171 resultados para MCI


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Population-based brain mapping provides great insight into the trajectory of aging and dementia, as well as brain changes that normally occur over the human life span.We describe three novel brain mapping techniques, cortical thickness mapping, tensor-based morphometry (TBM), and hippocampal surface modeling, which offer enormous power for measuring disease progression in drug trials, and shed light on the neuroscience of brain degeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).We report the first time-lapse maps of cortical atrophy spreading dynamically in the living brain, based on averaging data from populations of subjects with Alzheimer's disease and normal subjects imaged longitudinally with MRI. These dynamic sequences show a rapidly advancing wave of cortical atrophy sweeping from limbic and temporal cortices into higher-order association and ultimately primary sensorimotor areas, in a pattern that correlates with cognitive decline. A complementary technique, TBM, reveals the 3D profile of atrophic rates, at each point in the brain. A third technique, hippocampal surface modeling, plots the profile of shape alterations across the hippocampal surface. The three techniques provide moderate to highly automated analyses of images, have been validated on hundreds of scans, and are sensitive to clinically relevant changes in individual patients and groups undergoing different drug treatments. We compare time-lapse maps of AD, MCI, and other dementias, correlate these changes with cognition, and relate them to similar time-lapse maps of childhood development, schizophrenia, and HIV-associated brain degeneration. Strengths and weaknesses of these different imaging measures for basic neuroscience and drug trials are discussed.


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Neuronal oscillations are thought to underlie interactions between distinct brain regions required for normal memory functioning. This study aimed at elucidating the neuronal basis of memory abnormalities in neurodegenerative disorders. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to measure oscillatory brain signals in patients with Alzheimer s disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease causing progressive cognitive decline, and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a disorder characterized by mild but clinically significant complaints of memory loss without apparent impairment in other cognitive domains. Furthermore, to help interpret our AD/MCI results and to develop more powerful oscillatory MEG paradigms for clinical memory studies, oscillatory neuronal activity underlying declarative memory, the function which is afflicted first in both AD and MCI, was investigated in a group of healthy subjects. An increased temporal-lobe contribution coinciding with parieto-occipital deficits in oscillatory activity was observed in AD patients: sources in the 6 12.5 Hz range were significantly stronger in the parieto-occipital and significantly weaker in the right temporal region in AD patients, as compared to MCI patients and healthy elderly subjects. Further, the auditory steady-state response, thought to represent both evoked and induced activity, was enhanced in AD patients, as compared to controls, possibly reflecting decreased inhibition in auditory processing and deficits in adaptation to repetitive stimulation with low relevance. Finally, the methodological study revealed that successful declarative encoding and retrieval is associated with increases in occipital gamma and right hemisphere theta power in healthy unmedicated subjects. This result suggests that investigation of neuronal oscillations during cognitive performance could potentially be used to investigate declarative memory deficits in AD patients. Taken together, the present results provide an insight on the role of brain oscillatory activity in memory function and memory disorders.


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Without estrogen action, the fusion of the growth plates is postponed and statural growth continues for an exceptionally long time. Aromatase inhibitors, blockers of estrogen biosynthesis, have therefore emerged as a new potential option for the treatment of children with short stature. We investigated the efficacy of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole in the treatment of boys with idiopathic short stature (ISS) using a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind research setting. A total of 30 boys completed the two-year treatment. By decreasing estrogen-mediated central negative feedback, letrozole increased gonadotrophin and testosterone secretion in pubertal boys, whereas the pubertal increase in IGF-I was inhibited. Treatment with letrozole effectively delayed bone maturation and increased predicted adult height by 5.9 cm (P0.001), while placebo had no effect on either parameter. The effect of letrozole treatment on near-final height was studied in another population, in boys with constitutional delay of puberty, who received letrozole (n=9) or placebo (n=8) for one year, in combination with low-dose testosterone for six months during adolescence. The mean near-final height of boys randomised to receive testosterone and letrozole was significantly greater than that of boys who received testosterone and placebo (175.8 vs. 169.1 cm, P=0.04). As regards safety, treatment effects on bone health, lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and body composition were monitored in boys with ISS. During treatment, no differences in bone mass accrual were evident between the treatment groups, as evaluated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements of the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Bone turnover and cortical bone growth, however, were affected by letrozole treatment. As indicated by differences in markers of bone resorption (U-INTP) and formation (S-PINP and S-ALP), the long-term rate of bone turnover was lower in letrozole-treated boys, despite their more rapid advancement in puberty. Letrozole stimulated cortical bone growth in those who progressed in puberty: the metacarpal index (MCI), a measure of cortical bone thickness, increased more in letrozole-treated pubertal boys than in placebo-treated pubertal boys (25% vs. 9%, P=0.007). The change in MCI correlated positively with the mean testosterone-to-estradiol ratio. In post-treatment radiographic evaluation of the spine, a high rate of vertebral deformities - mild anterior wedging and mild compression deformities - were found in both placebo and letrozole groups. In pubertal boys with ISS treated with letrozole, stimulated testosterone secretion was associated with a decrease in the percentage of fat mass and in HDL-cholesterol, while LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides remained unchanged. Insulin sensitivity, as evaluated by HOMA-IR, was not significantly affected by the treatment. In summary, treatment with the aromatase inhibitor letrozole effectively delayed bone maturation and increased predicted adult height in boys with ISS. Long-term follow-up data of boys with constitutional delay of puberty, treated with letrozole for one year during adolescence, suggest that the achieved gain in predicted adult height also results in increased adult height. However, until the safety of aromatase inhibitor treatment in children and adolescents is confirmed, such treatment should be considered experimental.


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Background: The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the catechol-O-methyltranferase (COMT) gene (polymorphism Val158 Met) as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment of amnesic type (MCI), and its synergistic effect with the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE). A total of 223 MCI patients, 345 AD and 253 healthy controls were analyzed. Clinical criteria and neuropsychological tests were used to establish diagnostic groups. The DNA Bank of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (Spain) determined COMT Val158 Met and APOE genotypes using real time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs), respectively. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to determine the risk of AD and MCI. Results: Neither COMT alleles nor genotypes were independent risk factors for AD or MCI. The high activity genotypes (GG and AG) showed a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele, increasing the risk of AD (OR = 5.96, 95% CI 2.74-12.94, p < 0.001 and OR = 6.71, 95% CI 3.36-13.41, p < 0.001 respectivily). In AD patients this effect was greater in women. In MCI patients such as synergistic effect was only found between AG and APOE epsilon 4 allele (OR = 3.21 95% CI 1.56-6.63, p = 0.02) and was greater in men (OR = 5.88 95% CI 1.69-20.42, p < 0.01). Conclusion: COMT (Val158 Met) polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for AD or MCI, but shows a synergistic effect with APOE epsilon 4 allele that proves greater in women with AD.


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Es un manual de utilidad tanto para alumnos de último año de licenciatura en especialidades de Cuantitativa, Macroeconomía, Economía del Trabajo, Economía Internacional, como para alumnos de master o doctorado con perfil cuantitativo. 1.El modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas. Forma estructural y forma reducida. 2.Identificación: Condiciones de orden y rango. 3.Estimación con información limitada. Estimación por MCO. Problemas en la forma estructural. Mínimos Cuadrados Indirectos (MCI). Mínimos Cuadrados en dos etapas (MC2E). Máxima Verosimilitud con información limitada (MVIL). 4.Estimación con información completa. Mínimos Cuadrados en tres etapas (MC3E). Máxima Verosimilitud con información completa (MVIC). 5.Contrastes de exogeneidad y de sobreidentificación. 6.Ejemplos empíricos utilizando el software libre Gretl.


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Neste estudo qualitativo, objetiva-se descrever os usos do conector mas em um corpus de mediação endoprocessual, à luz da Linguística Cognitiva, baseando-se, sobretudo, na Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual e nos conceitos de categorização, esquemas imagéticos e modelos cognitivos idealizados (MCIs). Investigam-se as bases cognitivas que fundamentam os sentidos do mas e a função argumentativa desse conector na mediação, a partir de duas hipóteses gerais, a saber: (i) defende-se que o conector mas funciona como um gatilho para a ativação do MCI de guerra, em termos do qual é conceptualizado o conceito de discussão, como afirmam Lakoff e Johnson (2002[1980]); e (ii) acredita-se que tal conector possa ser caracterizado como uma categoria radial, formada a partir dos diferentes esquemas imagéticos que fundamentam as ocorrências desse elemento na interação. Tendo em vista essas hipóteses, objetiva-se: (i) apontar as funções argumentativas do mas na mediação, sinalizadas pelos mapeamentos metafóricos ativados durante a discussão e (ii) descrever os sentidos evidenciados pelos usos do mas no gênero analisado, os quais são evocados pelos diferentes esquemas imagéticos em que se baseiam. Os resultados indicam que esse conector pode ser compreendido como uma categoria radial, formada a partir de esquemas de força distintos. Além disso, verifica-se que os três usos mais próximos ao centro da categoria relacionam-se fortemente a um confronto ou a uma disputa de posição entre os participantes da interação, enquanto os três mais periféricos são estreitamente ligados a uma estratégia de manutenção da posição argumentativa do falante. Considera-se que esta pesquisa possa colaborar para o estudo do conector mas, devido à observação do comportamento semântico-discursivo desse item em um gênero pouco contemplado, a mediação; e, devido à escolha do paradigma adotado, que permite analisar o conector em todas as suas ocorrências, não havendo necessidade de separar os usos chamados de interfrásticos daqueles denominados inícios acessórios ou pré-começos


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal implementar um algoritmo empírico para o monitoramento do processo de eutrofização da Baía de Guanabara (BG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), utilizando dados de clorofila-a coletados in situ e imagens de satélite coletadas pelo sensor MERIS, a bordo do satélite ENVISAT, da Agência Espacial Européia (ESA). Para a elaboração do algoritmo foi utilizada uma série histórica de clorofila-a (Out/2002 a Jan/2012) fornecida pelo Laboratório de Biologia Marinha da UFRJ, que, acoplada aos dados radiométricos coletados pelo sensor MERIS em datas concomitantes com as coletas in situ de clorofila-a, permitiu a determinação das curvas de regressão que deram origem aos algorítmos. Diversas combinações de bandas foram utilizadas, com ênfase nos comprimentos de onda do verde, vermelho e infra-vermelho próximo. O algoritmo escolhido (R = 0,66 e MRE = 77,5%) fez uso dos comprimentos de onda entre o verde e o vermelho (665, 680, 560 e 620 nm) e apresentou resultado satisfatório, apesar das limitações devido à complexidade da área de estudo e problemas no algoritmo de correção atmosférica . Algorítmos típicos de água do Caso I (OC3 e OC4) também foram testados, assim como os algoritmos FLH e MCI, aconselhados para águas com concentrações elevadas de Chl-a, todos com resultados insatisfatório. Como observado por estudos pretéritos, a Baia de Guanabara possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal de concentrações de clorofila-a, com as maiores concentrações no período úmido (meses: 01, 02, 03, 10, 11 12) e nas porções marginais (~ 100 mg.m-3), particularmente na borda Oeste da baia, e menores concentrações no período seco e no canal principal de circulação (~ 20 mg.m-3). O presente trabalho é pioneiro na construção e aplicação de algoritmos bio-óptico para a região da BG utilizando imagens MERIS. Apesar dos bons resultados, o presente algorítmo não deve ser considerado definitivo, e recomenda-se para trabalhos futuros testar os diferentes modelos de correção atmosférico para as imagens MERIS.


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The Latest developed LECR2M (Lanzhou ECR No. 2 Modified) source is the updated one of LECR2 (Lanzhou ECR No. 2) source at IMP. It has been assembled on the low energy ion beam experimental platform to produce MCI beams for atomic physics and material physics experimental research. In our updating program, the structure of injection and extraction components has been modified to make the source structure more simple and effective. The hexapole magnet has also been replaced by a new hexapole magnet with higher radial field and larger inner diameter. With this updating, stronger magnetic field confinement of the ECR plasma is possible and better base vacuum condition is also achieved. LECR2M was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz. During the preliminary test, 1.3emA O6+ beam was extracted with the injected rf power of 1.1kW. The source has been used to deliver intense MCI beams for different experiments. After some discussion of the main features of this newly updated source, some of the typical commissioning test results of LECR2M will be presented.


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本论文对两种红树林植物海漆 (Excoecaria agallocha L.) 和海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris L.)的化学成分进行了系统研究。 采用常规的硅胶柱层析、制备薄层层析、凝胶 Sephadex LH-20 柱层析、MCI柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析、半制备型 HPLC 以及重结晶等手段,从海漆 (Excoecaria agalloch L. ) 中分离得到 40 个化合物,从海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris L.)中分离得到 30 个化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术 (IR、UV、ESI-MS、EI-MS、1D-NMR、2D-NMR等) 及其化学物理性质,确定了海漆中 32 个化合物的结构,其中包括 1 个新的三萜天然产物以及 15 个首次从海漆中报道的化合物;确定了海桑中 27 个化合物的结构,其中包括 1 个新化合物和一个首次报道其碳谱数据的化合物。本文为首次报道海桑的化学成分研究。 对海漆和海桑粗提物及分离得到的部分化合物进行了抗肝癌细胞毒活性筛选,化合物S22表现出较强活性,其IC50为2.8 μg/mL;海漆和海桑粗提物及其它部分单体化合物只表现出微弱活性;阳性对照丝裂霉素C的IC50为1.1 μg/mL。 对分离得到的部分样品还进行了抗菌活性测试,各样品在测试浓度下对测试菌均未表现出明显的抗菌活性。 首次研究了海漆挥发性成分及其季节性变化。利用水蒸汽法提取了不同季节海漆的挥发性成分,通过GC-MS鉴定其化学组成,发现脂肪酸、二萜和倍半萜是海漆挥发性成分的主要组成,不同季节的挥发性成分差异较大。


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利用硅胶柱层析、Sephadex LH-20和MCI等分离和纯化手段,从产于青海的菊科风毛菊属植物尖苞雪莲的全草中,分离得到5个化合物,经IR、NMR(1D、2D)、MS等现代波谱技术鉴定它们为芦丁、槲皮素-5-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷、丁香苷、胡萝卜苷和β-谷甾醇,其化学成分为首次报道。


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Our motherland has large area of maritime space. Searching and developing ocean becomes more and more important. So Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) as an absolutely necessary equipment can be used in many oceanic fields. OBS not only is an important instrument for discovering structure of lithosphere of ocean bottom, but also plays a main role of oceanic geophysical exploration. The paper introduces my relational work. The MCI micro-power broad frequency seismometer was developed independently. Its power dissipation is less than 300mW. It has some merits including miniature volumeN light mass and cheap price. It is an ideal device not only for the collection high-resolution natural seismic data, but also for the fields of seismic sounding and engineering seismology. Many new high technique were applied to develop this instrument including over-sampling A/D converter, high performance 32bit Micro Process Unit and Flash memory with smart-media interface. Base on the achievement, I have accomplished the showpiece of OBS, which is applied to the deepwater oil and gas geophysical exploration. Because of micro-power dissipation, the seismograph and the sonar releaser can be integrated into a sphere cabin. By this means, the instrument's frequency of resonance and frequency of couple are improved obviously. The data acquisition system of OBS is improved from MCI seismometer. The capacity of flash memory is enlarge from 1G bytes to 8G bytes. The advance MPU in data acquisition system is used to integrate other function modules such as sonar, GPS, compass and digital transmitter.


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Introduction: Identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is challenging. Few short instruments have sufficient sensitivity and specificity for use in busy clinical practice. This thesis explores the development, psychometric evaluation and validation of a new short (3–5 min) cognitive screening instrument, designed to screen for MCI and early dementia, called the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment (Q


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La transmisión de genética superior y consecuente generación de numerosas crías idénticas de alto valor, permitiría aumentar rápidamente la cantidad y calidad del ganado vacuno. Con este fin, optimizamos la técnica de fecundación in vitro (FIV), la cual nos permitió obtener altas tasas de embriones y preñeces. La selección del toro y la realización de experimentos de FIV con semen sexado, consiguieron aumentar los rendimientos por pajuela y la producción de embriones del sexo deseado en nuestras condiciones. También exploramos un sistema eficiente de criopreservación de embriones libres de zona pelúcida (LZP) por vitrificación, con resultados de sobrevida similares al grupo control con ZP. En este sentido, mediante la desagregación de embriones en estadio de 2 y 4 células, y el posterior cultivo LZP, fue posible incrementar la cantidad inicial de embriones. Si bien la TO en presuntos cigotos de FIV permitió generar embriones de mayor tamaño, también afectó severamente tanto la competencia de los embriones como la de sus blastómeras individuales. Sin embargo, la complementación troboblástica de blastómeras más avanzadas desagregadas demostró ser una alternativa innovadora para la clonación embrionaria. Este procedimiento se realizó electrofusionando embirones producidos por FIV en estadío de 2 células, que luego se agregaron con una única blastómera transgénica, generando lo que llamamos quimeras transitorias. Al emplear los embriones aneuploides y más jóvenes fue posible dirigir el destino de cada tipo celular, orientándolos hacia los tejidos extrembrionarios (que se descartarían en el momento del nacimiento), y soportando el desarrollo de una blastómera individual destinada al macizo celular interno (MCI). Por lo tanto, durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis fue posible desarrollar un sistema completo y original de clonación embrionaria, basado en la producción, multiplicación y criopreservación de embriones bovinos LZP.


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La transmisión de genética superior y consecuente generación de numerosas crías idénticas de alto valor, permitiría aumentar rápidamente la cantidad y calidad del ganado vacuno. Con este fin, optimizamos la técnica de fecundación in vitro (FIV), la cual nos permitió obtener altas tasas de embriones y preñeces. La selección del toro y la realización de experimentos de FIV con semen sexado, consiguieron aumentar los rendimientos por pajuela y la producción de embriones del sexo deseado en nuestras condiciones. También exploramos un sistema eficiente de criopreservación de embriones libres de zona pelúcida (LZP) por vitrificación, con resultados de sobrevida similares al grupo control con ZP. En este sentido, mediante la desagregación de embriones en estadio de 2 y 4 células, y el posterior cultivo LZP, fue posible incrementar la cantidad inicial de embriones. Si bien la TO en presuntos cigotos de FIV permitió generar embriones de mayor tamaño, también afectó severamente tanto la competencia de los embriones como la de sus blastómeras individuales. Sin embargo, la complementación troboblástica de blastómeras más avanzadas desagregadas demostró ser una alternativa innovadora para la clonación embrionaria. Este procedimiento se realizó electrofusionando embirones producidos por FIV en estadío de 2 células, que luego se agregaron con una única blastómera transgénica, generando lo que llamamos quimeras transitorias. Al emplear los embriones aneuploides y más jóvenes fue posible dirigir el destino de cada tipo celular, orientándolos hacia los tejidos extrembrionarios (que se descartarían en el momento del nacimiento), y soportando el desarrollo de una blastómera individual destinada al macizo celular interno (MCI). Por lo tanto, durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis fue posible desarrollar un sistema completo y original de clonación embrionaria, basado en la producción, multiplicación y criopreservación de embriones bovinos LZP.


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To design a new, highly sensitive psychometric screening to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and patients with dementia in the early stages of the disease.