943 resultados para MOLECULAR ANALYSIS


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A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.


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CopRS/CopABCD is one of the known systems that control copper homeostasis in bacteria. Although CopRS/CopABCD homologues are found to exist in Pseudomonas fluorescens, the potential role of this system in P. fluorescens has not been investigated. In this study a genetic cluster, consisting of copR, S, C, and D but lacking copAB, was identified in a pathogenic P. fluorescens strain (TSS) isolated from diseased fish. The copRSCD cluster was demonstrated to be required for full copper resistance and regulated at the transcription level by Cu. Expression of copCD is regulated directly by the two-component response regulator CopR, which also regulates its own expression. Interruption of the regulated expression of copR affected bacterial growth, biofilm formation, and tissue dissemination and survival. A mutant CopR, which lacks the N-terminal signal receiver domain and is constitutively active, was found to have an attenuating effect on bacterial virulence when expressed in TSS. To our knowledge, this is the first report that suggests a link between CopR and bacterial pathogenicity in P. fluorescens.


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The gene encoding the Edwardsiella tarda ferric uptake regulator (Fur(Et)) was cloned from a pathogenic E. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish. Fur(Et) shares 90% overall sequence identity with the Escherichia coli Fur (Fur(Ec)) and was able to complement the mutant phenotype of a fur(Ec)-defective E. coli strain. Mutational analysis indicated that C92S and C95S mutations inactivated Fur(Et) whereas E112K mutation resulted in a superactive Fur(Et) variant. Fur(Et) negatively regulated its own expression; interruption of this regulation impaired bacterial growth, altered the production of certain outer membrane proteins, and attenuated bacterial virulence.


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Hsp70 proteins are a family of molecular chaperones that are involved in many aspects of protein homeostasis. In this study, an Hsp70 homologue (SoHsp70) was identified from red drum Sciaenops ocellatus and analyzed at molecular level. The open reading frame of SoHsp70 is 1920 bp and intronless, with a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 399 bp and a 3'-UTR of 241 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of SoHsp70 shares 84-92% overall identities with the Hsp70s of a number of fish species. In silico analysis identified in SoHsp70 three conserved Hsp70 domains involved in nucleotide and substrate binding. The coding sequence of SoHsp70 was subcloned into Escherichia coli, from which recombinant SoHsp70 was purified and, upon ATPase assay, found to exhibit apparent ATPase activity. Expressional analysis showed that constitutive expression of SoHsp70 was detectable in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, blood, and gill. Experimental challenges with poly(I:C) and bacterial pathogens of Gram-positive and Gram-negative nature induced SoHsp70 expression in kidney to different levels. Stress-responsive analysis of SoHsp70 expression in primary cultures of red drum hepatocytes showed that acute heat shock treatment elicited a rapid induction of SoHsp70 expression which appeared after 10 min and 30 min of treatment. Exposure of hepatocytes separately to iron, copper, mercury, and hydrogen peroxide significantly unregulated SoHsp70 expression in time-dependent manners. Vaccination of red drum with a Streptococcus iniae bacterin was also found to induce SoHsp70 expression. Furthermore, recombinant SoHsp70 enhanced the immunoprotective effect of a subunit vaccine. Taken together, these results suggest that SoHsp70 is a stress-inducible protein that is likely to play a role in immunity and in coping with environmental and biological stresses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-type lectins are calcium-dependent carbohydrate-binding proteins that play Important roles in innate immunity In this study, a C-type lectin homologue (SmLec1) was identified from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and analyzed at expression and functional levels. The open reading frame of SmLec1 is 504 bp, with a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 101 bp and a 3'-UTR of 164 bp The deduced amino acid sequence of SmLec1 shares 34%-38% overall identities with the C-type lectins of several fish species In silico analysis identified in SmLec1 conserved C-type lectin features, including a carbohydrate-recognition domain, four disulfide bond-forming cysteine residues, and the mannose-type carbohydrate-binding motif In addition, SmLec1 possesses a putative signal peptide sequence and is predicted to be localized in the extracellular. Expression of SmLec1 was highest in liver and responded positively to experimental challenges with fish pathogens Recombinant SmLec1 (rSmLec1) purified from yeast was able to agglutinate the Gram-negative fish pathogen Listonella anguillarum but not the Gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus uncle The agglutinating ability of rSmLec1 was abolished in the presence of mannose and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and by elevated temperature (65 degrees C) Further analysis showed that rSmLec1 could stimulate kidney lymphocyte proliferation and enhance the killing of bacterial pathogen by macrophages Taken together, these results suggest that SmLec1 is a unique mannose-binding C-type lectin that possesses apparent immunomodulating property and is likely to be involved in host defense against bacterial infection (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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Matthew J. Nicholson, Michael K. Theodorou and Jayne L. Brookman. (2005). Molecular analysis of the anaerobic rumen fungus Orpinomyces - insights into an AT-rich genome. Microbiology, 151 (1), 121-133. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Crohn's Disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Recent work has shown that a new pathotype of Escherichia coli, Adherent Invasive E. coli (AIEC) may be associated with CD. AIEC has been shown to adhere to and invade epithelial cells and to replicate within macrophages (together this is called the AIEC phenotype). In this thesis, the AIEC phenotype of 84 E. coli strains were determined in order to identify the prevalence of this phenotype within the E. coli genus. This study showed that a significant proportion of E. coli strains (approx. 5%) are capable of adhering to and invading epithelial cells and undergoing intramacrophage replication. Moreover, the results presented in this study indicate a correlation between survival in macrophage and resistance to grazing by amoeba supporting the coincidental evolution hypothesis that resistance to amoebae could be a driving force in the evolution of pathogenicity in some bacteria, such as AIEC. In addition, this study has identified an important regulatory role for the CpxA/R two component system (TCS) in the invasive abilities of AIEC HM605, a colonic mucosa-associated CD isolate. A mutation in cpxR was shown to be defective in the invasion of epithelial cells and this defect was shown to be independent of motility or the expression of Type 1 fimbriae, factors that have been shown to be involved in the invasion of another strain of AIEC, isolated from a patient with ileal CD, called LF82. The CpxA/R TCS responds to disturbances in the cell envelope and has been implicated in the virulence of a number of Gram negative pathogens. In this study it is shown that the CpxA/R TCS regulates the expression of a potentially novel invasin called SinH. SinH is found in a number of invasive strains of E. coli and Salmonella. Moreover work presented here shows that a critical mechanism underpinning AIEC persistence in macrophages is the repair of DNA bases damaged by macrophage oxidants. Together these findings provide evidence to suggest that AIEC are a diverse group of E. coli and possess diverse molecular mechanisms and virulence factors that contribute to the AIEC phenotype. In addition, AIEC may have gone through different evolutionary histories acquiring various molecular mechanisms ultimately culminating in the AIEC phenotype. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract harbors a diverse microbiota; most are symbiotic or commensal however some bacteria have the potential to cause disease (pathobiont). The work presented here provides evidence to support the model that AIEC are pathobionts. AIEC strains can be carried as commensals in healthy guts however, when the intestinal homeostasis is disrupted, such as in the compromised gut of CD patients, AIEC may behave as opportunistic pathogens and cause and/or contribute to disease by driving intestinal inflammation.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), encompasses a range of chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory disorders that are usually classified under two major relapsing conditions, Crohn’s Disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Extensive studies in the last decades have suggested that the etiology of IBD involves environmental and genetic factors that lead to dysfunction of epithelial barrier with consequent deregulation of the mucosal immune system and inadequate responses to gut microbiota.Over the last decade, the microbial species that has attracted the most attention, with respect to CD etiology, is Eschericia coli. In CD tissue, E. coli antigens have also been identified in macrophages within the lamina propria, granulomas, and in the germinal centres of mesenteric lymph nodes of patients. They have been shown to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells whilst also being able to extensively replicate within macrophages. Through the work of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), there is growing evidence to suggest that the microbial imbalance between commensal and pathogenic bacteria in the gut is aided by a defect in the innate immune system. Autophagy represents a recently investigated pathway that is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of CD, with studies identified a variant of the autophagy gene, ATG16L1, as a susceptibility gene. The aim of my thesis was to study the cellular and molecular mechanism promoted by E.coli strains in epithelial cells and to assess their contribution to IBD pathology. To achieve this we focused on developing both an in vitro and in vivo model of AIEC infection. This allowed us to further our knowledge on possible mechanisms utilised by AIEC that promoted their survival, as well as developing a better understanding of host reactions. We demonstrate a new survival mechanism promoted by E.coli HM605, whereby it induces the expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL and BCL2, all of which is exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system. We have also demonstrated the presence of AIEC-induced inflammasome responses in epithelial cells which are exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system and expression of NOD-like receptors (NLRs) which might mediate inflammasome responses in vivo. Finally, we used the Citrobacter rodentium model of infectious colitis to identify Pellino3 as an important mediator in the NOD2 pathway and regulator of intestinal inflammation. In summary, we have developed robust and versatile models of AIEC infection as well as provide new insights into AIEC mediated survival pathways. The collected data provides a new perception into why AIEC bacteria are able to prosper in conditions associated with Crohn’s disease patients with a defect in autophagy.


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Analysis of the biological time series of plankton samples collected by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) in the North Atlantic and North Sea has shown a regime shift in the plankton in this region. Both the distributions of planktonic organisms and their timing of occurrence in the seasonal cycle have changed and these changes appear to ref lect global warming. In the North Sea the planktonic larvae of echinoderms have shown a recent dramatic increase in both relative and absolute abundance and their seasonal peak of occurrence has advanced by 47 days. The identity of the echinoderm larvae involved in this change has, however, remained equivocal. The small size of many organisms like echinoderm larvae combined with incomplete taxonomic keys hinders their visual identification and their fragility often means that useful morphological features are damaged during sampling by the CPR. Here, using new molecular methods applied to CPR samples, we show that planktonic larvae of the benthic Echinocardium cordatum dominate the North Sea plankton. We argue that since this species benefits from mild winters and warmer waters their numerical increase in the plankton is consistent with recent climatic changes that appear to be affecting the wider ecology of this region.