940 resultados para Mangrove ecosystems


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Acid sulfate soils (ASS) is a stress factor that is responsible for the failure of some mangrove restoration projects, including abandoned aquaculture ponds converted from mangrove ecosystems. Through experimental and field studies, this research provides a better understanding of the biogeochemistry of ASS disturbance and the response of mangrove seedlings (Rhizophoraceae) under high metal levels and acidic conditions. This study found that mangrove restorations under ASS disturbance can work but with lower numbers of survived seedlings. To prevent toxicity under high levels of metal, seedlings retained metals in their roots and sparingly distributed them into aerial parts with low mobility. The presence of high levels of potential acidity parameters would allow pyrite to oxidise, thus increasing metal levels and acidity, which in turn affected the survival and growth of the seedlings.


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Mangroves play an important role in creating habitats for a diverse community of organisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to fishes and mammals. They grow in intertidal flats, estuaries and offshore islands. In the Philippines, mangrove forests have dramatically decreased in area since the start of the century, and therefore there is a need to reforest. However, first mangrove nurseries must be established since they serve as sources of planting materials for different mangrove species. Furthermore, nurseries would mean a sustainable source of livelihood for coastal communities because of continuous demand for propagules. A brief account is given of procedures as to the establishment of a mangrove nursery, describing the construction of a nursery, preparation of potting materials, seed collection, seed sowing, and maintenance and protection. Details are provided of the most common true mangrove species in the Philippines. The mangrove nursery is a place for raising and tending seedlings until they are ready for permanent planting. The establishment of mangrove nurseries is in line with government s efforts to rehabilitate the coastal and mangrove ecosystems.


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The biogeochemistry of arsenic (As) in sediments is regulated by multiple factors such as particle size, dissolved organic matter (DOM), iron mobilization, and sediment binding characteristics, among others. Understanding the heterogeneity of factors affecting As deposition and the kinetics of mobilization, both horizontally and vertically, across sediment depositional environments was investigated in Sundarban mangrove ecosystems, Bengal Delta, Bangladesh. Sediment cores were collected from 3 different Sundarbans locations and As concentration down the profiles were found to be more associated with elevated Fe and Mn than with organic matter (OM). At one site chosen for field monitoring, sediment cores, pore and surface water, and in situ diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) measurements (which were used to model As sediment pore-water concentrations and resupply from the solid phase) were sampled from four different subhabitats. Coarse-textured riverbank sediment porewaters were high in As, but with a limited resupply of As from the solid phase compared to fine-textured and high organic matter content forest floor sediments, where porewater As was low, but with much higher As resupply. Depositional environment (overbank verses forest floor) and biological activity (input of OM from forest biomass) considerably affected As dynamics over very short spatial distances in the mosaic of microhabitats that constitute a mangrove ecosystem.


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The mangrove ecosystem is one of the earth’s most endangered ecosystems. In this study, geochemical features of three mangrove ecosystems, Mangalavanam, Vypeen and Nettoor were compared. Water, sediment and core samples were collected from these stations for a period of one year. Nutrients, organic compounds orgnic carbon and hydrographical parameters of the samples were estimated. The present study revealed higher concentration of carbon in the surface sediments. The major temporary or ultimate sink for various pollutants in estuaries is the sedimentary reservoir, including intertidal areas. In the present study, higher values for dissolved nutrients, POC and carbohydrates were observed during low tide.


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Humic substances are complex polymeric structures.No other polymers with such a wide range of properties are so widely distributed in nature.But still their moleculer structures are unknown. A structural knowledge is essential in determining their reactivity with metals.In the present work structural elucidation of humic acids from three different mangrove ecosystems of Cochin area is done with the available data from functional group analysis and various spectroscopic methods.13C NMR spectra of the solid samples with CPMAS,IR and SEM are very promising in revealing the complex structures of these polymeric substances.Sorptional studies on the sediment and humic acid of mangrove ecosystem reveals that the major portion of the organic matter is not extractable with Sodium hydroxide and humic acid only a small portion of the total organic matter. Humic acid is a good complexing agent and scavenger. Due to the nonextractable nature of the organic matter present with the sediment left after alkali extraction it is a better scavenger.


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This thesis entitled triterpenoids as biomarkers of mangrove organic matter in cochin estuarine system.Mangrove forests, known as rainforests of the sea are one of the most important coastal ecosystems in the world in terms of primary production and coastal protection.Estuaries, the important areas of world’s coastal zones link the carbon cycle of the oceans to the continents.Three mangrove ecosystems and three estuarine stations around Cochin region, southwest coast of India were selected for the present study. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the Introduction and it deals with the aim and scope of the present study. Chapter 2 is Materials and Methods. This chapter deals with the nature and general geographical features of the study area. It also contains the details of the sampling and analytical methodology.the present study. Chapter 3 is Geochemistry and it includes the seasonal and spatial variations of the geochemical parameters in the surface sediments.Chapter 4 is Biochemical Composition. It covers the biochemical composition of organic matter in the surface sediments to examine the quality and quantity of organic matter.Chapter 5, Triterpenoid Biomarkers in Sediments, characterize the organic matter in the sediments of the mangrove and estuarine ecosystems under study, to assess the possible sources with the help of triterpenoid biomarkers along with other lipid biomarkers.


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The situation in the backwaters of Kerala, which reportedly had about 70,000 ha of mangroves, is unique in the sense that there has been a total conversion to other uses such as paddy cultivation, coconut plantation, aquaculture, harbour development and urban development In order to save and restore what is left over national and international organisations are mounting pressure on scientists and policy makers to work out ways and means conserving and managing the mangrove ecosystems. In this context, it has been observed in recent years that mangrove vegetation has remained intact in isolated pockets of undisturbed areas in the Cochin estuarine system and also that there is resurgence of mangroves in areas of accretion and silting. The candidate took up the present study with a view to make an inventory of the existing mangrove locations, the areas of resurgence, species composition, zonation and other ecological parameters to understand their dynamism and to suggest a mangement plan for this important coastal ecosystem


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The prospection of biological control agents in similar environments to the microbe application improves the chances of microorganisms establishment added to the environment. The low survival of these beneficial microorganisms added to hydroponic environment is a problem for the growth promotion and root rot biological control success in hydroponic crops. Because of the environmental similarity between hydroponic systems and mangrove ecosystems, the aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of mangrove microbes to control root rot caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and to improve plant growth in hydroponic cucumbers. Among the 28 strains evaluated for disease control in small-hydroponic system using cucumber seedlings, Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 alone or in combination with Pseudomonas stutzeri (MB-P3A- 49, MB-P3-C68 and SO-3L-3), and Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 increased the seedlings survival and were subsequently evaluated in hydroponic cucumbers in a greenhouse. Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 protected the plants from stunting caused by the pathogen and Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 and Pseudomonas stutzeri MB-P3A-49 increased the plant growth. We concluded that microorganisms from mangroves are useful as biocontrol agents and for improving plant growth in hydroponic crops.


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We describe the genetic transformation of the mycelial tissue of Diaporthe phaseolorum, an endophytic fungus isolated from the mangrove species Laguncularia racemosa, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT). ATMT uses both the hygromycin B resistant (hph) gene and green fluorescent protein as the selection agents. The T-DNA integration into the fungal genome was assessed by both PCR and Southern blotting. All transformants examined were mitotically stable. An analysis of the T-DNA flanking sequences by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) demonstrated that the disrupted genes in the transformants had similarities with conserved domains in proteins involved in antibiotic biosynthesis pathways. A library of 520 transformants was generated, and 31 of these transformants had no antibiotic activity against Staphylococcus aureus, an important human pathogen. The protocol described here, using ATMT in D. phaseolorum, will be useful for the identification and analysis of fungal genes controlling pathogenicity and antibiotic pathways. Moreover, this protocol may be used as a reference for other species in the Diaporthe genus. This is the first report to describe Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of D. phaseolorum as a tool for insertional mutagenesis.


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Mangrove ecosystems are tropical environments that are characterized by the interaction between the land and the sea. As such, this ecosystem is vulnerable to oil spills. Here, we show a culture-independent survey of fungal communities that are found in the sediments of the following two mangroves that are located on the coast of Sao Paulo State (Brazil): (1) an oil-spill-affected mangrove and (2) a nearby unaffected mangrove. Samples were collected from each mangrove forest at three distinct locations (transect from sea to land), and the samples were analyzed by quantitative PCR and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-based PCR-DGGE analysis. The abundance of fungi was found to be higher in the oil-affected mangrove. Visual observation and correspondence analysis (CA) of the ITS-based PCR-DGGE profiles revealed differences in the fungal communities between the sampled areas. Remarkably, the oil-spilled area was quite distinct from the unaffected sampling areas. On the basis of the ITS sequences, fungi that are associated with the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota taxa were most common and belonged primarily to the genera Epicoccum, Nigrospora, and Cladosporium. Moreover, the Nigrospora fungal species were shown to be sensitive to oil, whereas a group that was described as "uncultured Basidiomycota" was found more frequently in oil-contaminated areas. Our results showed an increase in fungal abundance in the oil-polluted mangrove regions, and these data indicated potential fungal candidates for remediation of the oil-affected mangroves.


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This study focused on the structure and composition of archaeal communities in sediments of tropical mangroves in order to obtain sufficient insight into two Brazilian sites from different locations (one pristine and another located in an urban area) and at different depth levels from the surface. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was used to scan the archaeal community structure, and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were used to determine the community composition. Redundancy analysis of T-RFLP patterns revealed differences in archaeal community structure according to location, depth and soil attributes. Parameters such as pH, organic matter, potassium and magnesium presented significant correlation with general community structure. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis revealed a community composition distributed differently according to depth where, in shallow samples, 74.3% of sequences were affiliated with Euryarchaeota and 25.7% were shared between Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, while for the deeper samples, 24.3% of the sequences were affiliated with Euryarchaeota and 75.7% with Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota. Archaeal diversity measurements based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries decreased with increasing depth and there was a greater difference between depths (<18% of sequences shared) than sites (>25% of sequences shared). Taken together, our findings indicate that mangrove ecosystems support a diverse archaeal community; it might possibly be involved in nutrient cycles and are affected by sediment properties, depth and distinct locations. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Incorporating the values of the services that ecosystems provide into decision making is becoming increasingly common in nature conservation and resource management policies, both locally and globally. Yet with limited funds for conservation of threatened species and ecosystems there is a desire to identify priority areas where investment efficiently conserves multiple ecosystem services. We mapped four mangrove ecosystems services (coastal protection, fisheries, biodiversity, and carbon storage) across Fiji. Using a cost-effectiveness analysis, we prioritised mangrove areas for each service, where the effectiveness was a function of the benefits provided to the local communities, and the costs were associated with restricting specific uses of mangroves. We demonstrate that, although priority mangrove areas (top 20%) for each service can be managed at relatively low opportunity costs (ranging from 4.5 to 11.3% of overall opportunity costs), prioritising for a single service yields relatively low co-benefits due to limited geographical overlap with priority areas for other services. None-the-less, prioritisation of mangrove areas provides greater overlap of benefits than if sites were selected randomly for most ecosystem services. We discuss deficiencies in the mapping of ecosystems services in data poor regions and how this may impact upon the equity of managing mangroves for particular services across the urban-rural divide in developing countries. Finally we discuss how our maps may aid decision-makers to direct funding for mangrove management from various sources to localities that best meet funding objectives, as well as how this knowledge can aid in creating a national mangrove zoning scheme.


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Mangrove forests are highly productive but globally threatened coastal ecosystems, whose role in the carbon budget of the coastal zone has long been debated. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis of the available data on carbon fluxes in mangrove ecosystems. A reassessment of global mangrove primary production from the literature results in a conservative estimate of ∼218 ± 72 Tg C a−1. When using the best available estimates of various carbon sinks (organic carbon export, sediment burial, and mineralization), it appears that >50% of the carbon fixed by mangrove vegetation is unaccounted for. This unaccounted carbon sink is conservatively estimated at ∼112 ± 85 Tg C a−1, equivalent in magnitude to ∼30–40% of the global riverine organic carbon input to the coastal zone. Our analysis suggests that mineralization is severely underestimated, and that the majority of carbon export from mangroves to adjacent waters occurs as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). CO2 efflux from sediments and creek waters and tidal export of DIC appear to be the major sinks. These processes are quantitatively comparable in magnitude to the unaccounted carbon sink in current budgets, but are not yet adequately constrained with the limited published data available so far.


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Woody debris is abundant in hurricane-impacted forests. With a major hurricane affecting South Florida mangroves approximately every 20 yr, carbon storage and nutrient retention may be influenced greatly by woody debris dynamics. In addition, woody debris can influence seedling regeneration in mangrove swamps by trapping propagules and enhancing seedling growth potential. Here, we report on line-intercept woody debris surveys conducted in mangrove wetlands of South Florida 9–10 yr after the passage of Hurricane Andrew. The total volume of woody debris for all sites combined was estimated at 67 m3/ha and varied from 13 to 181 m3/ha depending upon differences in forest height, proximity to the storm, and maximum estimated wind velocities. Large volumes of woody debris were found in the eyewall region of the hurricane, with a volume of 132 m3/ha and a projected woody debris biomass of approximately 36 t/ha. Approximately half of the woody debris biomass averaged across all sites was associated as small twigs and branches (fine woody debris), since coarse woody debris >7.5 cm felled during Hurricane Andrew was fairly well decomposed. Much of the small debris is likely to be associated with post-hurricane forest dynamics. Hurricanes are responsible for large amounts of damage to mangrove ecosystems, and components of associated downed wood may provide a relative index of disturbance for mangrove forests. Here, we suggest that a fine:coarse woody debris ratio ≤0.5 is suggestive of a recent disturbance in mangrove wetlands, although additional research is needed to corroborate such findings.