176 resultados para MICROCHANNEL


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The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of channel surface wettability and temperature gradients on the boiling flow pattern in a single microchannel. The test section consists of a bottom silicon substrate bonded with a top glass cover. Three consecutive parts of an inlet fluid plenum, a central microchannel and an outlet fluid plenum were etched in the silicon substrate. The central microchannel had a width of 800 mu m and a depth of 30 mu m. Acetone liquid was used as the working fluid. High outlet vapor qualities were dealt with here. The flow pattern consists of a fluid triangle (shrinkage of the liquid films) and a connected long liquid rivulet, which is generated in the central microchannel in the timescale of milliseconds. The peculiar flow pattern is formed due to the following reasons: (1) the liquid rivulet tends to have a large contact area with the top hydrophilic channel surface of the glass cover, but a smaller contact area with the bottom silicon hydrophobic surface. (2) The temperature gradient in the chip width direction at the top channel surface of the glass cover not only causes the shrinkage of the liquid films in the central microchannel upstream, but also attracts the liquid rivulet populated near the microchannel centerline. (3) The zigzag pattern is formed due to the competition between the evaporation momentum forces at the vapor-liquid interfaces and the force due to the Marangoni effect. The former causes the rivulet to deviate from the channel centerline and the latter draws the rivulet toward the channel centerline. (4) The temperature gradient along the flow direction in the central microchannel downstream causes the breakup of the rivulet to form isolated droplets there. (5) Liquid stripes inside the upstream fluid triangle were caused by the small capillary number of the liquid film, at which the large surface tension force relative to the viscous force tends to populate the liquid film locally on the top glass cover surface.


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We provide three-dimensional numerical simulations of conjugate heat transfer in conventional and the newly proposed interrupted microchannel heat sinks. The new microchannel heat sink consists of a set of separated zones adjoining shortened parallel microchannels and transverse microchambers. Multi-channel effect, physical property variations, and axial thermal conduction are considered. It is found that flow rate variations in different channels can be neglected, while heat received by different channels accounts for 2% deviations from the averaged value when the heat flux at the back surface of the silicon chip reaches 100 W/cm(2). The computed hydraulic and thermal boundary layers are redeveloping in each separated zone due to shortened flow length for the interrupted microchannel heat sink. The periodic thermal developing flow is responsible for the significant heat transfer enhancement. Two effects influence pressure drops across the newly proposed microchannel heat sink. The first one is the pressure recovery effect in the microchamber, while the second one is the head loss when liquid leaves the microchamber and enters the next zone. The first effect compensates or suppresses the second one, leading to similar or decreased pressure drop than that for the conventional microchannel heat sink, with the fluid Prandtl number larger than unity.


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The typical MEMS fabrication of micro evaporators ensures the perfect smooth wall surface that is lack of nucleation sites, significantly decreasing the heat transfer coefficients compared with miniature evaporators fabricated using copper or stainless steel. In the present paper, we performed the boiling heat transfer experiment in silicon triangular microchannel heat sink over a wide parameter range for 102 runs. Acetone was used as the working fluid. The measured boiling heat transfer coefficients versus the local vapor mass qualities are compared with the classical Chen’s correlation and other correlations for macro and miniature capillary tubes. It is found that most of these correlations significantly over-predict the measured heat transfer coefficients. New correlations are given. There are many reasons for such deviations. The major reason is coming from the perfect smooth silicon surface that lowers the heat transfer performances. New theory is recommended for the silicon microchannel heat sink that should be different from metallic capillary tubes.


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Condensation of steam in a single microchannel, silicon test section was investigated visually at low flow rates. The microchannel was rectangular in cross-section with a depth of 30 pm, a width of 800 mu m and a length of 5.0 mm, covered with a Pyrex glass to allow for visualization of the bubble formation process. By varying the cooling rate during condensation of the saturated water vapor, it was possible to control the shape, size and frequency of the bubbles formed. At low cooling rates using only natural air convection from the ambient environment, the flow pattern in the microchannel consisted of a nearly stable elongated bubble attached upstream (near the inlet) that pinched off into a train of elliptical bubbles downstream of the elongated bubble. It was observed that these elliptical bubbles were emitted periodically from the tip of the elongated bubble at a high frequency, with smaller size than the channel width. The shape of the emitted bubbles underwent modifications shortly after their generation until finally becoming a stable vertical ellipse, maintaining its shape and size as it flowed downstream at a constant speed. These periodically emitted elliptical bubbles thus formed an ordered bubble sequence (train). At higher cooling rates using chilled water in a copper heat sink attached to the test section, the bubble formation frequency increased significantly while the bubble size decreased, all the while forming a perfect bubble train flowing downstream of the microchannel. The emitted bubbles in this case immediately formed into a circular shape without any further modification after their separation from the elongated bubble upstream. The present study suggests that a method for controlling the size and generation frequency of microbubbles could be so developed, which may be of interest for microfluidic applications. The breakup of the elongated bubble is caused by the large Weber number at the tip of the elongated bubble induced by the maximum vapor velocity at the centerline of the microchannel inside the elongated bubble and the smaller surface tension force of water at the tip of the elongated bubble.


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A novel AIN monolithic microchannel cooled heatsink for high power laser diode array is introduced.The high power stack laser diode array with an AIN monolithic microchannel heatsink is fabricated and tested.The thermal impedance of a 10 stack laser diode array is 0.121℃/W.The pitch between two adjacent bars is 1.17mm.The power level of 611W is achieved under the 20% duty factor condition at an emission wavelength around 808nm.


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In this paper, preliminary experimental results are presented on pressure drop characteristics of single and two-phase flows through two T-type rectangular microchannel mixers with hydraulic diameters of 528 and 333 mum, respectively. It is shown that both N-2 and water single-phase laminar flows in microchannels, with consideration of experimental uncertainties, are consistent with classic theory, if additional effects, such as entrance effects that will interfere with the interpretation of experimental results, are eliminated by carefully designing the experiments. The obtained pressure drop data of N-2-water two-phase flow in micromixers are analyzed and compared with existing flow pattern-independent models. It is found that the Lockhart-Martinelli method generally underpredicts the frictional pressure drop. Thereafter, a modified correlation of C value in the Chisholm's equation based on linear regression of experimental data is proposed to provide a better prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure drop. Also among the homogeneous flow models investigated, the viscosity correlation of McAdams indicates the best performance in correlating the frictional pressure drop data (mean deviations within +/-20% for two micromixers both). Finally it is suggested that systematic studies are still required to accurately predict two-phase frictional performance in microchannels. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is indispensable to remove CO at the level of less than 50ppm in H-2-rich feed gas for the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. In this paper, catalyst with high activity and selectivity, and a microchannel reactor for CO preferential oxidation (PROX) have been developed. The results indicated that potassium on supported Rh metal catalysts had a promoting effect in the CO selective catalytic oxidation under H-2-rich stream, and microchannel reactor has an excellent ability to use in on-board hydrogen generation system. CO conversion keeps at high levels even at a very high GHSV as 500 000 h(-1), so, miniaturization of hydrogen generation system can be achieved by using the microchannel reactor. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Numerical analysis of fully developed laminar slip flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal micro-channels has been studied with uniform wall heat flux boundary conditions. Through coordinate transformation, the governing equations are transformed from physical plane to computational domain, and the resulting equations are solved by a finite-difference scheme. The influences of velocity slip and temperature jump on friction coefficient and Nusselt number are investigated in detail. The calculation also shows that the aspect ratio and base angle have significant effect on flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal micro-channel. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gas phase partial oxidation of toluene over V/Ti oxide catalysts has been successfully performed in a microchannel reactor, which provides very good mass and heat transfer conditions. With the elimination of hot spots, which are known as the most negative factors for partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, steady and uniform reaction conditions can be achieved in the catalyst bed by using, the microreactor. Since the best performance of the catalysts might be exploited, the selectivity of partial oxidation products of toluene has remarkably increased compared to the traditional packed fixed-bed reactor, even without the bother of modifying the catalysts, diluting the reactants or catalysts with inert contents to avoid hot spots or improve the diffusion and mixing. Furthermore, in virtue of its inherent safety features, when using pure oxygen as oxidant, the reactions were handled safety within the explosion limits in the microreactor. With TiO2 carried V2O5 as catalysts, the total selectivity of benzaldehyde and benzoic acid reaches around 60%, and the toluene conversion is about 10%. The conversion can go up without violent decline of selectivity, unlike most fixed bed reactors. Space time yield of 3.12 kg h(-1) L-1 calculated on the basis of the channel volume has been achieved. The influence of operating conditions has been investigated in detail in the microreactor. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a numerical study of the Reynolds number and scaling effects in microchannel flows. The configuration includes a rectangular, high-aspect ratio microchannel with heat sinks, similar to an experimental setup. Water at ambient temperature is used as a coolant fluid and the source of heating is introduced via electronic cartridges in the solids. Two channel heights, measuring 0.3 mm and 1 mm are considered at first. The Reynolds number varies in a range of 500-2200, based on the hydraulic diameter. Simulations are focused on the Reynolds number and channel height effects on the Nusselt number. It is found that the Reynolds number has noticeable influences on the local Nusselt number distributions, which are in agreement with other studies. The numerical predictions of the dimensionless temperature of the fluid agree fairly well with experimental measurements; however the dimensionless temperature of the solid does exhibit a significant discrepancy near the channel exit, similar to those reported by other researchers. The present study demonstrates that there is a significant scaling effect at small channel height, typically 0.3 mm, in agreement with experimental observations. This scaling effect has been confirmed by three additional simulations being carried out at channel heights of 0.24 mm, 0.14 mm and 0.1 mm, respectively. A correlation between the channel height and the normalized Nusselt number is thus proposed, which agrees well with results presented.


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Numerical simulation of heat transfer in a high aspect ratio rectangular microchannel with heat sinks has been conducted, similar to an experimental study. Three channel heights measuring 0.3 mm, 0.6mmand 1mmare considered and the Reynolds number varies from 300 to 2360, based on the hydraulic diameter. Simulation starts with the validation study on the Nusselt number and the Poiseuille number variations along the channel streamwise direction. It is found that the predicted Nusselt number has shown very good agreement with the theoretical estimation, but some discrepancies are noted in the Poiseuille number comparison. This observation however is in consistent with conclusions made by other researchers for the same flow problem. Simulation continues on the evaluation of heat transfer characteristics, namely the friction factor and the thermal resistance. It is found that noticeable scaling effect happens at small channel height of 0.3 mm and the predicted friction factor agrees fairly well with an experimental based correlation. Present simulation further reveals that the thermal resistance is low at small channel height, indicating that the heat transfer performance can be enhanced with the decrease of the channel height.