75 resultados para Lumbosacral
A previously healthy 75-year-old white male dentist presented with a 6-month history of low-back pain treated with chronic steroid therapy had a Nocardia farcinica infection diagnosed by aspirate of thyroid abscess and six blood cultures. Despite the treatment with parenteral combination of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, the patient failed to respond and died after two days of therapy. Autopsy revealed disseminated nocardiosis, involving lungs with pleural purulent exudate in both sides, heart, thyroid, kidneys, brain, bones, and lumbosacral soft tissue with destruction of L2-L4.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the neural mobilization technique on electromyography function, disability degree, and pain in patients with leprosy. METHODS: A sample of 56 individuals with leprosy was randomized into an experimental group, composed of 29 individuals undergoing treatment with neural mobilization, and a control group of 27 individuals who underwent conventional treatment. In both groups, the lesions in the lower limbs were treated. In the treatment with neural mobilization, the procedure used was mobilization of the lumbosacral roots and sciatic nerve biased to the peroneal nerve that innervates the anterior tibial muscle, which was evaluated in the electromyography. RESULTS: Analysis of the electromyography function showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the experimental group in both the right (Δ%=22.1, p=0.013) and the left anterior tibial muscles (Δ%=27.7, p=0.009), compared with the control group pre- and post-test. Analysis of the strength both in the movement of horizontal extension (Δ%right=11.7, p=0.003/Δ%left=27.4, p=0.002) and in the movement of back flexion (Δ%right=31.1; p=0.000/Δ%left=34.7, p=0.000) showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in both the right and the left segments when comparing the experimental group pre- and post-test. The experimental group showed a significant reduction (p=0.000) in pain perception and disability degree when the pre- and post-test were compared and when compared with the control group in the post-test. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy patients undergoing the technique of neural mobilization had an improvement in electromyography function and muscle strength, reducing disability degree and pain.
A 59-year-old female patient with mitral valve prolapse and a previous history of lumbosacral spondyloarthrosis and lumbar disk hernia had an episode of infective endocarditis due to Streptococcus viridans, which evolved with peripheral embolism to the left kidney, spleen, and left iliac artery, and intraventricular cerebral hemorrhage. Her clinical manifestations were low back pain and hematuria, which were initially attributed to an osteoarticular condition. Infective endocarditis is a severe polymorphic disease with multiple clinical manifestations and it should always be included in the differential diagnosis by clinicians.
Sacral insufficiency fractures have been described in association with conditions leading to osteoporosis. No association with spondylolisthesis has been described to date. A 60-year-old patient with known lumbosacral isthmic spondylolisthesis presented with exacerbation of symptoms initially thought to be linked to her known spinal pathology. Plain radiography, computer tomography, MRI and bone scan confirmed the presence of a recent sacral insufficiency fracture with anterior angulation. Conservative treatment resulted in improvement of symptoms after 6 months. Care should be taken when considering older patients for more aggressive treatment if they present with exacerbation of back pain and sciatica in the presence of a pre-existing spondylolisthesis. A suspicion of insufficiency fracture should be raised if risk factors exist and further investigations ordered in particular if plain radiography is normal. Lumbosacral fusion might be inappropriate in this setting.
In diabetes mellitus, it is expected to see a common, mainly sensitive, distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DPN) involving a large proportion of diabetic patients according to known risk factors. Several other diabetic peripheral neuropathies are recognized, such as dysautonomia and multifocal neuropathies including lumbosacral radiculoplexus and oculomotor palsies. In this review, general aspects of diabetic neuropathies are examined, and it is discussed why and how the general practionner has to perform a yearly examination. At the present time, some consensuses emerge to ask help from the specialist when faced to other forms of peripheral neuropathies than distal symmetrical DPN.
Pudendal neuropathy is common. The diagnosis is clinical and the confirmation is electrophysiological. Distal pudendal nerve latencies have been used but they are unspecific and do not allow to localize the site of compression. A preliminary electrophysiological study has suggested separate innervations of the anterior and the posterior anal sphincter quadrants, so diverging from what main anatomy textbooks teach. By detailed dissections of pudendal nerve region we can confirm a dichotomy in the innervation of the two quadrants. Therefore, it seems feasible, by using the differences of staged sacral reflexes, to better localize the compressive neuropathy, with a stimulation of the clitoris and by recording latencies of different muscles.
The expression of substance P (SP) was studied in sensory neurons of developing chick lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia (DRG) by using a mixture of periodic acid, lysine and paraformaldehyde as fixative and a monoclonal antibody for SP-like immunostaining. The first SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells appeared first at E5, then rapidly increased in number to reach a peak (88% of ganglion cells) at E8, and finally declined (59% at E12, 51% after hatching). The fall of the SP-like-positive DRG cells resulted from two concomitant events affecting a subset of small B-neurons: a loss of neuronal SP-like immunoreactivity and cell death. After one hindlimb resection at an early (E6) or late (E12) stage of development (that is before or after establishment of peripheral connections), the DRG were examined 6 days later. In both cases, a drastic neuronal death occurred in the ispilateral DRG. However, the resection at E6 did not change the percentage of SP-like-positive neurons, while the resection at E12 severely reduced the proportion of SP-like-immunoreactive DRG cells (25%). In conclusion, connections established between DRG and peripheral target tissues not only promote the survival of sensory neurons, but also control the maintenance of SP-like-expression. Factors issued from innervated targets such as NGF would support the survival of SP-expressing DRG cells and enhance their SP content while other factors present in skeletal muscle or skin would hinder SP expression and therefore lower SP levels in a subset of primary sensory neurons.
In diabetes mellitus, it is expected to see a common, mainly sensitive, distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DPN) involving a large proportion of diabetic patients according to known risk factors. Several other diabetic peripheral neuropathies are recognized, such as dysautonomia and multifocal neuropathies including lumbosacral radiculoplexus and oculomotor palsies. In this review, general aspects of DPN and other diabetic neuropathies are examined, and it is discussed why and how the general practionner has to perform a yearly examination. At the present time, some consensuses emerge to ask help from neurologist when faced to other forms of peripheral neuropathies than distal symmetrical DPN.
To evaluate the clinical evolution of sacral stress fractures in relation to the scintigraphic pattern and the presence of additional pelvic fractures. METHODS--This was a retrospective study of 14 patients with sacral fractures. RESULTS--Six patients had additional pelvic fractures. Four bone scintigraphic patterns were found. The resolution of symptoms was longer in patients with associated pelvic fractures (30 weeks v three weeks). No relation was found between the bone scintigraphic pattern and the time of evolution. CONCLUSION--Associated pelvic fractures delay the resolution of symptoms in patients with sacral fractures, regardless of scintigraphic pattern.
To evaluate the clinical evolution of sacral stress fractures in relation to the scintigraphic pattern and the presence of additional pelvic fractures. METHODS--This was a retrospective study of 14 patients with sacral fractures. RESULTS--Six patients had additional pelvic fractures. Four bone scintigraphic patterns were found. The resolution of symptoms was longer in patients with associated pelvic fractures (30 weeks v three weeks). No relation was found between the bone scintigraphic pattern and the time of evolution. CONCLUSION--Associated pelvic fractures delay the resolution of symptoms in patients with sacral fractures, regardless of scintigraphic pattern.
The aim of this study was to describe the topography of the spinal cord of the red-footed tortoise to establish a morphological basis for applied research in anesthesiology and morphology. Six tortoises from the state of Maranhão (Brazil) that had died of natural causes were used. The common carotid artery was used to perfuse the arterial system with saline solution (heated to 37ºC) and to fix the material with a 20% formaldehyde solution. The specimens were then placed in a modified decalcifying solution for 72 hours to allow dorsal opening of the carapace with a chisel and an orthopedic hammer. Dissection of the dorsal musculature and sectioning of the vertebral arches were performed to access the spinal cord. The results revealed the spinal cord of G. carbonaria to be an elongated, whitish mass that reached the articulation between the penultimate and last caudal vertebrae. The cervical intumescence (Intumescentia cervicalis) was located between vertebral segments C5 and T1, whereas the lumbosacral intumescence (Intumescentia lumbalis) was located between T6 and Ca1.
The long-term effects of low-level lead intoxication are not known. The sympathetic skin response (SSR) was evaluated in a group of 60 former workers of a primary lead smelter, located in Santo Amaro, BA, Brazil. The individuals participating in the study were submitted to a clinical-epidemiological evaluation including questions related to potential risk factors for intoxication, complaints related to peripheral nervous system (PNS) involvement, neurological clinical examination, and also to electromyography and nerve conduction studies and SSR evaluation. The sample consisted of 57 men and 3 women aged 34 to 69 years (mean ± SD: 46.8 ± 6.9). The neurophysiologic evaluation showed the presence of lumbosacral radiculopathy in one of the individuals (1.7%), axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy in 2 (3.3%), and carpal tunnel syndrome in 6 (10%). SSR was abnormal or absent in 12 cases, representing 20% of the sample. More than half of the subjects (53.3%) reported a history of acute abdominal pain requiring hospitalization during the period of work at the plant. A history of acute palsy of radial and peroneal nerves was reported by about 16.7 and 8.3% of the individuals, respectively. Mean SSR amplitude did not differ significantly between patients presenting or not the various characteristics in the current neurological situation, except for diaphoresis. The results suggest that chronic lead intoxication induces PNS damage, particularly affecting unmyelinated small fibers. Further systematic study is needed to more precisely define the role of lead in inducing PNS injury.
De multiples études ont rapporté une prévalence augmentée de spondylolyse et de spondylolisthésis chez certains groupes d’athlètes, en particulier les gymnastes, pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 40 à 50%. À cela s’ajoute le fait que plusieurs études récentes ont démontré une association entre le spondylolisthésis et une morphologie et orientation sacro-pelviennes déviante de la normale. La morphologie et l’orientation sacro-pelviennes chez les gymnastes ainsi que leur relation avec le spondylolisthésis n’ont jamais été analysées. L’objectif de cette étude était donc d’évaluer la prévalence du spondylolithésis au sein d’une cohorte de gymnastes ainsi que les caractéristiques démographiques et paramètres de morphologie et orientation sacro-pelviennes associés. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, une évaluation des caractéristiques démographiques et des paramètres radiologiques d’une cohorte de 92 jeunes gymnastes a été menée. Les deux études présentées ont démontré une prévalence de spondylolisthésis chez les jeunes gymnastes de 6.5%, similaire à celle retrouvée dans la population générale. Le nombre d’heures d’entraînement hebdomadaire a été le seul facteur statistiquement différents entre les gymnastes avec et ceux sans spondylolisthésis. Nos résultats ont aussi démontré que les gymnastes atteints d’un spondylolisthésis présentent une morphologie et une orientation sacro-pelviennes sagittales différentes, en terme d’incidence pelvienne (p = 0.02) et d’angle de table sacrée (p = 0.036), de celles des gymnastes sans spondylolisthésis. Nos observations supportent donc l’importance du rôle de la morphologie et de l’orientation sacro-pelviennes dans le développement du spondylolisthésis.