959 resultados para Lti-like cells


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The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are unique cellular sensors that are widely expressed in many neuronal and nonneuronal cells. Among the TRP family members, TRPA1 and TRPV4 are emerging as candidate mechanosensitive channels that play a pivotal role in inflammatory pain and mechanical hyperalgesia. Odontoblasts are nonneuronal cells that possess many of the features of mechanosensitive cells and mediate important defense and sensory functions. However, the effect of inflammation on the activity of the odontoblast's mechanosensitive channels remains unknown. By using immunohistochemistry and calcium microfluorimetry, we showed that odontoblast-like cells express TRPA1 and TRPV4 and that these channels were activated by hypotonicity-induced membrane stretch. Short treatment of odontoblast-like cells with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α enhanced TRPA1 and TRPV4 responses to their chemical agonists and membrane stretch. This enhanced channel activity was accompanied by phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) expression. Treatment of cells with the p38 inhibitor SB202190 reduced TNF-α effects, suggesting modulation of channel activity via p38 MAPK. In addition, TNF-α treatment also resulted in an up-regulation of TRPA1 expression but down-regulation of TRPV4. Unlike TRPV4, enhanced TRPA1 expression was also evident in dental pulp of carious compared with noncarious teeth. SB202190 treatment significantly reduced TNF-α-induced TRPA1 expression, suggesting a role for p38 MAPK signaling in modulating both the transcriptional and non-transcriptional regulation of TRP channels in odontoblasts.


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Some cross-sectional and prospective studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between habitual tea consumption and bone mineral density in post-menopausal women. Rooibos tea contains no caffeine and is a rich source of flavonoids such as rutin, orientin, hyperoside and luteolin. These flavonoids have similar structures to estradiol, and therefore may act as estrogen mimics to promote favourable outcomes in bone. The overall objective of this research was to identify flavonoids that could enhance mineral content in human osteoblast Saos2 cells. Mineral was quantified by alizarin red staining and characterized by quantifying alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, cell mitochondria activity and toxicity, in addition to changes in regulatory markers of osteoblastic activity. Rutin (≥50μM), hyperoside (≥5.0μM), orientin (0.1μM-1.0μM, 15μM-100μM) and luteolin (5.0μM) enhanced mineral content. This was in part due to elevated ALP and mitochondrial activity, and lower toxicity, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and Wnt inhibitors.


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Nos études ont démontrées que la formation de la cicatrice et la guérison sont associées avec l’apparition de cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) dans la région péri-infarcie. Présentement, l’étude examine le mécanisme, tel que l’hypoxie ou les hormones neuronales, possiblement impliqué dans leur recrutement et de dévoiler leur origine cellulaire. La présence de ces cellules a été détectée dans les coeurs infarcies d’une semaine et maintenue après neuf mois suite à une sujétion coronaire complète. Aussi, ces cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) ont été observées dans le coeur infarci humain. L’hypoxie représente un événement prédominant suite à un infarctus de myocarde, mais l’exposition des rats normaux à un environnement hypoxique n’a pas pu promouvoir l’apparition de ces cellules. Autrement, l’infusion de l’agoniste -adrénergique non-sélectif isoprotérénol (ISO) dans les rats adultes Sprague-Dawley a augmenté la protéine nestine dans le ventricule gauche et a été associé avec la réapparition de cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+). Cela représente possiblement un effet secondaire suite à la nécrose des myocytes cardiaques par l’administration d’isoprotérénol. Dernièrement, on a identifié une sous-population de cellules nestine(+) dans le coeur normal du rat qui co-exprime les marqueurs de cellules cardiaques progénitrices Nkx-2.5 et GATA-4. Cette sous-population de cellules nestine/Nkx-2.5/GATA-4 pourrait représenter des substrats cellulaires qui puissent se différentier en cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) suite à une ischémie. Mots clés: nestine, isoprotérénol, nécrose, cellule souche, cellule progénitrice, myocyte cardiaque


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Previous studies showed anabolic effects of GC-1, a triiodothyronine (T3) analogue that is selective for both binding and activation functions of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) beta 1 over TR alpha 1, on bone tissue in vivo. The aim of this study was to investigate the responsiveness of rat (ROS17/2.8) and mouse (MC3T3-E1) osteoblast-like cells to GC-1. As expected, T3 inhibited cellular proliferation and stimulated mRNA expression of osteocalcin or alkaline phosphatase in both cell lineages. Whereas equimolar doses of T3 and GC-1 equally affected these parameters in ROS17/2.8 cells, the effects of GC-1 were more modest compared to those of T3 in MC3T3-E1 cells. Interestingly, we showed that there is higher expression of TR alpha 1 than TR beta 1 mRNA in rat (similar to 20-90%) and mouse (similar to 90-98%) cell lineages and that this difference is even higher in mouse cells, which highlights the importance of TR alpha 1 to bone physiology and may partially explain the modest effects of GC-1 in comparison with T3 in MC3T3-E1 cells. Nevertheless, we showed that TR beta 1 mRNA expression increases (similar to 2.8- to 4.3-fold) as osteoblastic cells undergo maturation, suggesting a key role of TR beta 1 in mediating T3 effects in the bone forming cells, especially in mature osteoblasts. It is noteworthy that T3 and GC-1 induced TR beta 1 mRNA expression to a similar extent in both cell lineages (similar to 2- to 4-fold), indicating that both ligands may modulate the responsiveness of osteoblasts to T3. Taken together, these data show that TR beta selective T3 analogues have the potential to directly induce the differentiation and activity of osteoblasts.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolism of odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells subjected to direct LLL irradiation. The cells were seeded (20,000 cells/well) in 24-well plates and incubated for 24 hours at 37 degrees C. After this period, the culture medium (DMEM) was replaced by fresh DMEM supplemented with 2 or 5% (stress induction by nutritional deficit) or 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were exposed to laser doses of 2, 4, 10, 15 and 25 J/cm(2) from a near infrared InGaAsP diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 +/- 3 nm, 40 mW). One control group (sham irradiation) was established for each experimental condition (laser dose x FBS supplementation). Three and 72 hours after the last irradiation, cells were analyzed with respect to metabolism, morphology, total protein expression and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Higher metabolism and total protein expression were observed 72 hours after the last irradiation at the doses of 15 and 25 J/cm(2) (Mann-Whitney; p<0.05). Higher ALP activity was obtained with 5% FBS when the cells were irradiated with doses of 2 and 10 J/cm(2). For the dose of 25 J/cm(2), the highest ALP activity was observed with 10% FBS. It was concluded that the LLLT parameters used in this study stimulated the metabolic activity of the MDPC-23 cells, especially at the doses of 15 and 25 J/cm(2).


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Studies have shown that the increase of cell metabolism depends on the low level laser therapy (LLLT) parameters used to irradiate the cells. However, the optimal laser dose to up-regulate pulp cell activity remains unknown. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic response of odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) exposed to different LLLT doses. Cells at 20000 cells/cm(2) were seeded in 24-well plates using plain culture medium (DMEM) and were incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO(2) at 37 degrees C. After 24 h, the culture medium was replaced by fresh DMEM supplemented with 5% (stress by nutritional deficit) or 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were exposed to different laser doses from a near infrared diode laser prototype designed to provide a uniform irradiation of the wells. The experimental groups were: G1: 1.5 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G2: 1.5 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS; G3: 5 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G4: 5 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS; G5: 19 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G6: 19 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS. LLLT was performed in 3 consecutive irradiation cycles with a 24-hour interval. Non-irradiated cells cultured in DMEM supplemented with either 5 or 10% FBS served as control groups. The analysis of the metabolic response was performed by the MTT assay 3 h after the last irradiation. G1 presented an increase in SDH enzyme activity and differed significantly (Mann-Whitney test, p < 0.05) from the other groups. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy showed normal cell morphology in all groups. Under the tested conditions, LLLT stimulated the metabolic activity of MDPC-23 cultured in DMEM supplemented with 5% FBS and exposed to a laser dose of 1.5 J/cm(2). These findings are relevant for further studies on the action of near infrared lasers on cells with odontoblast phenotype.


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also referred to as therapeutic laser, has been recommended for a wide array of clinical procedures, among which the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. However, the mechanism that guides this process remains unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effects of LLL irradiation on cell metabolism (MTT assay), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression and total protein synthesis. The expression of genes that encode for collagen type-1 (Col-1) and fibronectin (FN) was analyzed by RT-PCR. For such purposes, oclontoblast-like cell line (MDPC-23) was previously cultured in Petri dishes (15000 cells/cm(2)) and submitted to stress conditions during 12 h. Thereafter, 6 applications with a monochromatic near infrared radiation (GaAlAs) set at predetermined parameters were performed at 12-h intervals. Non-irradiated cells served as a control group. Neither the MTT values nor the total protein levels of the irradiated group differed significantly from those of the control group (Mann-Whitney test; p > 0.05). On the other hand, the irradiated cells showed a decrease in ALP activity (Mann-Whitney test; p < 0.05). RT-PCR results demonstrated a trend to a specific reduction in gene expression after cell irradiation, though not significant statistically (Mann-Whitney test; p > 0.05). It may be concluded that, under the tested conditions, the LLLT parameters used in the present study did not influence cell metabolism, but reduced slightly the expression of some specific proteins.


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In this study, titanium (Ti) and titanium-zirconium (TiZr) alloy samples fabricated through powder metallurgy were surface modified by alkali-heat treatment and calcium (Ca)-ion-deposition. The alteration of the surface morphology and the chemistry of the Ti and TiZr after surface modification were examined. The bioactivity of the Ti and TiZr alloys after the surface modification was demonstrated. Subsequently, the cytocompatibility of the surface modified Ti and TiZr was evaluated via in vitro cell culture using human osteoblast-like cells (SaOS2). The cellular attachment, adhesion and proliferation after cell culture for 14 days were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and MTT assay. The relationship between surface morphology and chemical composition of the surface modified Ti and TiZr and cellular responses was investigated. Results indicated that the surface-modified Ti and TiZr alloys exhibited excellent in vitro cytocompatibility together with satisfactory bioactivity. Since osteoblast adhesion and proliferation are essential prerequisites for a successful implant in vivo, these results provide evidence that Ti and TiZr alloys after appropriate surface modification are promising biomaterials for hard tissue replacement.


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Background and objective: Natural killer (NK) and natural killer T (NKT)-like cells represent a small but important proportion of effector lymphocytes that we have previously shown to be major sources of pro-inflammatory cytokines and granzymes. We hypothesized that these cells would be increased in the airway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), accompanied by reduced expression of the inhibitory receptor CD94 (Kp43) and increased expression of cytotoxic mediators granzyme B and perforin.
Methods: We measured NK and NKT-like cells and their expression of CD94 in the blood of COPD patients (n = 71; 30 current and 41 ex-smokers), smokers (16) and healthy controls (25), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from a cohort of subjects (19 controls, 12 smokers, 33 COPD). Activation was assessed by measuring CD69 in blood and the cytotoxic potential of NK cells by measuring granzymes A and B, and using a cytotoxicity assay in blood and BALF.
Results: In blood in COPD, there were no significant changes in the proportion of NK or NKT-like cells or expression of granzyme A or NK cytotoxic potential versus controls. There was, however, increased expression of granzyme B and decreased expression of CD94 by both cell types versus controls. The proportion of NK and NKT-like cells were increased in BALF in COPD, associated with increased NK cytotoxicity, increased expression of granzyme B and decreased expression of the inhibitory receptor CD94 by both cell types.
Conclusions: Treatment strategies that target NK and NKT-like cells, their cytotoxicity and production of inflammatory mediators in the airway may improve COPD morbidity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)