999 resultados para Louet, Lucien (1900-1979)
La Revue blanche / directeur-gérant : Alexandre Natanson ; secrétaire de rédaction : Lucien Muhlfeld
1900/05 (T22)-1900/08.
Estudiar las bases teóricas de diversos modelos educativos incidiendo en los conceptos de actividad del niño y del maestro. Ofrecer ejemplos del funcionamiento real de una clase de párvulos propio de cada uno de los modelos educativos analizados para ver si se da correspondencia entre teoría y práctica. A/ Historia de la educación de párvulos en Cataluña (1900-1978). B/ Tres clases de párvulos que siguen una de las tres modalidades de actividad del alumno: escuela tradicional, escuela activa, nueva escuela activa. Investigación de tipo descriptivo centrada en el estudio de la educación de párvulos. Realiza una parte teórica donde pasa revista a la historia de la educación de párvulos en Cataluña en el periodo 1900-1978 y analiza el trasfondo histórico de tres modelos educativos en función de la naturaleza y actividad del alumno: escuela tradicional, activa y nueva escuela activa. Finalmente, lleva a cabo un estudio observacional de tres clases de párvulos para comparar la diferencia entre los modelos en la práctica. Para obtener los datos define unas pautas de análisis consistente en la definición de unos conceptos que hacen referencia a la actividad del alumno y del maestro con sus respectivas dimensiones e indicadores. Observación directa y entrevista con los maestros. En la escuela tradicional no se dan propuestas de actividades ni actividades espontáneas y estas están muy estructuradas. El maestro es el que propone todas las actividades. Valora el orden y la disciplina como educativos. En la escuela activa se observan incongruencias entre teoría y práctica, ya que se dan muy pocas actividades en las cuales el alumno pueda fijar su objetivo y organizar su actividad. Esto es fruto de la falta de argumentación teórica del desarrollo intelectual y adquisición del conocimiento. En la escuela no activa los procesos educativos se estructuran totalmente en torno a la propia actividad del alumno, y el maestro toma sólo el papel de facilitador de situaciones. El papel de la actividad del alumno en clase es un concepto válido para la caracterización de los diferentes modelos educativos. El papel del maestro es clave en el proceso educativo hasta el punto de definir la práctica educativa a partir de la cual se ve la concepción subyacente que se tiene del niño.
O presente artigo estuda os ciclos de negócios brasileiro no período dos anos 1900 até 2012. Como a série trimestral do PIB real só começa em 1980 é construida a série para o período de 1900 a 1979, utilizando um modelo estrutural de series de tempo com disagregação temporal para o primeiro período. A partir disso, um modelo com mudança Markoviana é proposto para que seja construída uma cronologia de ciclo de negócios. O modelo selecionado possui dois regimes distintos cenários de expansão e de recessão, a datação obtida é comparada com outros estudos sobre o tema e são propostas caracterizações das fases de crescimento que podem apoiar estudos sobre a história econômica do Brasil.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate suicide seasonality in the city of São Paulo within an urban area and tropical zone. METHOD: Suicides were evaluated using the chi-square test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) by comparing monthly, quarterly and half-yearly variations, differentiating by gender. Analyses of time series were carried out using the autocorrelation function and periodogram, while the significance level for seasonality was confirmed with the Fisher's test. RESULTS: The suicides of the period between 1979 and 2003 numbered 11,434 cases. Differences were observed in suicides occurring in Spring and Autumn for the total sample (ANOVA: p-value = 0.01), and in the male sample (ANOVA: p-value = 0.02). For the analysis of time series, seasonality was significant only for the period of 7 months in the male sample (p-value = 0.04). DISCUSSION: In this study, no significant seasonal differences were observed in the occurrences of suicides, with the exception of the male sample. The differences observed did not correspond with the pattern described in studies carried out in temperate zones. Some of the climatic particularities of the tropical zone might explain the atypical pattern of seasonality of suicides found in large populations within an urban area and tropical zone.
Neste artigo, examina-se o funcionamento do Centro de Informações do Exterior (CIEX), órgão do Itamaraty e vinculado ao Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) que foi encarregado de espionar políticos e militantes contrários ao regime militar brasileiro que se exilaram nos países vizinhos. Trata-se de um estudo que visa a desvendar como agia um dos elos do sistema repressivo montado pela ditadura brasileira, que tinha um relativo grau de interação com as outras ditaduras militares da região do Cone Sul. O artigo demonstra que o Itamaraty colaborou intensamente com o regime militar brasileiro, inclusive com a repressão.
This article analyses the teacher strikes that took place in the state of Sao Paulo ( Brazil). These strikes produced new representations of the profession and gave a particular visibility to its interest aggregation processes. These same strikes appeared as major incentives for the organisation of teachers in Brazil. The October 1963 strike - about six months before the military coup of 1964 - was the first to mobilise the whole of the teaching profession of the Sao Paulo state: primary and secondary education, public and private schools were all involved. The two other strikes, organised by teachers in the public schools in 1978 and 1979, took place under the dictatorship. As such, they had a particular significance in the process of recovering civil liberties in the final stages of the military regime in the 1980s. This article is based on an analysis of the front-page covering of these teacher strikes by the two major journals of the state, O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo. With Chartier`s concept collective representations in mind, this approach allows us to grasp how large-circulation journals diffuse images of the profession and its organisational configurations. These press pictures are analysed by dint of the analytical frame Roland Barthes advanced in the 1960s, i.e. by reading their denoted, connoted and symbolic messages.
Surveys of commercial soybean fields, disease nurseries, and trial plots of soybean were conducted throughout eastern Australia between 1979 and 1996, and 694 isolates of Phytophthora sojae were collected and classified into races. Fourteen races, 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, and 25, and eight new races, 46 to 53, were identified, but only races 1, 4, 15, 25, 46, and 53 were found in commercial fields. Races 1 and 15 were the only races found in commercial fields in the soybean-growing areas of Australia up until 1989, with race 1 being the dominant race. Race 4 was found in central New South Wales in 1989 on cultivars with the Rps1a gene, and it is now the dominant race in central and southern New South Wales. Races 46 and 53 have only been found once, in southern New South Wales, and race 25 was identified in the same region in 1994 on a cultivar with the Rps1k gene. Only races 1 and 15 have been found in the northern soybean-growing regions, with the latter dominating, which coincides with the widespread use of cultivars with the Rps2 gene. Changes in the race structure of the P. sojae population from commercial fields in Australia follow the deployment of specific resistance genes.
A diagnosis is given for the lecithasterid genus Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934, which is now found to have two to six (possibly seven) vitelline masses. The species H. frontilatus (Manter, 1969) is returned to the genus, having been considered a member of the bunocotylid genus Neotheletrum by recent authors. It is redescribed from Siganus nebulosus, Moreton Bay, and S. doliatus, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, with emphasis on the presence of Juel's organ, a uterine seminal receptacle and the blind sac associated with the genital atrium. It differs from its congeners in the trajectory of the pars prostatica which recurves dorsally to the sinus-sac. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982 is synonymised with Hysterolecithoides and O. trilobatus Shen, 1982 is synomised with H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934. Machidatrema Leon-Regagnon, 1998 is diagnosed, and found to be close to Hysterolecithoides, but differs in the lack of a blind-sac projecting from the dorsal genital atrium, by its tandem testes, the coiling of the uterus between the testes and the ovary, and the ventral excretory pore. M. leonae n. sp. is described from Siganus fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. doliatus, S. corallinus, S. vulpinus and Scarus globiceps at Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its closest congener, M. akeh, in the muscular and tegumental flap over the genital pore and details of the terminal genitalia. M. chilostoma (Machida, 1980) and M. kyphosi (Yamaguti, 1970) are redescribed from Kyphosus vaigiensis from Heron Island. Neotheletrum Gibson & Bray, 1979 is diagnosed: it differs from Hysterolecithoides in its confluent excretory arms, blind seminal receptacle (no Juel's organ) and uniformly tripartite vitellarium. A cladistic analysis suggests that M. chilostoma and M. kyphosi are not best accommodated in Machidatrema, that Machidatrema (sensu stricto) is monophyletic and that Hysterolecithoides is paraphyletic. Hysterolecithoides and Machidatrema are considered hysterolecithine lecithasterids, whilst Neotheletrum is retained as an opisthadenine bunocotylid.
Monostephanostomum georgianum n. sp. is described from Arripis georgianus off Kangaroo Island, South Australia. It differs from its congeners by the presence of a short second row of oral spines. M. manteri Kruse, 1979 is reported from A. georgianus off southern Western Australia and Kangaroo Island, South Australia and A. trutta off northern Tasmania. It is considered that the other two species, M. yamagutii Ramadan, 1984 and M. krusei Reimer, 1983, should probably be removed from this genus. Two new combinations are formed, M. gazzae (Shen, 1990) n. comb. (from Stephanostomum) and M. mesospinosum (Madhavi, 1976) n. comb. (from Stephanostomum). A key to the four recognised species of Monostephanostomum is given.