79 resultados para Lucretius


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Engraved portrait and headpiece by I.M. Bernigeroth.


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"Printed in Great Britain."


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Latin and German on opposite pages.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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I seek to create a Lucretius text useful for a high school classroom including a commentary on four sections of the poem. The passages include 2.998 – 1047 which explains how the Epicurean atomic theory, 3.912—979 the famous passage that denies the underworld and its tortures, 5.855 – 923 the semi-Darwinian passage detailing the sorts of creatures that can exist in this world, and 5.1194– 1240 about the detrimental effects of humans fearing gods. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. I am hoping this research will be useful both pedagogically and for learning how decisions about literary content are made in American secondary and higher education in Latin.


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Some scholars have read Virgil’s grafted tree (G. 2.78–82) as a sinister image, symptomatic of man’s perversion of nature. However, when it is placed within the long tradition of Roman accounts of grafting (in both prose and verse), it seems to reinforce a consistently positive view of the technique, its results, and its possibilities. Virgil’s treatment does represent a significant change from Republican to Imperial literature, whereby grafting went from mundane reality to utopian fantasy. This is reflected in responses to Virgil from Ovid, Columella, Calpurnius, Pliny the Elder, and Palladius (with Republican context from Cato, Varro, and Lucretius), and even in the postclassical transformation of Virgil’s biography into a magical folktale.


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Anagrams and syllabic wordplay of the kind championed by Frederick Ahl in his Metaformations have not always been favourably received by scholars of Latin poetry; I would hesitate to propose the following instance, were it not for the fact that its occurrence seems peculiarly apposite to the context in which it appears. That Roman poets were prepared to use such techniques to enhance the presentation of an argument by exemplifying its operation at a verbal level is demonstrated by the famous passage of Lucretius (DRN 1.907–14; also 1.891–2) in which the poet seeks to illustrate the tendency of semina … ardoris to create fire in wood by the literal presence of elements from the word for ‘fires’ (IGNes) in that denoting wood (lIGNum). A similar conception may underlie the association insinuated by the love elegists between amor and mors, suggesting that death is somehow ‘written into’ love: so Propertius declares laus in amore mori (2.1.47), while Tibullus appears to point to the lurking presence of death in the pursuit of love in the lines interea, dum fata sinunt, iungamus amores: | iam ueniet tenebris Mors adoperta caput (1.1.69–70) – so swift and unexpected is death's approach that it is already present in aMOReS in the preceding line. Ovid's awareness of the poetic potential of this kind of play (if that is the right word for it) is fully exhibited in his celebrated account of Echo and Narcissus in Metamorphoses 3, where the subject matter gives the poet ample scope to exploit the humorous and pathetic possibilities afforded by Echo's fragmented repetitions of the frustrated entreaties of her beloved.


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Focussing on humaniod monsters, this thesis uses insights from Foucault's theory about the "archaeology" of discourses and Derrida's practice of deconstruction to examine how monstrosity was spoken of in antiquity, and how the various "sciences" dealt with anomalous monsters without jeopardising their epistemological credibility. Discussion begins with a survey of the semantic field of teras and monstrum. Since portentousness was central to both terms, the signification of monstrous portents in divinatory practice is next aalysed in the historiography of Herodotus, Livy, and others. Cicero's De divinatione reveals the theory and the problem for that science posed by accidental monstrosities. Chance and novelty are also issues in mythical and scientific cosmogonies < of Hesiod, and Orphism, Empedo-cles, and Lucretius> , where monsters arise and are dealt with while cosmic regularities, reproductive and ethical, are being established. Teleology and the stability of species'forms emerge as important concerns. These issues are further considered in Aristotle's bioogy and in medical writings from Hippocrates to Galen. There, theories are produced about monstrous embryology which attempt to answer the question of how deformities occur if species' forms are perpetuated through repro-duction. Biological and taxonomic--as well as ethical--boundaries are violated also by mythic human-beast hybrids. Narratives about such anomalies clarify the nature of monstrous deviance and enact solutions to the problem. Their strategies have much in common with other modes of discourse. Ethnography is posed similar questions about monstrous races' physical and ethical deviations from the civilised norm; it speaks of those issues in terms of invariance of form through generations, geographical remoteness and the codes which situate those races ethically. Finally, Augustine’s discourse on monstrous individuals and races is examined as Christianity’s belief in God’s governance reformulates the ancient’s discussions of chane or novelty and the invariance of species. In all these discourses founded on determinate meaning, the persistant paradox of monstrosity need offer no challenge to rationality provided its indefinable diversity is unacknowledged and the notion is constructed in such a way as to reaffirm the certainties.


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Tomamos como objeto de análise a obra precoce de Bergson, os Extraits de Lucrèce, procurando mostrar que ao privilegiar as implicações existenciais negativas do determinismo, prefigura e justifica o fato de dedicar grande parte de seu pensamento filosófico posterior à crítica ao determinismo e à defesa da liberdade.


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The concept of freedom and his presupposition, the free will or libera voluntas in Lucretius relies on the notion of clinamen (declination), an occasional and random motion of atoms, inaccessible to experience. It is endowed with a complex movement provided by spontaneity, without the need for mechanical causes. The action of perceiving (sensus) is selfconsciousness, according to which this will, illuminated by previous experiences (sensory, intellectual or emotional) of the soul, takes advantage of the freedom and own spontaneity of atomic motions to drive them to a perceived direction and chosen. On the other hand, if we consider that the declination has a predominant role for the acts of will, we are facing other problems and questions. There is always the choice of a determined action and, therefore, even if the individual is facing a need to act, is possible choose to do not continue finish this action. Thereby, the will is related to conditions that are originate, ultimately, from the images formed randomly in space and impress the soul: the simulacra of desire and pleasure. The declination itself is a very important notion in this research, in order to emphasize the relationship between the freedom and the kinetic of elements. The approach developed in this work had as main objective to investigate the philosophy of nature and the soul in Lucretius, their constituents and movement, as well as demonstrating how the notion of clinamen articulates with the concepts of image, desire and pleasure, proposing a possible interpretation for the declination as an indeterminate and ethical foundation of freedom


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[ES]Este artículo rastrea la presencia de Lucrecio en cuatro florilegios renacentistas: el Viridarium illustrium poetarum de Mirándula, los Virtutum encomia de Henri Estienne, los Illustrium poetarum flores de Mirándula y el Florilegium magnum de José Langio. De su análisis se deduce que el De rerum natura fue, pese a sus planteamientos epicúreos y heréticos, una obra comúnmente extractada en estos repertorios. Dado ue estas polianteas renacentistas eran manuales usados por universitarios y escritores de toda Europa, también facilitaron, como se demuestra, la imitación poética del De rerum natura en España.


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Dentro de la rica tradición histórica de estudios acerca del De rerum natura llama la atención la diversidad de opiniones en cuanto al carácter genérico (principalmente su carácter épico y didáctico) y la finalidad o funcionalidad del poema, puesto que a su vez estos asuntos han sido puntos de inflexión del que se desprenden diversas interpretaciones del texto y aún en nuestros días genera disyuntivas entre los estudiosos. La situación no ha resultado tarea fácil, pues, mientras algunos investigadores declaran a Lucrecio como legislador de la norma didáctica, otros prefieren poner en relieve opiniones diferentes que no apuntan a considerar el poema como una obra de naturaleza didáctica. Así, pues, ante la creciente diversidad de razonamientos que se ha generado en torno a este asunto, consideramos oportuno, tanto a partir de taxonomías genéricas de la antigüedad misma, como de la moderna teoría de los géneros literarios, poner a dialogar algunas de las opiniones más relevantes sobre el particular en busca de aclarar un poco este horizonte, a la vez que agregamos a la discusión que el texto también posee un carácter didáctico en tanto que posee una estructura proléptica


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Una acostumbrada y debatida concepción considera inadecuado expresar temas filosóficos por medio del uso de la poesía, pues en líneas generales la poesía no satisface el rigor y claridad necesarios para desarrollar temas científicos. Este conflicto entre contenido y forma es reconocido como una característica de la poesía didáctica que se manifiesta muy bien en el poema de Lucrecio. Sin embargo, Lucrecio no fue el primero en intentar este acercamiento poético a la filosofía con fines persuasivo-instructivos; esta elección, a pesar de contradecir los preceptos de Epicuro, estaba acorde con el modelo de discurso escrito empleado por algunos pensadores pre-socráticos para transmitir conocimientos sobre fenómenos naturales. El estudio de esta preferencia estilística en la obra de Lucrecio nos ayudará a comprender mejor la intención persuasivo-instructiva a la que apunta este controvertido texto y mostrar, a partir de ahí, nuevas luces que puedan ayudar a alcanzar una mejor interpretación del mismo


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En el presente trabajo se trabaja principalmente en la noción de clinamen, el cual debe entenderse como una desviación azarosa que ocurre en el átomo. Lucrecio argumenta, siguiendo la tradición atomista que lo precede, que el fundamento ontológico de la realidad, es que toda la naturaleza está compuesta de átomos y vacío. El filósofo adhiere a una concepción esencialmente mecanicista del cosmos: el hecho de que el mundo no es una creación de los dioses, hace que la naturaleza sea una constante repetición de los hechos. El concepto de clinamen lleva a Lucrecio plantear, además, el problema del determinismo y la libertad: si todo movimiento es siempre una relación causal con un antes, ¿de dónde viene este poder independiente del destino, a través del cual nos movemos hacia donde la voluntad de cada uno conduce? En segundo lugar, si todos los movimientos de los átomos son inflexiblemente determinados, la capacidad humana para decidir y asumir la responsabilidad de su accionar no podrían explicarse


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Este trabajo pone de relieve el gran influjo de la tradición clásica grecolatina de que hace gala la poesía del escritor argentino Aldo Francisco Oliva (Rosario, 1927 - Rosario, 2000), que fue prestigioso profesor de Literatura en la Universidad de su ciudad natal. Se analiza de forma especial su notable relación con los dos grandes poemas de Lucano y de Lucrecio.