458 resultados para MQW MODULATORS
Escherichia coli adapts its lifestyle to the variations of environmental growth conditions, swapping between swimming motility or biofilm formation. The stationary-phase sigma factor RpoS is an important regulator of this switch, since it stimulates adhesion and represses flagellar biosynthesis. By measuring the dynamics of gene expression, we show that RpoS inhibits the transcription of the flagellar sigma factor, FliA, in exponential growth phase. RpoS also partially controls the expression of CsgD and CpxR, two transcription factors important for bacterial adhesion. We demonstrate that these two regulators repress the transcription of fliA, flgM, and tar and that this regulation is dependent on the growth medium. CsgD binds to the flgM and fliA promoters around their -10 promoter element, strongly suggesting direct repression. We show that CsgD and CpxR also affect the expression of other known modulators of cell motility. We propose an updated structure of the regulatory network controlling the choice between adhesion and motility.
The endothelin system, and in particular endothelin receptors, are targets for therapeutic intervention in human diseases. Endothelin receptor antagonists have reached clinical use for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension, and are under clinical investigation for several other diseases, such as cancer, vasospasm or fibrogenic diseases. We review the molecules that have been evaluated in the main clinical trials, from the point of view of receptor selectivity and of their chemical characteristics which were important for efficacy in pulmonary hypertension. We will also discuss future use of antagonists to endothelin receptor(s) in several human diseases and what should be the necessary properties of the future molecules for efficacy in diseases where the presently tested molecules displayed suboptimal efficacy.
Selektiivisten estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijoiden (serm) vaikutus rintasyöpäsolujen ja luun solujen kuolemaan Selektiiviset estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijat (SERMit) ovat ryhmä kemialliselta rakenteeltaan erilaisia yhdisteitä jotka sitoutuvat solunsisäisiin estrogeenireseptoreihin toimien joko estrogeenin kaltaisina yhdisteinä tai estrogeenin vastavaikuttajina. Tamoksifeeni on SERM –yhdiste, jota on jo pitkään käytetty estrogeenireseptoreita (ER) ilmentävän rintasyövän lääkehoidossa. Tamoksifeeni sekä estää rintasyöpäsolujen jakaantumista että toisaalta aikaansaa niiden apoptoosin eli ohjelmoidun solukuoleman muuntelemalla ER-välitteisesti kohdesolun geenien ilmentymistä. Viimeaikaiset tutkimustulokset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet tamoksifeenilla olevan myös nopeampia, nongenomisia vaikutusmekanismeja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkimme niitä nopeita vaikutusmekanismeja joiden avulla tamoksifeeni vaikuttaa rintasyöpäsolujen elinkykyyn. Osoitamme että tamoksifeeni farmakologisina pitoisuuksina aikaansaa nopean mitokondriaalisen solukuolemaan johtavan signallointireitin aktivoitumisen rintasyöpäsoluissa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme myös tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaan mitokondriovaurioon johtavia tekijöitä. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat että ER-positiivisissa rintasyöpäsoluissa tamoksifeeni indusoi pitkäkestoisen ERK-kinaasiaktivaation, joka voidaan estää 17-beta-estradiolilla. Tamoksifeenin aikaansaama nopea solukuolema on pääosin ER:sta riippumaton tapahtuma, mutta siihen voidaan vaikuttaa myös ER-välitteisin mekanismein. Sen sijaan epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptorin (EGFR) voitiin osoittaa osallistuvan tamoksifeenin nopeiden vaikutusten välittämiseen. Tämän lisäksi vertailimme myös estradiolin ja eri SERM-yhdisteiden kykyä suojata apoptoosilta käyttämällä osteoblastiperäisiä soluja. Pytyäksemme vertailemaan ER-isotyyppien roolia eri yhdisteiden suojavaikutuksissa, transfektoimme U2OS osteosarkoomasolulinjan ilmentämään pysyvästi joko ERalfaa tai ERbetaa. Tulostemme mukaan sekä estradioli että uusi SERM-yhdiste ospemifeeni suojaavat osteoblastin kaltaisia soluja etoposidi-indusoidulta apoptoosilta. Sekä ERalfa että ERbeta pystyivät välittämään suojavaikutusta, joskin vaikutukset erosivat toisistaan. Lisäksi havaitsimme edellä mainitun suojavaikutuksen olevan yhteydessä muutoksiin solujen sytokiiniekspressiossa. Tietoa SERM-yhdisteiden anti-ja proapoptoottisten vaikutusmekanismeista eri kohdekudoksissa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää kehiteltäessä uusia kudosspesifisiä SERM-yhdisteitä.
Cyanobacteria are a diverse group of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria that inhabit in a wide range of environments. They are versatile and multifaceted organisms with great possibilities for different biotechnological applications. For example, cyanobacteria produce molecular hydrogen (H2), which is one of the most important alternatives for clean and sustainable energy. Apart from being beneficial, cyanobacteria also possess harmful characteristics and may become a source of threat to human health and other living organisms, as they are able to form surface blooms that are producing a variety of toxic or bioactive compounds. The University of Helsinki Culture Collection (UHCC) maintains around 1,000 cyanobacterial strains representing a large number of genera and species isolated from the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes. The culture collection covers different life forms such as unicellular and filamentous, N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing strains, and planktonic and benthic cyanobacteria. In this thesis, the UHCC has been screened to identify potential strains for sustainable biohydrogen production and also for strains that produce compounds modifying the bioenergetic pathways of other cyanobacteria or terrestrial plants. Among the 400 cyanobacterial strains screened so far, ten were identified as high H2-producing strains. The enzyme systems involved in H2 metabolism of cyanobacteria were analyzed using the Southern hybridization approach. This revealed the presence of the enzyme nitrogenase in all strains tested, while none of them are likely to have contained alternative nitrogenases. All the strains tested, except for two Calothrix strains, XSPORK 36C and XSPORK 11A, were suggested to contain both uptake and bidirectional hydrogenases. Moreover, 55 methanol extracts of various cyanobacterial strains were screened to identify potent bioactive compounds affecting the photosynthetic apparatus of the model cyanobacterium, Synechocystis PCC 6803. The extract from Nostoc XPORK 14A was the only one that modified the photosynthetic machinery and dark respiration. The compound responsible for this effect was identified, purified, and named M22. M22 demonstrated a dual-action mechanism: production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under illumination and an unknown mechanism that also prevailed in the dark. During summer, the Baltic Sea is occupied by toxic blooms of Nodularia spumigena (hereafter referred to as N. spumigena), which produces a hepatotoxin called nodularin. Long-term exposure of the terrestrial plant spinach to nodularin was studied. Such treatment resulted in inhibition of growth and chlorosis of the leaves. Moreover, the activity and amount of mitochondrial electron transfer complexes increased in the leaves exposed to nodularin-containing extract, indicating upregulation of respiratory reactions, whereas no marked changes were detected in the structure or function of the photosynthetic machinery. Nodularin-exposed plants suffered from oxidative stress, evidenced by oxidative modifications of various proteins. Plants initiated strategies to combat the stress by increasing the levels of alpha-tocopherol, mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX), and mitochondrial ascorbate peroxidase (mAPX).
Nematode parasites have shown resistance to the anthelmintics, ivermectin and moxidectin, and there is evidence that the over-expression of parasite P-glycoprotein (P-gp) may account, at least in part, for resistance to ivermectin. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the multidrug resistance (MDR) modulators, verapamil, CL 347.099 (an analog of verapamil) and cyclosporin A, would enhance the efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin against selected strains of Haemonchus contortus using an in vitro larval migration assay. The modulators had no effects on the number of migrating larvae when used alone. Ivermectin and moxidectin showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in its efficacy by 52.8 and 58.5% respectively, when used in association with verapamil against a moxidectin-selected strain. CL 347,099 also increased significantly (P<0.05) the ivermectin and moxidectin efficacy by 24.2 and 40.0% respectively, against an ivermectin-selected strain and by 40.0 and 75.6% respectively, against an moxidectin-selected strain. At the concentrations tested cyclosporin A showed a variable effect on increasing the efficacy of the anthelmintics against the susceptible and resistant strains.
The impact of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) on increasing the risk for breast cancer (BC) remains controversial. To understand MHT-elicited cellular breast effects and the potential risks, included with using this therapy, a further investigation into this controversy is the subject of this thesis. In this thesis, to study the effects of estrogen, progestin, androgens and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), a modified tissue explant culture system was used. The different types of human breast tissues (HBTs) used in this study were normal HBTs, obtained from reduction mammoplasties of premenopausal women (prem-HBTs) or postmenopausal (postm-HBTs) women and peritumoral HBTs (peritum-HBTs) which were obtained from surgeries on postmenopausal BC patients. The explants were cultured up to three weeks in the presence or absence of estradiol (E2), medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and SERMs - ospemifene (OSP), raloxifene (RAL) and tamoxifen (TAM). The cultured HBTs maintained morphological integrity and responded to hormonal treatment in vitro. E2, MPA or E2/MPA increased proliferative activity and was associated with increased cyclin-D1 and caused changes in the cell cycle inhibitors p21 and p27, whereas the androgens T and DHT inhibited proliferation and increased apoptosis in HBT epithelia and opposed E2-stimulated proliferation and cell survival. The postm-HBTs were more sensitive to E2 than prem-HBTs. The effects of OSP, RAL and TAM on HBT epithelium were antiproliferative. E2, androgens and SERMs were associated with marked changes in the proportions of epithelial cells expressing steroid hormone receptors: E2 increased ERα expressing cells and decreased androgen receptor (AR) positive cells, whereas T and DHT had opposite effects. The OSP, RAL and TAM, also decreased a proportion of ERα positive cells in HBT epithelium. At 100 nM, these compounds maintained the relative number of AR positive cells, present at control level, which may partly explain proliferative inhibition. In conclusion, the proliferative activity of E2, in the epithelium of postm-HBTs, is opposed by T and DHT, which suggests that the inclusion of androgens in MHT may decrease the risk for developing BC.
Proteoglycans are abundant in the developing brain and there is much circumstantial evidence for their roles in directional neuronal movements such as cell body migration and axonal growth. We have developed an in vitro model of astrocyte cultures of the lateral and medial sectors of the embryonic mouse midbrain, that differ in their ability to support neuritic growth of young midbrain neurons, and we have searched for the role of interactive proteins and proteoglycans in this model. Neurite production in co-cultures reveals that, irrespective of the previous location of neurons in the midbrain, medial astrocytes exert an inhibitory or nonpermissive effect on neuritic growth that is correlated to a higher content of both heparan and chondroitin sulfates (HS and CS). Treatment of astrocytes with chondroitinase ABC revealed a growth-promoting effect of CS on lateral glia but treatment with exogenous CS-4 indicated a U-shaped dose-response curve for CS. In contrast, the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes was reversed by exogenous CS-4. Treatment of astrocytes with heparitinase indicated that the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes may depend heavily on HS by an as yet unknown mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of available knowledge on the binding of HS proteoglycans to interactive proteins, with emphasis on the importance of unraveling the physiological functions of glial glycoconjugates for a better understanding of neuron-glial interactions.
Mitosis is under the stringent quality control of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). However, in cancer cells this control can fail, leading to excessive cellular proliferation and ultimately to the formation of a tumor. Novel cancer cell selective therapies are needed to stop the uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumor growth. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) that could play a role in cancer cell proliferation as well as low molecular weight (LMW) compounds that could interfere with cell division. The findings could be used to develop better cancer diagnostics and therapies in the future. First, a high-throughput screen (HTS) was performed to identify LMW compounds that possess a similar chemical interaction field as rigosertib, an anti-cancer compound undergoing clinical trials. A compound termed Centmitor-1 was discovered that phenocopied the cellular impact of rigosertib by affecting the microtubule dynamics. Next, another HTS aimed at identifying compounds that would target the Hec1 protein, which mediates the interaction between spindle microtubules and chromosomes. Perturbation of this connection should prevent cell division and induce cell death. A compound termed VTT-006 was discovered that abrogated mitosis in several cell line models and exhibited binding to Hec1 in vitro. Lastly, using a cell-based HTS two miRNAs were identified that affected cancer cell proliferation via Aurora B kinase, which is an important mitotic regulator. MiR-378a-5p was found to indirectly suppress the production of the kinase whereas let-7b showed direct binding to the 3’UTR of Aurora B mRNA and repressed its translation. The miRNA-mediated perturbation of Aurora B induced defects in mitosis leading to abnormal chromosome segregation and induction of aneuploidy. The results of this thesis provide new information on miRNA signaling in cancer, which could be utilized for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, the thesis introduces two small compounds that may benefit future drug research.
There is evidence that the major mediators of stress, i.e., catecholamines and glucocorticoids, play an important role in modulating thymopoiesis and consequently immune responses. Furthermore, there are data suggesting that glucocorticoids influence catecholamine action. Therefore, to assess the putative relevance of glucocorticoid-catecholamine interplay in the modulation of thymopoiesis we analyzed thymocyte differentiation/maturation in non-adrenalectomized and andrenalectomized rats subjected to treatment with propranolol (0.4 mg·100 g body weight-1·day-1) for 4 days. The effects of β-adrenoceptor blockade on thymopoiesis in non-adrenalectomized rats differed not only quantitatively but also qualitatively from those in adrenalectomized rats. In adrenalectomized rats, besides a more efficient thymopoiesis [judged by a more pronounced increase in the relative proportion of the most mature single-positive TCRαβhigh thymocytes as revealed by two-way ANOVA; for CD4+CD8- F (1,20) = 10.92, P < 0.01; for CD4-CD8+ F (1,20) = 7.47, P < 0.05], a skewed thymocyte maturation towards the CD4-CD8+ phenotype, and consequently a diminished CD4+CD8-/CD4-CD8+ mature TCRαβhigh thymocyte ratio (3.41 ± 0.21 in non-adrenalectomized rats vs 2.90 ± 0.31 in adrenalectomized rats, P < 0.05) were found. Therefore, we assumed that catecholaminergic modulation of thymopoiesis exhibits a substantial degree of glucocorticoid-dependent plasticity. Given that glucocorticoids, apart from catecholamine synthesis, influence adrenoceptor expression, we also hypothesized that the lack of adrenal glucocorticoids affected not only β-adrenoceptor- but also α-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation of thymopoiesis.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Considers Sampling, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Multiple Access, Quantisation, Pulse Coded Modulation, Manchester Line Coding, Amplitude Modulation, Double SideBand Suppressed Carrier Modulation, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and M-ary Shift Keying.
As part of an on-going project to characterize compounds from immature conifer cones with antibacterial or modulatory activity against multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains of Staphylococcus aureus, eight compounds were isolated from the cones of Chatnaecyparis lawsoniana. The active compounds were mainly diterpenes, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 4 to 128 mu g/ml against MDR effluxing S. aureus strains and two epidemic methicillin-resistant (EMRSA) clinical isolates. The compounds extracted were the diterpenes ferruginol, pisiferol and its epimer 5-epipisiferol, formosanoxide, trans-communic acid and torulosal, the sesquiterpene oplopanonyl acetate and the germacrane 4 beta-hydroxygermacra-1(10)-5-diene. Some of these compounds also exhibited modulatory activity in potentiating antibiotic activity against effluxing strains and ferruginol, used at a sub-inhibitory concentration, resulted in an 80-fold potentiation of oxacillin activity against strain EMRSA-15. An efflux inhibition assay using an S. aureus strain possessing the MDR NorA efflux pump resulted in 40% inhibition of ethidium bromide efflux at 10 mu M ferruginol (2.86 mu g/ml). We report the H-1 and C-13 NMR data for the cis A/B ring junction epimer of pisiferol which we have named 5-epipisiferol. We also unambiguously assign all H-1 and C-13 NMR resonances for trans-communic acid. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is considerable interest in the potential of a group of dietary-derived phytochemicals known as flavonoids in modulating neuronal function and thereby influencing memory, learning and cognitive function. The present review begins by detailing the molecular events that underlie the acquisition and consolidation of new memories in the brain in order to provide a critical background to understanding the impact of flavonoid-rich diets or pure flavonoids on memory. Data suggests that despite limited brain bioavailability, dietary supplementation with flavonoid-rich foods, such as blueberry, green tea and Ginkgo biloba lead to significant reversals of age-related deficits on spatial memory and learning. Furthermore, animal and cellular studies suggest that the mechanisms underpinning their ability to induce improvements in memory are linked to the potential of absorbed flavonoids and their metabolites to interact with and modulate critical signalling pathways, transcription factors and gene and/or protein expression which control memory and learning processes in the hippocampus; the brain structure where spatial learning occurs. Overall, current evidence suggests that human translation of these animal investigations are warranted, as are further studies, to better understand the precise cause-and-effect relationship between flavonoid intake and cognitive outputs.
We have previously identified allosteric modulators of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (Org 27569, PSNCBAM-1) which display a contradictory pharmacological profile: increasing the specific binding of the CB1 receptor agonist [3H]CP55940 but producing a decrease in CB1 receptor agonist efficacy. Here we investigated the effect one or both compounds in a broad range of signalling endpoints linked to CB1 receptor activation. We assessed the effect of these compounds on CB1 receptor agonist-induced [35S]GTPγS binding, inhibition and stimulation of forskolin stimulated cAMP production, phosphorylation of ERK, and β arrestin recruitment. We also investigated the effect of these allosteric modulators on CB1 agonist binding kinetics. Both compounds display ligand dependence, being significantly more potent as modulators of CP55940 signalling as compared to WIN55212 and having little effect on [3H]WIN55212 binding. Org 27569 displays biased antagonism whereby it inhibits: agonist-induced [35S]GTPγS binding, simulation (Gαs mediated) and inhibition (Gαi mediated) of cAMP production and β arrestin recruitment. In contrast, it acts as an enhancer of agonist-induced ERK phosphoryation. Alone, the compound can act also as an allosteric agonist, increasing cAMP production and ERK phosphorylation. We find that in both saturation and kinetic binding experiments, the Org 27569 and PSNCBAM-1 appeared to influence only orthosteric ligand maximum occupancy rather than affinity. The data indicate that the allosteric modulators share a common mechanism whereby they increase available high affinity CB1 agonist binding sites. The receptor conformation stabilised by the allosterics appears to induce signalling and also selectively traffics orthosteric agonist signalling via the ERK phosphorylation pathway.
Development of the patch clamp technique by the Nobel Prize winners Bert Sakmann and Erwin Neher led to huge advances in ion channel research. Their work laid the foundations and revolutionized electrophysiological studies of cells and ion channels. These ion channels underlie many basic cellular physiological processes and, therefore, are key therapeutic targets for pharmaceutical companies. However, current pharmacological strategies are hampered by the lack of specific ion channel blockers. Intense research and development programs are now actively employing antibodies to target ion channels in various formats. This review discusses the use of ion channel antibodies and their associated small molecules as pharmacological tools, termed immunopharmacology. In addition, we will review some recent studies looking into clinical applications of immunopharmacology and intrabodies.