986 resultados para Man-woman relationships


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Each night the men look so surprised I change my sex before their eyes Tell me if you can What makes a man a man" - Charles Aznavour, ‘What makes a man a man (Comme ils disent)’. In (the few) Western jurisdictions in which marriage remains a forensic artefact constructed on the basis of a man|woman binary, the anatomical and heteronormative assumptions which underlie the construction of marriage remain as artificial constructs which do not map well (if indeed at all) to current social, or even medical, approaches to gender. In Re Kevin (Validity of Marriage of Transsexual) [2001] FamCA 1074, Justice Chisolm sought to recast the forensic ascription of sex against a broader set of criteria, expanding the range of sexually dimorphic anatomy used to determine sex for the purposes of marriage in Australia and incorporating observations of psycho-social gender-differentiation as factors relevant to the ultimate question for the Court — ‘What makes a man a man?’ Yet neither expansion is unproblematic. This article explores this fundamental forensic question against the background of Aznavour’s ‘Comme ils dissent’, in which the persona of un(e) stripteaseuse travesti struggles to answer precisely the same question. It concludes that Re Kevin might offer no more sophisticated an analysis of the lived reality of trans than Aznavour’s ecdysiast fag — not trans, but un travesti: "I shop and cook and sew a bit Though mum does too, I must admit I do it better."


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Resumen: El feminismo radical o de género tiene sus orígenes históricos, su matriz ideológica y su modo dialéctico de entender la relación varón-mujer, en el pensamiento marxista (Engels, de Beauvoir, Firestone). La “antítesis” de esta lucha de sexos es la revolución feminista radical, y su principal instrumento revolucionario y de penetración cultural es la ideología de género. La fase central de esta revolución es el apoderamiento, por parte de las mujeres, de los medios de reproducción. Los medios que han demostrado ser más aptos para lograr la victoria son el aborto por decisión privativa de la mujer, la fecundación artificial y el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. La revolución se libra en el campo cultural y, luego, en el jurídico.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o papel das slave narratives como poderoso gênero literário na denúncia da escravidão africana e na representação do homem negro e da mulher negra nos séculos dezoito e dezenove. Este trabalho também se propõe a investigar o papel das neo-slave narratives no estudo do passado e a representação da identidade negra no século vinte. Ambos os gêneros desafiam seus tempos presentes ao discutirem questões de etnia e subjugação humana, em uma abordagem crítica. Em Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), Harriet Jacobs narra sua experiência na escravidão, deixando um importante legado não somente para a História mas também para a Literatura Afro-Americana. Em Dessa Rose (1986), Sherley Anne Williams, revisa o passado para resgatar a memória da escravidão e reescrever a história para examinar seu tempo presente. Além disso, as duas autoras apresentam questões de gênero, levantando questões feministas em suas obras


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Israel's establishment in 1948 in former British-Mandate Palestine as a Jewish country and as a liberal democracy is commonly understood as a form of response to the Holocaust of WWII. Zionist narratives frame Israel's establishment not only as a response to the Holocaust, but also as a return to the Jewish people's original homeland after centuries of wandering in exile. Debates over Israel's policies, particularly with regard to Palestinians and to the country's non-Jewish population, often center on whether Israel's claims to Jewish singularity are at the expense of principles of liberal democracy, international law and universal human rights. In this dissertation, I argue that Israel's emphasis on Jewish singularity can be understood not as a violation of humanism's universalist frameworks, but as a symptom of the violence inherent to these frameworks and to the modern liberal rights-bearing subject on which they are based. Through an analysis of my fieldwork in Israel (2005-2008), I trace the relation between the figures of "Jew" and "Israeli" in terms of their historical genealogies and in contemporary Israeli contexts. Doing so makes legible how European modernity and its concepts of sovereignty, liberalism, the human, and subjectivity are based on a metaphysics of presence that defines the human through a displacement of difference. This displaced difference is manifest in affective expression. This dissertation shows how the figure of the Jew in relation to Israel reveals sexual difference as under erasure by the suppression of alterity in humanism's configuration of man, woman, and animal, and suggests a political subject unable to be sovereign or fully represented in language.


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Tous mes travaux ont été réalisés à l'aide du logiciel stata 11.


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Le cyborg est un avatar de ce que permet la science-fiction lorsqu’elle s’offre comme terrain où développer une heuristique des identités genrées. Donna Haraway, dans le Manifeste cyborg, a relevé le potentiel de liberté discursive que promettait cette figure romanesque. Il m’apparaît que, depuis sa fictionnalisation puis sa théorisation dans les années 1980 et 1990, le cyborg a muté au sein de l’entreprise science-fictionnelle littéraire. Le Silence de la Cité d’Élisabeth Vonarburg et Le Goût de l’immortalité de Catherine Dufour présentent des personnages dont la cyborgitude problématise les questions identitaires du genre humain, à travers une écriture spécifique, affectée par les technologies. Mon analyse des procédés scripturaux s’effectue de pair avec une analyse gender, ce qui me permet de mieux saisir la fictionnalisation toujours changeante des cyborgs dans les oeuvres de Vonarburg et de Dufour. Ces cyborgs déconstruisent les frontières des systèmes binaires traditionnels, en explorant les possibilités trans-genres et trans-espèces que permettent les métamorphoses de leurs corps excentriques. En tant que représentations fantasmées de désirs autrement inavouables, les cyborgs science-fictionnels témoignent du malaise inhérent de couples comme homme/femme, humain/animal ou organique/artificiel.


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This thesis is a sociological study of bisexuality and gender in Australian society. A theoretical frame informed by philosophers Deleuze and Guattari is deployed to analyse data from 47 interviews. It finds that the diversity of participants’ bisexual lives challenge conventional dichotomous understandings of heterosexual/homosexual, man/woman and masculine/feminine.


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O feminismo vem questionando a ordem familiar tradicional e, especialmente, a sexualidade e os papéis femininos. O artigo discute a necessidade e os caminhos que possam levar ao encontro homem/mulher, em novas bases de relacionamento


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Presentamos hallazgos sobre el envejecer en la actualidad y su entrecruzamiento con la participación en grupos. Señalamos la importancia de la educación permanente en la producción de subjetividad. Se destaca la contribución de las investigaciones referidas a la: docencia, extensión universitaria y formación de investigadores. Partimos del marco teórico de la psicología, se revisan los aportes interdisciplinarios que enriquecen el campo gerontológico. A partir de la longevidad se busca identificar las transformaciones del envejecer, el proceso de revisión identificatoria y el trabajo psíquico de revisar, cuestionar y transformar las significaciones simbólicas, a la par que hacer lugar a lo nuevo en relación con sus funciones: hombre/mujer; esposo/esposa; abuelo/abuela. Se emplea metodología cualitativa: entrevistas en profundidad, historias de vida, crónicas del funcionamiento grupal. Surge la preocupación constante y conciente de los mayores, por preservar su capacidad de desear, crear, producir y gozar, la búsqueda de realización personal y la interrelación con el medio, con los otros y con sus pares. Se observan lógicas propias que promueven la horizontalidad de los vínculos y presentan representaciones, sentidos y conductas que modifican el concepto tradicional del viejo. Se destaca la riqueza del encuentro intersubjetivo entre investigadores y entrevistados, en la elaboración de los cambios.