27 resultados para MPTP


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Dues à leur importance croissante dans la dégénérescence musculaire, les mitochondries sont de plus en plus étudiées en relation à diverses myopathies. Leurs mécanismes de contrôle de qualité sont reconnus pour leur rôle important dans la santé mitochondrial. Dans cette étude, nous tentons de déterminer si le déficit de mitophagie chez les souris déficiente du gène Parkin causera une exacerbation des dysfonctions mitochondriales normalement induite par la doxorubicine. Nous avons analysé l’impact de l’ablation de Parkin en réponse à un traitement à la doxorubicine au niveau du fonctionnement cardiaque, des fonctions mitochondriales et de l’enzymologie mitochondriale. Nos résultats démontrent qu’à l’état basal, l’absence de Parkin n’induit pas de pathologie cardiaque mais est associé à des dysfonctions mitochondriales multiples. La doxorubicine induit des dysfonctions respiratoires, du stress oxydant mitochondrial et une susceptibilité à l’ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité (PTP). Finalement, contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’absence de Parkin n’accentue pas les dysfonctions mitochondriales induites par la doxorubicine et semble même exercer un effet protecteur.


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Plusieurs études montrent que les acides gras (AG) oméga-3 sont bénéfiques pour la santé cardiovasculaire. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire a montré que l’administration des acides gras oméga-3 réduit la taille de l'infarctus du myocarde (IM). Cependant, la question demeure de savoir si les deux principaux acides gras oméga-3 à longue chaîne, l'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) possèdent la même efficacité à réduire la taille de l'infarctus. Le but de ce projet sera de déterminer l’efficacité relative de chacun de ces acides gras oméga-3 à protéger le cœur dans un modèle d’ischémie/reperfusion et d’étudier certaines voies de cardioprotection. Des rats mâles adultes Sprague-Dawley ont été nourris pendant 14 jours avec une diète comprenant l'un: 1- aucun AG oméga-3; 2- 5 g d'EPA / kg de nourriture; 3- 5 g de DHA / kg de nourriture; 4- 2,5 g de chaque oméga-3 AG / kg de nourriture; 5- 5 g chaque AG oméga-3 / kg de nourriture. Par la suite, les animaux ont été soumis à une ischémie pendant 40 minutes, causée par l'occlusion de l'artère coronaire gauche descendante. Au bout de 24 heures de reperfusion, la taille de l'infarctus est déterminée. Dans un sous-groupe d'animaux, l'activité d’Akt et des caspase-3 sont mesurées dans la région ischémique après 30 minutes de reperfusion. Finalement, à 15 minutes de reperfusion, l'ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité mitochondriale mPTP est déterminée dans un autre sous-groupe. Les résultats indiquent que les diètes EPA ou DHA réduisent de manière significative la taille de l'infarctus par rapport à la diète sans AG oméga-3, tandis que la combinaison de deux acides gras oméga-3 n'a pas montré de diminution de la taille de l'infarctus. L'activité de la caspase-3 est réduite pour le groupe DHA puis, l'activité d'Akt est augmentée avec les diètes EPA et DHA seules. Finalement, en présence d’une diète enrichie uniquement de DHA, l'ouverture des mPTP est retardée comparativement aux autres diètes.


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Rats with unilateral lesion of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) have been used as a model of Parkinson`s disease. Depending on the lesion protocol and on the drug challenge, these rats rotate in opposite directions. The aim of the present study was to propose a model to explain how critical factors determine the direction of these turns. Unilateral lesion of the SNpc was induced with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Separate analysis showed that neither the type of neurotoxin nor the site of lesion along the nigrostriatal. pathway was able to predict the direction of the turns these rats made after they were challenged with apomorphine. However, the combination of these two factors determined the magnitude of the lesion estimated by tyrosine-hydroxylase immunohistochemistry and HPLC-ED measurement of striatal dopamine. Very small lesions did Dot cause turns, medium-size lesions caused ipsiversive turns, and large lesions caused contraversive turns. Large-size SNpc lesions resulted in an increased binding of [H-3] raclopride to D2 receptors, while medium-size lesions reduced the binding of [H-3]SCH-23390 D1 receptors in the ipsilateral striatum. These results are coherent with the model proposing that after challenged with a dopamine receptor agonist, unilaterally SNpc-lesioned rats rotate toward the side with the weaker activation of dopamine receptors. This activation is weaker on the lesioned side in animals with small SNpc lesions due to the loss of dopamine, but stronger in animals with large lesions due to dopamine receptor supersensitivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Calcium (Ca2+) ist ein ubiquitär vorkommendes Signalmolekül, das an der Regulation zahlreicher zellulärer Prozesse, von der Proliferation bis zum programmierten Zelltod, beteiligt ist. Daher müssen die intrazellulären Ca2+-Spiegel streng kontrolliert werden. Veränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase während der altersassoziierten Neurodegeneration können dazu beitragen, dass Neuronen vulnerabler sind. So wurden erhöhte Ca2+-Konzentrationen in gealterten Neuronen, begleitet von einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität, beobachtet (Hajieva et al., 2009a). Weiterhin wird angenommen, dass der selektive Untergang von dopaminergen Neuronen bei der Parkinson Erkrankung auf eine erhöhte Ca2+-Last zurückzuführen sein könnte, da diese Neuronen einem ständigen Ca2+-Influx,rnaufgrund einer besonderen Isoform (CaV 1.3) spannungsgesteuerter Ca2+-Kanäle des L-Typs, ausgesetzt sind (Chan et al., 2007). Bislang wurden die molekularen Mechanismen, die einem Ca2+-Anstieg zu Grunde liegen und dessen Auswirkung jedoch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt und daher in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Um Veränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase während der altersassoziiertenrnNeurodegeneration zu analysieren wurden primäre Mittelhirnzellen aus Rattenembryonen und SH-SY5Y-Neuroblastomazellen mit dem Neurotoxin 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-Pyridin (MPP+), das bei der Etablierung von Modellen der Parkinson-Erkrankung breite Anwendung findet, behandelt. Veränderungen der intrazellulären Ca2+-Konzentration wurden mit einem auf dem grün fluoreszierenden Protein (GFP)-basierten Ca2+-Indikator,rn„Cameleon cpYC 3.6“ (Nagai et al., 2004), ermittelt. Dabei wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass MPP+ die Abregulation der neuronenspezifischen ATP-abhängigen Ca2+-Pumpe der Plasmamembran (PMCA2) induziert, die mit der Ca2+-ATPase des endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA) und dem Na+/Ca2+-Austauscher (NCX) das zelluläre Ca2+-Effluxsystem bildet, was zu einer erhöhten zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration führt. Die PMCA2-Abnahme wurde sowohl auf Transkriptionsebene als auch auf Proteinebene demonstriert, während keine signifikanten Veränderungen der SERCA- und NCX-Proteinmengen festgestellt wurden. Als Ursache der Reduktion der PMCA2-Expression wurde eine Abnahme des Transkriptionsfaktors Phospho-CREB ermittelt, dessen Phosphorylierungsstatus abhängig von der Proteinkinase A (PKA) war. Dieser Mechanismus wurde einerseits unter MPP+-Einfluss und andererseits vermittelt durch endogene molekulare Modulatoren gezeigt. Interessanterweise konnten die durch MPP+ induzierte PMCA2-Abregulation und der zytosolische Ca2+-Anstieg durch die Aktivierung der PKA verhindert werden. Parallel dazu wurde eine MPP+-abhängige verringerte mitochondriale Ca2+-Konzentration nachgewiesen, welche mit einer Abnahme des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials korrelierte. Darüber hinaus kam es als Folge der PMCA2-Abnahme zu einem verminderten neuronalen Überleben.rnVeränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase wurden auch während der normalen Alterung inrnprimären Fibroblasten und bei Mäusen nachgewiesen. Dabei wurden verringerte PMCA und SERCA-Proteinmengen in gealterten Fibroblasten, einhergehend mit einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration demonstriert. Weiterhin wurden verringerte PMCA2-Proteinmengen im Mittelhirn von gealterten Mäusen (C57B/6) detektiert.rnDer zelluläre Ca2+-Efflux ist somit sowohl im Zuge der physiologischen Alterung als auch in einem altersbezogenen Krankheitsmodell beeinträchtigt, was das neuronale Überleben beeinflussen kann. In zukünftige Studien soll aufgeklärt werden, welche Auswirkungen einer PMCA2-Reduktion genau zu dem Verlust von Neuronen führen bzw. ob durch eine PMCA2-Überexpression neurodegenerative Prozesse verhindert werden können.


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Early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is required to improve therapeutic responses. Indeed, a clinical diagnosis of resting tremor, rigidity, movement and postural deficiencies usually reflect >50% loss of the nigrostriatal system in disease. In a step to address this, quantitative diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) was used to assess nigrostriatal degeneration in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) intoxication model of dopaminergic nigral degeneration. We now demonstrate increased average diffusion (p<0.005) and decreased fractional anisotropy (p<0.03) in the substantia nigra (SN) of 5- to 7-day MPTP-treated animals when compared to saline controls. Transverse diffusivity demonstrated the most significant differences (p < or = 0.002) and correlated with the numbers of SN dopaminergic neurons (r=-0.75, p=0.012). No differences were found in the striatum, corpus callosum, cerebral cortex, or ventricles. These results demonstrate that DTI may be used as a surrogate biomarker of nigral dopaminergic neuronal degeneration.


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1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) damages dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) as seen in Parkinson's disease. Here, we show that the pro-apoptotic protein Bax is highly expressed in the SNpc and that its ablation attenuates SNpc developmental neuronal apoptosis. In adult mice, there is an up-regulation of Bax in the SNpc after MPTP administration and a decrease in Bcl-2. These changes parallel MPTP-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration. We also show that mutant mice lacking Bax are significantly more resistant to MPTP than their wild-type littermates. This study demonstrates that Bax plays a critical role in the MPTP neurotoxic process and suggests that targeting Bax may provide protective benefit in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.


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Plusieurs études montrent que les acides gras (AG) oméga-3 sont bénéfiques pour la santé cardiovasculaire. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire a montré que l’administration des acides gras oméga-3 réduit la taille de l'infarctus du myocarde (IM). Cependant, la question demeure de savoir si les deux principaux acides gras oméga-3 à longue chaîne, l'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) possèdent la même efficacité à réduire la taille de l'infarctus. Le but de ce projet sera de déterminer l’efficacité relative de chacun de ces acides gras oméga-3 à protéger le cœur dans un modèle d’ischémie/reperfusion et d’étudier certaines voies de cardioprotection. Des rats mâles adultes Sprague-Dawley ont été nourris pendant 14 jours avec une diète comprenant l'un: 1- aucun AG oméga-3; 2- 5 g d'EPA / kg de nourriture; 3- 5 g de DHA / kg de nourriture; 4- 2,5 g de chaque oméga-3 AG / kg de nourriture; 5- 5 g chaque AG oméga-3 / kg de nourriture. Par la suite, les animaux ont été soumis à une ischémie pendant 40 minutes, causée par l'occlusion de l'artère coronaire gauche descendante. Au bout de 24 heures de reperfusion, la taille de l'infarctus est déterminée. Dans un sous-groupe d'animaux, l'activité d’Akt et des caspase-3 sont mesurées dans la région ischémique après 30 minutes de reperfusion. Finalement, à 15 minutes de reperfusion, l'ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité mitochondriale mPTP est déterminée dans un autre sous-groupe. Les résultats indiquent que les diètes EPA ou DHA réduisent de manière significative la taille de l'infarctus par rapport à la diète sans AG oméga-3, tandis que la combinaison de deux acides gras oméga-3 n'a pas montré de diminution de la taille de l'infarctus. L'activité de la caspase-3 est réduite pour le groupe DHA puis, l'activité d'Akt est augmentée avec les diètes EPA et DHA seules. Finalement, en présence d’une diète enrichie uniquement de DHA, l'ouverture des mPTP est retardée comparativement aux autres diètes.


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Haloperidol ( HP) has been reported to undergo cytochrome P450 (P450)-mediated metabolism to potentially neurotoxic pyridinium metabolites; however, the chemical pathways and specific enzymes involved in these reactions remain to be identified. The aims of the current study were to (i) fully identify the cytochrome P450 enzymes capable of metabolizing HP to the pyridinium metabolite, 4-(4-chlorophenyl)- 1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-oxobutylpyridinium (HPP+), and reduced HP (RHP) to 4-(4-chlorophenyl)- 1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-hydroxybutylpyridinium (RHPP+); and (ii) determine whether 4-(4-chlorophenyl)- 1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-oxobutyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (HPTP) and 4-(4-chlorophenyl)1-( 4-fluorophenyl)-4-hydroxybutyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (RHPTP) were metabolic intermediates in these pathways. In vitro studies were conducted using human liver microsomal preparations and recombinant human cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s 1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 2A6, 2B6, 2C9, 2C19 2D6, 2E1, 3A4, 3A5, and 3A7) expressed in bicistronic format with human NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase in Escherichia coli membranes. Pyridinium formation from HP and RHP was highly correlated across liver preparations, suggesting the same enzyme or enzymes were responsible for both reactions. Cytochrome P450s 3A4, 3A5, and 3A7 were the only recombinant enzymes which demonstrated significant catalytic activity under optimized conditions, although trace levels of activity could be catalyzed by NADPHP450 reductase alone. NADPH-P450 reductase-mediated activity was inhibited by reduced glutathione but not catalase or superoxide dismutase, suggesting O-2-dependent oxidation. No evidence was obtained to support the contention that HPTP and RHPTP are intermediates in these pathways. K-m values for HPP+ (34 +/- 5 mu M) and RHPP+ (64 +/- 4 mu M) formation by recombinant P450 3A4 agreed well with those obtained with human liver microsomes, consistent with P450 3A4 being the major catalyst of pyridinium metabolite formation in human liver.


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An in vitro mouse slice preparation from control and MPTP-treated mice in which functional reciprocal GP-STN connectivity is maintained, does not produce oscillatory bursting or synchronous activity neuronal activity. Pharmacological interventions that produce bursting activity do so without concomitant neuronal synchrony, or a requirement for glutamate or GABA transmission. Pre-treatment with MPTP did not alter this behaviour. Thus, we have no evidence that the functionally connected, but isolated, GP — STN network can act as a pacemaker for synchronous correlated activity in the basal ganglia and must conclude that other inputs such as those from cortex and/or striatum are required.


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The loss of dopamine in idiopathic or animal models of Parkinson's disease induces synchronized low-frequency oscillatory burst-firing in subthalamic nucleus neurones. We sought to establish whether these firing patterns observed in vivo were preserved in slices taken from dopamine-depleted animals, thus establishing a role for the isolated subthalamic-globus pallidus complex in generating the pathological activity. Mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) showed significant reductions of over 90% in levels of dopamine as measured in striatum by high pressure liquid chromatography. Likewise, significant reductions in tyrosine hydroxylase immunostaining within the striatum (>90%) and tyrosine hydroxylase positive cell numbers (65%) in substantia nigra were observed. Compared with slices from intact mice, neurones in slices from MPTP-lesioned mice fired significantly more slowly (mean rate of 4.2 Hz, cf. 7.2 Hz in control) and more irregularly (mean coefficient of variation of inter-spike interval of 94.4%, cf. 37.9% in control). Application of ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) and the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused no change in firing pattern. Bath application of dopamine significantly increased cell firing rate and regularized the pattern of activity in cells from slices from both MPTP-treated and control animals. Although the absolute change was more modest in control slices, the maximum dopamine effect in the two groups was comparable. Indeed, when taking into account the basal firing rate, no differences in the sensitivity to dopamine were observed between these two cohorts. Furthermore, pairs of subthalamic nucleus cells showed no correlated activity in slices from either control (21 pairs) or MPTP-treated animals (20 pairs). These results indicate that the isolated but interconnected subthalamic-globus pallidus network is not itself sufficient to generate the aberrant firing patterns in dopamine-depleted animals. More likely, inputs from other regions, such as the cortex, are needed to generate pathological oscillatory activity. © 2006 IBRO.


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A distributed network of cortical and subcortical brain regions mediates the control of voluntary behavior, but it is unclear how this complex system may flexibly shift between different behavioral events. This thesis describes the neurophysiological changes in several key nuclei across the brain during flexible behavior, using saccadic eye movements in rhesus macaque monkeys. We examined five nuclei critical for saccade initiation and modulation: the frontal eye field (FEF) in the cerebral cortex, the subthalamic nucleus (STN), caudate nucleus (CD), and substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) in the basal ganglia (BG), and the superior colliculus (SC) in the midbrain. The first study tested whether a ‘threshold’ theory of how neuronal activity cues saccade initiation is consistent with the flexible control of behavior. The theory suggests there is a fixed level of FEF and SC neuronal activation at which saccades are initiated. Our results provide strong evidence against a fixed saccade threshold in either structure during flexible behavior, and indicate that threshold variability might depend on the level of inhibitory signals applied to the FEF or SC. The next two studies investigated the BG network as a likely candidate to modulate a saccade initiation mechanism, based on strong inhibitory output signals from the BG to the FEF and SC. We investigated the STN and CD (BG input), and the SNr (BG oculomotor output) to examine changes across the BG network. This revealed robust task-contingent shifts in BG signaling (Chapter 3), which uniquely impacted saccade initiation according to behavioral condition (Chapters 3 and 4). The thesis concludes with a published short review of the mechanistic effects of BG deep brain stimulation (Chapter 5), and a general discussion including proof of concept saccade behavioral changes in an MPTP-induced Parkinsonian model (Chapter 6). The studies presented here demonstrate that the conditions for saccade initiation by the FEF and SC vary according to behavioral condition, while simultaneously, large-scale task dependent shifts occur in BG signaling consistent with the observed modulation of FEF and SC activity. Taken together, these describe a mechanistic framework by which the cortico-BG loop may contribute to the flexible control of behavior.


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The properties of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activated by the natural cofactor Mg2+ or by Ca2+, were studied, mainly on heart mitochondria from swine, widely used in translational medicine. The Ca2+ driven conformational changes in the F1FO-ATPase form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), which triggers regulated cell death and is involved in severe pathologies. The Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP with kinetics slightly different from those of the Mg2+-ATPase. Known F1-ATPase inhibitors inhibit both the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP formation strengthening the molecular link between them. The different Gd3+ effects on the Ca2+- and Mg2+-activated F1FO-ATPases confirm their difference as also phenylglyoxal which preferentially inhibits the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase. The effects of phenylarsine and dibromobimane, which interact with differently distant Cys thiols, show that mPTP opening is ruled by nearby or distant dithiols. Bergamot polyphenols and melatonin inhibit the mPTP and ROS formation. H2S, a known cardiovascular protector, unaffects the F1FO-ATPase, but inhibits Ca2+ absorption and indirectly the mPTP, both in swine heart and mussel midgut gland mitochondria. New generation triazoles inhibit the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP, but unaffect the Mg2+-activated F1FOATPase. In parallel, the energy metabolism was investigated in mammalian cells. In boar sperm ATP is mainly produced by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), even if it decreases over time because of less active mitochondria. Insufficient ATP may induce sperm dysfunction. Also, canine mesenchymal stem cells rely on OXPHOS; those from umbilical cord which produce more ATP than those from adipose tissue, seem preferable for transplant studies. The intestinal porcine enterocyte cell line IPEC-J2, used for human gut research, responds to different fetal bovine serum concentrations by remodeling OXPHOS without altering the bioenergetic parameters. The IPEC-J2 bioenergetics is modulated by Vitamin K vitamers. These data shoulder cell bioenergetics as precious tool for medical research.