236 resultados para Mangalarga (Cavalo)


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Um eqüino macho, com 10 anos, Mangalarga, apresentou uma infecção por um nematódeo rabditiforme no cérebro. Os sinais clínicos limitaram-se ao fato de o animal andar em círculos e apresentar paralisia do lado direito. O exame histológico do cérebro revelou acentuada gliose e discreto edema intersticial. O infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear perivascular era composto por poucas camadas de linfócitos, plasmócitos, macrófagos e raros eosinófilos, associados aos nematódeos rabditiformes. Áreas de malácia e trajetos com esferóides axonais são vistos ao redor de vasos e do agente etiológico, sendo mais evidentes na substância branca. Nas meninges, o infiltrado inflamatório foi moderado e associado a parasitas perivasculares. A identificação do nematódeo foi baseada no exame histológico do cérebro do cavalo.


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Biochemical values are widely related with environmental agents, sex and age, and are used in disease diagnosis. Numerous reports have been published on the biochemical parameters of different breeds of horses. However, there is a paucity of information concerning Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), ceruloplasmin, copper and zinc determinations in the serum. Blood samples from a total of 60 horses of the Mangalarga-Paulista breed, representing three age groups (0 to 4 months old, 6 to 18 months old and adult) were examined. Male horses have a higher mean value of SOD, ceruloplasmin and copper than do females. No significant sex-related difference was observed in serum zinc content of weaned and adult horses. SOD activity was significantly higher in adult animals. Since SOD has a protective effect against superoxide free radical toxicity and possesses anti-inflammatory activity, it is reasonable to assume that the increased activity of this enzyme may be due to an adaptation mechanism which protects the adult animal against oxygen toxicity.


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ContentsThe objective of this study is to evaluate the reproductive efficiency in donors and recipient Mangalarga Marchador mares in commercial programmes of embryo transfer (ET) and the effects of some reproductive characteristics and ET methodology on conception rates in the recipient mares. A total of 1140 flushing procedures were performed and 830 embryos (72.8%) were recovered. There were no differences between the rates of embryonic recovery in the different breeding seasons (p > 0.05) and 92.8% of the recovered embryos were 8-9 days old. There was no difference in the embryonic recovery regarding the collection order from the first to the ninth embryo collection along the breeding season, as well as among mares inseminated during the foal heat or subsequent cycles (p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates observed in the total period of all reproductive seasons at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of pregnancy were 73.4, 69.9, 66.7 and 64.5%, respectively. Differences in pregnancy rate and early embryonic loss rates were not observed between embryos transferred immediately after collection (66.8% and 13.5%) and embryos transported at room temperature for periods of < 1 h (62.9% and 14.4%; p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates were higher when the interval between ovulations of donor and recipient mares remained between -3 and -2 days (p < 0.05), and the lowest rates were observed for intervals of -6 days (p < 0.05) with intermediary values for intervals of -1, 0 and +1 (p > 0.05). Embryonic loss rates, however, did not differ between intervals of ovulation's synchronism between donor and recipient mares (p > 0.05). This flexibilization in the ovulatory synchronism between donor and recipient mares optimizes the use of recipient mares, thus reducing costs and facilitating management of horse breeding farms.


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The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of Mangalarga horses were characterized by analysis of NOR-banded metaphase chromosomes according to the technique of Goodpasture and Bloom (Chromosoma 53: 37-50, 1975). NOR banding was detected by silver staining in the telomeric region of the short arm of pair no. 1, in the region adjacent to the centromere of the long arm of pair no. 25 and in the proximal region of the long arm of pair no. 31. Associations of NOR-bearing chromosomal regions occurred in 12% of all metaphases and were frequent between the chromosomes of pair no. 1. Most (52.15%) of the NOR bands appeared on four chromosomes in both males and females. The maximum number of NOR-banded chromosomes was six, though only 11.34% of the cells examined showed this characteristic.


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Ovarian follicular activity was studied by ultrasonography during 17 oestrous cycles in 9 Mangalarga mares during the second half of the ovulatory season. Sixteen oestrous cycles were considered normal and one 3-wave cycle showing a prolonged luteal phase was considered atypical. Daily ultrasonographic examinations were performed and the compiled data on follicular dynamics were studied retrospectively. One major wave of follicular growth was observed in 13 of the 16 normal cycles (81.25%), whereas 2 major waves occurred in 3 cycles (18.75%). The mean (+/- s.d.) days of emergence of the primary wave of follicular development in cycles containing one or 2 waves were Day 6.0 +/- 2.3 and Day 11.0 +/- 1.0, respectively. The secondary wave of follicular development in 2-wave cycles emerged on Day 0.0 +/- 3.6. The day of wave divergence for primary waves of follicular development in cycles which exhibited one or 2 major waves were Day 12.2 +/- 3.5 and Day 17.3 +/- 3.0, respectively. Divergence of secondary waves occurred in only one of the 3 cycles which exhibited 2 major follicular waves (Day 7). The mean (+/- s.d.) maximum diameters of the dominant follicle in the primary wave of oestrous cycles exhibiting one and 2 major waves were 39.0 +/- 3.9 mm and 34.7 +/- 2.5 mm, respectively. The mean (+/- s.d.) maximum diameter of the dominant follicle present in the secondary wave was 34.3 +/- 11.0 mm. The mean (+/- s.d.) lengths of the interovulatory intervals for cycles containing one and 2 major waves were 19.4 +/- 2.2 and 23.3 +/- 2.5 days, respectively. These data indicate that most Mangalarga mares show one major follicular wave during the oestrous cycle but a small percentage of mares show 2 major waves.


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The aim of this study was estimate genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlations between movement and conformation traits in Mangalarga horses, in Brazil. The data were provided by Brazilian Association of Mangalarga Horses Breeders, comprised 9865 observations for movement and conformation traits. The data were organized by SAS, and the (co)variance components were estimated by the program MTGSAM. The heritabilities estimates varied from 0.22 (shoulder) to 0.29 (limbs), and the genetic correlations ranged from 0.51 (movement and neck) to 0.31 (movement and limbs).


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The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of physical exercise (marcha gait) on serum values of CK and AST and plasmatic values of lactate in Mangalarga Marchador horses trained in Espirito Santo, Brazil. Serum and plasma samples were obtained from 15 horses in four different moments: rest (T0), 5 minutes (T1), 30 minutes (T2) and 2 hours (T3) after the exercise. Lactate analysis revealed values of 1.02 ± 0.41 mmol/L, 2.73 ± 2.43 mmol/L, 1.89 ± 1.24 mmol/L and 1.31 ± 0.60 mmol/L, respectively at T0, T1, T2 and T3. When evaluating AST, the results recorded in T0, T1, T2 and T3 were, respectively, 189.3 ± 56.0 UI/L, 223.9 ± 53.5 UI/L, 186.8 ± 25.8 UI/L and 193.9 ± 44.7 UI/L. Finally, the CK at moments T0, T1, T2 and T3 were, respectively, 113.4 ± 56.3 UI/l, 144.1 ± 70.9 UI/L, 143.0 ± 81.0 UI/L and 173.1 ± 128.0 UI/L. The results showed that marcha gait leaded to significantly increased in plasma lactate and did not alter serum AST and CK, suggesting that the equines used were conditioned to the physical exercised imposed.


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As sequências metavulcano-sedimentares na serra do Espinhaço Meridional apresentam dificuldades para separação, principalmente do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas, até o presente. Apesar da grande similaridade, é possível distingui-lo do Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo. Esta é constituída por uma unidade metamáfica-ultramáfica derivada de basaltos toleíticos, e uma sequência de cobertura clasto-química, além de apresentar mineralizações de ouro e Minerais/Elementos do Grupo da Platina associados, principalmente a Formações Ferríferas Bandadas. Origem hidrotermal é atribuída à concentração destes metais nobres. Campanhas de prospecção e pesquisa mineral, na área estudada, foram realizadas para ouro. Os resultados até o presente permitem sugerir o emprego de uma Unidade Superior composta pelos sedimentos clasto-químicos e uma Unidade Inferior, que compreende as rochas vulcânicas, ambas compondo o Grupo Mata Cavalo. Desta forma, este Grupo apresenta em sua Unidade Superior rica em níveis de BIF compostas principalmente por magnetita com concentrações de ouro associadas a enriquecimento supérgeno. Palavras-chave: sequência metavulcano-sedimentar, mineralização de ouro, hidrotermalismo, Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo, Serra do Espinhaço. Meridional.


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Records from 14,288 animals of the Mangalarga Marchador breed, born from 1990 to 2005, were used to discard morphofunctional traits in a principal component analysis. The following traits were used: height at withers, height at croup, lengths of head, neck, back, croup, hip length and body, widths of head, hip width, thorax perimeter, cannon bone circumference and gait score. For the traits considered it was observed that 7 principal components showed variation lower than 0.7; suggesting that seven variables could be discarded. The reason is that when variable are highly correlated with the principal components of smaller variance, their variation is practically insignificant. Based on those results the recommendation is to maintain the following traits for future research with this database: gait score, height at croup, length of back, length of croup, width of head and cannon bone circumference.


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The trimming and shoeing are of great significance in the performance and longevity of the athlete horse, and if not done or done incorrectly, cause a variety of limb injuries, which may make unusable the animal for sport, a fact of frequent occurrence, due to the small number of trained professionals in this area. The anatomy of the hoof and its functions should be maintained by maintaining the balance of the same (correct hoof trimming) and, if necessary, proper shoeing, all to avoid the hull balance alterations that lead to osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain at the bead, synovitis, pedal osteitis, navicular disease, in addition to increase tension in the flexor tendons, suspensory ligament and proximal sesamoid causing tendinitis, desmitis and sesamoiditis proximal


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)