986 resultados para MECHANISTIC INSIGHTS


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Calculations based on density functional theory have been carried out to investigate the free energy profiles at singlet and triplet electronic states associated with the gas-phase ion/molecule reactions of VO2++ ((1)A(1)/(3)A) with propene. The complex potential energy Surfaces, including Six reaction pathways (three dehydrogenation and three oxygen transfer processes), have been explored and analyzed. Along dehydrogenation reactive channels, three final products can be obtained: V(OH)(2)(+) ((1)Sigma(+)/(3)Sigma(-)) and allene (path Dehl), being the most kinetically and thermodynamically favorable reaction pathway, V(OH)(2)(+) ((1)Sigma(+)/(3)Sigma(-)) and propyne (path Deh2),and VO2+ ((1)A(1)/(3)A) and H-2 plus allene (path Deh3). The oxyoenation processes can yield its final products Vo(+) ((1)Delta/(3)Sigma) and acetone (path Ox1), VO+ ((1)Delta/(3)Sigma 2) and propanaldehyde (path Ox2), and VO+ ((1)Delta/(3)Sigma) and H-2 and propenaldehyde (path Ox3). Both paths Deh1 and Deh2 are associated with two consecutive hydrogen transfer processes from carbon atoms of the propene fragment to vanadyl oxygen atoms, while in path Deh3 the second hydrogen migration takes place to the vanadiurn atorn followed by the formation ola hydrogen molecule. Both paths Ox1 and Ox2 comprise an intramolecular hydrogen transfer between the ethylenic moiety of the propene fragment, while two consecutive hydrogen transfer processes take place from the propene fragment to oxygen and vanadium atoms of the vanadyl moiety along path Ox3. Three crossing points between both electronic states take place along path Deh1 (CP-Deh1) and path Deh2 (CP-Deh2) and in the entrance channel of oxidation processes (CP-Ox). A comparison with previous works on related reactions VO2+ + C2H4, VO2 + C2H6, and VO2+ + C3H8 allows us to rationalize the different reactivity patterns.


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Rv3291c gene from Mycobacterium tuberculosis codes for a transcriptional regulator belonging to the (leucine responsive regulatory protein/regulator of asparigine synthase C gene product) Lrp/AsnC-family. We have identified a novel effectorbinding site from crystal structures of the apo protein, complexes with a variety of amino acid effectors, X-ray based ligand screening and qualitative fluorescence spectroscopy experiments. The new effector site is in addition to the structural characterization of another distinct site in the protein conserved in the related AsnC-family of regulators. The structures reveal that the ligandbinding loops of two crystallographically ndependent subunits adopt different conformations to generate two distinct effector-binding sites. A change in the conformation of the binding site loop 100–106 in the B subunit is apparently necessary for octameric association and also allows the loop to interact with a bound ligand in the newly identified effector-binding site. There are four sites of each kind in the octamer and the protein preferentially binds to aromatic amino acids. While amino acids like Phe, Tyr and Trp exhibit binding to only one site, His exhibits binding to both sites. Binding of Phe is accompanied by a conformational change of 3.7A ° in the 75–83 loop, which is advantageously positioned to control formation of higher oligomers. Taken together, the present studies suggest an elegant control mechanism for global transcription regulation involving binding of ligands to the two sites, individually or collectively.


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Sodium-proton antiporters rapidly exchange protons and sodium ions across the membrane to regulate intracellular pH, cell volume, and sodium concentration. How ion binding and release is coupled to the conformational changes associated with transport is not clear. Here, we report a crystal form of the prototypical sodium-proton antiporter NhaA from Escherichia coli in which the protein is seen as a dimer. In this new structure, we observe a salt bridge between an essential aspartic acid (Asp163) and a conserved lysine (Lys300). An equivalent salt bridge is present in the homologous transporter NapA, but not in the only other known crystal structure of NhaA, which provides the foundation of most existing structural models of electrogenic sodium-proton antiport. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the stability of the salt bridge is weakened by sodium ions binding to Asp164 and the neighboring Asp163. This suggests that the transport mechanism involves Asp163 switching between forming a salt bridge with Lys300 and interacting with the sodium ion. pKa calculations suggest that Asp163 is highly unlikely to be protonated when involved in the salt bridge. As it has been previously suggested that Asp163 is one of the two residues through which proton transport occurs, these results have clear implications to the current mechanistic models of sodium-proton antiport in NhaA.


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Excess body adiposity, commonly expressed as body mass index (BMI), is a risk factor for many common adult cancers. Over the past decade, epidemiological data have shown that adiposity-cancer risk associations are specific for gender, site, geographical population, histological subtype and molecular phenotype. The biological mechanisms underpinning these associations are incompletely understood but need to take account of the specificities observed in epidemiology to better inform future prevention strategies.


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The ribosome is a highly conserved cellular complex and constitutes the center of protein biosynthesis. As the ribosome consists to about 2/3 of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the rRNA is involved in most steps of translation. In order to investigate the role of some defined rRNA residues in different aspects of translation we use the atomic mutagenesis approach. This method allows the site-specific incorporation of unnatural nucleosides into the rRNA in the context of the complete 70S from Thermus aquaticus, and thereby exceeds the possibilities of conventional mutagenesis. We first studied ribosome-stimulated EF-G GTP hydrolysis. Here, we could show that the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662, which is part of the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop, is required for EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. EF-G GTPase is a crucial step for tRNA translocation from the A- to the P-site, and from the P- to the E-site, respectively. We furthermore used the atomic mutagenesis approach to more precisely characterize the 23S rRNA functional groups involved in E-site tRNA binding. While the ribosomal A- and P-sites have been functionally well characterized in the past, the contribution of the E-site to protein biosynthesis is still poorly understood in molecular terms. Our data disclose the importance of the highly conserved E-site base pair G2421-C2395 for effective translation. Ribosomes with a disrupted G2421-C2395 base pair are defective in tRNA binding to the E-site. This results in an impaired translation of genuine mRNAs, while homo-polymeric templates are not affected. Cumulatively our data emphasize the importance of E-site tRNA occupancy and in particular the intactness of the 23S rRNA base pair G2421-C2395 for productive protein biosynthesis.


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Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) was originally coined to define a quality control mechanism that targets mRNAs with truncated open reading frames due to the presence of a premature termination codon. Meanwhile, it became clear that NMD has a much broader impact on gene expression and additional biological functions beyond quality control are continuously being discovered. We review here the current views regarding the molecular mechanisms of NMD, according to which NMD ensues on mRNAs that fail to terminate translation properly, and point out the gaps in our understanding. We further summarize the recent literature on an ever-rising spectrum of biological processes in which NMD appears to be involved, including homeostatic control of gene expression, development and differentiation, as well as viral defense.


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The novel duolayer system, comprising a monolayer of ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether (C18E1) and the water-soluble polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), has been shown to resist forces such as wind stress to a greater degree than the C18E1 monolayer alone. This paper reports all-atom molecular dynamics simulations comparing the monolayer (C18E1 alone) and duolayer systems under an applied force parallel to the air/water interface. The simulations show that, due to the presence of PVP at the interface, the duolayer film exhibits an increase in chain tilt, ordering, and density, as well as a lower lateral velocity compared to the monolayer. These results provide a molecular rationale for the improved performance of the duolayer system under wind conditions, as well as an atomic-level explanation for the observed efficacy of the duolayer system as an evaporation suppressant, which may serve as a useful guide for future development for thin films where resistance to external perturbation is desirable.


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A highly electrophilic ruthenium center in the RuCl(dppe)(2)]OTf] complex brings about the activation of the B H bond in ammonia borane (H3N center dot BH3, AB) and dimethylamine borane (Me2HN center dot BH3, DMAB). At room temperature, the reaction between RuCl(dppe)(2)]OTf] and AB or DMAB results in trans-RuH(eta(2)-H-2)(dppe)(2)]OTf] trans-RuCl(eta(2)-H-2)(dppe)(2)]OTf], and trans-RuH(Cl)(dppe)(2)], as noted in the NMR spectra. Mixing the ruthenium complex and AB or DMAB at low temperature (198/193 K) followed by NMR spectral measurements as the reaction mixture was warmed up to room temperature allowed the observation of various species formed enroute to the final products that were obtained at room temperature. On the basis of the variable-temperature multinuclear NMR spectroscopic studies of these two reactions, the mechanistic insights for B-H bond activation were obtained. In both cases, the reaction proceeds via an eta(1)-B-H moiety bound to the metal center. The detailed mechanistic pathways of these two reactions as studied by NMR spectroscopy are described.


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Axotomized neurons have the innate ability to undergo regenerative sprouting but this is often impeded by the inhibitory central nervous system environment. To gain mechanistic insights into the key molecular determinates that specifically underlie neuronal regeneration at a transcriptomic level, we have undertaken a DNA microarray study on mature cortical neuronal clusters maintained in vitro at 8, 15, 24 and 48 hrs following complete axonal severance. A total of 305 genes, each with a minimum fold change of ±1.5 for at least one out of the four time points and which achieved statistical significance (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05), were identified by DAVID and classified into 14 different functional clusters according to Gene Ontology. From our data, we conclude that post-injury regenerative sprouting is an intricate process that requires two distinct pathways. Firstly, it involves restructuring of the neurite cytoskeleton, determined by compound actin and microtubule dynamics, protein trafficking and concomitant modulation of both guidance cues and neurotrophic factors. Secondly, it elicits a cell survival response whereby genes are regulated to protect against oxidative stress, inflammation and cellular ion imbalance. Our data reveal that neurons have the capability to fight insults by elevating biological antioxidants, regulating secondary messengers, suppressing apoptotic genes, controlling ion-associated processes and by expressing cell cycle proteins that, in the context of neuronal injury, could potentially have functions outside their normal role in cell division. Overall, vigilant control of cell survival responses against pernicious secondary processes is vital to avoid cell death and ensure successful neurite regeneration.


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Eukaryotic cell cycle progression is mediated by phosphorylation of protein substrates by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). A critical substrate of CDKs is the product of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene, pRb, which inhibits G1-S phase cell cycle progression by binding and repressing E2F transcription factors. CDK-mediated phosphorylation of pRb alleviates this inhibitory effect to promote G1-S phase cell cycle progression. pRb represses transcription by binding to the E2F transactivation domain and recruiting the mSin3·histone deacetylase (HDAC) transcriptional repressor complex via the retinoblastoma-binding protein 1 (RBP1). RBP1 binds to the pocket region of pRb via an LXCXE motif and to the SAP30 subunit of the mSin3·HDAC complex and, thus, acts as a bridging protein in this multisubunit complex. In the present study we identified RBP1 as a novel CDK substrate. RBP1 is phosphorylated by CDK2 on serines 864 and 1007, which are N- and C-terminal to the LXCXE motif, respectively. CDK2-mediated phosphorylation of RBP1 or pRb destabilizes their interaction in vitro, with concurrent phosphorylation of both proteins leading to their dissociation. Consistent with these findings, RBP1 phosphorylation is increased during progression from G 1 into S-phase, with a concurrent decrease in its association with pRb in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. These studies provide new mechanistic insights into CDK-mediated regulation of the pRb tumor suppressor during cell cycle progression, demonstrating that CDK-mediated phosphorylation of both RBP1 and pRb induces their dissociation to mediate release of the mSin3·HDAC transcriptional repressor complex from pRb to alleviate transcriptional repression of E2F.


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Ubiquitination involves the attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) to lysine residues on substrate proteins or itself, which can result in protein monoubiquitination or polyubiquitination. Polyubiquitination through different lysines (seven) or the N-terminus of Ub can generate different protein-Ub structures. These include monoubiquitinated proteins, polyubiqutinated proteins with homotypic chains through a particular lysine on Ub or mixed polyubiquitin chains generated by polymerization through different Ub lysines. The ability of the ubiquitination pathway to generate different protein-Ub structures provides versatility of this pathway to target proteins to different fates. Protein ubiquitination is catalyzed by Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes, with different combinations of these enzymes specifying the type of Ub modification on protein substrates. How Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes generate this structural diversity is not clearly understood. In the current review, we discuss mechanisms utilized by the Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes to generate structural diversity during protein ubiquitination, with a focus on recent mechanistic insights into protein monoubiquitination and polyubiquitination.


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Molecular modelling has become a useful and widely applied tool to investigate separation and diffusion behavior of gas molecules through nano-porous low dimensional carbon materials, including quasi-1D carbon nanotubes and 2D graphene-like carbon allotropes. These simulations provide detailed, molecular level information about the carbon framework structure as well as dynamics and mechanistic insights, i.e. size sieving, quantum sieving, and chemical affinity sieving. In this perspective, we revisit recent advances in this field and summarize separation mechanisms for multicomponent systems from kinetic and equilibrium molecular simulations, elucidating also anomalous diffusion effects induced by the confining pore structure and outlining perspectives for future directions in this field.


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Unlike the case with other divalent transition metal M\[TCNQ](2)(H(2)O)(2) (M = Fe, Co, Ni) analogues, the electrochemically induced solid-solid phase interconversion of TCNQ microcrystals (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) to Mn\[TCNQ](2)(H(2)O)(2) occurs via two voltammetrically distinct, time dependent processes that generate the coordination polymer in nanofiber or rod-like morphologies. Careful manipulation of the voltammetric scan rate, electrolysis time, Mn(2+)((aq)) concentration, and the method of electrode modification with solid TCNQ allows selective generation of either morphology. Detailed ex situ spectroscopic (IR, Raman), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) characterization clearly establish that differences in the electrochemically synthesized Mn-TCNQ material are confined to morphology. Generation of the nanofiber form is proposed to take place rapidly via formation and reduction of a Mn-stabilized anionic dimer intermediate, \[(Mn(2+))(TCNQ-TCNQ)(2)(*-)], formed as a result of radical-substrate coupling between TCNQ(*-) and neutral TCNQ, accompanied by ingress of Mn(2+) ions from the aqueous solution at the triple phase TCNQ/electrode/electrolyte boundary. In contrast, formation of the nanorod form is much slower and is postulated to arise from disproportionation of the \[(Mn(2+))(TCNQ-TCNQ)(*-)(2)] intermediate. Thus, identification of the time dependent pathways via the solid-solid state electrochemical approach allows the crystal size of the Mn\[TCNQ](2)(H(2)O)(2) material to be tuned and provides new mechanistic insights into the formation of different morphologies.


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The reduction of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) crystals attached to a glassy carbon electrode in the presence of Cu2+(aq) to form CuTCNQ(s) has been investigated using scanning electrochemical microscopy in the substrate generation tip collection mode and shown to involve a generation of soluble TCNQ−(aq). The subsequent oxidation of CuTCNQ does not involve simple expulsion of Cu+ into solution but a soluble complex attributed to Cu2+TCNQ−(aq). Mechanistic insights relative to the electrochemical conversion of CuTCNQ phase I into phase II by repetitive cycling of potential and electrochemical formation of KTCNQ have also been established