999 resultados para MIXED DENTITION
Objective: The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. Material and Methods: Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexanniner and interexanniner agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. Results: From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsunn of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. Conclusion: RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis.
OBJETIVO: avaliar as diferenças produzidas nas dimensões e forma de arco pelos tratamentos com aparelho expansor fixo tipo Hyrax e aparelho expansor removível tipo Placa de Hawley com parafuso expansor palatino centralizado. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: foram selecionados modelos de estudo iniciais e finais de 31 crianças portadoras de mordida cruzada posterior, de ambos os gêneros, de origem étnica diversa e na fase da dentadura mista, tratadas nos cursos de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Ortodontia do Departamento de Clínica Infantil da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. Destas crianças, 15 foram tratadas com uso do aparelho expansor fixo tipo Hyrax e as demais 16 crianças foram tratados com expansão rápida da maxila efetuada com o aparelho expansor fixo. Foram realizadas medidas das distâncias intercaninos e intermolares, da inclinação do processo alveolar e inclinação dentária nas imagens escaneadas do arco superior e do contorno do palato, obtido com auxílio de um template ajustável e do programa de análises Radiocef Studio. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados indicam uma mudança significante nas distâncias intercaninos e intermolares em ambos os grupos e uma inclinação dentária e do processo alveolar para vestibular significante no grupo tratado com o aparelho expansor fixo. A expansão conseguida pelo aparelho expansor fixo foi aproximadamente o dobro da promovida pelo aparelho expansor removível.
The hyperdontia teeth is an anomaly of unknown cause, characterized by increased numbers of teeth. It occurs more frequently in the maxilla, preferably in males, and is more common in permanent dentition. The presence of supernumerary teeth can be responsible for alterations in the permanent dentition, such as the delay in the eruption and dislocations. In addition, the patient may have abnormal occlusion, resorption of adjacent teeth and cyst formation. This article describes in a male patient, 9 years old, the presence of two upper right lateral incisor and one upper left lateral incisor, permanent, partially erupted. Radiological examination revealed a second left upper lateral incisor, unerupted. It should be noted that both, in the region of the 1.2 as in 2.2, the teeth showed normal anatomy and not the conoid appearance commonly observed in supernumerary teeth. In our case, in order to perform orthodontic treatment surgical removal of the teeth noted above was indicated.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO: nesse estudo cefalométrico retrospectivo, analisou-se a influência da anquilose intencional de caninos decíduos em pacientes com má oclusão de Classe III e mordida cruzada anterior, nos estágios de dentição decídua e mista precoce, tratados com expansão ortopédica da maxila, seguida de tração reversa. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas telerradiografias em norma lateral de 40 pacientes, divididos em 2 grupos pareados por idade e sexo. O Grupo Anquilose foi constituído de 20 pacientes (10 meninos e 10 meninas) tratados com anquilose induzida e que apresentavam as idades médias inicial e final, respectivamente, de 7a 4m e 8a 3m, e o tempo médio de tração reversa de 11 meses. O Grupo Controle, composto de 20 pacientes (10 meninos e 10 meninas) tratados sem anquilose induzida e que apresentavam as idades médias inicial de 7a 8m e final de 8a 7m, e tempo médio de tração reversa de 11 meses. Foram empregadas as análises de Variância a dois critérios e de Covariância para comparar as variáveis cefalométricas inicial e final e as alterações de tratamento entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: segundo os resultados, as variáveis que evidenciaram as mudanças de tratamento significativas entre os grupos confirmaram que o procedimento de anquilose intencional potencializou a resposta sagital das bases apicais (Pg-NPerp) e aumentou os ângulos de convexidade facial (NAP e ANB). CONCLUSÃO: o protocolo envolvendo a anquilose intencional de caninos decíduos potencializou a resposta sagital das bases apicais.
Realizou-se um estudo das alturas faciais anterior e posterior em 79 crianças brasileiras, sendo 46 do gênero feminino e 33 do masculino, com idades de 8 a 11 anos, portadoras de má oclusão Classe I de Angle, na fase de dentadura mista, não submetidas a tratamento ortodôntico. Esta investigação utilizou duas radiografias cefalométricas em norma lateral, de cada criança, com intervalo de 8 a 16 meses entre uma radiografia e outra, para comparação dos dados cefalométricos. Foram estudadas as proporções faciais anteriores, ou seja, a relação entre as dimensões N-Me (AFT), N-ENA (AFS), ENA-Me (AFI) e o relacionamento entre as dimensões Ar-GO (AFP) e a distância entre o plano palatino ao mento (AFA) , isto é, o Índice da Altura Facial (IAF). Os resultados obtidos, possibilitaram constatar que as tendências de crescimento foram equilibradas em todas as situações estudadas; a dimensão altura facial inferior, contribuiu de forma mais significativa, nas alterações observadas na altura facial total; as proporções faciais anteriores se mantiveram em torno de 42% para a altura facial superior e 58% para a altura facial inferior; o índice da altura facial ou se manteve constante em torno de 0,66 ou apresentou uma tendência a aumentar com a idade; não ocorreu dimorfismo sexual com relação às proporções faciais e índice da altura facial.
OBJETIVO: o objetivo desta pesquisa clínica prospectiva foi avaliar as alterações cefalométricas dentárias e esqueléticas produzidas pelo aparelho de Herbst em jovens com má oclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão durante a dentadura mista. METODOLOGIA: trinta jovens (15 do gênero masculino e 15 do feminino) com idade média inicial de 9 anos e 10 meses foram tratados com o aparelho de Herbst por um período de 12 meses. Para a comparação dos grupos utilizou-se uma amostra controle de 30 jovens (15 do gênero masculino e 15 do feminino) Classe II, 1ª divisão, com idade média inicial de 9 anos e 8 meses, que foram mantidos sem tratamento durante 12 meses. Para cada jovem foram utilizadas duas telerradiografias em norma lateral, obtidas ao início e no final do período de acompanhamento. Utilizou-se um método convencional de avaliação cefalométrica e o método proposto por Pancherz. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que os efeitos do aparelho de Herbst produzidos na dentadura mista foram primariamente de natureza dentoalveolar. Os incisivos inferiores foram inclinados para vestibular e os superiores foram retruídos; também houve uma extrusão significante dos molares inferiores, enquanto os superiores sofreram restrição de desenvolvimento no sentido vertical. Não houve diferença significante de restrição do crescimento anterior da maxila entre os dois grupos. No sentido vertical da face, a altura facial ântero-inferior se comportou de forma similar, não demonstrando alteração significante entre os grupos. O tratamento com o aparelho de Herbst produziu um aumento modesto, porém, significante no comprimento da mandíbula comparado ao grupo controle. Este aumento, entretanto, foi de menor magnitude que aquele observado em pacientes adolescentes utilizando o mesmo protocolo de tratamento. A correção do overjet (Herbst) ocorreu devido a 22% de alterações esqueléticas e 78% de alterações dentárias. A correção da relação molar ocorreu devido a 27% de alterações esqueléticas e 73% de alterações dentárias.
The premature loss of primary teeth may harm the normal occlusal development, although there are debates relating to the necessity of using space maintainer appliances. The aim of the study is to evaluate the changes in the dental arch perimeter and the space reduction after the premature loss of the lower first primary molar in the mixed dentition stage. The sample consists of 4 lower arch plaster models of 31 patients, within the period of pre-extraction, 6, 12 and 18 months after the lower first primary molar extraction. A reduction of space was noted with the cuspid dislocation and the permanent incisors moving toward the space of the extraction site. It was concluded that the lower first molar primary premature loss, during the mixed dentition, implicates an immediate placement of a space maintainer.
The purpose of this in vivo study was to evaluate the clinical performance of a posterior composite resin TRH (Caulk Dentisply) in class I restorations in primary molars. A total of 30 children aged 5 to 8 years old with 49 class I dental lesions in primary molars participated in the study. The cavity preparations involved removal of carious lesion only and the enamel margins were beveled. The results showed after 30 months that, 82% (32/39) of Alfa ratings and 18% (7/39) of Bravo ratings. We concluded that the composite resin TP-H could be used in conservative restorations in primary molars, particularly in the late mixed dentition.
Objective: the current study aims at following up radiographically the evolution of the midpalatal suture during the expansion procedure since the opening of the suture until bone formation. Methods: the sample comprised 38 patients in the mixed dentition stage submitted to the rapid palatal expansion protocol of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies. Results: it was observed an individual variation on the period of bone ossification of the midpalatal suture, which justifies the radiographic follow-up as determinant for the appliance removal. Due to long-term post-treatment stability, the expander should be removed after the new suture is completely formed. Conclusions: the findings show that it is necessary more than three months for the complete reorganization of the midpalatal suture during the passive phase of the rapid palatal expansion.
Purpose: This study evaluated the long-term effects of orthognathic surgery on subsequent growth of the maxillomandibular complex in the young cleft patient. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 12 young cleft patients (9 male and 3 female patients), with a mean age of 12 years 6 months (range, 9 years 8 months to 15 years 4 months), who underwent Le Fort I osteotomies, with maxillary advancement, expansion, and/or downgrafting, by use of autogenous bone or hydroxyapatite grafts, when indicated, for maxillary stabilization. Five patients had concomitant osteotomies of the mandibular ramus. All patients had presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treatment to control the occlusion. Radiographs taken at initial evaluation (T1) and presurgery (T2) were compared to establish the facial growth vector before surgery, whereas radiographs taken immediately postsurgery (T3) and at longest follow-up (T4) were used to determine postsurgical growth. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, and 16 landmarks were identified and used to compute 11 measurements describing presurgical and postsurgical growth. Results: Before surgery, all patients had relatively normal growth. After surgery, cephalograms showed statistically significant growth changes from T3 to T4, with the maxillary depth decreasing by -3.3° ± 1.8°, Sella-nasion-point A by -3.3° ± 1.8°, and point A-nasion-point B by -3.6° ± 2.8°. The angulation of the maxillary incisors increased by 9.2° ± 11.7°. Of 12 patients, 11 showed disproportionate postsurgical jaw growth. Maxillary growth occurred predominantly in a vertical vector with no anteroposterior growth, even though most patients had shown anteroposterior growth before surgery. The distance increased in the linear measurement from nasion to gnathion by 10.3 ± 7.9 mm. Four of 5 patients operated on during the mixed dentition phase had teeth that erupted through the cleft area. A variable impairment of postoperative growth was seen with the 2 types of grafting material used. No significant difference was noted in the effect on growth in patients with unilateral clefts versus those with bilateral clefts. The presence of a pharyngeal flap was noted to adversely affect growth, whereas simultaneous mandibular surgery did not. After surgery, 11 of 12 patients tended toward a Class III end-on occlusal relation. Conclusions: Orthognathic surgery may be performed on growing cleft patients when mandated by psychological and/or functional concerns. The surgeon must be cognizant of the adverse postsurgical growth outcomes when performing orthognathic surgery on growing cleft patients with the possibility for further surgery requirements. Performing maxillary osteotomies on cleft patients would be more predictable after completion of facial growth. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess restorative treatment outcomes in the mixed dentition of amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) patients and determine the postrehabilitation oral health status and satisfaction of the patients. Methods: Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on eight AI patients, who had 74 restorations placed in permanent incisors and molars, to allow evaluation of the integrity of the restorations and periodontal status post-treatment. Subjects completed a survey regarding esthetics, function, and sensitivity. Results: Among the 74 restorations evaluated, seven were lost; of the remaining restorations, 31 were posterior, and 36 were anterior. Ten were rated clinically unacceptable. Teeth with stainless steel crowns had a moderate gingival index (mean=2.3) and plaque index (mean=2.0) scores. Widening of the periodontal ligament and pulp canal obliteration were common radiographic findings. Subject's recall of satisfaction regarding esthetics (P=.002) and sensitivity (brushing-P=.03; eating-P=.01) showed a statically significant difference before and after treatment. Conclusions: During mixed dentition, teeth with amelogenesis imperfecta may be restored with conventional treatment modalities. Direct restorations should be considered interim with multiple repairs anticipated. Post-treatment, gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation were observed. Subjects were satisfied with their appearance and reported a decrease of hypersensitivity. © 2013 Publishing Technology.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR