997 resultados para Luiz Thomaz Reis
The bidimensional periodic structures called frequency selective surfaces have been well investigated because of their filtering properties. Similar to the filters that work at the traditional radiofrequency band, such structures can behave as band-stop or pass-band filters, depending on the elements of the array (patch or aperture, respectively) and can be used for a variety of applications, such as: radomes, dichroic reflectors, waveguide filters, artificial magnetic conductors, microwave absorbers etc. To provide high-performance filtering properties at microwave bands, electromagnetic engineers have investigated various types of periodic structures: reconfigurable frequency selective screens, multilayered selective filters, as well as periodic arrays printed on anisotropic dielectric substrates and composed by fractal elements. In general, there is no closed form solution directly from a given desired frequency response to a corresponding device; thus, the analysis of its scattering characteristics requires the application of rigorous full-wave techniques. Besides that, due to the computational complexity of using a full-wave simulator to evaluate the frequency selective surface scattering variables, many electromagnetic engineers still use trial-and-error process until to achieve a given design criterion. As this procedure is very laborious and human dependent, optimization techniques are required to design practical periodic structures with desired filter specifications. Some authors have been employed neural networks and natural optimization algorithms, such as the genetic algorithms and the particle swarm optimization for the frequency selective surface design and optimization. This work has as objective the accomplishment of a rigorous study about the electromagnetic behavior of the periodic structures, enabling the design of efficient devices applied to microwave band. For this, artificial neural networks are used together with natural optimization techniques, allowing the accurate and efficient investigation of various types of frequency selective surfaces, in a simple and fast manner, becoming a powerful tool for the design and optimization of such structures
In general, the materials used as substrates in the project of microstrip antennas are: isotropic, anisotropic dielectrics and ferrimagnetic materials (magnetic anisotropy). The use of ferrimagnetic materials as substrates in microstrip patch antennas has been concentrated on the analysis of antennas with circular and rectangular patches. However, a new class of materials, called metamaterials, has been currently the focus of a great deal of interest. These materials exhibit bianisotropic characteristics, with permittivity and permeability tensors. The main objective of this work is to develop a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of annular ring microstrip antennas, using ferrites and metamaterials as substrates. The full wave analysis is performed in the Hankel transform domain through the application of the Hertz vector potentials. Considering the definition of the Hertz potentials and imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency, radiation pattern, return loss, and antenna bandwidth as a function of the annular ring physical parameters, for different configurations and substrates. The theoretical analysis was developed for annular ring microstrip antennas on a double ferrimagnetic/isotropic dielectric substrate or metamaterial/isotropic dielectric substrate. Also, the analysis for annular ring microstrip antennas on a single ferrimagnetic or metamaterial layer and for suspended antennas can be performed as particular cases
The photo-oxidation of acid orange 52 dye was performed in the presence of H2O2, utilizing UV light, aiming the discoloration process modeling and the process variable influence characterization. The discoloration process was modeled by the use of feedforward neural network. Each sample was characterized by five independent variables (dye concentration, pH, hydrogen peroxide volume, temperature and time of operation) and a dependent variable (absorbance). The neural model has also provided, through Garson Partition coefficients and the Pertubation method, the independent variable influence order determination. The results indicated that the time of operation was the predominant variable and reaction mean temperature was the lesser influent variable. The neural model obtained presented coefficients of correlation on the order 0.98, for sets of trainability, validation and testing, indicating the power of prediction of the model and its character of generalization. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A avaliação correta do valor nutricional da forragem passa obrigatoriamente por emprego de metodologias adequadas. A qualidade da forragem depende dos produtos da fermentação, no caso da silagem, ou da magnitude das perdas de compostos solúveis e atuação de microrganismos no caso do feno. A abordagem do tema: Avanços metodológicos na avaliação da qualidade da forragem conservada, na 44ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, tem como objetivo destacar as principais metodologias empregadas na avaliação específica de forragens conservadas, adicionais às avaliações tradicionais de composição químico-bromatológica desses volumosos, e colocar em discussão a necessidade de padronização de procedimentos analíticos. Assim, a revisão prioriza a descrição e sistematização de métodos físicos e químicos importantes para serem implementados na avaliação de forragens conservadas, na tentativa de homogeneizar tais procedimentos. Os recursos metodológicos disponíveis atualmente permitem não somente quantificar, mas também qualificar perdas ocorridas no processo de conservação, exposição aeróbia e oferta dos volumosos aos animais. Esse fato sugere que a adoção de estratégias de manejo dessas forragens deverá, preferencialmente, ser acompanhada de avaliação de perdas integradas no processo.
The tapping mode is one of the mostly employed techniques in atomic force microscopy due to its accurate imaging quality for a wide variety of surfaces. However, chaotic microcantilever motion impairs the obtention of accurate images from the sample surfaces. In order to investigate the problem the tapping mode atomic force microscope is modeled and chaotic motion is identified for a wide range of the parameter's values. Additionally, attempting to prevent the chaotic motion, two control techniques are implemented: the optimal linear feedback control and the time-delayed feedback control. The simulation results show the feasibility of the techniques for chaos control in the atomic force microscopy. © 2012 IMechE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Purpose: Understand the difficulties and experienced of individuals suffering from postpartum depression, related to mood disturbances, the mother-child bond and its repercussions in the meanings established for the experience of being a mother. Methods: Forty-one patients were interviewed, with ages ranging from 20 to 49 years, from a total of 106 attended at the Primary Care Unit, in the interior of the state of Parahiba, Brazil. A sample of 21 women was selected, presenting an inclusion profile, propitious to mapping postpartum depression. The eligible patients were referred by two PSF (Health Family) teams (one each from the urban and rural zones), aimed at diagnosing the psychic disturbance of the perperium. They were accompanied by a psychologist and all signed an informed consent form. A field diary supported the information recorded. Beck's Depression Inventory complemented the inclusion and follow-up of the patients. The data were analyzed statistically. Results: We confirmed the findings of the most recent studies that infant abandonment in the postpartum period occurs in situations where multiple and serious factors add up, such as misery (86.7%), little schooling (67%), lack of a support network (36.5%), estrangement of the mother's family relations (12%) and lack of paternal involvement (91.5%). Conclusion: The feeling of psyching pain and suffering, resulting from postpartum depression, is the most emphasized by women (87%) because it triggers the greatest discomfort, due to the difficulty in overcoming it.
Bioethics applied to medicine extrapolates the traditional medical concepts of non-maleficence (primum non nocere) and beneficence (bonum facere) and regards to justice, autonomy, equity, protection, compassion and humanization, not considering people just like patients, but understanding the complex existence of each single person. Worldwide, the morbidity and mortality indices regarding to diseases of heart and blood vessels became progressively grater. For countries in development, like Brazil, these numbers are even more expressive and this increase trend seems to be caused by wider exposition of population to some risk factors. This article broaches an intersection between bioethics and medicine, focusing the reality of cardiovascular diseases in Brazil and the necessity of doctors to base their behavior in bioethical paradigms.
This study aimed to evaluate the importance of a descriptive narrative process of the significance involved in a depressive phenomenon. The research population consisted of 324 adult and adolescent patients of both genders, located in the central area of the city of Paraiba, for clinical and psychological health care. For surveyed patients, suffering and or psychological pain were the most common complaints. A sample of 159 patients was taken, including male and female adolescents and adults. Data were collected through a narrative interview. Shutz' procedure was used for information analysis. The obtained data offered the opportunity to review concepts, discuss life history and listen to narrative positioning episodes of manifested depression. The narratives were considered to be a determinant factor to consider inherent conflicts.
We report self-similar properties of periodic structures remarkably organized in the two-parameter space for a two-gene system, described by two-dimensional symmetric map. The map consists of difference equations derived from the chemical reactions for gene expression and regulation. We characterize the system by using Lyapunov exponents and isoperiodic diagrams identifying periodic windows, denominated Arnold tongues and shrimp-shaped structures. Period-adding sequences are observed for both periodic windows. We also identify Fibonacci-type series and Golden ratio for Arnold tongues, and period multiple-of-three windows for shrimps. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Paragangliomas are rare tumors origined on chromaffin-cells of neural crest and can be located from skull base to pelvis, on sympathetic or parasympathetic paraganglia. They account on less than 0,06% of all urinary bladder tumors, with only few hundreds of cases reported in literature since the first record by Zimmermmann in 1953. Case Report: A 63 year-old woman referring irritative urinary symptoms was submitted to an ultrassonography that disclosed an irregular-shaped nodulation on her bladder. CT confirmed the existence of a nodulation on bladder's anterior wall. Patient had normal levels of urinary catecholamins and Vanilmandelic acid. Tumor was excised and posterior immunohistochemical study revealed it was a paraganglioma. Nowadays, ten months after surgery, patient stills healthy and disease-free. Discussion: Paragangliomas can be classified as functionant or non-functionant, according to its production of cathecolamins, which can cause the same symptom complex of pheocromocytomas. About 10-15% of bladder paragangliomas are malignant, and potential metastasis are more common to lymph nodes, lungs and bones. 131-MIBG iodine cyntilography is the most sensitive method for diagnosis and surgery (transurethral resection or cystectomy) is the best choice for treatment.
Abstract Background Smallpox is a lethal disease that was endemic in many parts of the world until eradicated by massive immunization. Due to its lethality, there are serious concerns about its use as a bioweapon. Here we analyze publicly available microarray data to further understand survival of smallpox infected macaques, using systems biology approaches. Our goal is to improve the knowledge about the progression of this disease. Results We used KEGG pathways annotations to define groups of genes (or modules), and subsequently compared them to macaque survival times. This technique provided additional insights about the host response to this disease, such as increased expression of the cytokines and ECM receptors in the individuals with higher survival times. These results could indicate that these gene groups could influence an effective response from the host to smallpox. Conclusion Macaques with higher survival times clearly express some specific pathways previously unidentified using regular gene-by-gene approaches. Our work also shows how third party analysis of public datasets can be important to support new hypotheses to relevant biological problems.
BACKGROUND: Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common form of porphyria, characterized by the decreased activity of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase enzyme. Several reports associated HFE gene mutations of hereditary hemochromatosis with porphyria cutanea tarda worldwide, although up to date only one study has been conducted in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Investigation of porphyria cutanea tarda association with C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene. Identification of precipitating factors (hepatitis C, HIV, alcoholism and estrogen) and their link with HFE mutations. METHODS: An ambispective study of 60 patients with PCT was conducted during the period from 2003 to 2012. Serological tests for hepatitis C and HIV were performed and histories of alcohol abuse and estrogen intake were investigated. HFE mutations were identified with real-time PCR. RESULTS: Porphyria cutanea tarda predominated in males and alcohol abuse was the main precipitating factor. Estrogen intake was the sole precipitating factor present in 25% of female patients. Hepatitis C was present in 41.7%. All HIV-positive patients (15.3%) had a history of alcohol abuse. Allele frequency for HFE mutations, i.e., C282Y (p = 0.0001) and H63D (p = 0.0004), were significantly higher in porphyria cutanea tarda patients, compared to control group. HFE mutations had no association with the other precipitating factors. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol abuse, hepatitis C and estrogen intake are prevalent precipitating factors in our porphyria cutanea tarda population; however, hemochromatosis in itself can also contribute to the outbreak of porphyria cutanea tarda, which makes the research for HFE mutations necessary in these patients
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