehousing and the wider supply chain. A multi-disciplinary research approach led to combining RFID technology and TDABC accounting method in order to propose RFID-TDABC. Combining methods and theories from different fields with RFID, may lead researchers to develop new techniques such as RFID-TDABC presented in this paper. Practical Impact: RFID-TDABC concept will be of value to practitioners by showing how warehouse costs can be accurately measured by using this approach. Providing better understanding of incurred costs may result in a further optimisation of warehousing operations, lowering costs of activities, and thus provide competitive pricing to customers. RFID-TDABC can be applied in a wider supply chain.


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Questa tesi si propone di illustrare il lavoro da me svolto presso l’azienda Ocem Airfield Technology all’interno del magazzino componentistica mirato alla riorganizzazione del supermarket delle linee di assemblaggio nell’ottica della minimizzazione dei tempi di prelievo. La continua ricerca di flessibilità sulla base delle esigenza della clientela ha un drastico effetto sul magazzino e sulla sua gestione. Il magazzino rappresenta un elemento estremamente oneroso nel bilancio aziendale e contribuisce per il 20% ai costi interni dell’impresa. Hanno un ruolo cruciale nel funzionamento aziendale: i magazzini sono il luogo di attesa per i prodotti dal punto di origine a quello di consumo, garantiscono l’immagazzinamento e lo stoccaggio della merce ed infine sono un driver fondamentale per ridurre l’incertezza. Tra le attività più costose si colloca il prelievo frazionato della merce o order picking, responsabile del 55% dei costi operativi logistici. Nell'ambito Ocem è stato implementato un progetto per la riduzione dei tempi di prelievo ispirandosi a modelli nati in letteratura. Il progetto inizialmente è stato testato su una linea pilota a bassi volumi per monitorare i possibili vantaggi. Una volta confermata la riduzione effettiva dei tempi di prelievo, il progetto è stato replicato con le opportune modifiche sulle restanti linee di assemblaggio raggiungendo incrementi di efficienza significativi. Il parametro adottato come performance index è stata la riduzione percentuale del tempo di prelievo dall’as-is al to-be.


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This paper reports on an attempt to apply Genetic Algorithms to the problem of optimising a complex system, through discrete event simulation (Simulation Optimisation), with a view to reducing the noise associated with such a procedure. We are applying this proposed solution approach to our application test bed, a Crossdocking distribution centre, because it provides a good representative of the random and unpredictable behaviour of complex systems i.e. automated machine random failure and the variability of manual order picker skill. It is known that there is noise in the output of discrete event simulation modelling. However, our interest focuses on the effect of noise on the evaluation of the fitness of candidate solutions within the search space, and the development of techniques to handle this noise. The unique quality of our proposed solution approach is we intend to embed a noise reduction technique in our Genetic Algorithm based optimisation procedure, in order for it to be robust enough to handle noise, efficiently estimate suitable fitness function, and produce good quality solutions with minimal computational effort.


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This paper reports on continuing research into the modelling of an order picking process within a Crossdocking distribution centre using Simulation Optimisation. The aim of this project is to optimise a discrete event simulation model and to understand factors that affect finding its optimal performance. Our initial investigation revealed that the precision of the selected simulation output performance measure and the number of replications required for the evaluation of the optimisation objective function through simulation influences the ability of the optimisation technique. We experimented with Common Random Numbers, in order to improve the precision of our simulation output performance measure, and intended to use the number of replications utilised for this purpose as the initial number of replications for the optimisation of our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model. Our results demonstrate that we can improve the precision of our selected simulation output performance measure value using Common Random Numbers at various levels of replications. Furthermore, after optimising our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model, we are able to achieve optimal performance using fewer simulations runs for the simulation model which uses Common Random Numbers as compared to the simulation model which does not use Common Random Numbers.


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El cambio es tan válida, como cuando se aplica al contexto logístico donde sus implicaciones sobre la efectividad de las empresas del cual se deben enfrentarse en un mercado global; hoy, no basta con tener un producto “estrella” y un precio competitivo, sino también prestar el mejor servicio al cliente, gerenciando los recursos involucrados en la cadena de abastecimiento. En el proyecto se expone la formulación viable para la logística en la cadena de abastecimiento en la empresa BIMBO, el cual efectúe la estrategia de “Autoventa”, métodos a partir de la administración de productos de alta rotación y controlar el manejo de información relacionada con el consumo, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes de manera rentable. El objetivo de este proceso es hacer llegar el producto correcto al cliente correcto en el lugar correcto y en el momento correcto. Por consiguiente este trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la cadena de Abastecimiento y el acercamiento a la creación de un plan estratégico de logística.


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A second edition of the Manual was published in Transactions of the institute, v. 9, 1879, p. [319]-345.