928 resultados para Lubrication and lubricants
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Includes bibliography.
"18 May 1990."
"10 May 1990."
"19 September 1980."
"10 October 1980."
"November 1974."
"November 1968."
Mode of access: Internet.
Els processos de mecanitzat amb arrencament de ferritja consisteixen en arrencar contínuament petits fragments de material de la peça a la que es vol donar forma mitjançant les eines de tall. En treballar amb metalls, aquestes forces de tall són importants, i provoquen el desgast de les eines així com un escalfament important de l’eina i la peça. Per aquest motiu s’introdueixen els olis de tall, amb les principals funcions de refrigerar i lubricar. Tradicionalment, aquests olis de tall s’han subministrat a raig, quedant la zona de treball inundada. Els últims anys, degut a les millores tecnològiques i per intentar estalviar amb olis de tall, s’ha ideat un nou sistema anomenat mínima quantitat de lubricant, el qual subministra petites gotes d’oli, no soluble en aigua, dins un flux d’aire a pressió. Aquest sistema, a més, s’injecta prop de la zona de treball, on és estricament necessari. Aquest sistema redueix considerablement el consum d’oli de tall, i a més, augmenta l’eficiència de la lubricació. A part, elimina els posteriors tractaments per reciclar l’oli de tall un cop perd les seves propietats. Per aquest motiu, es pretén estudiar la utilització d’un mètode semblant al de la mínima quantitat de lubricant, subministrant el mateix oli de tall que s’utilitza convencionalment però polvoritzar per tal de convertir-lo en un aerosol
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
"The work described has been carried out in the Engineering Department of the National Physical Laboratory."--Acknowledgements.
"NASA-sponsored symposium."
With the competitive challenge facing business today, the need to keep cost down and quality up is a matter of survival. One way in which wire manufacturers can meet this challenge is to possess a thorough understanding of deformation, friction and lubrication during the wire drawing process, and therefore to make good decisions regarding the selection and application of lubricants as well as the die design. Friction, lubrication and die design during wire drawing thus become the subject of this study. Although theoretical and experimental investigations have been being carried out ever since the establishment of wire drawing technology, many problems remain unsolved. It is therefore necessary to conduct further research on traditional and fundamental subjects such as the mechanics of deformation, friction, lubrication and die design in wire drawing. Drawing experiments were carried out on an existing bull-block under different cross-sectional area reductions, different speeds and different lubricants. The instrumentation to measure drawing load and drawing speed was set up and connected to the wire drawing machine, together with a data acquisition system. A die box connected to the existing die holder for using dry soap lubricant was designed and tested. The experimental results in terms of drawing stress vs percentage area reduction curves under different drawing conditions were analysed and compared. The effects on drawing stress of friction, lubrication, drawing speed and pressure die nozzle are discussed. In order to determine the flow stress of the material during deformation, tensile tests were performed on an Instron universal test machine, using the wires drawn under different area reductions. A polynomial function is used to correlate the flow stress of the material with the plastic strain, on which a general computer program has been written to find out the coefficients of the stress-strain function. The residual lubricant film on the steel wire after drawing was examined both radially and longitudinally using an SEM and optical microscope. The lubricant film on the drawn wire was clearly observed. Therefore, the micro-analysis by SEM provides a way of friction and lubrication assessment in wire drawing.