30 resultados para MFD


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Short videos and Guides on how to print to various devices at WSA. Why 300dpi is important for printing, why PDF's are the defacto standard for printing and the how and where to get your files printed.


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Video guides for Staff and Students on how to set up the Konica Minolta Managed Printers at WSA using a Mac Lion and Snow Leopard. Support is provided by iSolutions and Serviceline on x25656


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This work presents a novel approach in order to increase the recognition power of Multiscale Fractal Dimension (MFD) techniques, when applied to image classification. The proposal uses Functional Data Analysis (FDA) with the aim of enhancing the MFD technique precision achieving a more representative descriptors vector, capable of recognizing and characterizing more precisely objects in an image. FDA is applied to signatures extracted by using the Bouligand-Minkowsky MFD technique in the generation of a descriptors vector from them. For the evaluation of the obtained improvement, an experiment using two datasets of objects was carried out. A dataset was used of characters shapes (26 characters of the Latin alphabet) carrying different levels of controlled noise and a dataset of fish images contours. A comparison with the use of the well-known methods of Fourier and wavelets descriptors was performed with the aim of verifying the performance of FDA method. The descriptor vectors were submitted to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classification method and we compared the correctness rate in the classification process among the descriptors methods. The results demonstrate that FDA overcomes the literature methods (Fourier and wavelets) in the processing of information extracted from the MFD signature. In this way, the proposed method can be considered as an interesting choice for pattern recognition and image classification using fractal analysis.


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The main objective of the thesis “Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations” is by the use of a case study test the MFD™-method (Erixon G. , 1998) combined with PMM in a product development project. (Henceforth called MFD™/PMM-method). The MFD™/PMM-method used for documenting and controlling a product development project has since it was introduced been used in several industries and projects. The method has been proved to be a good way of working with the early stages of product development, however, there are almost only projects carried out on large industries which means that there are very few references to how the MFD™/PMM-method works in a small corporation. Therefore, was the case study in the thesis “Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations” carried out in a small corporation to find out whether the MFD™/PMM-method also can be applied and used in such a corporation.The PMM was proposed in a paper presented at Delft University of Technology in Holland 1998 by the author and Gunnar Erixon. (See appended paper C: The chart of modular function deployment.) The title “The chart of modular function deployment” was later renamed as PMM, Product Management Map. (Sweden PreCAD AB, 2000). The PMM consists of a QFD-matrix linked to MIM (Module Indication Matrix) via a coupling matrix which makes it possible to make an unbroken chain from the customer domain to the designed product/modules. The PMM makes it easy to correct omissions made in creating new products and modules.In the thesis “Conceptual Product Development in Small Corporations” the universal MFD™/PMM-method has been adapted by the author to three models of product development; original-, evolutionary- and incremental development.The evolutionary adapted MFD™/PMM-method was tested as a case study at Atlings AB in the community Ockelbo. Atlings AB is a small corporation with a total number of 50 employees and an annual turnover of 9 million €. The product studied at the corporation was a steady rest for supporting long shafts in turning. The project team consisted of management director, a sales promoter, a production engineer, a design engineer and a workshop technician, the author as team leader and a colleague from Dalarna University as discussion partner. The project team has had six meetings.The project team managed to use MFD™ and to make a complete PMM of the studied product. There were no real problems occurring in the project work, on the contrary the team members worked very well in the group, having ideas how to improve the product. Instead, the challenge for a small company is how to work with the MFD™/PMM-method in the long run! If the MFD™/PMM-method is to be a useful tool for the company it needs to be used continuously and that requires financial and personnel resources. One way for the company to overcome the probable lack of recourses regarding capital and personnel is to establish a good cooperation with a regional university or a development centre.


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Introdução O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) está associado a um impacto negativo em diversas esferas da vida dos indivíduos afetados e de suas famílias. Os prejuízos causados por este transtorno são minimizados de forma significativa pelo tratamento medicamentoso, principalmente pelo uso do metilfenidato (MFD), cujo mecanismo de ação não é completamente conhecido. Estudos pré-clínicos têm apontado para o sistema noradrenérgico como um dos principais alvos da ação do MFD. Há um número reduzido de estudos que avaliaram a associação de genes do sistema noradrenérgico à melhora dos sintomas do TDAH e à ocorrência de efeitos adversos com o tratamento com MFD. Objetivos O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a associação de polimorfismos localizados nos genes para o receptor adrenérgico α2A (ADRA2A), para a enzima dopamina-β-hidroxilase (DBH) e para o transportador de noradrenalina (NET1) e a resposta clínica (em termos de melhora sintomatológica, melhora do funcionamento global e ocorrência de efeitos adversos) ao tratamento com MFD em crianças e adolescentes com TDAH. Métodos 14 Crianças e adolescentes diagnosticados com TDAH foram tratados com MFD e reavaliados no 1o e no 3o mês de uso da medicação. Nos três momentos, os pais relataram a ocorrência de sintomas de desatenção, hiperatividade-impulsividade e oposição através da Escala Swanson, Nolan e Pelham - versão IV (SNAP-IV) e de efeitos colaterais à medicação através da Escala de Efeitos Adversos de Barkley (SERS). O médico assistente avaliou o funcionamento global da criança através da Escala de Avaliação Global de Crianças (CGAS). Foram avaliados os polimorfismos ADRA2A MspI, DBH TaqI e HhaI e NET1 BslI. Suas associações às medidas clínicas descritas foram analisadas através do método da análise de variância (ANOVA) para medidas repetidas ou através do modelo de efeitos mistos. Foi avaliada ainda a associação da interação entre os polimorfismos DBH TaqI, DBH HhaI e NET1 BslI e a redução dos sintomas através da ANOVA. Resultados Foram incluídos nas análises 106 indivíduos. Foi detectado um efeito significativo da interação entre a presença do alelo G no polimosfismo ADRA2A MspI e o tratamento com MFD ao longo do tempo sobre os sintomas de desatenção após 1 mês (n=106; F1,104 =8.51; P=0.004) e 3 meses (n=106; F2,198 =4.30; P=0.015) de tratamento. Não houve associação entre este polimorfismo e os demais desfechos avaliados. Paradoxalmente, indivíduos homozigotos para o alelo A2 no polimorfismo DBH TaqI apresentaram menor redução dos sintomas de hiperatividade-impulsividade após 1 mês (n=83; F=7.13; P=0.009) e maior redução destes sintomas após 3 meses (n=80; F=3.01; P=0.05) de tratamento com MFD do que indivíduos sem este genótipo. Não houve associação entre este polimorfismo e os demais desfechos avaliados. Não foram detectadas associações significativas dos polimorfismos DBH HhaI e NET1 BslI e melhora de sintomas, melhora do funcionamento global ou ocorrência de efeitos adversos durante o tratamento com MFD (P>0.05). Não foi demonstrado efeito da interação entre os polimorfismos avaliados sobre a resposta ao tratamento com MFD (P>0.05). Conclusão Este estudo demonstrou de forma consistente a participação do polimorfismo MspI do gene ADRA2A na redução de sintomas de desatenção com o tratamento com MFD durante o período de acompanhamento. As evidências clínicas encontradas corroboram dados bioquímicos, neurobiológicos e farmacológicos existentes e indicam a necessidade de mais estudos sobre a participação do sistema noradrenérgico no mecanismo de ação do MFD. Esforços conjuntos entre os diversos grupos de pesquisa devem ser postos em prática para que novas metodologias possam ser empregadas no tratamento do TDAH.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of alcohol-free mouthwashes on Candida albicans. Twenty clinical isolates of C. albicans and one reference strain (ATCC 18804) were evaluated after exposure to two 0.12% chlorhexidine-based and alcohol-free (“Ca” and “Or”) in comparison to gluconate chlorhexidine with ethanol (positive control). The maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) and maximum fugal dilution (MFD) were determined by the microdilution method. Twelve serial dilutions (from 50 to 0.02%) were prepared in duplicate. Then, 100 µL of C. albicans suspension (106 cells.mL–1) were added to the wells. After incubation (37 °C/24 hours), MID was determined by reading the optical density. For MFD determination, the content of the wells were plated on Saouraud agar. For MID, there were no differences between groups Or and control, but Ca group showed a MID statistically higher (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.0012). For MFD, there were no differences between Ca and control (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.1631). It can be concluded that Ca group showed a fungicid activity against C. albicans similar to the control, but lower fungistatic activity when compared to the control. Group Or showed only a fungistatic action similar to control.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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Fractal theory presents a large number of applications to image and signal analysis. Although the fractal dimension can be used as an image object descriptor, a multiscale approach, such as multiscale fractal dimension (MFD), increases the amount of information extracted from an object. MFD provides a curve which describes object complexity along the scale. However, this curve presents much redundant information, which could be discarded without loss in performance. Thus, it is necessary the use of a descriptor technique to analyze this curve and also to reduce the dimensionality of these data by selecting its meaningful descriptors. This paper shows a comparative study among different techniques for MFD descriptors generation. It compares the use of well-known and state-of-the-art descriptors, such as Fourier, Wavelet, Polynomial Approximation (PA), Functional Data Analysis (FDA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX), kernel PCA, Independent Component Analysis (ICA), geometrical and statistical features. The descriptors are evaluated in a classification experiment using Linear Discriminant Analysis over the descriptors computed from MFD curves from two data sets: generic shapes and rotated fish contours. Results indicate that PCA, FDA, PA and Wavelet Approximation provide the best MFD descriptors for recognition and classification tasks. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study analysed the outcome of 563 Aplastic Anaemia (AA) children aged 0-12 years reported to the Severe Aplastic Anaemia Working Party database of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, according to treatment received. Overall survival (OS) after upfront human leucocyte antigen-matched family donor (MFD) haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) or immunosuppressive treatment (IST) was 91% vs. 87% (P 0·18). Event-free survival (EFS) after upfront MFD HSCT or IST was 87% vs. 33% (P 0·001). Ninety-one of 167 patients (55%) failed front-line IST and underwent rescue HSCT. The OS of this rescue group was 83% compared with 91% for upfront MFD HSCT patients and 97% for those who did not fail IST up-front (P 0·017). Rejection was 2% for MFD HSCT and HSCT post-IST failure (P 0·73). Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) grade II-IV was 8% in MFD graft vs. 25% for HSCT post-IST failure (P < 0·0001). Chronic GVHD was 6% in MFD HSCT vs. 20% in HSCT post-IST failure (P < 0·0001). MFD HSCT is an excellent therapy for children with AA. IST has a high failure rate, but remains a reasonable first-line choice if MFD HSCT is not available because high OS enables access to HSCT, which is a very good rescue option.


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To improve our understanding of the mechanism that couples nucleotide-excision repair to transcription in expressed genes, we have examined the effects of mutations in several different DNA repair genes on the removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from the individual strands of the induced lactose operon in UV-irradiated Escherichia coli. As expected, we found little repair in either strand of the lactose operon in strains with mutations in established nucleotide excision-repair genes (uvrA, uvrB, uvrC, or uvrD). In contrast, we found that mutations in either of two genes required for DNA-mismatch correction (mutS and mutL) selectively abolish rapid repair in the transcribed strand and render the cells moderately sensitive to UV irradiation. Similar results were found in a strain with a mutation in the mfd gene, the product of which has been previously shown to be required for transcription-coupled repair in vitro. Our results demonstrate an association between mismatch-correction and nucleotide-excision repair and implicate components of DNA-mismatch repair in transcription-coupled repair. In addition, they may have important consequences for human disease and may enhance our understanding of the etiology of certain cancers which have been associated with defects in mismatch correction.


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In this paper, we described an efficient theoretical approach to determine the integral characteristics such as Mode Field Diameter (MFD) and V-parameter of the Weakly guiding waveguides. To test the described method we measured MFD for the commercially available step index single mode fibre with known parameters. The results of these measurements are presented for two different wavelengths. It is worth noting that the developed approach implies infinite cladding, thus care should be taken to avoid influence of finiteness of cladding when MFD compares to cladding diamete.


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The principal aim of this work was to determine the role of non-metallic inclusions in the process of hydrogen stepwise cracking (SWC). Additionally, the influence of inclusions upon the notch ductility of hydrogen charged (HC) and uncharged (UN) tensile specimens was examined. To obtain a basis for experiment a series of low carbon-manganese steels were prepared by induction melting. In order to produce variations in the composition, morphology, volume fraction, size and distribution of the inclusions the steel chemistry was adjusted prior to casting by additions of deoxidiser and Ca-Si injection. Sections of each ingot were hot rolled. Metallography, image analysis, mechanical tests and hydrogen SWC tests were then carried out. The volume fraction, morphology, and shape of inclusions influenced the tensile ductility of the steels. Marked anisotropy was found in the steels containing type II MnS inclusions at all rolling temperatures, whereas the fully Ca treated steel was isotropic. It was found that several inclusion parameters (projected length PL, mean free distance MFD, nearest-neighbour distance NND) correlated with fracture strain. An increase in inclusion volume fraction and/or the dimension of inclusions on a plane parallel to the plane of fracture led to a decrease in fracture strain. The inclusion parameters did not correlate with the fracture strains for the HC tensile specimens. However, large or clusters of inclusions acted as the principal sites for crack initiation. `Fisheyes' or areas of `flat' fracture were often found on these fracture surfaces. The criteria for SWC initiation was found to be either large inclusions or clusters of inclusions. As the PL of inclusions increased the probability of large SWCs occurring increased. SWC initiation at inclusions was believed to occur at a critical concentration of hydrogen. Factors which assisted the concentration of hydrogen at inclusions were discussed. None of the proposed mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement could be identified as the single cause of SWC.


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In this paper, we described an efficient theoretical approach to determine the integral characteristics such as Mode Field Diameter (MFD) and V-parameter of the Weakly guiding waveguides. To test the described method we measured MFD for the commercially available step index single mode fibre with known parameters. The results of these measurements are presented for two different wavelengths. It is worth noting that the developed approach implies infinite cladding, thus care should be taken to avoid influence of finiteness of cladding when MFD compares to cladding diamete.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition, which results from trauma to the cord, resulting in a primary injury response which leads to a secondary injury cascade, causing damage to both glial and neuronal cells. Following trauma, the central nervous system (CNS) fails to regenerate due to a plethora of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Unfortunately, these events lead to loss of both motor and sensory function and lifelong disability and care for sufferers of SCI. There have been tremendous advancements made in our understanding of the mechanisms behind axonal regeneration and remyelination of the damaged cord. These have provided many promising therapeutic targets. However, very few have made it to clinical application, which could potentially be due to inadequate understanding of compound mechanism of action and reliance on poor SCI models. This thesis describes the use of an established neural cell co-culture model of SCI as a medium throughput screen for compounds with potential therapeutic properties. A number of compounds were screened which resulted in a family of compounds, modified heparins, being taken forward for more intense investigation. Modified heparins (mHeps) are made up of the core heparin disaccharide unit with variable sulphation groups on the iduronic acid and glucosamine residues; 2-O-sulphate (C2), 6-O-sulphate (C6) and N-sulphate (N). 2-O-sulphated (mHep6) and N-sulphated (mHep7) heparin isomers were shown to promote both neurite outgrowth and myelination in the SCI model. It was found that both mHeps decreased oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) proliferation and increased oligodendrocyte (OL) number adjacent to the lesion. However, there is a difference in the direct effects on the OL from each of the mHeps; mHep6 increased myelin internode length and mHep7 increased the overall cell size. It was further elucidated that these isoforms interact with and mediate both Wnt and FGF signalling. In OPC monoculture experiments FGF2 treated OPCs displayed increased proliferation but this effect was removed when co-treated with the mHeps. Therefore, suggesting that the mHeps interact with the ligand and inhibit FGF2 signalling. Additionally, it was shown that both mHeps could be partially mediating their effects through the Wnt pathway. mHep effects on both myelination and neurite outgrowth were removed when co-treated with a Wnt signalling inhibitor, suggesting cell signalling mediation by ligand immobilisation and signalling activation as a mechanistic action for the mHeps. However, the initial methods employed in this thesis were not sufficient to provide a more detailed study into the effects the mHeps have on neurite outgrowth. This led to the design and development of a novel microfluidic device (MFD), which provides a platform to study of axonal injury. This novel device is a three chamber device with two chambers converging onto a central open access chamber. This design allows axons from two points of origin to enter a chamber which can be subjected to injury, thus providing a platform in which targeted axonal injury and the regenerative capacity of a compound study can be performed. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to and advances the study of SCI in two ways; 1) identification and investigation of a novel set of compounds with potential therapeutic potential i.e. desulphated modified heparins. These compounds have multiple therapeutic properties and could revolutionise both the understanding of the basic pathological mechanisms underlying SCI but also be a powered therapeutic option. 2) Development of a novel microfluidic device to study in greater detail axonal biology, specifically, targeted axonal injury and treatment, providing a more representative model of SCI than standard in vitro models. Therefore, the MFD could lead to advancements and the identification of factors and compounds relating to axonal regeneration.