1000 resultados para Magnetic reconnection


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While the Cluster spacecraft were located near the high-latitude magnetopause, between 1010 and 1040 UT on 16 January 2004, three typical flux transfer event (FTE) signatures were observed. During this interval, simultaneous and conjugated all‐sky camera measurements, recorded at Yellow River Station, Svalbard, are available at 630.0 and 557.7 nm that show poleward‐moving auroral forms (PMAFs), consistent with magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Simultaneous FTEs seen at the magnetopause mainly move northward, but having duskward (eastward) and tailward velocity components, roughly consistent with the observed direction of motion of the PMAFs in all‐sky images. Between the PMAFs meridional keograms, extracted from the all‐sky images, show intervals of lower intensity aurora which migrate equatorward just before the PMAFs intensify. This is strong evidence for an equatorward eroding and poleward moving open‐closed boundary associated with a variable magnetopause reconnection rate under variable IMF conditions. From the durations of the PMAFs, we infer that the evolution time of FTEs is 5–11 minutes from its origin on the magnetopause to its addition to the polar cap.


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The solar wind is an extended ionized gas of very high electrical conductivity, and therefore drags some magnetic flux out of the Sun to fill the heliosphere with a weak interplanetary magnetic field(1,2). Magnetic reconnection-the merging of oppositely directed magnetic fields-between the interplanetary field and the Earth's magnetic field allows energy from the solar wind to enter the near-Earth environment. The Sun's properties, such as its luminosity, are related to its magnetic field, although the connections are still not well understood(3,4). Moreover, changes in the heliospheric magnetic field have been linked with changes in total cloud cover over the Earth, which may influence global climate(5), Here we show that measurements of the near-Earth interplanetary magnetic field reveal that the total magnetic flux leaving the Sun has risen by a factor of 1.4 since 1964: surrogate measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field indicate that the increase since 1901 has been by a factor of 2,3, This increase may be related to chaotic changes in the dynamo that generates the solar magnetic field. We do not yet know quantitatively how such changes will influence the global environment.


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Early in 1996, the latest of the European incoherent-scatter (EISCAT) radars came into operation on the Svalbard islands. The EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) has been built in order to study the ionosphere in the northern polar cap and in particular, the dayside cusp. Conditions in the upper atmosphere in the cusp region are complex, with magnetosheath plasma cascading freely into the atmosphere along open magnetic field lines as a result of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. A model has been developed to predict the effects of pulsed reconnection and the subsequent cusp precipitation in the ionosphere. Using this model we have successfully recreated some of the major features seen in photometer and satellite data within the cusp. In this paper, the work is extended to predict the signatures of pulsed reconnection in ESR data when the radar is pointed along the magnetic field. It is expected that enhancements in both electron concentration and electron temperature will be observed. Whether these enhancements are continuous in time or occur as a series of separate events is shown to depend critically on where the open/closed field-line boundary is with respect to the radar. This is shown to be particularly true when reconnection pulses are superposed on a steady background rate.


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The open magnetosphere model of cusp ion injection, acceleration and precipitation is used to predict the dispersion characteristics for fully pulsed magnetic reconnection at a low-latitude magnetopause X-line. The resulting steps, as would be seen by a satellite moving meridionally and normal to the ionospheric projection of the X-line, are compared with those seen by satellites moving longitudinally, along the open/closed boundary. It is shown that two observed cases can be explained by similar magnetosheath and reconnection characteristics, and that the major differences between them are well explained by the different satellite paths through the events. Both cases were observed in association with poleward-moving transient events seen by ground-based radar, as also predicted by the theory. The results show that the reconnection is pulsed but strongly imply it cannot also be spatially patchy, in the sense of isolated X-lines which independently are intermittently active. Furthermore they show that the reconnection pulses responsible for the poleward-moving events and the cusp ion steps, must cover at least 3 h of magnetic local time, although propagation of the active reconnection region may mean that it does not extend this far at any one instant of time.


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We present predictions of the signatures of magnetosheath particle precipitation (in the regions classified as open low-latitude boundary layer, cusp, mantle and polar cap) for periods when the interplanetary magnetic field has a southward component. These are made using the “pulsating cusp” model of the effects of time-varying magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Predictions are made for both low-altitude satellites in the topside ionosphere and for midaltitude spacecraft in the magnetosphere. Low-altitude cusp signatures, which show a continuous ion dispersion signature, reveal "quasi-steady reconnection" (one limit of the pulsating cusp model), which persists for a period of at least 10 min. We estimate that “quasi-steady” in this context corresponds to fluctuations in the reconnection rate of a factor of 2 or less. The other limit of the pulsating cusp model explains the instantaneous jumps in the precipitating ion spectrum that have been observed at low altitudes. Such jumps are produced by isolated pulses of reconnection: that is, they are separated by intervals when the reconnection rate is zero. These also generate convecting patches on the magnetopause in which the field lines thread the boundary via a rotational discontinuity separated by more extensive regions of tangential discontinuity. Predictions of the corresponding ion precipitation signatures seen by midaltitude spacecraft are presented. We resolve the apparent contradiction between estimates of the width of the injection region from midaltitude data and the concept of continuous entry of solar wind plasma along open field lines. In addition, we reevaluate the use of pitch angle-energy dispersion to estimate the injection distance.


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Ground magnetic field perturbations recorded by the CANOPUS magnetometer network in the 7 to 13 MLT sector are used to examine how reconfigurations of the dayside polar ionospheric flow take place in response to north-south changes of the IMF. During the 6-hour interval in question IMF Bz oscillates between ±7 nT with about a 1-hour period. Corresponding variations in the ground magnetic disturbance are observed which we infer are due to changes in ionospheric flow. Cross correlation of the data obtained from two ground stations at 73.5° magnetic latitude, but separated by ∼2 hours in MLT, shows that changes in the flow are initiated in the prenoon sector (∼10 MLT) and then spread outward toward dawn and dusk with a phase speed of ∼5 km s−1 over the longitude range ∼8 to 12 MLT, slowing to ∼2 km s−1 outside this range. Cross correlating the data from these ground stations with IMP 8 IMF Bz records produces a MLT variation in the ground response delay relative to the IMF which is compatible with these deduced phase speeds. We interpret these observations in terms of the ionospheric response to the onset, expansion and decay of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause.


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A method is presented which allows estimation of the variation of the rate of magnetic reconnection at the day side magnetopause. This is achieved using observations of the cusp particle precipitation made by low-altitude polar-orbiting spacecraft. In this paper we apply the technique to a previously published example of a cusp intersection by the DMSP F7 satellite. It is shown that the cusp signature in this case was produced by three separate bursts of reconnection which were of the order of 10 min apart, each lasting roughly 1 min. This is similar to the variation of reconnection rate which is required to explain typical flux transfer event signatures at the magnetopause.


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Magnetic reconnection facilitates the transfer of mass, energy, and momentum from the solar wind, through the Earth's magnetosphere and into the upper atmosphere. Recently, combined observations using both ground-based and satellite instruments have revealed much about how reconnection takes place. This new understanding has great signficance for systems which exploit, or operate within, the Earth's plasma environment, as well as for a wide variety of scientific studies.


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The suggestion is discussed that characteristic particle and field signatures at the dayside magnetopause, termed “flux transfer events” (FTEs), are, in at least some cases, due to transient solar wind and/or magnetosheath dynamic pressure increases, rather than time-dependent magnetic reconnection. It is found that most individual cases of FTEs observed by a single spacecraft can, at least qualitatively, be explained by the pressure pulse model, provided a few rather unsatisfactory features of the predictions are explained in terms of measurement uncertainties. The most notable exceptions to this are some “two-regime” observations made by two satellites simultaneously, one on either side of the magnetopause. However, this configuration has not been frequently achieved for sufficient time, such observations are rare, and the relevant tests are still not conclusive. The strongest evidence that FTEs are produced by magnetic reconnection is the dependence of their occurrence on the north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) or of the magnetosheath field. The pressure pulse model provides an explanation for this dependence (albeit qualitative) in the case of magnetosheath FTEs, but this does not apply to magnetosphere FTEs. The only surveys of magnetosphere FTEs have not employed the simultaneous IMF, but have shown that their occurrence is strongly dependent on the north-south component of the magnetosheath field, as observed earlier/later on the same magnetopause crossing (for inbound/outbound passes, respectively). This paper employs statistics on the variability of the IMF orientation to investigate the effects of IMF changes between the times of the magnetosheath and FTE observations. It is shown that the previously published results are consistent with magnetospheric FTEs being entirely absent when the magnetosheath field is northward: all crossings with magnetosphere FTEs and a northward field can be attributed to the field changing sense while the satellite was within the magnetosphere (but close enough to the magnetopause to detect an FTE). Allowance for the IMF variability also makes the occurrence frequency of magnetosphere FTEs during southward magnetosheath fields very similar to that observed for magnetosheath FTEs. Conversely, the probability of attaining the observed occurrence frequencies for the pressure pulse model is 10−14. In addition, it is argued that some magnetosheath FTEs should, for the pressure pulse model, have been observed for northward IMF: the probability that the number is as low as actually observed is estimated to be 10−10. It is concluded that although the pressure model can be invoked to qualitatively explain a large number of individual FTE observations, the observed occurrence statistics are in gross disagreement with this model.


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The concept of magnetic reconnection originated with the suggestion by Giovanelli [1946] that particles could be energized during solar flares near nulls in the magnetic field. Hoyle [1949] subsequently proposed that such a process could also act at nulls between the geomagnetic field and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) to generate the energized particles responsible for auroral displays. However, the idea of the interconnection of the two magnetic fields, as we know it today, was first presented by Hoyle's student, Dungey [1953, 1961].


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Magnetic fields can change their topology through a process known as magnetic reconnection. This process in not only important for understanding the origin and evolution of the large-scale magnetic field, but is seen as a possibly efficient particle accelerator producing cosmic rays mainly through the first-order Fermi process. In this work we study the properties of particle acceleration inserted in reconnection zones and show that the velocity component parallel to the magnetic field of test particles inserted in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) domains of reconnection without including kinetic effects, such as pressure anisotropy, the Hall term, or anomalous effects, increases exponentially. Also, the acceleration of the perpendicular component is always possible in such models. We find that within contracting magnetic islands or current sheets the particles accelerate predominantly through the first-order Fermi process, as previously described, while outside the current sheets and islands the particles experience mostly drift acceleration due to magnetic field gradients. Considering two-dimensional MHD models without a guide field, we find that the parallel acceleration stops at some level. This saturation effect is, however, removed in the presence of an out-of-plane guide field or in three-dimensional models. Therefore, we stress the importance of the guide field and fully three-dimensional studies for a complete understanding of the process of particle acceleration in astrophysical reconnection environments.


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One of the fundamental properties of astrophysical magnetic fields is their ability to change topology through reconnection and in doing so, to release magnetic energy, sometimes violently. In this work, we review recent results on the role of magnetic reconnection and associated heating and particle acceleration in jet/accretion disk systems, namely young stellar objects (YSOs), microquasars, and active galactic nuclei (AGNs).


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In the presence of turbulence, magnetic field lines lose their dynamical identity and particles entrained on field lines diffuse through space at a rate determined by the amplitude of the turbulence. In previous work (Lazarian and Vishniac, 1999; Kowal et al., 2009; Eyink et al., 2011) we showed that this leads to reconnection speeds which are independent of resistivity. In particular, in Kowal et al. (2009) we showed that numerical simulations were consistent with the predictions of this model. Here we examine the structure of the current sheet in simulations of turbulent reconnection. Laminar flows consistent with the Sweet-Parker reconnection model produce very thin and well ordered currents sheets. On the other hand, the simulations of Kowal et al. (2009) show a strongly disordered state even for relatively low levels of turbulence. Comparing data cubes with and without reconnection, we find that large scale field reversals are the cumulative effect of many individual eddies, each of which has magnetic properties which are not very different from turbulent eddies in a homogeneous background. This implies that the properties of stationary and homogeneous MHD turbulence are a reasonable guide to understanding turbulence during large scale magnetic reconnection events. In addition, dissipation and high energy particle acceleration during reconnection events take place over a macroscopic volume, rather than being confined to a narrow zone whose properties depend on microscopic transport coefficients.


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We study a model of fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of weak turbulence proposed by Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) using three-dimensional direct numerical simulations. The model has been already successfully tested in Kowal et al. (2009) confirming the dependencies of the reconnection speed V-rec on the turbulence injection power P-inj and the injection scale l(inj) expressed by a constraint V-rec similar to P(inj)(1/2)l(inj)(3/4)and no observed dependency on Ohmic resistivity. In Kowal et al. (2009), in order to drive turbulence, we injected velocity fluctuations in Fourier space with frequencies concentrated around k(inj) = 1/l(inj), as described in Alvelius (1999). In this paper, we extend our previous studies by comparing fast magnetic reconnection under different mechanisms of turbulence injection by introducing a new way of turbulence driving. The new method injects velocity or magnetic eddies with a specified amplitude and scale in random locations directly in real space. We provide exact relations between the eddy parameters and turbulent power and injection scale. We performed simulations with new forcing in order to study turbulent power and injection scale dependencies. The results show no discrepancy between models with two different methods of turbulence driving exposing the same scalings in both cases. This is in agreement with the Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) predictions. In addition, we performed a series of models with varying viscosity nu. Although Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) do not provide any prediction for this dependence, we report a weak relation between the reconnection speed with viscosity, V-rec similar to nu(-1/4).


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In this Letter we analyze the energy distribution evolution of test particles injected in three dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of different magnetic reconnection configurations. When considering a single Sweet-Parker topology, the particles accelerate predominantly through a first-order Fermi process, as predicted in [3] and demonstrated numerically in [8]. When turbulence is included within the current sheet, the acceleration rate is highly enhanced, because reconnection becomes fast and independent of resistivity [4,11] and allows the formation of a thick volume filled with multiple simultaneously reconnecting magnetic fluxes. Charged particles trapped within this volume suffer several head-on scatterings with the contracting magnetic fluctuations, which significantly increase the acceleration rate and results in a first-order Fermi process. For comparison, we also tested acceleration in MHD turbulence, where particles suffer collisions with approaching and receding magnetic irregularities, resulting in a reduced acceleration rate. We argue that the dominant acceleration mechanism approaches a second order Fermi process in this case.