982 resultados para Mammary Glands, Human
Dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) is a highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed protein which might have critical cellular function as total loss of DLC1 caused Drosophila embryonic death. Despite many proteins and RNAs interaction with it identified, DLC1's function(s) and regulation are largely unknown. Recently, DLC1 was identified as a physiological substrate of P21-activate kinase 1(Pak1) kinase from a human mammary cDNA library in a yeast-2-hybridization screening assay. Studies in primary human tumors and cell culture implicated that DLC1 could promote mammary cancerous phenotypes, and more importantly, Ser88 phosphorylation of DLC1by Pak1 kinase was found to be essential for DLC1's tumorigenic activities. Based on the above tissue culture studies, we hypothesized that Ser88 phosphorylation regulates DLC1. ^ To test this hypothesis, we generated two transgenic mouse models: MMTV-DLC1 and MMTV-DLC1-S88A mice with mammary specific expression of the DLC1 and DLC1-S88A cDNAs. Both of the transgenic mice mammary glands showed rare tumor incidence which indicated DLC1 alone may not be sufficient for tumorigenesis in vivo. However, these mice showed a significant alteration of mammary development. Mammary glands from the MMTV-DLC1 mice had hyperbranching and alveolar hyperplasia, with elevated cell proliferation. Intriguingly, these phenotypes were not seen in the mammary glands from the MMTV-S88A mice. Furthermore, while MMTV-DLC1 glands were normal during involution, MMTV-S88A mice showed accelerated mammary involution with increase apoptosis and altered expression of involution-associated genes. Further analysis of the MMTV-S88A glands showed they had increased steady state level of Bim protein which might be responsible for the early involution. Finally, our in vitro data showed that Ser88 phosphorylation abolished DLC1 dimer and consequently might disturb its interaction with Bim and destabilize Bim. ^ Collectively, our findings provided in vivo evidence that Ser88 phosphorylation of DLC1 can regulate DLC1's function. In addition, Ser88 phosphorylation might be critical for DLC1 dimer-monomer transition. ^
To examine the role of matrilysin (MAT), an epithelial cell-specific matrix metalloproteinase, in the normal development and function of reproductive tissues, we generated transgenic animals that overexpress MAT in several reproductive organs. Three distinct forms of human MAT (wild-type, active, and inactive) were placed under the control of the murine mammary tumor virus promoter/enhancer. Although wild-type, active, and inactive forms of the human MAT protein could be produced in an in vitro culture system, mutations of the MAT cDNA significantly decreased the efficiency with which the MAT protein was produced in vivo. Therefore, animals carrying the wild-type MAT transgene that expressed high levels of human MAT in vivo were further examined. Mammary glands from female transgenic animals were morphologically normal throughout mammary development, but displayed an increased ability to produce β-casein protein in virgin animals. In addition, beginning at approximately 8 mo of age, the testes of male transgenic animals became disorganized with apparent disintegration of interstitial tissue that normally surrounds the seminiferous tubules. The disruption of testis morphology was concurrent with the onset of infertility. These results suggest that overexpression of the matrix-degrading enzyme MAT alters the integrity of the extracellular matrix and thereby induces cellular differentiation and cellular destruction in a tissue-specific manner.
Bracken fern (Pteridium spp.) produces cancer of the urinary bladder and oesophagus in grazing animals and is a suspected human carcinogen, The carcinogenic principle ptaquiloside (PT), when activated to a dienone (APT), forms DNA adducts which eventually leads to tumor. Two groups of female Sprague-Dawley rats were given a chronic dose of 3 mg APT weekly for 10 weeks either by intravenous (iv) tail vein or by intragastric (ig) route, A third group was given a weekly dose of 6 mg of APT for 3 weeks by the ig route corresponding to acute dosing. Both chronic iv and ig dosed animals showed ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but only iv dosed animals developed adenocarcinomas of the mammary glands. Acutely dosed ig animals produced apoptotic bodies in the liver, necrosis of blood cell precursors in the bone marrow and ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but they did not develop tumors, No mutations were found in the H-ras and p53 genes in the mammary glands of either the ig rats or the tumor-bearing iv rats. However, the mammary glands of a fourth group of rats, which received APT by iv and killed before tumor development, carried Pu to Pu and Pu to Py double mutations in codons 58 and 59 of H-ras. This study indicates that the route of administration plays a role in the nature of the disease expression from ptaquiloside exposure. In addition to confirming the role of APT in the PT-induced carcinogenesis our finding suggests that activation of H-ras is an early event in the PT-carcinogenesis model. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Lymphoscintigraphy is the technique of choice for sentinel lymph node detection in women with early breast cancer, but there is limited information evaluating the value of this technique in animals. We investigated mammary lymphatic drainage in 25 young female mongrel dogs by intramammary injection of 18.5 MBq of Tc-99m-dextran (70,000 Da). Lymph node anatomical referencing was obtained using an external marker, bone scintigraphy, or scintiscanning the body contour. Cranial and caudal thoracic mammary glands drained into the cranial sternal lymph node and axillary lymph center. The cranial thoracic mammary gland also drained into the superficial cervical lymph node in two of five animals. The cranial abdominal gland was drained by the axillary lymph center. The caudal abdominal mammary gland was drained by the superficial inguinal lymph node in all animals and simultaneously by medial iliac lymph nodes in four of five animals. In one dog, this mammary gland was also drained by the mediastinal and the superficial cervical lymph nodes. The inguinal mammary gland was drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes and simultaneously via the medial iliac lymph node in one animal. Lymphatic communications between lymph nodes were identified in 11 of 25 (44%) animals. Tc-99m-dextran mammary lymphoscintigraphy was easy and rapid to perform and may provide valuable information for further studies.
High energy intake and excessive body fatness impair mammogenesis in prepubertal ruminants. High energy intake and excessive fatness also increase serum leptin. Our objective was to determine if an infusion of leptin decreases proliferation of mammary epithelial cells of prepubertal heifers in vivo. Ovine leptin at 100 mu g/quarter per d with or without 10 mu g of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I was infused via the teat canal into mammary glands of prepubertal dairy heifers; contralateral quarters were used as controls. After 7 d of treatment, bromodeoxyuridine was infused intravenously and heifers were slaughtered similar to 2 h later. Tissue from 3 regions of the mammary parenchyma was collected and immunostained for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (Ki-67), and caspase-3. Leptin decreased the number of mammary epithelial cells in the S-phase of the cell cycle by 48% in IGF-I-treated quarters and by 19% in saline-treated quarters. Leptin did not alter the number of mammary epithelial cells within the cell cycle, as indicated by Ki-67 labeling. Caspase-3 immunostaining within the mammary parenchyma was very low in these heifers, but leptin significantly increased labeling in saline-treated quarters. Leptin enhanced SOCS-3 expression in IGF-I-treated quarters but did not alter SOCS-1 or SOCS-5 expression. We conclude that a high concentration of leptin in the bovine mammary gland reduces proliferation of mammary epithelial cells. The reduced proliferation is accompanied by an increase in SOCS-3 expression, suggesting a possible mechanism for leptin inhibition of IGF-I action. Whether leptin might be a physiological regulator of mammogenesis remains to be determined.
PURPOSE: To test an experimental model of chemical mammary carcinogenesis induction in rats. METHODS: Twenty young virgin Sprague-Dawley female rats, aged 47 days, received 20 mg of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) intragastrically by gavage. Afterwards, at 8 and 13 weeks, their mammary glands were examined. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed, and the mammary tumors were measured and weighed. Tumor fragments were analyzed using light microscopy. RESULTS: Eight weeks after DMBA injection, 16 rats presented at least 1 breast tumor (80%). After 13 weeks, all of them (100%) developed breast carcinomas that were confirmed by histopathological analysis. CONCLUSION: This experimental animal model of chemical mammary induced carcinogenesis is feasible and can be used in further experiments on the role of tumorigenic biomodulator substances.
Résumé : Le virus tumoral de la glande mammaire de la souris (MMTV) est un rétrovirus provoquant le développement de tumeurs dans les glandes mammaires des souris susceptibles femelles. Au cours de son évolution, le virus s'est adapté et s'exprime dans des cellules spécialisées. Les lymphocytes B sont les premières cellules infectées et elles sont essentielles pour la propagation de l'infection aux glandes mammaires. Dans notre étude, le virus MMTV a été utilisé afin d'examiner les voies de signalisation induites par les glucocorticoïdes (dexaméthasone (dex), une hormone stéroïdienne) et le transforming growth factor-f3 (TGF-P, une cytokine), deux molécules impliquées dans l'activation de la transcription à partir du promoteur du MMTV dans les cellules B. Le TGF-P seul n'influence pas l'activité du promoteur du MMTV. Par contre, en synergie avec dex, le TGF-P provoque une super-induction de l'expression du promoteur par rapport à une stimulation par le glucocorticoïde seul. Cette super-induction est régulée par une famille de protéines, les Smads. Ainsi, dans les lymphocytes B, l'utilisation du MMTV a permis de mettre en évidence une nouvelle synergie entre les glueocortieoïdes et le TGF-p. pans ce travail, l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques et de mutants « dominant-négatifs » nous a pet mis de démontrer qu'une Protéine Kinase C delta (PKC5) active est impliquée dans la transduction du signal lors de la réponse au dex ainsi que celle au TGF-P. Néanmoins, la PKC5 est régulée différemment dans chaque voie spécifique : la voie du TGF-p nécessitait l'activation du PKC5 par diacylglycerol (DAG) et la phosphorylation de tyrosines spécifiques, alors que la voie impliquant les glucocorticoïdes ne le nécessitait pas. Nous avons aussi démontré qu'une tyrosine kinase de la famille Src est responsable de la phosphorylation des tyrosines sur la PKC5. Les essais de kinase in vitro nous ont permis de découvrir que plusieurs Src kinases peuvent phosphoryler la PKC6 dans les cellules B et qu'elles étaient constitutivement actives. Enfin, nous avons montré qu'il existe une interaction protéine - protéine induite par dex, entre le récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes (GR) et la PKC5 dans les cellules B, une association qui n'a pas été démontrée auparavant. Par ailleurs, nous avons analysé les domaines d'interactions entre PKC5 et GR en utilisant les essais de «GST pull-down». Nos résultats montrent que le domaine régulateur de la PKC5 et celui qui interagit avec l'ADN du GR sont impliqués. En résumé, nous avons trouvé que dans une lignée lymphocytaire B, le virus MMTV utilise des mécanismes pour réguler à la fois la transcription et la voie de signalisation qui sont différents de ceux utilisés dans les cellules mammaires épithéliales et les fibroblastes. Nos découvertes pourraient être utilisées comme modèles pour l'étude de gènes cellulaires impliqués dans des processus tels qu'inflammation, immunité ou cancérogénèse. Summary: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus that causes tumors in the mammary glands of susceptible female mice and has adapted evolutionarily to be expressed in specialized cells. The B lymphocytes are the first cells to be infected by the MMTV and are essential for the spread of infection to the mammary glands. Here, we used the MMTV as a model system to investigate the signalling cascade induced by giucocorticoids (dexamethasone, "dex", a steroid hormone), and by Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-P, a cytokine) leading to its transcriptional activation in B lymphocytes. By itself, TGF-I3 does not affect the basal activity of the MMTV promoter. However, TGF-13 significantly increases glucocorticoid-induced expression, through its effectors, the Smad factors. Thus, MMTV in B cells demonstrates a novel synergism between glucocorticoids and TGF-16. In this thesis project, we present evidence, based on the use of pharmacological inhibitors and of dominant-negative mutants, that an active Protein Kinase C delta (PKC6) is required as a signal transducer for the dex response and for the TGF-P superinduction as well. The PKC6 is differentially regulated in each specific pathway: whereas the TGF-13 superinduction required PKC6 to be activated by diacylglycerol (DAG) and to be phosphorylated at specific tyrosine residues, the glueocorticoid-induced pathway did not. We also showed that a protein tyrosine kinase of the Src family is responsible for the phosphorylation of tyrosines on PKC6. By performing in vitro kinase assays, we found that several Src kinases of B cells were able to phosphorylate PKC6 and that they were constitutively active. Finally, we demonstrate a dex-dependent functional protein-protein interaction between the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and PKC6 in B cells, an association that has not been previously described. We further analysed the interacting domains of PKG6 and GR using in vitro GST pull-down assays, whereby the regulatory domain of PKC6 and the extended DNA-binding domain of the GR were involved. In summary, we found that in B-lymphoid cell lines, MMTV uses novel mechanisms of transcriptional control and signal transduction that are different from those at work in mammary epithelial or fibroblastic cells. These findings will be used as model for cellular genes involved in cellular processes such as immune functions, inflammation, or oncogenic transformation that may have a similar pattern of regulation.
We have previously characterized an infectious mouse mammary tumor virus [(MMTV(SW)] which induces a strong superantigen response in vivo. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of MMTV(C4) which was derived from milk of mice implanted with hyperplastic alveolar nodules. MMTV(C4) stimulates V beta 2 expressing T cells after local injection in vivo. Comparison with known open reading frame (orf) sequences revealed high homology to Mtv-6, an endogenous virus interacting with V beta 3-expressing T cells. The carboxyl-terminal amino acids were, however, altered. High homology including the carboxyl-terminal orf amino acids were found with MMTV(C3H-K). We show here that MMTV(C3H-K) has lost its superantigen function. Sequence comparisons permitted the characterization of few key amino acids which could be important for T cell receptor interaction and superantigen processing.
Murine T cell reactivity with products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) locus correlates with the expression of particular variable (V) domains of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. It was recently demonstrated that Mls antigens are encoded by an open reading frame (ORF) in the 3' long terminal repeat of either endogenous or exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). Immature thymocytes expressing reactive TCR-V beta domains are clonally deleted upon exposure to endogenous Mtv's. Mature T cells proliferate vigorously in response to Mls-1a (Mtv-7) in vivo, but induction of specific anergy and deletion after exposure to Mtv-7-expressing cells in the periphery has also been described. We show here that B cells and CD8+ (but not CD4+) T cells from Mtv-7+ mice efficiently induce peripheral deletion of reactive T cells upon transfer to Mtv-7- recipients, whereas only B cells stimulate specific T cell proliferation in vivo. In contrast to endogenous Mtv-7, transfer of B, CD4+, or CD8+ lymphocyte subsets from mice maternally infected with MMTV(SW), an infectious homologue of Mtv-7, results in specific T cell deletion in the absence of a detectable proliferative response. Finally, we show by secondary transfers of infected cells that exogenous MMTV(SW) is transmitted multidirectionally between lymphocyte subsets and ultimately to the mammary gland. Collectively our data demonstrate heterogeneity in the expression and/or presentation of endogenous and exogenous MMTV ORF by lymphocyte subsets and emphasize the low threshold required for induction of peripheral T cell deletion by these gene products.
The mouse mammary gland develops postnatally under the control of female reproductive hormones. Estrogens and progesterone trigger morphogenesis by poorly understood mechanisms acting on a subset of mammary epithelial cells (MECs) that express their cognate receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and progesterone receptor (PR). Here, we show that in the adult female, progesterone drives proliferation of MECs in two waves. The first, small wave, encompasses PR(+) cells and requires cyclin D1, the second, large wave, comprises mostly PR(-) cells and relies on the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member, receptor activator of NF-kappaB-ligand (RANKL). RANKL elicits proliferation by a paracrine mechanism. Ablation of RANKL in the mammary epithelium blocks progesterone-induced morphogenesis, and ectopic expression of RANKL in MECs completely rescues the PR(-/-) phenotype. Systemic administration of RANKL triggers proliferation in the absence of PR signaling, and injection of a RANK signaling inhibitor interferes with progesterone-induced proliferation. Thus, progesterone elicits proliferation by a cell-intrinsic and a, more important, paracrine mechanism.
Mammary gland development commences during embryogenesis with the establishment of a species typical number of mammary primordia on each flank of the embryo. It is thought that mammary cell fate can only be induced along the mammary line, a narrow region of the ventro-lateral skin running from the axilla to the groin. Ectodysplasin (Eda) is a tumor necrosis factor family ligand that regulates morphogenesis of several ectodermal appendages. We have previously shown that transgenic overexpression of Eda (K14-Eda mice) induces formation of supernumerary mammary placodes along the mammary line. Here, we investigate in more detail the role of Eda and its downstream mediator transcription factor NF-κB in mammary cell fate specification. We report that K14-Eda mice harbor accessory mammary glands also in the neck region indicating wider epidermal cell plasticity that previously appreciated. We show that even though NF-κB is not required for formation of endogenous mammary placodes, it is indispensable for the ability of Eda to induce supernumerary placodes. A genome-wide profiling of Eda-induced genes in mammary buds identified several Wnt pathway components as potential transcriptional targets of Eda. Using an ex vivo culture system, we show that suppression of canonical Wnt signalling leads to a dose-dependent inhibition of supernumerary placodes in K14-Eda tissue explants.
The effects of forage conservation method on plasma lipids, mammary lipogenesis, and milk fat were examined in 2 complementary experiments. Treatments comprised fresh grass, hay, or untreated (UTS) or formic acid treated silage (FAS) prepared from the same grass sward. Preparation of conserved forages coincided with the collection of samples from cows fed fresh grass. In the first experiment, 5 multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows (229 d in milk) were used to compare a diet based on fresh grass followed by hay during 2 consecutive 14-d periods, separated by a 5-d transition during which extensively wilted grass was fed. In the second experiment, 5 multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows (53 d in milk) were assigned to 1 of 2 blocks and allocated treatments according to a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design, with 14-d periods to compare hay, UTS, and FAS. Cows received 7 or 9 kg/d of the same concentrate in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Arterial concentrations of triacylglycerol (TAG) and phospholipid were higher in cows fed fresh grass, UTS, and FAS compared with hay. Nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations and the relative abundance of 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 in TAG of arterial blood were also higher in cows fed fresh grass than conserved forages. On all diets, TAG was the principle source of fatty acids (FA) for milk fat synthesis, whereas mammary extraction of NEFA was negligible, except during zero-grazing, which was associated with a lower, albeit positive calculated energy balance. Mammary FA uptake was higher and the synthesis of 16:0 lower in cows fed fresh grass than hay. Conservation of grass by drying or ensiling had no influence on mammary extraction of TAG and NEFA, despite an increase in milk fat secretion for silages compared with hay and for FAS than UTS. Relative to hay, milk fat from fresh grass contained lower 12:0, 14:0, and 16:0 and higher S3,R7,R11,15-tetramethyl-16:0, cis-9 18:1, trans-11 18:1, cis-9,trans-11 18:2, 18:2n-6, and 18:3n-3 concentrations. Even though conserved forages altered mammary lipogenesis, differences in milk FA composition were relatively minor, other than a higher enrichment of S3,R7,R11,15-tetramethyl-16:0 in milk from silages compared with hay. In conclusion, differences in milk fat composition on fresh grass relative to conserved forages were associated with a lower energy balance, increased uptake of preformed FA, and decreased synthesis of 16:0 de novo in the mammary glands, in the absence of alterations in stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase activity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An 18-year-old Quarter Horse mare presented with an 18 week history of dermatological lesions characterised by recurrent urticaria and recent signs of enlarged mammary glands, pyrexia, alopecia and intense pruritus. Haematological and serum biochemical analyses revealed anaemia, leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hyperfibrinogenaemia. Mammary discharge was evaluated and revealed neutrophilia. Cytological examinations of fine needle aspirates from the parotid lymph nodes were normal. Common causes of anaemia were ruled out by specific tests. The initial diagnosis was mastitis and 2 weeks later the animal returned to the hospital with worsening of clinical signs, intermittent fever, intense pruritus and generalised alopecia. Blood samples were collected for haematological and serum biochemical analyses, and the mammary gland and parotid lymph nodes were biopsied. Rectal palpation revealed a large irregular mass near the left kidney with adhesions of surrounding structures. The animal died before the laboratory results were ready. This report details the clinical, histological and immunophenotypic findings of a case of large lymphoma in a mare.
Purpose: Ultrasound (US) therapy is an elect rot hermotherapeutic modality that uses US energy to provoke physical and chemical alterations. US therapy has been widely used in physical therapy. However in clinical practice, it is contra-indicated in cancer patients due to the possibility of exacerbating tumor growth.Methods: Sixty-eight female Sprague-Dawley rats bred in UNIFAE vivarium were studied. At 50 days of age, 7, 12-dimetylbenz(a)anthracene (7, 12-DMBA) was administered to 35 rats by gastric gavage to induce mammary cancer After 90 days the mammary glands of the rats belonging to the group with mammary cancer induction and stimulated by US were removed. Animals received either continuous or pulsed US. US waves were generated at a frequency of 1 MHz during 10 days, with an intensity dose of 0.5 W in the continuous group, and 0.9 W (duty cycle: 20%) in the pulsed group.Results: Among the rats treated with continuous US, 44.4% developed local recurrence, while among the rats treated with pulsed US, 22.2% had local tumor recurrence (p < 0.05). No evidence of distant metastases was shown in any of the rats studied.Conclusion: The use ofcontinuous and pulsed therapeutic US promoted the development of local recurrence of mammary cancer in female Sprague-Dawley rats in the postoperative period.