734 resultados para Maasai (African people)--Education


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Nachdem sich in der Kolonialkrise von 1906 das Scheitern der ersten Periode deutscher Kolonialherrschaft (1885-1906) offenbarte, wurde Bernhard Dernburg die grundlegende Reorganisation der Kolonialpolitik anvertraut. Als Mann aus der Welt der Banken und Finanzen sollte er die stagnierende Entwicklung der Kolonien mit Hilfe von administrativen und wirtschaftlichen Reformmaßnahmen vorantreiben und gleichzeitig der indigenen Bevölkerung eine humane Behandlung zu garantieren. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, verabschiedete er Reformen, die eine Rationalisierung und Humanisierung der Arbeiterpolitik vorsahen. Sowohl in der zeitgenössischen Literatur als auch in der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Forschung wird der Amtsantritt Bernhard Dernburgs zum Leiter der Kolonialabteilung im Jahre 1906 als der „Beginn einer neuen humanen Ära“ deutscher Kolonialpolitik oder als „Wandel zum Besseren“ bezeichnet. Die Dissertation „Schwarzer Untertan versus Schwarzer Bruder. Bernhard Dernburgs Reformen in den Kolonien Deutsch-Ostafrika, Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Togo und Kamerun“ untersucht die Intention, Akzeptanz, Umsetzung und Auswirkung der reformatorischen Eingeborenenpolitik und klärt, ob die Beurteilung der Ära Dernburg (1906-1910) in der zeitgenössischen und aktuellen Forschung eine Berechtigung hat. Obwohl zumindest in der Theorie sein Konzept einer rationalen und humanen Kolonialpolitik sicherlich eine Abkehr von der bisher betriebenen Kolonialpolitik bedeutete, zeigt sich jedoch bei der Umsetzung der Reformen eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen Intention und Realität. Auch wenn zumindest die Bestrebung Dernburgs zur Verrechtlichung der indigenen Arbeitsverhältnisse gewürdigt werden sollte, so muss doch konstatiert werden, dass es in der „Ära Dernburg“ definitiv nicht zu einer grundlegenden Verbesserung der indigenen Lebenssituation in den deutschen Kolonien kam. Im Gegenteil, die Dernburgsche Reformpolitik beschleunigte vielmehr den Verelendungsprozess der indigenen Bevölkerung. In allen afrikanischen Kolonien verschlechterten sich mit der Intensivierung der Verwaltung die sozialen und menschlichen Beziehungen zwischen Afrikanern und Europäern. Vieles von dem, was Dernburg in seinem Programm propagierte, konnte nicht erreicht werden. Zwar führte Dernburg in Deutsch-Ostafrika, Deutsch-Südwestafrika und in Kamerun eine rechtlich bindende Arbeiterverordnung ein, jedoch unterschieden sich die Bestimmungen zum Teil erheblich voneinander, so dass von einer einheitlichen Modernisierung des kolonialen Arbeitsrechts nicht die Rede sein kann. Viele arbeitsrechtliche Bereiche, wie z.B. die Arbeiteranwerbung, Lohnzahlung, Minderjährigenschutz, Vertragsdauer, Arbeitszeit, Verpflegung und Unterkunft wurden nur unzureichend geregelt. Ähnlich negativ muss auch die Reformierung der Strafrechtspflege bewertet werden. Die Kodifizierung eines Eingeborenenstrafrechts scheiterte sowohl am Widerstand der lokalen Verwaltung als auch am Grundkonsens der Rechtmäßigkeit einer Rassenjustiz. Kolonialpolitik war auch in der „Ära Dernburg“ nichts anderes als „rohe Ausbeutungspolitik“, die zur Lösung der Arbeiterfrage beitragen sollte. Aber gerade hier, bei der Mobilisierung von afrikanischen Lohnarbeitern, war der Kolonialstaatssekretär nicht etwa mit einer „Arbeiterfürsorgepolitik“, sondern mit der Fortführung der Enteignungs- und Zwangsmaßnahmen erfolgreich gewesen. Insgesamt ist ein deutlicher Anstieg an afrikanischen Arbeitern in europäischen Unternehmen zu verzeichnen, was darauf schließen lässt, dass Dernburgs Verordnungen einen günstigen Einfluss auf die Arbeiterfrage ausgeübt haben. Obwohl nicht von einem grundlegenden Neuanfang der Kolonialpolitik gesprochen werden kann, sollte ebenso wenig bezweifelt werden, dass sich die deutsche Kolonialpolitik nicht unter Dernburg veränderte. Größere indigene Aufstände und Unruhen blieben aus, so dass während seiner Amtszeit eine systematische wirtschaftliche Erschließung der Kolonien beginnen konnte.


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Esta comunicación nos permite exponer dos líneas de reflexión y, consecuentemente, de investigación sobre cómo la educación de las personas de Tercera Edad puede llevar a mejorar el desarrollo personal y optimizar su calidad de vida. El contexto educativo en el cual se desarrollan estas investigaciones es el ámbito no formal del aprendizaje


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El planteamiento de esta actividad parte de la conceptualización del patrimonio cultural, sus múltiples acepciones y las problemáticas que surgen a partir de la reflexión. Comenzamos con la definición que da Ortega Morales, quien entiende que el patrimonio es un instrumento de la identidad colectiva que subraya lo propio frente a lo ajeno, de un modo no necesariamente excluyente, sino empático. Gran parte de lo que somos, continúa la autora, no es tanto la consecuencia de los grandes acontecimientos, sino de una historia menor, colectiva, de las actividades, los trabajos, las relaciones sociales o creencias de nuestra vida cotidiana y es todo ello lo que define nuestra herencia histórica y nuestra identidad colectiva presente (Ortega, 2001: 508). Cuando aquí consideramos el patrimonio, estamos hablando de la vertiente inmaterial, de los recuerdos, ideas y pensamientos generados a través de una serie de experiencias vividas por cada uno de nosotros. Se plantea un patrimonio utilizado como recurso, que toma valor e importancia cuando el individuo que aprende se lo otorga. Estamos dirigiendo la mirada hacia aquel que observa, hacia el sujeto patrimonial, no hacia el objeto, que es el que se apropia del mismo de forma simbólica y crea en él ciertos valores que le permiten transmitirlo a otras personas, creando identidades colectivas, y formar parte de un grupo, integrarse en una colectividad, la cual va a tener ese patrimonio en común. De este modo estamos partiendo de diferentes variables: del patrimonio como recurso, del sujeto que le otorga esos valores, y de la educación como principal eje que articula ambas premisas, y que es punto de partida para ellas


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RESUMO:O prisma central desta pesquisa se insere na dimensão da análise da aplicação das Políticas Púbicas educacionais implantadas pelo governo brasileiro e direcionadas à Educação do Campo aos Jovens e Adultos que vivem nas Comunidades Campesinas dos assentamentos da Reforma Agrária. Com vistas a avaliar se a efetivação dessas políticas estão conseguindo propiciar aos nossos camponês, sua permanência no campo, podendo desfrutar de uma vida mais digna para si, sua família e sua comunidade, foi feita a análise de conteúdos das entrevistas realizadas com os alunos, seus pais e seus professores, no intuito de compreender quais são os benefícios da implantação da EJA na comunidade pesquisada. O estudo mostrou que as Políticas Educacionais direcionadas ao Campo, no município de Conceição do Araguaia-PA, na modalidade EJA, têm conseguido ajudar o homem do campo na luta por melhorias na qualidade de vida de suas comunidades e contribuído enquanto elemento formulador da permanência do homem do campo em suas terras, além de se constituir numa ferramenta de conscientização política por se configurar como uma educação diferenciada da encontrada nos centros urbanos, pois suas diretrizes são direcionadas às especificidades da população campesina e tem como ponto de partida as dificuldades vivenciadas por seus alunos. ABSTRACT: The prism of this research is inserted in the dimension of the analysis of the implementation of educational public policy implemented by the Brazilian government and directed the Rural Education, for young people and adults living in agrarian reform settlements. With the aim to value whether the implementation of these policies are able to provide our peasant his stay in the countryside can enjoy a better life for himself, his family and his community, has made the content analysis of interviews with students, their parents and their teachers in order to understand what are the benefits of the implementation of Adult and Young people Education in this pesquised community. The study showed that policies aimed at the educational field, in the municipality of Conceição do Araguaia-PA, in the form Adult and Young People Education, has succeeded in helping the people in the field fighting for improvements in quality of life of their communities and contributed as part formulator of the permanence of the countryside on their land, and from being a tool for political awareness to configure itself as a differentiated education that found in urban centers, because their directives are geared to the specificities of the peasant population and its starting point the difficulties experienced by their students.


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O trabalho apresentado decorre do Projecto de Intervenção realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial: domínio cognitivo e motor, na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. A presente intervenção contempla o trabalho realizado com uma turma de currículo alternativo (Cursos de Educação e Formação de Jovens), no que concerne à aquisição de hábitos e métodos de estudo e trabalho, bem como à interiorização de determinados valores de cidadania, potenciadores da aquisição de alguma motivação para a aprendizagem. O enquadramento teórico facilitará a compreensão das pedras basilares da intervenção, bem como das posições defendidas relativamente à escola inclusiva, à educação para a cidadania, à escola como espaço de luta contra a exclusão e o estigma e à possibilidade de uma aprendizagem significativa e integradora. Para obter informações sobre a turma em questão, sobre a sua integração num espaço escolar específico e para delinear todo o processo de intervenção foram utilizados vários suportes metodológicos, a saber, a pesquisa documental, a observação naturalista, os questionários e diversos instrumentos de registo (notas de campo). Os princípios que orientaram a intervenção realizada, tendo como horizonte uma investigação - acção, bem como os objectivos definidos para a turma, as diversas actividades realizadas, os métodos de avaliação dessa mesma aprendizagem e a colaboração de todos os intervenientes neste processo, permitiram a constatação de algumas melhorias relevantes na área académica e social, em alguns alunos. As práticas educativas que delinearam esta intervenção permitiram desbravar novos caminhos em direcção a novas formas de encarar o ensino de jovens em risco de abandono escolar, permitindo uma nova visão da importância de uma escola democrática, integradora e acolhedora. Considerando-se que no início estávamos perante um grupo-turma com muitas dificuldades comportamentais, com falta de auto-estima e gosto pela escola e com total ausência de métodos e hábitos de estudo e trabalho, pode afirmar-se que todos os alunos melhoraram nos aspectos referidos, demonstrando um comportamento mais adequado em sala de aula e adquirindo alguns métodos e hábitos de estudo relevantes para o sucesso escolar.


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Evidence of learning object like representation to social teachings that active in the education of young and adult with the point of view of the ―To be teacher‖ in this modality of teaching, to direct the intention, this research is way, understand the existence of this representation in center acting teachers in the initial periods of the EJA in the Rio Grande do Norte and its reasoning the theories of social representation (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 2003; JODELET, 2001; ABRIC, 1998). We interviewed one hundred and ten (110) teachers who work at schools in the Metropolitan Regions of Natal. We use two procedures: focal group (GATTI, 2005) and multiple classification analysis MCA (ROAZZI, 1995).Thus us with the focal group, attended by eight (08) teachers and seek to know understanding their ideas about EJA, what was possible from the content analysis (BARDIN, 1977; FRANCO, 2007) of the following category: the teacher s view of the EJA context. Developing the MCA, we met twenty (20) teachers in the first stage, free-word association technique FAT (ABRIC, 1998), and ninety in the second stage, including the participants of the focal group. The results of this procedure were submitted to multidimensional analysis and content analysis. The first showed three facets: having and being teacher dimension (ideal), which was about the example teacher s characteristics and behaviors; teacher/ student relation which was about the difficulties and doubts of this relationship as well as its success; at last, conflicting dimension from/ with practice, based on the conflicts experienced by the teachers as EJA workers. Content analysis based on the theme organization from the interpreted data showed four categories: resources to be a teacher which also brought out the definition of an ideal teacher; talk about teaching which disclosed teachers thoughts about the knowledge and being a teacher; obstacles to EJA which showed situations and conditions that prejudice EJA development; and also admission as EJA teacher: viewing reasons which revealed the reasons why teachers went to EJA even though they were formed to deal with children. The conjoint analysis us evidenced the little the dominion of the teachers a participation these search at respect of origin, of the meaning of the character while the singular of EJA modality of teaching the conformation of the social representation from the ―To be‖ on the general vision dissociating with it of inexistence of a social representation of ―to be teacher of the EJA‖ white striking element in the reference at singularity that define the related modality of teaching


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The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruará-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history


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In order to understand what is the situation of entities that serve children and adolescents today, as well as the institutional plot that comprises these institutions, we aimed to formulate a set of paradigmatic possibilities that would allow us to understand the configuration of the dialectical field of various pulses, in which these entities are located. We detected the subjects we associate with counterparts paradigms of Charity, of Human Promotion, of Philanthropy, of assistentialist government patronage, of Social Work as a State Policy, and finally, another set of events that we propose to designate as the paradigm of Citizen Subjects we associate with the ethical perspective of People Education. These paradigmatic possibilities range from the simply various and contrasting ones, including the similar and competing ones, to the dialectically contradictory ones. Its spectrum oscillates between tutelage and citizenship. The characterization of these didactic paradigms can provide us a compass that is required in a highly complex social field, allowing us to understand the variety of ethical effects promoted by these paradigms in the social field.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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This book offers a portrayal of the opportunities for social inclusion afforded to young people in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a view to building stronger youth policies in the region. The youth population must be included in development processes if progress is to be made towards more egalitarian societies, not only because of the numbers of young people vis-à-vis the rest of the population, but also because of what these numbers mean in relation to dependency rates and the needs and issues particular to this stage of life.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)