959 resultados para Lysine availability


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Abstract Objective: To explore whether area-level socioeconomic position or the form of retail stream (conventional versus farmers’ market) are associated with differences in the price, availability, variety and quality of a range of fresh fruit and vegetables. Design: A multi-site cross-sectional pilot study of farmers’ markets, supermarkets and independent fruit and vegetable retailers. Each was surveyed to assess the price, availability, variety and quality of 15 fruit and 18 vegetable items. Setting: Retail outlets were located in South-East Queensland. Subjects: Fifteen retail outlets were surveyed (five of each retail stream). Results: Average basket prices were not significantly different across the socioeconomic spectrum however prices in low socioeconomic areas were cheapest. Availability, variety, and quality did not differ across levels of socioeconomic position however the areas with the most socioeconomic disadvantage scored poorest for quality and variety. Supermarkets had significantly better fruit and vegetable availability than farmers’ markets however price, variety and quality scores were not different across retail streams. Results demonstrate a trend to fruit and vegetable prices being more expensive at farmers’ markets, with the price of the Fruit basket being significantly greater at the organic farmer’s market compared with the non-organic farmers’ markets. Conclusions: Neither area-level socioeconomic position nor the form of retail stream was significantly associated with differences in the availability, price, variety and quality of fruit and vegetables, except for availability which was higher in supermarkets than farmers’ markets. Further research is needed to determine what role farmers’ markets can play in affecting fruit and vegetable intake.


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MesoLite, a zeolite material manufactured by NanoChem Holdings Pty Ltd is made by caustic reaction of kaolin at temperatures between 80-95°C. This material has a moderate surface area (9~12 m2/g) and very high cation exchange capacity (500meq/100g). To measure the availability of K in K-MesoLite to plants, wheat was grown with K-MesoLite or a soluble fertiliser (e.g. KCl) in non-leached pots in a glasshouse. The weights and elemental compositions of the plants were compared after four weeks growth. Plants grown with K-MesoLite were slightly larger than those grown with KCl. The elemental compositions of the plants were similar except for Si, which was significantly higher in the plants grown with K-MesoLite than in those fertilised with KCl. K from K-MesoLite is readily available to plants.


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This PhD thesis presents novel and original research in the field of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (or IGF-I) biology. IGF-I plays an essential role in promoting normal human growth and development; it also represents both a target and treatment for various diseases. This thesis provides interesting insights into previously uncharacterised mechanisms of action that underlie IGF-I biology. Such findings may lead to improved and novel treatments across a broad range of medical conditions.


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Numerous studies have reported associations between IGF-I and other extra cellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including fibronectin (FN), integrins, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and through IGFBPs, with vitronectin (VN). Nevertheless, the precise nature and mechanisms of these interactions are still being characterised. In this paper, we discuss transglutaminases (TGases) as a constituent of the ECM and provide evidence for the first time that IGF-I is a lysine (K)-donor substrate to TGases. When IGF-I was incubated with an alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor-derived Q peptide in the presence of tissue transglutaminase (TG2), an IGF-I:Q peptide cross-linked species was detected using Western immunoblotting and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Similar findings were observed in the presence of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa) TGase. To identify the precise location of this K-donor TGase site/s on IGF-I, all the three IGF-I K-sites, individually and collectively (K27, K65 and K68), were substituted to arginine (R) using site-directed mutagenesis. Incubation of these K→R IGF-I analogues with Q peptide in the presence of TG2 or FXIIIa resulted in the absence of cross-linking in IGF-I analogues bearing arginine substitution at site 68. This established that K68 within the IGF-I D-domain was the principal K-donor site to TGases. We further annotated the functional significance of these K→R IGF-I analogues on IGF-I mediated actions. IGF-I analogues with K→R substitution within the D-domain at K65 and K68 hindered migration of MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells and correspondingly reduced PI3-K/AKT activation. Therefore, this study also provides first insights into a possible functional role of the previously uncharacterised IGF-I D-domain.


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Background: The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is composed of ligands and receptors which regulate cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and migration. Some functions are regulated via intracellular signaling cascades, others by involvement of the extracellular milieu, including binding proteins and other extracellular matrix proteins. However, understanding of their functions and the exact nature of these interactions remains incomplete. Methods: IGF-I was PEGylated at its lysine sites - K27, K65 and K68. Binding of PEG-IGF-I to the IGFBPs was analyzed using BIAcore and its ability to activate the IGF-IR was assessed using IGF-IR phosphorylation assay. Furthermore, functional consequences of PEGylating the lysine residues of IGF-I was investigated using cell viability and cell migration assays. In addition, particular downstream signaling pathways regularly implicated in these mechanisms were also dissected using phospho-AKT and phospho-ERK1/2 assays. Results: In this study, IGF-I specifically PEGylated at lysine 27 (PEG-K27), 65 (PEG-K65) or 68 (PEG-K68) were employed. Receptor phosphorylation was only reduced by 2-fold with PEG-K65 and PEG-K68 over all the time points tested, and as observed in two cell types, 3T3 fibroblasts and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. PEGylation at K27 resulted in a much larger effect, with more than 10-fold lower activation for 3T3 fibroblasts and a ~3 fold reduced IGF-IR activation for MCF-7 breast cancer cells over 15 minutes. In addition, all PEG-IGF-I variants demonstrated a ten-fold reduction in the association rate to IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Functionally, all PEG variants completely lost their ability to induce cell migration in the presence of IGFBP-3/vitronectin (VN) complexes as compared to IGF-I; in contrast, cell viability was fully preserved. Further investigations into the downstream signaling pathways revealed that the PI3-K/AKT pathway was preferentially affected upon treatment with the PEG-IGF-I variants compared to the MAPK/ERK pathway. Conclusion: PEGylation of IGF-I has an impact on cell migration but not cell viability. General significance: PEG-IGF-I may differentially modulate IGF-I mediated functions that are dependent on its interaction with its receptor as well as key extracellular proteins such as VN and IGFBPs.


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This study is the first to describe disparity and change in the food supply between metropolitan, rural and remote stores by Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA)1 category. A total of 92 stores (97% response rate) within five aggregate ARIA categories participated throughout Queensland in 2000. There was a strong association between ARIA category and the cost of the basket of basic foods, with prices being significantly higher (20% and 31% respectively) in the ‘remote’ and ‘very remote’ categories than in the ‘highly accessible’ category. The association with ARIA was less marked for fruit and vegetables than for other food groups, but not for tobacco and take-away food items. Basic food items were less available in the more remote stores. Over the past two years, relative improvements in food prices have been seen in stores in the ‘very remote’ category, with observed increases less than the consumer price index (CPI) for food. Some factors which may have contributed to this improvement are discussed.


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The effects of oxygen availability and induction culture biomass upon production of an industrially important monoamine oxidase (MAO) were investigated in fed-batch cultures of a recombinant E. coli. For each induction cell biomass 2 different oxygenation methods were used, aeration and oxygen enriched air. Induction at higher biomass levels increased the culture demand for oxygen, leading to fermentative metabolism and accumulation of high levels of acetate in the aerated cultures. Paradoxically, despite an almost eight fold increase in acetate accumulation to levels widely reported to be highly detrimental to protein production, when induction wet cell weight (WCW) rose from 100% to 137.5%, MAO specific activity in these aerated processes showed a 3 fold increase. By contrast, for oxygenated cultures induced at WCW's 100% and 137.5% specific activity levels were broadly similar, but fell rapidly after the maxima were reached. Induction at high biomass levels (WCW 175%) led to very low levels of specific MAO activity relative to induction at lower WCW's in both aerated and oxygenated cultures. Oxygen enrichment of these cultures was a useful strategy for boosting specific growth rates, but did not have positive effects upon specific enzyme activity. Based upon our findings, consideration of the amino acid composition of MAO and previous studies on related enzymes, we propose that this effect is due to oxidative damage to the MAO enzyme itself during these highly aerobic processes. Thus, the optimal process for MAO production is aerated, not oxygenated, and induced at moderate cell density, and clearly represents a compromise between oxygen supply effects on specific growth rate/induction cell density, acetate accumulation, and high specific MAO activity. This work shows that the negative effects of oxygen previously reported in free enzyme preparations, are not limited to these acellular environments but are also discernible in the sheltered environment of the cytosol of E. coli cells.


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Background: Traditionally communicable diseases were the main causes of burden in developing countries like Nepal. In recent years non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mainly cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus, impose a larger disease burden compared to communicable diseases. Most elements of health and medicine policies in Nepal are still focused on communicable diseases. There is limited evidence about NCDs and NCD medicines in Nepal. Aim: To explore the gap between the burden of NCDs and the availability and affordability of NCD medicines in Nepal. Methods: Biomedical databases like Medline, Scopus, Web of Science and other online sources (including Global Burden of Diseases data) were searched for data on the burden of NCDs in term of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). The Essential Medicines List (EML) of Nepal was compared with World Health Organisation (EML) for inclusion of NCD medicines. Results: In Nepal, NCDs caused nearly 45% of the total 10.5 million DALYs in 2010. CVDs (15.2%), were the leading cause of NCDs burden followed by chronic respiratory diseases (14.7%), cancer (7.3%) and diabetes mellitus (3.2%). One hospital based national survey found that 37% of hospitalised patients had NCDs. Among them, 38% had heart disease followed by COPD (33%) , and diabetes (10%). Most (23 out of 28) non-cancer NCD medicines recommended in WHO-EML were present in Nepal's EML, theoretically indicating good availability. However, it is difficult to say whether they are accessible and affordable due to the lack of adequate data on access and pricing. Conclusion: This study gives some insight into the burden of NCDs. Although NCD medicines are available in Nepal, further research is required to determine whether they are accessible and affordable to the general population.


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Ubiquitination involves the attachment of ubiquitin to lysine residues on substrate proteins or itself, which can result in protein monoubiquitination or polyubiquitination. Ubiquitin attachment to different lysine residues can generate diverse substrate-ubiquitin structures, targeting proteins to different fates. The mechanisms of lysine selection are not well understood. Ubiquitination by the largest group of E3 ligases, the RING-family E3 s, is catalyzed through co-operation between the non-catalytic ubiquitin-ligase (E3) and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), where the RING E3 binds the substrate and the E2 catalyzes ubiquitin transfer. Previous studies suggest that ubiquitination sites are selected by E3-mediated positioning of the lysine toward the E2 active site. Ultimately, at a catalytic level, ubiquitination of lysine residues within the substrate or ubiquitin occurs by nucleophilic attack of the lysine residue on the thioester bond linking the E2 catalytic cysteine to ubiquitin. One of the best studied RING E3/ E2 complexes is the Skp1/Cul1/F box protein complex, SCFCdc4, and its cognate E2, Cdc34, which target the CDK inhibitor Sic1 for K48-linked polyubiquitination, leading to its proteasomal degradation. Our recent studies of this model system demonstrated that residues surrounding Sic1 lysines or lysine 48 in ubiquitin are critical for ubiquitination. This sequence-dependence is linked to evolutionarily conserved key residues in the catalytic region of Cdc34 and can determine if Sic1 is mono- or poly-ubiquitinated. Our studies indicate that amino acid determinants in the Cdc34 catalytic region and their compatibility to those surrounding acceptor lysine residues play important roles in lysine selection. This may represent a general mechanism in directing the mode of ubiquitination in E2 s.


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Ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and ubiquitin ligases (E3s) catalyze the attachment of Ub to lysine residues in substrates and Ub during monoubiquitination and polyubiquitination. Lysine selection is important for the generation of diverse substrate-Ub structures, which provides versatility to this pathway in the targeting of proteins to different fates. The mechanisms of lysine selection remain poorly understood, with previous studies suggesting that the ubiquitination site(s) is selected by the E2/E3-mediated positioning of a lysine(s) toward the E2/E3 active site. By studying the polyubiquitination of Sic1 by the E2 protein Cdc34 and the RING E3 Skp1/Cul1/F-box (SCF) protein, we now demonstrate that in addition to E2/E3-mediated positioning, proximal amino acids surrounding the lysine residues in Sic1 and Ub are critical for ubiquitination. This mechanism is linked to key residues composing the catalytic core of Cdc34 and independent of SCF. Changes to these core residues altered the lysine preference of Cdc34 and specified whether this enzyme monoubiquitinated or polyubiquitinated Sic1. These new findings indicate that compatibility between amino acids surrounding acceptor lysine residues and key amino acids in the catalytic core of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes is an important mechanism for lysine selection during ubiquitination.


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The chlamydiae are obligate intracellular parasites that have evolved specific interactions with their various hosts and host cell types to ensure their successful survival and consequential pathogenesis. The species Chlamydia pneumoniae is ubiquitous, with serological studies showing that most humans are infected at some stage in their lifetime. While most human infections are asymptomatic, C. pneumoniae can cause more-severe respiratory disease and pneumonia and has been linked to chronic diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, and even Alzheimer's disease. The widely dispersed animal-adapted C. pneumoniae strains cause an equally wide range of diseases in their hosts. It is emerging that the ability of C. pneumoniae to survive inside its target cells, including evasion of the host's immune attack mechanisms, is linked to the acquisition of key metabolites. Tryptophan and arginine are key checkpoint compounds in this host-parasite battle. Interestingly, the animal strains of C. pneumoniae have a slightly larger genome, enabling them to cope better with metabolite restrictions. It therefore appears that as the evolutionarily more ancient animal strains have evolved to infect humans, they have selectively become more "susceptible" to the levels of key metabolites, such as tryptophan. While this might initially appear to be a weakness, it allows these human C. pneumoniae strains to exquisitely sense host immune attack and respond by rapidly reverting to a persistent phase. During persistence, they reduce their metabolic levels, halting progression of their developmental cycle, waiting until the hostile external conditions have passed before they reemerge.


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Dendrimers have potential for delivering chemotherapeutic drugs to solid tumours via the enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect. The impact of conjugation of hydrophobic anticancer drugs to hydrophilic PEGylated dendrimer surfaces, however, has not been fully investigated. The current study has therefore characterised the effect on dendrimer disposition of conjugating α-carboxyl protected methotrexate (MTX) to a series of PEGylated 3H-labelled poly-L-lysine dendrimers ranging in size from generation 3 (G3) to 5 (G5) in rats. Dendrimers contained 50% surface PEG and 50% surface MTX. Conjugation of MTX generally increased plasma clearance when compared to conjugation with PEG alone. Conversely, increasing generation reduced clearance, increased metabolic stability and reduced renal elimination of the administered radiolabel. For constructs with molecular weights >20 kDa increasing the molecular weight of conjugated PEG also reduced clearance and enhanced metabolic stability but had only a minimal effect on renal elimination. Tissue distribution studies revealed retention of MTX conjugated smaller (G3-G4) PEG570 dendrimers (or their metabolic products) in the kidneys. In contrast, the larger G5 dendrimer was concentrated more in the liver and spleen. The G5 PEG1100 dendrimer was also shown to accumulate in solid Walker 256 and HT1080 tumours and comparative disposition data in both rats (1 to 2% dose/g in tumour) and mice (11% dose/g in tumour) are presented. The results of this study further illustrate the potential utility of biodegradable PEGylated poly-L-lysine dendrimers as long circulating vectors for the delivery and tumour-targeting of hydrophobic drugs.


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Buildings structures and surfaces are explicitly being used to grow plants, and these “urban plantings” are generally designed for aesthetic value. Urban plantings also have the potential to contribute significant “ecological values” by increasing urban habitat for animals such as arthropods and by increasing plant productivity. In this study, we evaluated how the provision of these additional ecological values is affected by plant species richness; the availability of essential resources for plants, such as water, light, space; and soil characteristics. We sampled 33 plantings located on the exterior of three buildings in the urban center of Brisbane, Australia (subtropical climatic region) over 2, 6 week sampling periods characterized by different temperature and rainfall conditions. Plant cover was estimated as a surrogate for productivity as destructive sampling of biomass was not possible. We measured weekly light levels (photosynthetically active radiation), plant CO2 assimilation, soil CO2 efflux, and arthropod diversity. Differences in plant cover were best explained by a three-way interaction of plant species richness, management water regime and sampling period. As the richness of plant species increased in a planter, productivity and total arthropod richness also increased significantly—likely due to greater habitat heterogeneity and quality. Overall we found urban plantings can provide additional ecological values if essential resources are maintained within a planter such as water, light and soil temperature. Diverse urban plantings that are managed with these principles in mind can contribute to the attraction of diverse arthropod communities, and lead to increased plant productivity within a dense urban context.