985 resultados para Location Services


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As descrições de produtos turísticos na área da hotelaria, aviação, rent-a-car e pacotes de férias baseiam-se sobretudo em descrições textuais em língua natural muito heterogénea com estilos, apresentações e conteúdos muito diferentes entre si. Uma vez que o sector do turismo é bastante dinâmico e que os seus produtos e ofertas estão constantemente em alteração, o tratamento manual de normalização de toda essa informação não é possível. Neste trabalho construiu-se um protótipo que permite a classificação e extracção automática de informação a partir de descrições de produtos de turismo. Inicialmente a informação é classificada quanto ao tipo. Seguidamente são extraídos os elementos relevantes de cada tipo e gerados objectos facilmente computáveis. Sobre os objectos extraídos, o protótipo com recurso a modelos de textos e imagens gera automaticamente descrições normalizadas e orientadas a um determinado mercado. Esta versatilidade permite um novo conjunto de serviços na promoção e venda dos produtos que seria impossível implementar com a informação original. Este protótipo, embora possa ser aplicado a outros domínios, foi avaliado na normalização da descrição de hotéis. As frases descritivas do hotel são classificadas consoante o seu tipo (Local, Serviços e/ou Equipamento) através de um algoritmo de aprendizagem automática que obtém valores médios de cobertura de 96% e precisão de 72%. A cobertura foi considerada a medida mais importante uma vez que a sua maximização permite que não se percam frases para processamentos posteriores. Este trabalho permitiu também a construção e população de uma base de dados de hotéis que possibilita a pesquisa de hotéis pelas suas características. Esta funcionalidade não seria possível utilizando os conteúdos originais. ABSTRACT: The description of tourism products, like hotel, aviation, rent-a-car and holiday packages, is strongly supported on natural language expressions. Due to the extent of tourism offers and considering the high dynamics in the tourism sector, manual data management is not a reliable or scalable solution. Offer descriptions - in the order of thousands - are structured in different ways, possibly comprising different languages, complementing and/or overlap one another. This work aims at creating a prototype for the automatic classification and extraction of relevant knowledge from tourism-related text expressions. Captured knowledge is represented in a normalized/standard format to enable new services based on this information in order to promote and sale tourism products that would be impossible to implement with the raw information. Although it could be applied to other areas, this prototype was evaluated in the normalization of hotel descriptions. Hotels descriptive sentences are classified according their type (Location, Services and/or Equipment) using a machine learning algorithm. The built setting obtained an average recall of 96% and precision of 72%. Recall considered the most important measure of performance since its maximization allows that sentences were not lost in further processes. As a side product a database of hotels was built and populated with search facilities on its characteristics. This ability would not be possible using the original contents.


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The current ubiquitous network access and increase in network bandwidth are driving the sales of mobile location-aware user devices and, consequently, the development of context-aware applications, namely location-based services. The goal of this project is to provide consumers of location-based services with a richer end-user experience by means of service composition, personalization, device adaptation and continuity of service. Our approach relies on a multi-agent system composed of proxy agents that act as mediators and providers of personalization meta-services, device adaptation and continuity of service for consumers of pre-existing location-based services. These proxy agents, which have Web services interfaces to ensure a high level of interoperability, perform service composition and take in consideration the preferences of the users, the limitations of the user devices, making the usage of different types of devices seamless for the end-user. To validate and evaluate the performance of this approach, use cases were defined, tests were conducted and results gathered which demonstrated that the initial goals were successfully fulfilled.


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This paper presents a theoretical model to analyze the privacy issues around location based mobile business models. We report the results of an exploratory field experiment in Switzerland that assessed the factors driving user payoff in mobile business. We found that (1) the personal data disclosed has a negative effect on user payoff; (2) the amount of personalization available has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff; (3) the amount of control over user's personal data has a direct and positive effect, as well as a moderating effect on user payoff. The results suggest that privacy protection could be the main value proposition in the B2C mobile market. From our theoretical model we derive a set of guidelines to design a privacy-friendly business model pattern for third-party services. We discuss four examples to show the mobile platform can play a key role in the implementation of these new business models.


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L'avancement des communications sans-fil permet l'obtention de nouveaux services bases sur l'habileté des fournisseurs de services sans-fil à déterminer avec précision, et avec l'utilisation de technologies de pistage, la localisation et position géographiquement d'appareils sans-fil Cette habileté permet d'offrir aux utilisateurs de sans-fil de nouveaux services bases sur la localisation et la position géographique de leur appareil. Le développement des services basés sur la localisation des utilisateurs de sans-fil soulevé certains problèmes relatifs à la protection de la vie privée qui doivent être considérés. En effet, l'appareil sans-fil qui suit et enregistre les mouvements de I 'utilisateur permet un système qui enregistre et entrepose tous les mouvements et activités d'un tel utilisateur ou encore qui permet l'envoi de messages non anticipes à ce dernier. Pour ce motif et afin de protéger la vie privée des utilisateurs de sans-fil, une compagnie désirant développer ou déployer une technologie permettant d'offrir ce genre de services personnalisés devra analyser l'encadrement légal touchant la protection des données personnelles--lequel est dans certains cas vague et non approprié à ce nouveau contexte--ainsi que la position de l'industrie dans ce domaine, et ce, afin d'être en mesure de traduire cet encadrement en pratiques commerciales. Cette analyse permettra d'éclairer le fournisseur de ces services sur la façon d'établir son modèle d'affaires et sur le type de technologie à développer afin d'être en mesure de remédier aux nouveaux problèmes touchant la vie privée tout en offrant ces nouveaux services aux utilisateurs de sans-fil.


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In this paper we report on a major empirical study of centripetal and centrifugal forces in the City of London financial services agglomeration. The study sheds light on (1) the manner and magnitude of firm interaction in the agglomeration; (2) the characteristics of the agglomeration that aid the competitiveness of incumbent firms; and (3) the problems associated with agglomeration. In addressing these issues, we use the data to (1) test emerging theory that explains the high productivity and innovation of agglomerations in terms of their ability to generate and diffuse knowledge; and (2) evaluate the ‘end of geography’ thesis.


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Mobility has become a key factor around the world, as the use of ubiquitous devices, including laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and mobile phones, are increasingly becoming part of daily life (Steinfield, 2004). Adding mobility to computing power, and with advanced personalization of technologies, new business applications are emerging in the area of mobile communications (Jagoe, 2003). The fastest growing segment among these applications is location-based services. This article offers a brief overview of services and their supporting technologies, and provides an outlook for their future.


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Many queries sent to search engines refer to specific locations in the world. Location-based queries try to find local services and facilities around the user’s environment or in a particular area. This paper reviews the specifications of geospatial queries and discusses the similarities and differences between location-based queries and other queries. We introduce nine patterns for location-based queries containing either a service name alone or a service name accompanied by a location name. Our survey indicates that at least 22% of the Web queries have a geospatial dimension and most of these can be considered as location-based queries. We propose that location-based queries should be treated different from general queries to produce more relevant results.


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This paper aims to discuss the specificities of the role of services in the economic structuring and in the social liveliness and attractiveness of periurban areas. Drawing upon on the result of an empirical work developed in 5 different parishes of Lisbon Metropolitan area, which represent five categories of periurban spaces previously identified, it is analysed the role of services in these “in-between” territories and the way they are important in the spatial economic structuring of these areas and in the quality of life and well-being of their inhabitants and users. A tentative typology for framing the analysis of the role of services on periurban metropolitan spaces is suggested and some policy implications are pointed out.


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New mobile digital communication technologies present opportunities for advertisers to capitalize on the evolving relationships of consumers with their mobile devices and their desire to access enhanced information services while mobile (m-services). Consumers already use mobile devices (cell phones, personal mobile digital assistants) for traditional phone calls and message handling (e.g., Kalakota and Robinson, 2002; Sullivan Mort and Drennan, 2002). The combination of rapidly developing mobile digital technology and high uptake rates of mobile devices presents enormous potential for delivery of m-services through these devices (Bitner, Brown, and Meuter, 2000). M-services encompass a wide variety of types including the ability to trade stock, to book theater and movie tickets while accessing seating plans online, to send and receive text and pictures, and receive personalized direct advertising such as alerts for shopping bargains. Marketing communications, and specifically advertising, may be delivered as an m-service and termed m-services advertising, forming part of the broader category of m-services. However, advertising research has not yet addressed the area of m-services and needs to do so to be able to take advantage of the advanced interactivity (Yadav and Varadarajan, 2005) of mobile communication devices. Such advertising research is likely to help develop open attitudes and responses to new business models as has been advocated for other new technology such as advanced television (Tauder, 2005). In this article, we model the factors influencing the use of m-services, in the context of consumers' existing relationships with mobile devices. First, we address the value propositions underpinning consumer involvement with mobile devices. Next, we canvass the types of involvement relevant to this consumption domain and argue that involvement, together with personal attributes innovativeness and self-efficacy, will influence use of m-services. Finally, implications for advertising delivered as an m-service are discussed, the potential for m-services advertising as part of m-commerce are canvassed, and directions for future research identified.