976 resultados para Mahjong, Multiplayer, Mobile, Android, Java


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Porting dell'esecuzione dell'algoritmo KinectFusion su piattaforma mobile (Android).


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) tiene como objetivo el análisis, diseño e implementación de un videojuego móvil multijugador, con un enfoque educativo, para la sensibilización sobre el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH). El sistema resultante se ha desarrollado para la Plataforma Android, utilizando el Framework AndEngine, que utiliza aceleración hardware de la GPU para garantizar un buen rendimiento en terminales de gama baja, de modo que pueda utilizarse en un amplio número de terminales móviles disponibles en el mercado. La aplicación se presenta como un juego de cartas con los diferentes países y sus datos humanitarios, los jugadores deben conocer el peso de los índices de desarrollo (esperanza de vida, renta, educación) de los países en comparación con los países de los otros jugadores. El sistema de juego premia a los jugadores con mayores conocimientos sobre los datos humanos de los diferentes países del mundo, de ese modo los mejores jugadores serán los que tengan más conocimientos de estos datos. El juego permite jugar partidas en solitario utilizando jugadores manejados por la CPU, o multijugador mediante WIFI o 3G. La actualización de la información y de los datos de las partidas se realiza a través de la comunicación con un servidor web ya implementado de forma complementaria a la realización de este proyecto. El sistema ha sido integrado y validado satisfactoriamente con diferentes terminales móviles y usuarios de diferente perfil de edad y uso. El videojuego se puede descargar de la página web creada en un proyecto complementario a éste (pendiente de publicación web), y ya se encuentra también disponible en Google Play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419 ABSTRACT. This Project End of Career (PFC) takes as an aim the analysis, design and implementation of a multiplayer mobile videogame, with an educational approach, for the awareness on the Human Development Index (HDI). The resultant system has been developed for the Platform Android, using the AndEngine Framework, which uses hardware acceleration of the GPU to ensure a good performance on low-end terminals, so that it can be used in a wide range of mobile handsets available in the market. The application is presented as a card game with the different countries and his humanitarian information, the players must know the weight of the indexes of development (life expectancy, revenue, education) of the countries in comparison with the countries of other players. The game system rewards players with more knowledge on human information of different countries, thus the best players will be those with more knowledge of these information. The game allows to play items in solitarily using players handled by the CPU, or multiplayer by means of WIFI or 3G. The update of the information and data of the online games is done through communication with a web server implemented as a complement to the realization of this project. The system has been built and successfully validated with different mobile terminals and users of different age and usage profile. The game can be downloaded from the website created in a complementary project to this (web publication pending), and is now also available on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xnetcom.pro.cartas&hl=es_419


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Traditionally, diabetes education has relied on written materials, with limited resources available for children with diabetes. Mobile games can be effective and motivating tools for the promotion of children's health. In our earlier work, we proposed a novel approach for designing computer games aimed at educating children with diabetes. In this article, we apply our game design to a mobile Android game (Mario Brothers). We also introduce four heuristics that are specifically designed for evaluating the mobile game, by adapting traditional usability heuristics. Results of a pilot study (n = 12) to evaluate gameplay over 1-week showed that the children found the game engaging and improved their knowledge of healthy diet and lifestyle.


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Analisi e sviluppo di una applicazione sviluppata con l'ausilio di Phonegap.


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L'obiettivo di questa tesi è stato quello di progettare ed avviare lo sviluppo di un videogioco 3D multipiattaforma, nello specifico PC(Windows) e Mobile(Android), realizzandone poi una demo, affrontando così tutte le problematiche che possono sorgere quando si sviluppa un programma per dispositivi profondamente diversi fra loro. Il videogioco che si è scelto di realizzare è del genere “First Person Adventure”, in cui il giocatore deve esplorare la mappa di gioco, ed interagire con i vari elementi presenti al fine di far procedere la storia, il tutto realizzato ad un livello qualitativo sufficiente a permetterne la commercializzazione una volta ultimato.


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Il progetto si propone di dotare la realta fisica di un estensione digitale. Sensori, attuatori e tecnologie embedded hanno cambiato il nostro modo di lavorare, allenarci e seguire i nostri interessi. Il mondo del commercio non e rimasto a guardare ed ha dovuto adattarsi alla metamorfosi high-tech del settore dei servizi. Il sistema proposto costituisce un promotore per acquisti ed un raccoglitore intelligente di abitudini sullo shopping e si compone di applicazione mobile, microcontroller e web server. Caratteristica prima e principale del progetto e sicuramente la pervasivita. All'utente ed utilizzatore dell'app dello shopping center deve essere certamente resa nota la collaborazione al fine di raccogliere dati statistici sulle sue abitudini, tuttavia sono le modalita di tale operazione a dover rimanere velate, in modo da non appesantire il cliente con tediose operazioni di invio di feedback e valutazioni ed allo stesso tempo permettere una raccolta capillare delle informazioni. Parallelamente alla raccolta di dati funzionali al producer, sono state implementate features per il consumatore, come notifiche promozionali place-triggered e pubblicita mirata. Tra tutte le tecnologie adibite allo scambio di informazioni, si e scelto l'utilizzo del Bluetooth e del piu recente Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) per permettere ai dispositivi di comunicare tra loro.


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Il mondo degli smartphone, in particolare grazie all’avvento delle app, costituisce un settore che ha avuto negli ultimi anni una crescita tale, da richiedere l’introduzione di un nuovo termine in ambito finanziario: app economy. La crescente richiesta da parte del mercato di nuove opportunitá derivanti dal mondo delle applicazioni, ha aumentato sensibilmente il carico di lavoro richiesto alle software house specializzate,che hanno pertanto avuto la necessitá di adeguarsi a tale cambiamento. Per ovviare alle suddette problematiche, sono iniziati ad emergere due tool che consentono lo sviluppo di applicazioni multipiattaforma utilizzando un linguaggio ed un ambiente di sviluppo comuni. Tali sistemi consentono un risparmio in termini di tempi e costi, ma non sono in grado di competere con i tool nativi in termini di qualità del prodotto realizzato, in particolare per quanto concerne l'interfaccia grafica. Si propone pertanto un approccio che tenta di combinare i vantaggi di entrambe le soluzioni, al fine di ottimizzare la fluidità della UI, consentendo allo stesso tempo il riuso della logica applicativa.


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Examensarbetet beskriver utvecklingen av säkerhetsapplikationen BeSafe vilken utvecklats för IT-konsulttjänsteverksamheten Sogeti. BeSafe kommer i framtiden integreras med två andra applikationer för att tillsammans bilda en större friluftsapplikation. Den färdiga applikationen besvarar de verifierbara målen och därmed även problemformuleringen. Applikationen erbjuder användaren möjlighet att stärka den egna säkerheten. Muntliga intervjuer genomfördes för att bestämma design, färger och logotyp för applikationen. Intervjuerna resulterade i en användarvänligare applikation där undersökningen riktade in arbetet mot det gränssnitt BeSafe nu har. BeSafe är utvecklad genom en iterativ process i utvecklingsmiljön Android Studios och riktar sig till enheter baserade på Androids OS. Vidareutveckling av applikationen skulle kunna ske i form av nya funktioner där användaren exempelvis kan tillåta anhöriga få live feedback på vart användaren befinner sig. Det har tagits hänsyn till etiska aspekter under arbetets gång för att värna om användarens integritet. Detta genom notifikationer, minimering av risk för spridning av data genom lagrings- och kommunikationssätt inom applikationen.


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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è effettuare un'analisi del modello di programmazione proposto da Android. L'attenzione verrà posta, in particolare, su quali meccanismi vengano forniti per la gestione di eventi asincroni generati dal sistema, allo scopo di notificare cambiamenti del contesto in cui si sta operando: dal modo in cui vengono intercettati, a come risulta possibile modificare il comportamento dell'applicazione, in reazione alle nuove informazioni acquisite. Si valuteranno gli elementi di novità introdotti nelle API di Android, in relazione ai classici mezzi disponibili nella programmazione standard in Java, atti a risolvere una nuova categoria di problematiche dovute alla natura context-aware delle applicazioni. Sarà effettuata anche un'analisi più generale della qualità del modello proposto, in termini di estensibilità e modularità del codice; per fare ciò, si prenderà in esame l'applicazione SMS Backup+ come caso di studio e si proporranno delle possibili estensioni per verificarne la fattibilità.


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Smartphones get increasingly popular where more and more smartphone platforms emerge. Special attention was gained by the open source platform Android which was presented by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) hosting members like Google, Motorola, and HTC. Android uses a Linux kernel and a stripped-down userland with a custom Java VM set on top. The resulting system joins the advantages of both environments, while third-parties are intended to develop only Java applications at the moment. In this work, we present the benefit of using native applications in Android. Android includes a fully functional Linux, and using it for heavy computational tasks when developing applications can bring in substantional performance increase. We present how to develop native applications and software components, as well as how to let Linux applications and components communicate with Java programs. Additionally, we present performance measurements of native and Java applications executing identical tasks. The results show that native C applications can be up to 30 times as fast as an identical algorithm running in Dalvik VM. Java applications can become a speed-up of up to 10 times if utilizing JNI.


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Our daily lives become more and more dependent upon smartphones due to their increased capabilities. Smartphones are used in various ways, e.g. for payment systems or assisting the lives of elderly or disabled people. Security threats for these devices become more and more dangerous since there is still a lack of proper security tools for protection. Android emerges as an open smartphone platform which allows modification even on operating system level and where third-party developers first time have the opportunity to develop kernel-based low-level security tools. Android quickly gained its popularity among smartphone developers and even beyond since it bases on Java on top of "open" Linux in comparison to former proprietary platforms which have very restrictive SDKs and corresponding APIs. Symbian OS, holding the greatest market share among all smartphone OSs, was even closing critical APIs to common developers and introduced application certification. This was done since this OS was the main target for smartphone malwares in the past. In fact, more than 290 malwares designed for Symbian OS appeared from July 2004 to July 2008. Android, in turn, promises to be completely open source. Together with the Linux-based smartphone OS OpenMoko, open smartphone platforms may attract malware writers for creating malicious applications endangering the critical smartphone applications and owners privacy. Since signature-based approaches mainly detect known malwares, anomaly-based approaches can be a valuable addition to these systems. They base on mathematical algorithms processing data that describe the state of a certain device. For gaining this data, a monitoring client is needed that has to extract usable information (features) from the monitored system. Our approach follows a dual system for analyzing these features. On the one hand, functionality for on-device light-weight detection is provided. But since most algorithms are resource exhaustive, remote feature analysis is provided on the other hand. Having this dual system enables event-based detection that can react to the current detection need. In our ongoing research we aim to investigates the feasibility of light-weight on-device detection for certain occasions. On other occasions, whenever significant changes are detected on the device, the system can trigger remote detection with heavy-weight algorithms for better detection results. In the absence of the server respectively as a supplementary approach, we also consider a collaborative scenario. Here, mobile devices sharing a common objective are enabled by a collaboration module to share information, such as intrusion detection data and results. This is based on an ad-hoc network mode that can be provided by a WiFi or Bluetooth adapter nearly every smartphone possesses.


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Google Android, Google's new product and its first attempt to enter the mobile market, might have an equal impact on mobile users like Apple's hyped product, the iPhone. In this Technical report we are going to present the Google Android platform, what Android is, describe why it might be considered as a worthy rival to Apple's iPhone. We will describe parts of its internals, take a look "under the hood" while explaining components of the underlying operating system. We will show how to develop applications for this platform, which difficulties a developer might have to face, and how developers can possibly use other programming languages to develop for Android than the propagated language Java.


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Within the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.