1000 resultados para MIPAS, ozono, CFC-11, tendenza
The work in this sub-project of ESOP focuses on the advective and convective transforma-tion of water masses in the Greenland Sea and its neighbouring areas. It includes observational work on the sub-mesoscale and analysis of hydrographic data up to the gyre-scale. Observations of active convective plumes were made with a towed chain equipped with up to 80 CTD sensors, giving a horizontal and vertical resolution of the hydrographic fields of a few metres. The observed scales of the penetrative convective plumes compare well with those given by theory. On the mesoscale the structure of homogeneous eddies formed as a result of deep convection was observed and the associated mixing and renewal of the intermediate layers quantified. The relative importance and efficiency of thermal and haline penetrative convection in relation to the surface boundary conditions (heat and salt fluxes and ice cover) and the ambient stratification are studied using the multi year time series of hydro-graphic data in the central Greenland Sea. The modification of the water column of the Greenland Sea gyre through advection from and mixing with water at its rim is assessed on longer time scales. The relative contributions are quantified using modern water mass analysis methods based on inverse techniques. Likewise the convective renewal and the spreading of the Arctic Intermediate Water from its formation area is quantified. The aim is to budget the heat and salt content of the water column, in particular of the low salinity surface layer, and to relate its seasonal and interannual variability to the lateral fluxes and the fluxes at the air-sea-ice interface. This will allow to estimate residence times for the different layers of the Greenland Sea gyre, a quantity important for the description of the Polar Ocean carbon cycle.
During Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL; R.V. Polarstern cruise ANT XXII/2, November 2004-January 2005), hydrographic and tracer observations were obtained in the western Weddell Sea while drifting closely in front of the Larsen Ice Shelf. These observations indicate recently formed Weddell Sea Bottom Water, which contains significant contributions of glacial melt water in its upper part, and High-Salinity Shelf Water in its lower layer. The formation of this bottom water cannot be related to the known sources in the south, the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. We show that this bottom water is formed in the western Weddell Sea, most likely in interaction with the Larsen C Ice Shelf. By applying an Optimum Multiparameter Analysis (OMP) using temperature, salinity, and noble gas observations (helium isotopes and neon), we obtained mean glacial melt-water fractions of about 0.1% in the bottom water. On sections across the Weddell Gyre farther north, melt-water fractions are still on the order of 0.04%. Using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as age tracers, we deduced a mean transit time between the western source and the bottom water found on the slope toward the north (9±3 years). This transit time is larger and the inferred transport rate is small in comparison to previous findings. But accounting for a loss of the initially formed bottom water volume due to mixing and renewal of Weddell Sea Deep Water, a formation rate of 1.1±0.5 Sv in the western Weddell Sea is plausible. This implies a basal melt rate of 35±19 Gt/year or 0.35±0.19 m/year at the Larsen Ice Shelf. This bottom water is shallow enough that it could leave the Weddell Basin through the gaps in the South Scotia Ridge to supply Antarctic Bottom Water. These findings emphasize the role of the western Weddell Sea in deep- and bottom-water formation, particularly in view of changing environmental conditions due to climate variability, which might induce enhanced melting or even decay of ice shelves.
In questo elaborato viene studiato un nuovo strumento satellitare chiamato MIPAS2k: uno spettrometro a trasformata di Fourier, in grado di misurare gli spettri di emissione dei gas atmosferici attraverso la tecnica di misure al lembo. Lo scopo di MIPAS2k è quello di determinare la distribuzione spaziale di quantità atmosferiche tra cui il VMR delle specie chimiche: ozono, acqua, acido nitrico e protossido di azoto. La necessità di idearne un successore è nata dopo la perdita di contatto con lo strumento MIPAS da cui MIPAS2k, pur preservandone alcune caratteristiche, presenta differenze fondamentali quali: i parametri osservazionali, il tipo di detector utilizzato per eseguire le scansioni al lembo e la logica attraverso cui vengono ricavate le distribuzioni dei parametri atmosferici. L’algoritmo attraverso cui viene effettuata l’inversione dei dati di MIPAS2k, chiamato FULL2D, usa la stessa logica di base di quello utilizzato per MIPAS chiamato Geo-Fit. La differenza fondamentale tra i due metodi risiede nel modo in cui i parametri sono rappresentati. Il Geo-Fit ricostruisce il campo atmosferico delle quantità da determinare tramite profili verticali mentre il FULL2D rappresenta i valori del campo atmosferico all’interno degli elementi della discretizzazione bidimensionale dell’atmosfera. Non avendo a disposizione misure del nuovo strumento si è dovuto valutarne le performance attraverso l’analisi su osservati simulati creati ricorrendo al modello diretto del trasferimento radiativo e utilizzando un’atmosfera di riferimento ad alta risoluzione. Le distribuzioni bidimensionali delle quantità atmosferiche di interesse sono state quindi ricavate usando il modello di inversione dei dati FULL2D applicato agli osservati simulati di MIPAS2k. I valori dei parametri ricavati sono stati confrontati con i valori dell’atmosfera di riferimento e analizzati utilizzando mappe e quantificatori. Con i risultati di queste analisi e' stato possibile determinare la risoluzione spaziale e la precisione dei prodotti di MIPAS2k per due diverse risoluzioni spettrali.