975 resultados para Mandibular Condylar Cartilage


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Embora a cirurgia de avanço mandibular seja considerada um procedimento altamente estável, existem algumas preocupações clínicas em relação a mudanças nos côndilos e nos segmentos proximais, que podem levar a recidiva sagital e abertura de mordida. A avaliação dos resultados da cirurgia através de ferramentas de geração e superposição de modelos virtuais tridimensionais (3D) permite a identificação e quantificação dos deslocamentos e remodelação óssea que podem ajudar a explicar as interações entre os componentes dentários, esqueléticos e de tecido mole que estão relacionados a resposta ao tratamento. Este estudo observacional prospectivo avaliou, através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (CBCT), mudanças na posição/remodelação 3D dos ramos mandibulares, côndilos e mento. Assim, exames CBCT de 27 pacientes foram adquiridos antes da cirurgia (T1), imediatamente após a cirurgia(T2), e 1 ano após a cirurgia(T3). Uma técnica automática de superposição na base do crânio foi utilizada para permitir a avaliação das mudanças ocorridas nas regiões anatômicas de interesse (RAI). Os deslocamentos foram visualizados e quantificados em mapas coloridos 3D através da ferramenta de linha de contorno (ISOLINE). Pelo teste t pareado compararam-se as mudanças entre T1-T2 e T2-T3. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson verificou se os deslocamentos ocorridos nas RAI foram correlacionados entre si e entre os tempos de avaliação. O nível de significância foi determinado em 0,05. O avanço mandibular médio foi de 6,813,2mm em T2 e 6,363,41mm em T3 (p=0,13). Entre T2 e T3, a posição do mento variou positivamente (≥2mm) em 5 pacientes negativamente em 7. 12% dos pacientes sofreram recidivas ≥4mm. Para todas as outras RAI avaliadas, apenas a porção inferior dos ramos (lado direito - 2,342,35mm e lado esquerdo 2,972,71mm) sofreram deslocamentos médios >2mm com a cirurgia. No acompanhamento em longo prazo, esse deslocamento lateral da porção inferior dos ramos foi mantido (lado direito - 2,102,15mm, p=0,26; e lado esquerdo -2,762,80, p=0,46), bem como todos os outros deslocamentos observados (p>0,05). As mudanças na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações pós-cirúrgicas nos bordos posteriores dos ramos (esquerdo r=-0,73 e direito r=-0,68) e côndilos (esquerdo r=-0,53 e direito r=-0,46). Os deslocamentos médios sofridos pelas estruturas do lado esquerdo foram suavemente maiores do que no direito. Correlações dos deslocamentos ocorridos entre T1-T2 e T2-T3 mostraram que: os deslocamentos dos côndilos esquerdos com a cirurgia foram negativamente correlacionados às adaptações pós-cirúrgicas destes (r=-0,51); e que o deslocamento da porção superior do ramo esquerdo com a cirurgia foi correlacionado à adaptação pós-cirúrgica ocorrida nos bordos posteriores (r=0,39) e côndilos do mesmo lado (r=0,39). Pode-se concluir que: (1) os deslocamentos causados pela cirurgia foram de modo geral estáveis no acompanhamento de 1 ano, mas identificou-se uma considerável variação individual; (2) as mudanças pós-cirúrgicas na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações sofridas pelos côndilos e bordos posteriores dos ramos; e que (3) deslocamentos suavemente maiores causados pela cirurgia nas estruturas do lado esquerdo levaram a maiores adaptações pós-cirúrgicas no segmento proximal deste lado.


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Auriculo-condylar syndrome (ACS), an autosomal dominant disorder of first and second pharyngeal arches, is characterized by malformed ears (`question mark ears`), prominent cheeks, microstomia, abnormal temporomandibular joint, and mandibular condyle hypoplasia. Penetrance seems to be complete, but there is high inter-and intra-familial phenotypic variation, with no evidence of genetic heterogeneity. We herein describe a new multigeneration family with 11 affected individuals (F1), in whom we confirm intra-familial clinical variability. Facial asymmetry, a clinical feature not highlighted in other ACS reports, was highly prevalent among the patients reported here. The gene responsible for ACS is still unknown and its identification will certainly contribute to the understanding of human craniofacial development. No chromosomal rearrangements have been associated with ACS, thus mapping and positional cloning is the best approach to identify this disease gene. To map the ACS gene, we conducted linkage analysis in two large ACS families, F1 and F2 (F2; reported elsewhere). Through segregation analysis, we first excluded three known loci associated with disorders of first and second pharyngeal arches (Treacher Collins syndrome, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, and Townes-Brocks syndrome). Next, we performed a wide genome search and we observed evidence of linkage to 1p21.1-q23.3 in F2 (LOD max 3.01 at theta = 0). Interestingly, this locus was not linked to the phenotype segregating in F1. Therefore, our results led to the mapping of a first locus of ACS (ACS1) and also showed evidence for genetic heterogeneity, suggesting that there are at least two loci responsible for this phenotype.


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Odontogenic myxomas are considered to be a benign odontogenic tumor with locally aggressive behavior. Because these neoplasms are rare in the oral cavity, the possible surgical management can be quite variable. Literature recommendation can vary from simple curettage and peripheral ostectomy to segmental resection. The authors report a case of a 20-year-old patient with an odontogenic myxoma tumor located in the left mandibular angle, ascending ramus, and mandibular symphysis. It was treated by radical resection followed by titanium reconstruction with condylar prosthesis, which allowed rapid return of function with improvement in quality of life and restoration of cosmetic and functional deficits. The lesion did not recur after surgical procedure.


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This study pertains to a random sample of untreated French-Canadian adolescents (79 females and 107 males) evaluated at 10 and again at 15 years of age. Superimpositions on natural reference structures were performed to describe condylar growth and modelling of 11 mandibular landmarks. Superimpositions on natural cranial/cranial base reference structures were performed to describe mandibular displacement and true rotation.The results showed significant superior and posterior growth/modelling of the condyle and ramus. Males underwent significantly (P < 0.01) greater condylar growth and ramus modelling than females. With the exception of point B, which showed significant superior drift, modelling changes for the corpus landmarks were small and variable. The mandible rotated forward 2-3.3 degrees and was displaced 9.6-12.7 mm inferiorly and 1.9-2.7 mm anteriorly. Individual differences in ramus growth and modelling, both amount and direction, can be explained by mandibular rotation and displacements. Multivariate assessments revealed that superior condylar growth and ramus modelling were most closely associated with forward rotation and inferior mandibular displacement. Posterior growth and modelling were most closely correlated with anterior mandibular displacement and forward rotation. Modelling of the lower anterior border was independent of rotation and displacement.


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The present study was designed to histologically evaluate the behavior of free autogenous cartilage grafts to the mandible of rats. A 3-mm segment was removed from the last rib of male adult rats and transplanted fresh to a receptor bed prepared on the mandibular ramus. The results showed that the grafts maintained their vitality up to 120 days and the perichondrium was biologically integrated to the osseous bed. Appositional growth of the grafts was found. New bone formation was observed in close proximity to the grafts, but newly formed trabeculae did not arise from perichondrium.


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There has been much discussion regarding the ideal position of the condyle in the mandibular fossa. Although the centric relation position (CR) is used as a reference, some authors do not believe that it is physiologic. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate in a group of asymptomatic individuals the position of the condyle in the mandibular fossa at maximum intercuspation (MI), with a occlusal splint and with a Lucia jig between the teeth. It was analyzed by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transcranial radiography imaging and analysis of horizontal axis of rotation from casts mounted on an articulator. The results showed that even if patients had mandibular displacement in positions of CR, habitual maximum intercuspation and with the occlusal splint, confirmed by means of the analysis of the horizontal axis of rotation, the images showed no statistically significant differences among condylar positions. It can therefore be concluded that the positions analyzed were similar and that transcranial radiography seems to be a reliable method for analyzing condylar position.


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Osteochondroma is one of the most common benign tumors of the skeleton. This tumor is rare in the craniofacial region, with the most common sites of occurrence being the coronoid process of the mandible and the mandibular condyle. Traditionally, the treatments of these lesions include total condylectomy or local resection of the lesion. Conservative condylectomy procedure with reshaping of the remaining condylar neck and repositioning of the articular disk has been suggested. This article aimed to describe a 35-year-old woman with osteochondroma in the left mandibular condyle who was treated by conservative condylectomy. The patient has been free of recurrence for 2 years, showing good aesthetic and functional stability. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Objective: To assess 3D morphological variations and local and systemic biomarker profiles in subjects with a diagnosis of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ OA).Design: Twenty-eight patients with long-term TMJ OA (39.9 +/- 16 years), 12 patients at initial diagnosis of OA (47.4 +/- 16.1 years), and 12 healthy controls (41.8 +/- 12.2 years) were recruited. All patients were female and had cone beam CT scans taken. TMJ arthrocentesis and venipuncture were performed on 12 OA and 12 age-matched healthy controls. Serum and synovial fluid levels of 50 biomarkers of arthritic inflammation were quantified by protein microarrays. Shape Analysis MANCOVA tested statistical correlations between biomarker levels and variations in condylar morphology.Results: Compared with healthy controls, the OA average condyle was significantly smaller in all dimensions except its anterior surface, with areas indicative of bone resorption along the articular surface, particularly in the lateral pole. Synovial fluid levels of ANG, GDF15, TIMP-1, CXCL16, MMP-3 and MMP-7 were significantly correlated with bone apposition of the condylar anterior surface. Serum levels of ENA-78, MMP-3, PAI-1, VE-Cadherin, VEGF, GM-CSF, TGF beta b1, IFN gamma g, TNF alpha a, IL-1 alpha a, and IL-6 were significantly correlated with flattening of the lateral pole. Expression levels of ANG were significantly correlated with the articular morphology in healthy controls.Conclusions: Bone resorption at the articular surface, particularly at the lateral pole was statistically significant at initial diagnosis of TMJ OA. Synovial fluid levels of ANG, GDF15, TIMP-1, CXCL16, MMP-3 and MMP-7 were correlated with bone apposition. Serum levels of ENA-78, MMP-3, PAI-1, VE-Cadherin, VEGF, GM-CSF, TGF beta 1, IFN gamma, TNF alpha, IL-1 alpha, and IL-6 were correlated with bone resorption. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Osteoarthritis Research Society International.


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Background This multicentre study aimed to investigate long-term radiographic and functional results following the treatment of condylar fractures using an angulated screwdriver system and open rigid internal fixation with an intraoral surgical approach. Methods Twenty-nine patients with a total of 32 condylar fractures were evaluated. The patients were investigated prospectively based on the following variables: age, sex, aetiology, side, location and classification of the fracture, degree of displacement, associated fractures, surgical approach, oral health status, type of osteosynthesis plate, duration of surgery, mouth-opening, complications, and duration of follow-up. Results The fractures were classified as subcondylar (n = 25) or condylar neck (n = 7). Mean patient age was 36.38 ± 16.60 years. The median duration of postoperative follow-up was 24.39 ± 13.94 months. No joint noise, weakness of the facial nerve, joint pain, or muscle pain was observed. An additional retromandibular approach was necessary to enable the treatment of one subcondylar fracture with medial displacement. Conclusion Subcondylar or condylar neck fractures with medial or lateral displacement can be treated using an intraoral approach with satisfactory results with the advantages of the absence of visible scarring, the avoidance of facial nerve injury, and the ability to obtain rapid access to the fracture.


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Osteochondroma (OC) is the most common benign tumor of long bones. However it is rarely found in the facial skeleton, being the coronoid process and mandibular condyle the most affected sites in this region. It basically consists in bone growth covered by cartilage. The etiology is still controversial: neoplastic, developmental, reparative and traumatic origins have been discussed in literature. The treatments of these lesions include total condylectomy or local resection of the lesion. This paper aims to report a case of a patient with history of trauma and possible fracture of the mandibular condyle in childhood, which in youth developed dentofacial deformity with severe facial asymmetry. The treatment consisted of resection of lesion both with maxillary and mandibular osteotomies associated with graft from the iliac crest bone. Actually, the patient is with a favorable aesthetic, without functional deficit and absence of lesion’s recurrence.