969 resultados para Lundberg, Ulla-Lena
Pretende llegar al conocimiento de la realidad de la comarca para así detectar las disfuncionalidades y los verdaderos problemas que la afectan cuya dinámica supone un freno a la consecución de los objetivos: desarrollo del potencial endógeno de la zona procurando un aprovechamiento racional de los recursos; mejora del tejido industrial existente y flexibilización de la estructura económica mediante el reajuste intersectorial y la diversificación de la producción; formulación de nuevas alternativas de desarrollo que favorezcan la inserción profesional del colectivo de jóvenes parados. Para la encuesta se utilizó una muestra representativa de los jóvenes parados de los Concejos implicados en el estudio. Tras un estudio del medio físico y demográfico, de la actividad económica, del equipamiento y hábitat, infraestructuras, planeamientos de los recursos ociosos y del análisis de la población en paro, se realiza una propuesta de actuaciones de desarrollo endógeno y un plan formativo que responde a las deficiencias detectadas a través del análisis estadístico y del trabajo de campo. Como respuesta a la situación de la realidad de los cinco Concejos objeto de estudio, se propone un plan formativo, fruto de la comparación de las necesidades detectadas y la oferta formativa, que pretende la creación de un marco de actuación que posibilite la especialización en las ramas y actividades que presentan posibilidades de empleo a corto y medio plazo. Las líneas formativas propuestas son: Asistencia social, Desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad, Medio Ambiente, Formación empresarial y Gestión, Especialización Agraria, Hostelería y Turismo rural, Diseño, Construcción, Madera y Muebles, Alimentación, Papel y Artes gráficas, Textil, Transformación metálica, Joyería y Orfebrería, Nuevas tecnologías. Se propone un plan de actuaciones de desarrollo endógeno: conservación y mejora del medio natural, de los recursos agrarios, fomento de actividades turísticas, de la pequeña y mediana empresa, apoyo a la minería, potenciación del sector metalúrgico, de las industrias derivadas de productos autóctonos, del comercio, promoción empresarial, mejora de infraestructuras y equipamientos, potenciación de la economía social y empleo juvenil.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
By examining the discourse around Lena Dunham's HBO comedy Girls (2012– present), this article argues that the programme served as a space to think through female authorship, televisual representations and cultural tensions surrounding young womanhood. Central to this discourse was the narrative asserting Girls' and Dunham's 'authenticity', originality and universality, which sought to legitimate her gendered authorship and interest in the comedy of female intimacy within HBO' s masculine prestige channel identity. Charting three cycles of discourse surrounding the programme's debut, this article explores the paratextual framing by promotional concerns, television critics and women' s websites. It highlights how journalists and critics furthered HBO's paratextual framing of Dunham, which was later countered by the networked spaces of niche online media, which used the programme as a space to productively work through industrial and cultural tensions; particularly those surrounding female comic authorship, autobiography and intersectionality.
This article traces the intertextual relationships between Anya Ulinich’s graphic novel Lena Finkle’s Magic Barrel, Bernard Malamud’s short story ‘The Magic Barrel’ and a number of works by Philip Roth. Through these relationships and her construction of a number of variations on what Miriam Libicki has called a ‘gonzo self’ Ulinich explores the tensions between life and art, fact and fiction, and autobiography and the novel, mediating the aesthetic imperatives of what Roth has called the ‘written world’ and the ethical obligations of the ‘unwritten world’ in order to arrive at an authentic sense of herself as an artist and writer.
Background: Acupuncture is commonly used to reduce pain during labour despite contradictory results. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with manual stimulation and acupuncture with combined manual and electrical stimulation (electro-acupuncture) compared with standard care in reducing labour pain. Our hypothesis was that both acupuncture stimulation techniques were more effective than standard care, and that electro-acupuncture was most effective. Methods: A longitudinal randomised controlled trial. The recruitment of participants took place at the admission to the labour ward between November 2008 and October 2011 at two Swedish hospitals. 303 nulliparous women with normal pregnancies were randomised to: 40 minutes of manual acupuncture (MA), electro-acupuncture (EA), or standard care without acupuncture (SC). Primary outcome: labour pain, assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes: relaxation, use of obstetric pain relief during labour and post-partum assessments of labour pain. The sample size calculation was based on the primary outcome and a difference of 15 mm on VAS was regarded as clinically relevant, this gave 101 in each group, including a total of 303 women. Results: Mean estimated pain scores on VAS (SC: 69.0, MA: 66.4 and EA: 68.5), adjusted for: treatment, age, education, and time from baseline, with no interactions did not differ between the groups (SC vs MA: mean difference 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.7-6.9 and SC vs EA: mean difference 0.6 [95% CI] -3.6-4.8). Fewer number of women in the EA group used epidural analgesia (46%) than women in the MA group (61%) and SC group (70%) (EA vs SC: odds ratio [OR] 0.35; [95% CI] 0.19-0.67). Conclusions: Acupuncture does not reduce women's experience of labour pain, neither with manual stimulation nor with combined manual and electrical stimulation. However, fewer women in the EA group used epidural analgesia thus indicating that the effect of acupuncture with electrical stimulation may be underestimated. These findings were obtained in a context with free access to other forms of pain relief.
Professor Lena Dominelli is one of those people whose passion for social justice has made a significant difference to the lives of many people and to her profession, social work. If you have ever spent time with her, as I have done, you will know that she simply never stops. She has ideas for what must be done immediately to address current injustices and also proposes strategies for the long term. She takes action on the basis of her ideas, bringing in whoever might be able to help at a given moment on a particular issue. She draws you in with her unwavering optimism and her practical solutions and before long you find yourself in the midst of accomplishing what appeared to be impossible. A social worker par excellence.
von Armin Renker
Heinrich York-Steiner
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