136 resultados para MLS


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Introduction: As part of ongoing quality assurance, all university programs must be regularly reviewed to ensure curriculum is current, meets university and national standards, and for medical science, criteria for AIMS Accreditation. With recent developments at the national and international level also signaling change, a course design team (CDT) was assembled and tasked with developing and implementing a new four year Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) course at QUT. Method: A whole-of-course approach was adopted, incorporating inverted curriculum and Capstone experience. First, course vision and desired graduate profile are defined as course learning outcomes (CLO), i.e. skills, knowledge, behaviours and attributes graduates must demonstrate. CLO are then back-mapped into introductory, developmental and expected phases from fourth to first year on a course plan and assessment map. Unit learning outcomes (ULO) are then defined, and finally, each unit (subject) designed, directly aligned with assessment. Results: The resulting BMLS course represents a deliberate program of study across four years, which from day one, focuses on the professional aspects of MLS, clinical pathology disciplines, and incrementally developing and assessing the skills, knowledge, behaviours and attributes required to undertake the Work Integrated Learning Internship (WILI) and Capstone experience in final year, and subsequently, graduate from the program. Conclusions: At the start of the year, the BMLS commenced with higher than anticipated enrolments. To date, survey data and feedback is positive, with particular emphasis on the directed nature of the course. The method of course design also ensures university/national standards, and criteria for AIMS Accreditation have been met.


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Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD) and poor bone quality. Peak bone density is achieved by the third decade of life, after which bone is maintained by a balanced cycle of bone resorption and synthesis. Age-related bone loss occurs as the bone resorption phase outweighs the bone synthesis phase of bone metabolism. Heritability accounts for up to 90% of the variability in BMD. Chromosomal loci including 1p36, 2p22-25, 11q12-13, parathyroid hormone receptor type 1 (PTHR1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α) and type II collagen A1/vitamin D receptor (COL11A1/VDR) have been linked or shown suggestive linkage with BMD in other populations. To determine whether these loci predispose to low BMD in the Irish population, we investigated 24 microsatellite markers at 7 chromosomal loci by linkage studies in 175 Irish families of probands with primary low BMD (T-score ≤ -1.5). Nonparametric analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood variance estimation and traditional Haseman-Elston tests on the Mapmaker/Sibs program. Suggestive evidence of linkage was observed with lumbar spine BMD at 2p22-25 (maximum LOD score 2.76) and 11q12-13 (MLS 2.55). One region, 1p36, approached suggestive linkage with femoral neck BMD (MLS 2.17). In addition, seven markers achieved LOD scores > 1.0, D2S149, D11S1313, D11S987, D11S1314 including those encompassing the PTHR1 (D3S3559, D3S1289) for lumbar spine BMD and D2S149 for femoral neck BMD. Our data suggest that genes within a these chromosomal regions are contributing to a predisposition to low BMD in the Irish population.


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We have investigated the role of 23 candidate genes in the control of bone mineral density (BMD) by linkage studies in families of probands with osteoporosis (lumbar spine [LS] or femoral neck [FN] BMD T score < -2.5) and low BMD relative to an age- and gender-matched cohort (Z score < -2.0). One hundred and fifteen probands (35 male, 80 female) and 499 of their first- or second-degree relatives (223 males and 276 females) were recruited for the study. BMD was measured at the LS and FN using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and expressed as age- and gender-matched Z scores corrected for body mass index. The candidate genes studied were the androgen receptor, type I collagen A1 (COLIA1), COLIA2, COLIIA1, vitamin D receptor (VDR), colony-stimulating factor 1, calcium-sensing receptor, epidermal growth factor (EGF), estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1), fibrillin type 1, insulin-like growth factor 1, interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-11 (IL-11), osteopontin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), PTH-related peptide, PTH receptor type 1 (PTHR1), transforming growth factor-beta 1, and tumor necrosis factors alpha and beta. Sixty-four microsatellites lying close to or within these genes were investigated for linkage with BMD. Using the program MapMaker/Sibs there was suggestive evidence of linkage between BMD and PTHR1 (maximum LOD score obtained [MLS] 2.7-3.5). Moderate evidence of linkage was also observed with EGF (MLS 1.8), COLIA1 (MLS 1.7), COLIIA1/VDR (MLS 1.7), ESR1 (MLS 1.4), IL-1α (MLS 1.4), IL-4 (MLS 1.2), and IL-6 (MLS 1.2). Variance components analysis using the program ACT, correcting for proband-wise ascertainment, also showed evidence of linkage (p ≤0.05) at markers close to or within the candidate genes IL- 1α, PTHR1, IL-6, and COLIIA1/VDR. Further studies will be required to confirm these findings, to refine the location of gene responsible for the observed linkage, and to screen the candidate genes targeted at these loci for mutations.


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Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects up to 10% of women in their reproductive years. It causes pelvic pain, severe dysmenorrhea, and subfertility. The disease is defined as the presence of tissue resembling endometrium in sites outside the uterus. Its cause remains uncertain despite >50 years of hypothesis-driven research, and thus the therapeutic options are limited. Disease predisposition is inherited as a complex genetic trait, which provides an alternative route to understanding the disease. We seek to identify susceptibility loci, using a positional-cloning approach that starts with linkage analysis to identify genomic regions likely to harbor these genes. We conducted a linkage study of 1,176 families (931 from an Australian group and 245 from a U.K. group), each with at least two members--mainly affected sister pairs--with surgically diagnosed disease. We have identified a region of significant linkage on chromosome 10q26 (maximum LOD score [MLS] of 3.09; genomewide P = .047) and another region of suggestive linkage on chromosome 20p13 (MLS = 2.09). Minor peaks (with MLS > 1.0) were found on chromosomes 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, and 17. This is the first report of linkage to a major locus for endometriosis. The findings will facilitate discovery of novel positional genetic variants that influence the risk of developing this debilitating disease. Greater understanding of the aberrant cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the etiology and pathophysiology of endometriosis should lead to better diagnostic methods and targeted treatments.


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We report the analysis of 335 microsatellite markers genotyped in 110 multiplex families with autism. All families include at least two "affected" siblings, at least one of whom has autism; the remaining affected sibs carry diagnoses of either Asperger syndrome or pervasive developmental disorder. Affected sib-pair analysis yielded multipoint maximum LOD scores (MLS) that reach the accepted threshold for suggestive linkage on chromosomes 5, X, and 19. Nominal evidence for linkage (point-wise P<.05) was obtained on chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, and 20, and secondary loci were found on chromosomes 5 and 19. Analysis of families sharing alleles at the putative X chromosomal linked locus and one or more other putative linked loci produced an MLS of 3.56 for the DXS470-D19S174 marker combination. In an effort to increase power to detect linkage, scan statistics were used to evaluate the significance of peak LOD scores based on statistical evidence at adjacent marker loci. This analysis yielded impressive evidence for linkage to autism and autism-spectrum disorders with significant genomewide P values <.05 for markers on chromosomes 5 and 8 and with suggestive linkage evidence for a marker on chromosome 19.


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This paper presents design of a Low power 256x72 bit TCAM in 0.13um CMOS technology. In contrast to conventional Match line (ML) sensing scheme in which equal power is consumed irrespective of match or mismatch, the ML scheme employed in this design allocates less power to match decisions involving a large number of mismatched bits. Typically, the probability of mismatch is high so this scheme results in significant CAM power reduction. We propose to use this technique along with pipelining of search operation in which the MLs are broken into several segments. Since most words fail to match in first segment, the search operation for subsequent segments is discontinued, resulting in further reduction in power consumption. The above architecture provides 70% power reduction while performing search in 3ns.


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The formation process of InAs quantum dots (QDs) on vicinal GaAs (1 0 0) substrates is studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). It is found that after 1.2 MLs of InAs deposition, while the QDs with diameters less than the width of the multi-atomic steps are shrinking, the larger QDs are growing. Photoluminescence measurements of the uncapped QDs correspond well to the AFM structure observations of the QDs. We propose that the QDs undergo an anomalous coarsening process with modified growth kinetics resulting from the restrictions of the finite terrace sizes. A comparison between the QDs on the vicinal GaAs (1 0 0) substrates and the QDs on the exact GaAs (1 0 0) further verifies the effect of the multi-atomic steps on the formation of QDs.


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The influence of InAs deposition thickness on the structural and optical properties of InAs/InAlAs quantum wires (QWR) superlattices (SLS) was studied. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results show that with increasing the InAs deposited thickness, the size uniformity and spatial ordering of InAs QWR SLS was greatly improved, but threading dislocations initiated from InAs nanowires for the sample with 6 monolayers (MLs) InAs deposition. In addition, the zig-zag features along the extending direction and lateral interlink of InAs nanowires were also observed. The InAs nanowires, especially for the first period, were laterally compact. These structural features may result in easy tunneling and coupling of charge carriers between InAs nanowires and will hamper their device applications to some extent. Some suggestions are put forward for further improving the uniformity of the stacked InAs QWRs, and for suppressing the formation of the threading dislocations in InAs QWR SLS.


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The structural evolution of the ordered N-N' dibutyl-substituted quinacridone (QA4C) multilayers (3 MLs) has been monitored in situ and in real time at various substrate temperatures using low energy electron diffraction (LEED) during organic molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Experimental results of LEED patterns clearly reveal that the structure of the multilayer strongly depends on the substrate temperature. Multilayer growth can be achieved at the substrate temperatures below 300 K, while at the higher temperatures we can only get one ordered monolayer of QA4C. Two kinds of structures, the commensurate and incommensurate one, often coexist in the QA4C multilayer. With a method of the two-step substrate temperatures, the incommensurate one can be suppressed, and the commensurate, on the other hand, more similar to the (001) plane of the QA4C bulk crystal, prevails with the layer of QA4C increasing to 3 MLs. The two structures in the multilayers are compressed slightly in comparison to the original ones in the first monolayer.


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 本文针对安全操作系统开发和安全操作系统网络适应性方面涉及的关键问题进行研究。从信息系统整体来看,安全操作系统是解决各种安全威胁的基础。在网络环境中,计算机系统面临复杂、多样的安全威胁,尤其是机密信息泄露的威胁。网络环境对安全操作系统的研究和开发实践提出了新的挑战和要求:1) 网络环境中需要多层次安全策略实施框架,而以安全内核为基础的安全操作系统总是将安全功能集中在最小的安全内核中;2) 安全操作系统机密性策略导致的单向信息流动与网络环境下的双向信息交互之间存在冲突,需要引入大量的可信主体;3) 网络环境中独立的节点间缺少必要的信任。



    第二,对安全操作系统的可信主体进行了研究。 该研究涉及到判定可信主体、确定可信主体的安全需求以及评估可信主体对于整个系统的安全风险等多个方面。本文以信息流分析为基础,利用TE安全规范与MLS策略间的信息流冲突定位可信主体,确定可信主体的安全标签范围,采用风险分析法确定每个可信主体的安全保障级指派。

    第三,针对网络环境中信任缺乏的问题,研究建立远程信任的平台证明技术,尤其关注平台证明的隐私保护问题。本文提出一种隐私隐藏的度量体系结构,并给出了相应的远程平台证明方案,改进了基于TCG的IMA度量体系结构    存在的配置隐私泄露问题。在此基础上,提出一种二进制证明与属性证明结合的混合证明方案。该方案既具有平台配置隐私保护能力又不需要属性证明所必须的在线可信第三方。

    第四,对属性证明的配置隐私保护能力进行研究。本文提出了几种可以被用来攻击属性证明隐私保护的方法:奇异属性法、增量分析法和统计分析法,证实了属性证明并不具有完全的配置隐私保护能力, 需要在设计中满足一定条件才具有隐私保护能力。上述研究也可为属性证明的设计提供参考。


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测量数据的精确定位是实现复杂曲面加工检测的关键,针对测量点云数据与NURBS表示的CAD自由曲面模型匹配中求最近点计算方面存在的问题,提出了一种简单、有效的寻找最近点的方法。该方法与由测量点集评估给定曲面上的最近点的传统算法相反,采用点集曲面(point set surface,PSS)投影算法,对给定自由曲面模型上有限个点与不附加任何几何和拓扑信息的散乱点集之间进行粗匹配获得初始位置,进而以最近点迭代算法(ICP)完成测量数据定位的精确调整,达到全局及局部最优的目标。实验结果表明,采用PSS投影算法法寻找最近点不仅效率高,而且能得到全局匹配结果,可以为精匹配提供较好的计算初值,减少了ICP算法进行二次匹配时,迭代次数及执行时间并且精度得到了较大提高。


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A novel photocatalytic reactor has been developed to remediate oily wastewaters. In the first instance degradation rates of model organic compounds, methylene blue (MB) and 4-c hlorophenol (4-CP) were determined. The experimental set-up investigated a 1:10 w/v catalyst to organic solution volume, 30 g catalyst, 300 mls MB (10 μM) or 4-CP (100 μM). The catalyst investigated was a pellet catalyst to improve separation of the remediated volume from the catalyst following treatment. MB concentration decreased by 93% after 15 mins irradiation whilst 4-CP concentration decreased by 94% following 90 mins irradiation. Oily waste water (OWW) from an interceptor tank typically containing diesel oils was obtained from Sureclean, an environmental clean-up company. The OWW was treated using the same conditions as MB and 4-CP, the model organic compounds. Levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) were used to monitor the efficacy of the photocatalytic reactor. TOC reduced by 45% following two 90 mins treatment cycles. TPH reduced by 45% following 90 mins irradiation and by a further 25% during a second stage of treatment. This reactor can be used as a polishing technique assembled within a wastewater treatment plant. Allowing for more than one pass through the reactor improves its efficiency.