912 resultados para Local Variation Method
We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a timevarying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.
We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a time-varying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme [Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.
Light metal sandwich panel structures with cellular cores have attracted interest for multifunctional applications which exploit their high bend strength and impact energy absorption. This concept has been explored here using a model 6061-T6 aluminum alloy system fabricated by friction stir weld joining extruded sandwich panels with a triangular corrugated core. Micro-hardness and miniature tensile coupon testing revealed that friction stir welding reduced the strength and ductility in the welds and a narrow heat affected zone on either side of the weld by approximately 30%. Square, edge clamped sandwich panels and solid plates of equal mass per unit area were subjected to localized impulsive loading by the impact of explosively accelerated, water saturated, sand shells. The hydrodynamic load and impulse applied by the sand were gradually increased by reducing the stand-off distance between the test charge and panel surfaces. The sandwich panels suffered global bending and stretching, and localized core crushing. As the pressure applied by the sand increased, face sheet fracture by a combination of tensile stretching and shear-off occurred first at the two clamped edges of the panels that were parallel with the corrugation and weld direction. The plane of these fractures always lay within the heat affected zone of the longitudinal welds. For the most intensively loaded panels additional cracks occurred at the other clamped boundaries and in the center of the panel. To investigate the dynamic deformation and fracture processes, a particle-based method has been used to simulate the impulsive loading of the panels. This has been combined with a finite element analysis utilizing a modified Johnson-Cook constitutive relation and a Cockcroft-Latham fracture criterion that accounted for local variation in material properties. The fully coupled simulation approach enabled the relationships between the soil-explosive test charge design, panel geometry, spatially varying material properties and the panel's deformation and dynamic failure responses to be explored. This comprehensive study reveals the existence of a strong instability in the loading that results from changes in sand particle reflection during dynamic evolution of the panel's surface topology. Significant fluid-structure interaction effects are also discovered at the sample sides and corners due to changes of the sand reflection angle by the edge clamping system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seismic exploration is the main tools of exploration for petroleum. as the society needs more petroleum and the level of exploration is going up, the exploration in the area of complex geology construction is the main task in oil industry, so the seismic prestack depth migration appeared, it has good ability for complex construction imaging. Its result depends on the velocity model strongly. So for seismic prestack depth migration has become the main research area. In this thesis the difference in seismic prestack depth migration between our country and the abroad has been analyzed in system. the tomographical method with no layer velocity model, the residual curve velocity analysical method based on velocity model and the deleting method in pre-processing have been developed. In the thesis, the tomographysical method in velocity analysis is been analyzed at first. It characterized with perfection in theory and diffculity in application. This method use the picked first arrivial, compare the difference between the picked first arrival and the calculated arrival in theory velocity model, and then anti-projected the difference along the ray path to get the new velocity model. This method only has the hypothesis of high frequency, no other hypothesis. So it is very effective and has high efficiency. But this method has default still. The picking of first arrival is difficult in the prestack data. The reasons are the ratio of signal to noise is very low and many other event cross each other in prestack data. These phenomenon appear strongly in the complex geology construction area. Based on these a new tomophysical methos in velocity analysis with no layer velocity model is been developed. The aim is to solve the picking problem. It do not need picking the event time contiunely. You can picking in random depending on the reliability. This methos not only need the pick time as the routine tomographysical mehtod, but also the slope of event. In this methos we use the high slope analysis method to improve the precision of picking. In addition we also make research on the residual curve velocity analysis and find that its application is not good and the efficiency is low. The reasons is that the hypothesis is rigid and it is a local optimizing method, it can solve seismic velocity problem in the area with laterical strong velocity variation. A new method is developed to improve the precision of velocity model building . So far the pattern of seismic prestack depth migration is the same as it aborad. Before the work of velocity building the original seismic data must been corrected on a datum plane, and then to make the prestack depth migration work. As we know the successful example is in Mexico bay. It characterized with the simple surface layer construction, the pre-precessing is very simple and its precision is very high. But in our country the main seismic work is in land, the surface layer is very complex, in some area the error of pre-precessing is big, it affect the velocity building. So based on this a new method is developed to delete the per-precessing error and improve the precision of velocity model building. Our main work is, (1) developing a effective tomographical velocity building method with no layer velocity model. (2) a new high resolution slope analysis method is developed. (3) developing a global optimized residual curve velocity buliding method based on velocity model. (4) a effective method of deleting the pre-precessing error is developing. All the method as listed above has been ceritified by the theorical calculation and the actual seismic data.
Manipulator motion planning is a task which relies heavily on the construction of a configuration space prior to path planning. However when fast real-time motion is needed, the full construction of the manipulator's high-dimensional configu-ration space can be too slow and expensive. Alternative planning methods, which avoid this full construction of the manipulator's configuration space are needed to solve this problem. Here, one such existing local planning method for manipulators based on configuration-sampling and subgoal-selection has been extended. Using a modified Artificial Potential Fields (APF) function, goal-configuration sampling and a novel subgoal selection method, it provides faster, more optimal paths than the previously proposed work. Simulation results show a decrease in both runtime and path lengths, along with a decrease in unexpected local minimum and crashing issues.
Solving systems of nonlinear equations is a very important task since the problems emerge mostly through the mathematical modelling of real problems that arise naturally in many branches of engineering and in the physical sciences. The problem can be naturally reformulated as a global optimization problem. In this paper, we show that a self-adaptive combination of a metaheuristic with a classical local search method is able to converge to some difficult problems that are not solved by Newton-type methods.
Dans le sillage de la récession mondiale de 2008-09, plusieurs questions ont été soulevées dans la littérature économique sur les effets à court et à long terme de la politique budgétaire sur l’activité économique par rapport à son signe, sa taille et sa durée. Ceux-ci ont des implications importantes pour mieux comprendre les canaux de transmission et l’efficacité des politiques budgétaires, avec la politique monétaire étant poursuivi, ainsi que pour leurs retombées économiques. Cette thèse fait partie de ce regain d’intérêt de la littérature d’examiner comment les changements dans la politique budgétaire affectent l’activité économique. Elle repose alors sur trois essais: les effets macroéconomiques des chocs de dépenses publiques et des recettes fiscales, les résultats macroéconomiques de l’interaction entre les politiques budgétaire et monétaire et le lien entre la politique budgétaire et la répartition des revenus. Le premier chapitre examine les effets des chocs de politique budgétaire (chocs de dépenses publiques et chocs de recettes fiscales) sur l’économie canadienne au cours de la période 1970-2010, en s’appuyant sur la méthode d’identification des restrictions de signe développée par Mountford et Uhlig [2009]. En réponse à la récession mondiale, les autorités fiscales dans les économies avancées, dont le Canada ont généralement mis en oeuvre une approche en deux phases pour la politique budgétaire. Tout d’abord, ils ont introduit des plans de relance sans précédent pour relancer leurs économies. Par exemple, les mesures de relance au Canada, introduites à travers le Plan d’action économique du Canada, ont été projetées à 3.2 pour cent du PIB dans le budget fédéral de 2009 tandis que l’ "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act"(ARRA) a été estimé à 7 pour cent du PIB. Par la suite, ils ont mis en place des plans d’ajustement en vue de réduire la dette publique et en assurer la soutenabilité à long terme. Dans ce contexte, évaluer les effets multiplicateurs de la politique budgétaire est important en vue d’informer sur l'efficacité de telles mesures dans la relance ou non de l'activité économique. Les résultats montrent que les multiplicateurs d'impôt varient entre 0.2 et 0.5, tandis que les multiplicateurs de dépenses varient entre 0.2 et 1.1. Les multiplicateurs des dépenses ont tendance à être plus grand que les multiplicateurs des recettes fiscales au cours des deux dernières décennies. Comme implications de politique économique, ces résultats tendent à suggérer que les ajustements budgétaires par le biais de grandes réductions de dépenses publiques pourraient être plus dommageable pour l'économie que des ajustements budgétaires par la hausse des impôts. Le deuxième chapitre, co-écrit avec Constant Lonkeng Ngouana, estime les effets multiplicateurs des dépenses publiques aux Etats-Unis en fonction du cycle de la politique monétaire. Les chocs de dépenses publiques sont identifiés comme étant des erreurs de prévision du taux de croissance des dépenses publiques à partir des données d'Enquêtes des prévisionnistes professionnels et des informations contenues dans le "Greenbook". L'état de la politique monétaire est déduite à partir de la déviation du taux des fonds fédéraux du taux cible de la Réserve Fédérale, en faisant recours à une fonction lisse de transition. L'application de la méthode des «projections locales» aux données trimestrielles américaines au cours de la période 1965-2012 suggère que les effets multiplicateurs des dépenses fédérales sont sensiblement plus élevées quand la politique monétaire est accommodante que lorsqu'elle ne l'est pas. Les résultats suggèrent aussi que les dépenses fédérales peuvent stimuler ou non la consommation privée, dépendamment du degré d’accommodation de la politique monétaire. Ce dernier résultat réconcilie ainsi, sur la base d’un cadre unifié des résultats autrement contradictoires à première vue dans la littérature. Ces résultats ont d'importantes implications de politique économique. Ils suggèrent globalement que la politique budgétaire est plus efficace lorsqu'on en a le plus besoin (par exemple, lorsque le taux de chômage est élevé), si elle est soutenue par la politique monétaire. Ils ont également des implications pour la normalisation des conditions monétaires dans les pays avancés: la sortie des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles conduirait à des multiplicateurs de dépenses fédérales beaucoup plus faibles qu'autrement, même si le niveau de chômage restait élevé. Ceci renforce la nécessité d'une calibration prudente du calendrier de sortie des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles. Le troisième chapitre examine l'impact des mesures d'expansion et de contraction budgétaire sur la distribution des revenus dans un panel de 18 pays d'Amérique latine au cours de la période 1990-2010, avec un accent sur les deniers 40 pour cent. Il explore alors comment ces mesures fiscales ainsi que leur composition affectent la croissance des revenus des dernier 40 pour cent, la croissance de leur part de revenu ainsi que la croissance économique. Les mesures d'expansion et de contraction budgétaire sont identifiées par des périodes au cours desquels il existe une variation significative du déficit primaire corrigé des variations conjoncturelles en pourcentage du PIB. Les résultats montrent qu'en moyenne l'expansion budgétaire par la hausse des dépenses publiques est plus favorable à la croissance des revenus des moins bien-nantis que celle par la baisse des impôts. Ce résultat est principalement soutenu par la hausse des dépenses gouvernementales de consommation courante, les transferts et subventions. En outre ces mesures d’expansion budgétaire sont favorables à la réduction des inégalités car elles permettent d'améliorer la part des revenus des moins bien-nantis tout en réduisant la part des revenus des mieux-nantis de la distribution des revenus. En outre ces mesures d’expansion budgétaire sont favorables à la réduction des inégalités car elles permettent d'améliorer la part des revenus des moins bien-nantis tout en réduisant la part des revenus des mieux-nantis de la distribution des revenus. Cependant, l'expansion budgétaire pourrait soit n'avoir aucun effet sur la croissance économique ou entraver cette dernière à travers la hausse des dépenses en capital. Les résultats relatifs à la contraction budgétaire sont quelque peu mitigés. Parfois, les mesures de contraction budgétaire sont associées à une baisse de la croissance des revenus des moins bien nantis et à une hausse des inégalités, parfois l'impact de ces mesures est non significatif. Par ailleurs, aucune des mesures n’affecte de manière significative la croissance du PIB. Comme implications de politique économique, les pays avec une certaine marge de manœuvre budgétaire pourraient entamer ou continuer à mettre en œuvre des programmes de "filets de sauvetage"--par exemple les programmes de transfert monétaire conditionnel--permettant aux segments vulnérables de la population de faire face à des chocs négatifs et aussi d'améliorer leur conditions de vie. Avec un potentiel de stimuler l'emploi peu qualifié, une relance budgétaire sage par les dépenses publique courantes pourrait également jouer un rôle important pour la réduction des inégalités. Aussi, pour éviter que les dépenses en capital freinent la croissance économique, les projets d'investissements publics efficients devraient être prioritaires dans le processus d'élaboration des politiques. Ce qui passe par la mise en œuvre des projets d'investissement avec une productivité plus élevée capable de générer la croissance économique nécessaire pour réduire les inégalités.
A cross-sectional study of serum antibody responses of cattle to tick-borne pathogens (Theileria parva, Theileria mutans, Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis) was conducted on smallholder dairy farms in Tanga and Iringa Regions of Tanzania. Seroprevalence was highest for T. parva (48% in Iringa and 23% in Tanga) and B. bigemina (43% in Iringa and 27% in Tanga) and lowest for B. bovis (12% in Iringa and 6% in Tanga). We use spatial and non-spatial models, fitted using classical and Bayesian methods, to explore risk factors associated with seroprevalence. These include both fixed effects (age, grazing history and breeding status) and random effects (farm and local spatial effects). In both regions, seroprevalence for all tick-borne pathogens increased significantly with age. Animals pasture grazed in the 3 months prior to the start of the sampling period were significantly more likely to be seropositive for Theileria spp. and Babesia spp. Pasture grazed animals were more likely to be seropositive than zero-grazed animals for A. marginale, but the relationship was weaker than that observed for the other four pathogens. This study did not detect any significant differences in seroprevalence associated with other management-related variables, including the method or frequency of acaricide application. After adjusting for age, there was weak evidence of localised (< 5 km) spatial correlation in exposure to some of the tick borne diseases. However, this was small compared with the 'farm-effect', suggesting that risk factors specific to the farm were more important than those common to the local neighbourhood. Many animals were seropositive for more than one pathogen and the correlation between exposure to the different pathogens remained after adjusting for the identified risk factors. Identifying the determinants of exposure to multiple tick-borne pathogens and characterizing local variation in risk will assist in the development of more effective control strategies for smallholder dairy farms. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. We used microhardness testing as a probe for fine-scale regional variation in the mechanical performance of bone and present data showing the extent of regional variation in the femora and humeri of 7-week-old broiler birds. 2. Ash content of dry bone was broadly correlated with microhardness, although there is some evidence that the relationship linking the two differs between the femur and the humerus. 3. Regional variations in the properties of bone from poultry are widely overlooked in the literature. Awareness of them is vital and existing measures of bone 'strength' may be misleading if local variation in properties is not taken into account when exploring the effects of nutrition and husbandry practices on bone mechanical performance.
This paper presents an efficient construction algorithm for obtaining sparse kernel density estimates based on a regression approach that directly optimizes model generalization capability. Computational efficiency of the density construction is ensured using an orthogonal forward regression, and the algorithm incrementally minimizes the leave-one-out test score. A local regularization method is incorporated naturally into the density construction process to further enforce sparsity. An additional advantage of the proposed algorithm is that it is fully automatic and the user is not required to specify any criterion to terminate the density construction procedure. This is in contrast to an existing state-of-art kernel density estimation method using the support vector machine (SVM), where the user is required to specify some critical algorithm parameter. Several examples are included to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to effectively construct a very sparse kernel density estimate with comparable accuracy to that of the full sample optimized Parzen window density estimate. Our experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed algorithm compares favorably with the SVM method, in terms of both test accuracy and sparsity, for constructing kernel density estimates.
Spatial patterns in assemblage structures are generated by ecological processes that occur on multiple scales. Identifying these processes is important for the prediction of impact, for restoration and for conservation of biodiversity. This study used a hierarchical sampling design to quantify variations in assemblage structures of Brazilian estuarine fish across 2 spatial scales and to reveal the ecological processes underlying the patterns observed. Eight areas separated by 0.7 to 25 km (local scale) were sampled in 5 estuaries separated by 970 to 6000 km (regional scale) along the coast, encompassing both tropical and subtropical regions. The assemblage structure varied significantly in terms of relative biomass and presence/absence of species on both scales, but the regional variation was greater than the local variation for either dataset. However, the 5 estuaries sampled segregated into 2 major groups largely congruent with the Brazilian and Argentinian biogeographic provinces. Three environmental variables (mean temperature of the coldest month, mangrove area and mean annual precipitation) and distance between estuaries explained 44.8 and 16.3%, respectively, of the regional-scale variability in the species relative biomass. At the local scale, the importance of environmental predictors for the spatial structure of the assemblages differed between estuarine systems. Overall, these results support the idea that on a regional scale, the composition of fish assemblages is simultaneously determined by environmental filters and species dispersal capacity, while on a local scale, the effect of environmental factors should vary depending on estuary-specific physical and hydrological characteristics © 2013 Inter-Research.
Climate change has significantly influenced vegetation dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Past research mainly focused on vegetation responses to temperature variation and water stress, but the influence of sunshine duration on NDVI and vegetation phenology on the TP is not well understood. In this study, NDVI time series from 1982-2008 were used to retrieve spatiotemporal vegetation dynamics on the TP. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was conducted to understand the spatiotemporal variations of NDVI. The Start of Season (SOS) was estimated from NDVI time series with a local threshold method. The first EOF, accounting for 35.1% of NDVI variations on the TP, indicates that NDVI variations are larger in areas with shorter sunshine duration. The needle-leaved forest and shrub in the southeastern TP are more sensitive to sunshine duration anomalies (p < 0.01) than broad-leaved forest, steppe, and meadow due to spatial and altitudinal distribution of sunshine duration and vegetation types. The decrease in sunshine duration for the growing season on the TP has resulted in a decreased NDVI trend in some areas of southeastern TP (p ranging from 0.32-0.05 with threshold ranging from 0.05 to 0.25) in spite of the overall NDVI increase. SOS dynamics in most parts of the TP were mainly related to temperature variability, with precipitation and sunshine duration playing a role in a few regions. This study enhances our understanding of vegetation responses to climatic change on the TP.
Hierarchical multi-label classification is a complex classification task where the classes involved in the problem are hierarchically structured and each example may simultaneously belong to more than one class in each hierarchical level. In this paper, we extend our previous works, where we investigated a new local-based classification method that incrementally trains a multi-layer perceptron for each level of the classification hierarchy. Predictions made by a neural network in a given level are used as inputs to the neural network responsible for the prediction in the next level. We compare the proposed method with one state-of-the-art decision-tree induction method and two decision-tree induction methods, using several hierarchical multi-label classification datasets. We perform a thorough experimental analysis, showing that our method obtains competitive results to a robust global method regarding both precision and recall evaluation measures.
The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse how public old-age care in Sweden has developed and changed during the last century. The study applies a provider perspective on how care has been planned and professionally carried out. A broader social policy perspective, studying old-age care at central/national as well as local/municipal level, is also developed. A special focus is directed at the large local variation in care and services for the elderly. The empirical base is comprised of official documents and other public sources, survey data from interviews with elderly recipients of public old-age care, and official statistics on publicly financed and controlled old-age care and services. Study I addresses the development of old-age care in Sweden during the twentieth century by studying an important occupation in this field – the supervisors and their professional roles, tasks and working conditions. Throughout, the roles of supervisors have followed the prevailing official policy on the proper way to provide care for elderly people in Sweden; from poor relief at the beginning of the 1900s, via a generous level of services in the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s restricted and economy-controlled mode of operation. Study II describes and compares two main forms of public old-age care in Sweden today, home help services and institutional care. The care-load found in home-based care was comparable to and sometimes even larger than in service-homes and other institutions, indicating that large care needs among elderly people in Sweden today can be met in their homes as well as in institutional settings. Studies III and IV analyse the local variation in public old-age care in Sweden. During the last decades there has been an overall decline in home help services. The coverage of home help for elderly people shows large differences between municipalities throughout this period, and the relative variation has increased. The local disparity seems to depend more on historical factors, e.g., previous coverage rates, than on the present municipal situation in levels of need or local economy and politics. In an introductory part the four papers are linked together by an outline of the demographic situation and the social policy model for old-age care in Sweden. Trends that have been apparent over time, e.g. professionalisation and market orientation, are traced and discussed. Conflicts between prevailing ideologies are analysed, in regards to for instance home-based and institution-based care, social and medical culture, and local and central levels of decision-making. ’Welfare municipality’, ‘path dependency’, and ‘decentralisation’ are suggested as a conceptual framework for describing the large and increasing local variations in old-age care. Finally, implications of the four studies with regard to old-age care policy and further research are discussed.
In this work the flux line dynamics in High-Temperature Superconductor (HTSC) thin films in the presence of columnar defects was studied using electronic transport measurements. The columnar defects which are correlated pinning centers for vortices were generated by irradiation with swift heavy ions at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt. In the first part, the vortex dynamics is discussed within the framework of the Bose-glass model. This approach describes the continuous transition from a vortex liquid to a Bose-glass phase which is characterized by the localization of the flux lines at the columnar defects. The critical behavior of the characteristic length and time scales for temperatures in the vicinity of this phase transition were probed by scaling properties of experimentally obtained current-voltage characteristics. In contrast to the predicted universal properties of the critical behavior the scaling analysis shows a strong dependence of the dynamic critical exponent on the experimentally accessible electric field range. In addition, the predicted divergence of the activation energy in the limit of low current densities was experimentally not confirmed.The dynamic behavior of flux lines in spatially resolved irradiation geometries is reported in the second part. Weak pinning channels with widths between 10 µm and 100 µm were generated in a strong pinning environment with the use of metal masks and the GSI microprobe, respectively. Measurements of the anisotropic transport properties of these structures show a striking resemblance to the results in YBCO single crystals with unidirected twin boundaries which were interpreted as a guided vortex motion effect. The use of two additional test bridges allowed to determine in parallel the resistivities of the irradiated and unirradiated parts as well as the respective current-voltage characteristics. These measurements provided the input parameters for a numerical simulation of the potential distribution in the spatially resolved irradiation geometry. The results are interpreted within a model that describes the hydrodynamic interaction between a Bose-glass phase and a vortex liquid. The interface between weakly pinned flux lines in the unirradiated channels and strongly pinned vortices leads to a nonuniform vortex velocity profile and therefore a variation of the local electric field. The length scale of these interactions was estimated for the first time in measuring the local variation of the electric field profile in a Bose-glass contact.Finally, a method for the determination of the true temperature in HTSC thin films at high dissipation levels is described. In this regime of electronic transport the occurrence of a flux flow instability is accompanied by heating effects in the vortex system. The heat propagation properties of the film/substrate system are deduced from the time dependent voltage response to a short high current density pulse of rectangular shape. The influence of heavy ion irradiation on the heat resistance at the film/substrate interface is studied.