210 resultados para MELANOMAS
INTRODUÇÃO: A histopatologia convencional continua sendo o padrão-ouro no diagnóstico dos melanomas cutâneos, apesar do progresso da imuno-histoquímica e da biologia molecular. Os critérios microscópicos existentes para esse diagnóstico são numerosos, porém nenhum deles é específico para se afirmar que uma determinada lesão é maligna quando ele está presente, ou é benigna na sua ausência. Alguns critérios têm uma relevância maior para o diagnóstico em relação a outros. OBJETIVO: Este estudo propõe uma análise daqueles critérios considerados mais importantes, comparando sua presença em lesões melanocíticas benignas e melanomas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 33 lesões melanocíticas benignas (nevo de Spitz: 13; nevo de Reed: 6; nevo displásico: 6; nevo congênito: 3; nevo adquirido: 3; nevo combinado: 1; nevo recorrente: 1), bem como 101 casos de melanomas extensivo/superficiais: 25 intra-epidérmicos e 76 invasivos de pequena espessura (< 2 mm). RESULTADOS: Alguns critérios mostraram alta freqüência em lesões benignas, apresentando pouca especificidade, enquanto outros tiveram menor positividade nas benignas, e alta freqüência nas malignas, mostrando sua maior especificidade e importância no diagnóstico dos melanomas. CONCLUSÃO: Os cinco critérios que mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação com as lesões benignas foram (em ordem decrescente de freqüência): 1. proliferação linear de células isoladas na camada basal; 2. início e fim da lesão com células isoladas; 3. melanócitos na camada granular; 4. disseminação pagetóide extensa; 5. nucléolos grandes, irregulares ou múltiplos. Os melanomas de pequena espessura não apresentam parte dos critérios considerados mais importantes, como falta de maturação, necrose e mitoses profundas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cutaneous melanoma is a malignancy caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of melanocytes. Has been increasing in incidence and mortality over the years. This type of tumor may arise in the skin or any other place where there was migration of neural crest cells. Melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the epidermis forming the epidermal melanin unit, involving a melanocyte to 36 keratinocytes. The proliferation of melanocytes depends on this relationship with the keratinocytes, gap junctions, E-cadherin and desmoglein. The basal membrane is responsible for promoting the integrity of the skin, their adhesion structures shown to be altered in several skin diseases. Some molecules that play the role of adherence in this membrane are the laminins, type IV collagen and type XVII and perlecan. Analysis of protein expression of cell adhesion molecules in melanoma by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray (TMA). We selected paraffin blocks of patients who were diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in the period 1995 to 2010, reaching a sample of 124 cases. All these have gone through review of preparation for subsequent histological analysis of tissue microarray (TMA). The protein expression will be analyzed by immunohistochemistry, using markers anti-laminin, anti-collagen type IV and type XVII and anti-perlecan. There was a predominance of female patients, Caucasians and southeastern Brazil. There were frequent in type of extensive superficial ulcers with Breslow depth greater than 4 mm, Clark level IV and mitotic index greater than 6 mitoses per cga. The patients, most of them were female with mean age of 57.13 years and Caucasian. The most frequent histological type was extensive superficial followed by acral lentiginous. Predominated cases very deep, with Breslow thickness greater than 4 mm, Clark IV, ulcerated and on average by 9 cga mitosis, leading to worse prognosis in this sample. It...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Heparanase, an endo-$\beta$-D-glucuronidase, has been associated with melanoma metastasis. Polyclonal antibodies directed against the murine N-terminal heparanase peptide detected a M$\sb{\rm r}\sim 97,000$ protein upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mouse melanoma and human melanoma cell lysates. In an indirect immunocytochemical study, metastatic human A375-SM and mouse B16-BL6 melanoma cells were stained with the anti-heparanase antibodies. Heparanase antigen was localized in the cytoplasm of permeabilized melanoma cells as well as at the cell surface of unpermeabilized cells. Immunohistochemical staining of frozen sections from syngeneic mouse organs containing micrometastases of B16-BL6 melanoma demonstrated heparanase localized in metastatic melanoma cells, but not in adjacent normal tissues. Similar studies using frozen sections of malignant melanomas resected from patients indicated that heparanase is localized in invading melanoma cells, but not in adjacent connective tissues.^ Monoclonal antibodies directed against murine heparanase were developed and characterized. Monoclonal antibody 10E5, an IgM, precipitated and inhibitated the enzymatic activity of heparanase. A 2.6 kb cDNA was isolated from a human melanoma $\lambda$gt11 cDNA library using the monoclonal antibody 10E5. Heparan sulfate cleavage activity was detected in the lysogen lysates from E. Coli Y1089 infected with the $\lambda$gt11 cDNA and this activity was inhibited in the presence of 10-fold excess of heparin, a potent inhibitor of heparanase. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined and insignificant homology was found with the gene sequences currently known. The cDNA hybridized to a 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA in human A375 melanoma, WI-38 fibroblast, and THP-1 leukemia cells using Northern blots.^ Heparanase expression was examined using Western and Northern blots. In comparison to human A375-P melanoma cells, the quantity of 97,000 protein recognized by the polyclonal anti-heparanase antibodies doubled in the metastatic variant A375-SM cells and the quantity of 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA doubled in A375MetMix, a metastatic variant similar to A375-SM cells. In B16 murine melanoma cell, the intensity of the 97,000 protein increased more than 2 times comparing with B16-F1 cells. The extent in the increase of the protein and the mRNA levels is comparable to the change of heparanase activity observed in those cells.^ In summary, the studies suggest that (a) the N-terminus of the heparanase molecule in mouse and human is antigenically related; (b) heparanase antigens are localized at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm of metastatic human and mouse melanoma cells; (c) heparanase antigens are localized in invasive and metastatic murine and human melanomas in vivo, but not in adjacent normal tissues; (d) heparanase molecule appeared to be differentially expressed at the transcriptional as well as at the translational level; and (e) the size of human heparanase mRNA is 3.2-3.4 kilobase. ^
BACKGROUND Most guidelines recommend at least 2-cm excision margin for melanomas thicker than 2 mm. OBJECTIVE We evaluated whether 1- or 2-cm excision margins for melanoma (>2 mm) result in different outcomes. METHODS This is a retrospective cohort study on patients with melanomas (>2 mm) who underwent tumor excision with 1-cm (228 patients) or 2-cm (97 patients) margins to investigate presence of local recurrences, locoregional and distant metastases, and disease-free and overall survival. RESULTS In all, 325 patients with mean age of 61.84 years and Breslow thickness of 4.36 mm were considered for the study with a median follow-up of 1852 days (1995-2012). There was no significant difference in the frequency of locoregional and distant metastasis between the 2 groups (P = .311 and .571). The survival analysis showed no differences for disease-free (P = .800; hazard ratio 0.948; 95% confidence interval 0.627-1.433) and overall (P = .951; hazard ratio 1.018; 95% confidence interval 0.575-1.803) survival. LIMITATIONS The study was not prospectively randomized. CONCLUSIONS Our study did not show any significant differences in important outcome parameters such as local or distant metastases and overall survival. A prospective study testing 1- versus 2-cm excision margin is warranted.
The expression of cell-specialization genes is likely to be changing in tumor cells as their differentiation declines. Functional changes in these genes might yield unusual peptide epitopes with anti-tumor potential and could occur without modification in the DNA sequence of the gene. Melanomas undergo a characteristic decline in melanization that may reflect altered contributions of key melanocytic genes such as tyrosinase. Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR of the wild-type (C) tyrosinase gene in transgenic (C57BL/6 strain) mouse melanomas has revealed a shift toward alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA that generated increased levels of the Δ1b and Δ1d mRNA splice variants. The spontaneous c2j albino mutation of tyrosinase (in the C57BL/6 strain) changes the pre-mRNA splicing pattern. In c2j/c2j melanomas, alternative splicing was again increased. However, while some mRNAs (notably Δ1b) present in C/C were obligatorily absent, others (Δ3 and Δ1d) were elevated. In c2j/c2j melanomas, the percentage of total tyrosinase transcripts attributable to Δ3 reached approximately 2-fold the incidence in c2j/c2j or C/C skin melanocytes. The percentage attributable to Δ1d rose to approximately 2-fold the incidence in c2j/c2j skin, and to 10-fold that in C/C skin. These differences provide a basis for unique mouse models in which the melanoma arises in skin grafted from a C/C or c2j/c2j transgenic donor to a transgenic host of the same or opposite tyrosinase genotype. Immunotherapy designs then could be based on augmenting those antigenic peptides that are novel or overrepresented in a tumor relative to the syngeneic host.
Melanomas tend to become less pigmented in the course of malignant progression. Thus, as proliferation increases, the tumors are decreasingly characterized by the tissue-specific phenotype of normally differentiated melanocytes. To learn whether the decline in melanization is associated with a shift from constitutive to alternative splicing of some pigment gene pre-mRNAs, melanomas were collected from Tyr-SV40E transgenic mice of the standard C57BL/6 strain. The mRNAs of the tyrosinase gene, which has a key role in melanogenesis, were analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR in 34 samples from 16 cutaneous tumors and 9 metastases. The cutaneous tumors included some cases with distinct melanotic and amelanotic zones, which were separately analyzed. All tyrosinase transcripts found in the melanomas were also found in normal skin melanocytes. However, the Δ1b and Δ1d alternatively spliced transcripts, due to deletions within the first exon, were specifically augmented in most of the tumors over their very low levels in skin; the exceptions were some all-amelanotic tumors in which no tyrosinase transcripts were detected. The level of Δ1b rose as high as 11.3% of total tyrosinase mRNAs as compared with 0.6% in skin; Δ1d reached 4.0% as compared with 0.8% in skin. Expression of these splice variants was highest in the melanotic components of zonal primary tumors, relatively lower in their amelanotic components, and still lower in all-amelanotic primary tumors and amelanotic metastases. The increase in Δ1b and Δ1d transcripts may be predicted to increase the levels of unusual peptides, which could have antigenic potential in the tumors, especially in the relatively early phases of malignancy. Analyses of the alternative transcripts of other pigment genes may identify additional candidate antigens, ultimately enabling melanoma cells in all phases of the disease to be represented as a basis for immune intervention.
Recent progress in the structural identification of human melanoma antigens recognized by autologous cytotoxic T cells has led to the recognition of a new melanocyte differentiation antigen, Melan-A(MART-1). To determine the properties of the Melan-A gene product, Melan-A recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli and used to generate mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Two prototype mAbs, A103 and A355, were selected for detailed study. Immunoblotting results with A103 showed a 20-22-kDa doublet In Melan-A mRNA positive melanoma cell lines and no reactivity with Melan-A mRNA-negative cell lines. A355, in addition to the 20-22-kDa doublet, recognized several other protein species in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunocytochemical assays on cultured melanoma cells showed specific and uniform cytoplasmic staining in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of normal human tissues with both mAbs showed staining of adult melanocytes and no reactivity with the other normal tissues tested. Analysis of 21 melanoma specimens showed homogenous staining of tumor cell cytoplasm in 16 of 17 Melan-A mRNA-positive cases and no reactivity with the three Melan-A mRNA-negative cases.
Cutaneous melanomas of Tyr-SV40E transgenic mice (mice whose transgene consists of the tyrosinase promoter fused to the coding regions of simian virus 40 early genes) strikingly resemble human melanomas in their development and progression. Unlike human melanomas, the mouse tumors all arise in genetically identical individuals, thereby better enabling expression of specific genes to be characterized in relation to advancing malignancy. The products of pigment genes are of particular interest because peptides derived from these proteins have been reported to function as autoantigens with immunotherapeutic potential in some melanoma patients. However, the diminished pigmentation characteristic of many advanced melanomas raises the possibility that some of the relevant products may no longer be expressed in the most malignant cells. We have therefore investigated the contributions of several pigment genes in melanotic vs. relatively amelanotic components of primary and metastatic mouse melanomas. The analyses reveal marked differences within and among tumors in levels of mRNAs and proteins encoded by the wild-type alleles at the albino, brown, slaty, and silver loci. Tyrosinase (the protein encoded by the albino locus) was most often either absent or undetectable as melanization declined. The protein encoded by the slaty locus (tyrosinase-related protein 2) was the only one of those tested that was clearly present in all the tumor samples. These results suggest that sole reliance on targeting tyrosinase-based antigens might selectively favor survival of more malignant cells, whereas targeting the ensemble of the antigens tested might contribute toward a more inclusive and effective antimelanoma strategy.
Tyrosinase (EC, the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, has been shown to be one of the targets for cytotoxic T-cell recognition in melanoma patients. To develop serological reagents useful for immunophenotyping melanoma for tyrosinase, human tyrosinase cDNA was expressed in an Escherichia coli expression vector. The purified recombinant tyrosinase was used to generate mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The prototype monoclonal antibody, T311, recognized a cluster of protein moieties ranging from 70 to 80 kDa in tyrosinase mRNA-positive melanoma cell lines and melanoma specimens as well as in L cells transfected with tyrosinase cDNA. Untransfected L cells and L cells transfected with tyrosinase-related protein 1, TRP-1(gp75), were nonreactive. Immunohistochemical analysis of melanomas with T311 showed tyrosinase in melanotic and amelanotic variants, and tyrosinase expression correlated with the presence of tyrosinase mRNA. Melanocytes in skin stained with T311, whereas other normal tissues tested were negative. The expression pattern of three melanosome-associated proteins--tyrosinase, TRP-1(gp75), and gp100--in melanoma was also compared. Tyrosinase and gp100 are expressed in a higher percentage of melanomas than TRP-1(gp75), and the expression of these three antigens was discordant. Tyrosinase expression within individual tumor specimen is usually homogenous, distinctly different from the commonly observed heterogeneous pattern of gp100 expression.