995 resultados para Liquid-filled Top


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High speed visualizations and thermal performance studies of pool boiling heat transfer on copper foam covers were performed at atmospheric pressure, with the heating surface area of 12.0 mm by 12.0 mm, using acetone as the working fluid. The foam covers have ppi (pores per inch) from 30 to 90, cover thickness from 2.0 to 5.0 mm, and porosity of 0.88 and 0.95. The surface superheats are from -20 to 190 K, and the heat fluxes reach 140 W/cm(2). The 30 and 60 ppi foam covers show the periodic single bubble generation and departure pattern at low surface superheats. With continuous increases in surface superheats, they show the periodic bubble coalescence and/or re-coalescence pattern. Cage bubbles were observed to be those with liquid filled inside and vented to the pool liquid. For the 90 ppi foam covers, the bubble coalescence takes place at low surface superheats. At moderate or large surface superheats, vapor fragments continuously escape to the pool liquid. Boiling curves of copper foams show three distinct regions. Region I and II are those of natural convection heat transfer, and nucleate boiling heat transfer for all the foam covers. Region III is that of either a resistance to vapor release for the 30 and 60 ppi foam covers, or a capillary-assist liquid flow towards foam cells for the 90 ppi foam covers. The value of ppi has an important effect on the thermal performance. Boiling curves are crossed between the high and low ppi foam covers. Low ppi foams have better thermal performance at low surface superheats, but high ppi foams have better one at moderate or large surface superheats and extend the operation range of surface superheats. The effects of other factors such as pool liquid temperature, foam cover thickness on the thermal performance are also discussed.


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In the ocean, natural and artificial processes generate clouds of bubbles which scatter and attenuate sound. Measurements have shown that at the individual bubble resonance frequency, sound propagation in this medium is highly attenuated and dispersive. Theory to explain this behavior exists in the literature, and is adequate away from resonance. However, due to excessive attenuation near resonance, little experimental data exists for comparison. An impedance tube was developed specifically for exploring this regime. Using the instrument, unique phase speed and attenuation measurements were made for void fractions ranging from 6.2 × 10^−5 to 2.7 × 10^−3 and bubble sizes centered around 0.62 mm in radius. Improved measurement speed, accuracy and precision is possible with the new instrument, and both instantaneous and time-averaged measurements were obtained. Behavior at resonance was observed to be sensitive to the bubble population statistics and agreed with existing theory, within the uncertainty of the bubble population parameters. Scattering from acoustically compact bubble clouds can be predicted from classical scattering theory by using an effective medium description of the bubbly fluid interior. Experimental verification was previously obtained up to the lowest resonance frequency. A novel bubble production technique has been employed to obtain unique scattering measurements with a bubbly-liquid-filled latex tube in a large indoor tank. The effective scattering model described these measurements up to three times the lowest resonance frequency of the structure.


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It is well documented that the presence of even a few air bubbles in water can signifi- cantly alter the propagation and scattering of sound. Air bubbles are both naturally and artificially generated in all marine environments, especially near the sea surface. The abil- ity to measure the acoustic propagation parameters of bubbly liquids in situ has long been a goal of the underwater acoustics community. One promising solution is a submersible, thick-walled, liquid-filled impedance tube. Recent water-filled impedance tube work was successful at characterizing low void fraction bubbly liquids in the laboratory [1]. This work details the modifications made to the existing impedance tube design to allow for submersed deployment in a controlled environment, such as a large tank or a test pond. As well as being submersible, the useable frequency range of the device is increased from 5 - 9 kHz to 1 - 16 kHz and it does not require any form of calibration. The opening of the new impedance tube is fitted with a large stainless steel flange to better define the boundary condition on the plane of the tube opening. The new device was validated against the classic theoretical result for the complex reflection coefficient of a tube opening fitted with an infinite flange. The complex reflection coefficient was then measured with a bubbly liquid (order 250 micron radius and 0.1 - 0.5 % void fraction) outside the tube opening. Results from the bubbly liquid experiments were inconsistent with flanged tube theory using current bubbly liquid models. The results were more closely matched to unflanged tube theory, suggesting that the high attenuation and phase speeds in the bubbly liquid made the tube opening appear as if it were radiating into free space.


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Depuis quelques années, il y a un intérêt de la communauté en dosimétrie d'actualiser les protocoles de dosimétrie des faisceaux larges tels que le TG-51 (AAPM) et le TRS-398 (IAEA) aux champs non standard qui requièrent un facteur de correction additionnel. Or, ces facteurs de correction sont difficiles à déterminer précisément dans un temps acceptable. Pour les petits champs, ces facteurs augmentent rapidement avec la taille de champ tandis que pour les champs d'IMRT, les incertitudes de positionnement du détecteur rendent une correction cas par cas impraticable. Dans cette étude, un critère théorique basé sur la fonction de réponse dosimétrique des détecteurs est développé pour déterminer dans quelles situations les dosimètres peuvent être utilisés sans correction. Les réponses de quatre chambres à ionisation, d'une chambre liquide, d'un détecteur au diamant, d'une diode, d'un détecteur à l'alanine et d'un détecteur à scintillation sont caractérisées à 6 MV et 25 MV. Plusieurs stratégies sont également suggérées pour diminuer/éliminer les facteurs de correction telles que de rapporter la dose absorbée à un volume et de modifier les matériaux non sensibles du détecteur pour pallier l'effet de densité massique. Une nouvelle méthode de compensation de la densité basée sur une fonction de perturbation est présentée. Finalement, les résultats démontrent que le détecteur à scintillation peut mesurer les champs non standard utilisés en clinique avec une correction inférieure à 1%.


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International School of Photonics, Cohin University of Science and Technology


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Soil forms the outer skin of the earth's land surface. Often less than a metre in depth, it is essential to sustain natural terrestrial ecosystems and human life. Soils result from the interactions over time between climate, parent material, topography, vegetation, and biota. They vary from place to place. Mineral soils are composed of mineral matter, organic matter, and gas- or liquid-filled pores in varying proportions. Soils perform a wide range of functions and provide many ecosystem or environmental services; with the climate problem, the soil is increasingly being recognised as a potential sink for carbon from the atmosphere. In part because of humankind's (over)use of soils and in part because of natural and human-induced environmental change, there is a widespread decline in soil quality and an increasing number of threats to soil, which jeopardise both the soil's natural functions and its use by humans. As a limited resource, soils must be used sustainably. Soil protection strategies have been indirectly embodied in a number of United Nations conventions, and there are now national and supranational developments towards specific regulations and legislation to protect soils and their functions.


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Results of experiments conducted in a 2m high flume at large Reynolds numbers are reported in this paper. The flume was partitioned into two compartments. Flow entered the bottom of the upstream test compartment as a wall jet, at jet Reynolds number ranging from 11,000 to 170,000. Periodic oscillations of the free surface in the two compartments resembling the oscillatory flow in a liquid-filled U-tube, and large coherent structures formed above the potential core of the wall jet were observed. Coupling of the U-tube oscillations and vortex shedding is attributed to fluid-dynamic and fluid-resonant feedback processes. For test compartment length, Lc=0.8m , fluid-resonant feedback was found to be dominant, and the shear layer was observed to oscillate at the natural frequency of the two-compartment, U-tube system. The observed U-tube oscillations are initiated by the oscillations of the shear layer at a frequency equal to the subharmonic component for the U-tube. The flow oscillations were generally weaker for Lc=1.2 and 2.0m with oscillation frequencies governed by fluid-dynamic feedback, verified from a comparison with the results from a previously reported study.


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X-ray computed tomography (CT) refers to the cross-sectional imaging of an object measuring the transmitted radiation at different directions. In this work, we describe a non-conventional application of computerized tomography: visualization and improvements in the understanding of some internal structural features of solid dosage forms. A micro-CT X-ray scanner, with a minimum resolution of 30 μm was used to characterize some pharmaceutical tablets, granules, controlled-release osmotic tablet and liquid-filled soft-gelatin capsules. The analysis presented in this work are essentially qualitative, but quantitative parameters, such as porosity, density distribution, tablets dimensions, etc. could also be obtained using the related CT techniques. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The production, segregation and migration of melt and aqueous fluids (henceforth called liquid) plays an important role for the transport of mass and energy within the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Many properties of large-scale liquid migration processes such as the permeability of a rock matrix or the initial segregation of newly formed liquid from the host-rock depends on the grain-scale distribution and behaviour of liquid. Although the general mechanisms of liquid distribution at the grain-scale are well understood, the influence of possibly important modifying processes such as static recrystallization, deformation, and chemical disequilibrium on the liquid distribution is not well constrained. For this thesis analogue experiments were used that allowed to investigate the interplay of these different mechanisms in-situ. In high-temperature environments where melts are produced, the grain-scale distribution in “equilibrium” is fully determined by the liquid fraction and the ratio between the solid-solid and the solid-liquid surface energy. The latter is commonly expressed as the dihedral or wetting angle between two grains and the liquid phase (Chapter 2). The interplay of this “equilibrium” liquid distribution with ongoing surface energy driven recrystallization is investigated in Chapter 4 and 5 with experiments using norcamphor plus ethanol liquid. Ethanol in contact with norcamphor forms a wetting angle of about 25°, which is similar to reported angles of rock-forming minerals in contact with silicate melt. The experiments in Chapter 4 show that previously reported disequilibrium features such as trapped liquid lenses, fully-wetted grain boundaries, and large liquid pockets can be explained by the interplay of the liquid with ongoing recrystallization. Closer inspection of dihedral angles in Chapter 5 reveals that the wetting angles are themselves modified by grain coarsening. Ongoing recrystallization constantly moves liquid-filled triple junctions, thereby altering the wetting angles dynamically as a function of the triple junction velocity. A polycrystalline aggregate will therefore always display a range of equilibrium and dynamic wetting angles at raised temperature, rather than a single wetting angle as previously thought. For the deformation experiments partially molten KNO3–LiNO3 experiments were used in addition to norcamphor–ethanol experiments (Chapter 6). Three deformation regimes were observed. At a high bulk liquid fraction >10 vol.% the aggregate deformed by compaction and granular flow. At a “moderate” liquid fraction, the aggregate deformed mainly by grain boundary sliding (GBS) that was localized into conjugate shear zones. At a low liquid fraction, the grains of the aggregate formed a supporting framework that deformed internally by crystal plastic deformation or diffusion creep. Liquid segregation was most efficient during framework deformation, while GBS lead to slow liquid segregation or even liquid dispersion in the deforming areas.


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Today electronic portal imaging devices (EPID's) are used primarily to verify patient positioning. They have, however, also the potential as 2D-dosimeters and could be used as such for transit dosimetry or dose reconstruction. It has been proven that such devices, especially liquid filled ionization chambers, have a stable dose response relationship which can be described in terms of the physical properties of the EPID and the pulsed linac radiation. For absolute dosimetry however, an accurate method of calibration to an absolute dose is needed. In this work, we concentrate on calibration against dose in a homogeneous water phantom. Using a Monte Carlo model of the detector we calculated dose spread kernels in units of absolute dose per incident energy fluence and compared them to calculated dose spread kernels in water at different depths. The energy of the incident pencil beams varied between 0.5 and 18 MeV. At the depth of dose maximum in water for a 6 MV beam (1.5 cm) and for a 18 MV beam (3.0 cm) we observed large absolute differences between water and detector dose above an incident energy of 4 MeV but only small relative differences in the most frequent energy range of the beam energy spectra. It is shown that for a 6 MV beam the absolute reference dose measured at 1.5 cm water depth differs from the absolute detector dose by 3.8%. At depth 1.2 cm in water, however, the relative dose differences are almost constant between 2 and 6 MeV. The effects of changes in the energy spectrum of the beam on the dose responses in water and in the detector are also investigated. We show that differences larger than 2% can occur for different beam qualities of the incident photon beam behind water slabs of different thicknesses. It is therefore concluded that for high-precision dosimetry such effects have to be taken into account. Nevertheless, the precise information about the dose response of the detector provided in this Monte Carlo study forms the basis of extracting directly the basic radiometric quantities photon fluence and photon energy fluence from the detector's signal using a deconvolution algorithm. The results are therefore promising for future application in absolute transit dosimetry and absolute dose reconstruction.


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We present a method for characterizing microscopic optical force fields. Two dimensional vector force maps are generated by measuring the optical force applied to a probe particle for a grid of particle positions. The method is used to map Out the force field created by the beam from a lensed fiber inside a liquid filled microdevice. We find transverse gradient forces and axial scattering forces on the order of 2 pN per 10 mW laser power which are constant over a considerable axial range (> 35 mu m). These findings suggest Future useful applications of lensed fibers for particle guiding/sorting. The propulsion of a small particle at a constant velocity of 200 mu m s(-1) is shown.


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SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of solids), is a novel technique that is being developed to enable the routine study of solids by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. SINNMR aims to narrow the broad resonances that are characteristic of solid state NMR by inducing rapid incoherent motion of solid particles suspended in a support medium, using high frequency ultrasound in the range 2-10 MHz. The width of the normal broad resonances from solids are due to incomplete averaging of several components of the total spin Hamiltonian caused by restrictions placed on molecular motion within a solid. At present Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR is the classical solid state technique used to reduce line broadening, but: this has associated problems, not least of which is the appearance of many spinning side bands which confuse the spectra. It is hoped that SlNNMR will offer a simple alternative, particularly as it does not reveal spinning sidebands The fundamental question concerning whether the use of ultrasound within a cryo-magnet will cause quenching has been investigated with success, as even under the most extreme conditions of power, frequency and irradiator time, the magnet does not quench. The objective of this work is to design and construct a SINNMR probe for use in a super conducting cryo-magnet NMR spectrometer. A cell for such a probe has been constructed and incorporated into an adapted high resolution broadband probe. It has been proved that the cell is capable of causing cavitation, up to 10 MHz, by running a series of ultrasonic reactions within it and observing the reaction products. It was found that the ultrasound was causing the sample to be heated to unacceptable temperatures and this necessitated the incorporation of temperature stabilisation devices. Work has been performed on the investigation of the narrowing of the solid state 23Na spectrum of tri-sodium phosphate using high frequency ultrasound. Work has also been completed on the signal enhancement and T1 reduction of a liquid mixture and a pure compound using ultrasound. Some preliminary "bench" experiments have been completed on a novel ultrasonic device designed to help minimise sample heating. The concept involves passing the ultrasound through a temperature stabilised, liquid filled funnel that has a drum skin on the end that will enable the passage of ultrasound into the sample. Bench experiments have proved that acoustic attenuation is low and that cavitation in the liquid beyond the device is still possible.


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Reconfigurable liquid crystal microlenses employing arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have been designed and fabricated. The cells consist of arrays of 2 microm high MWNTs grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition on silicon with a top electrode of indium tin oxide coated glass positioned 20 microm above the silicon and the gap filled with the nematic liquid crystal BLO48. Simulations have found that, while its nematic liquid crystal aligns with MWNTs within a distance of 10nm, this distance is greatly enhanced by the application of an external electric field. Polarized light experiments show that light is focused with focal lengths ranging from approximately 7 microm to 12 microm.


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The initial composition of acrylic bone cement along with the mixing and delivery technique used can influence its final properties and therefore its clinical success in vivo. The polymerisation of acrylic bone cement is complex with a number of processes happening simultaneously. Acrylic bone cement mixing and delivery systems have undergone several design changes in their advancement, although the cement constituents themselves have remained unchanged since they were first used. This study was conducted to determine the factors that had the greatest effect on the final properties of acrylic bone cement using a pre-filled bone cement mixing and delivery system. A design of experiments (DoE) approach was used to determine the impact of the factors associated with this mixing and delivery method on the final properties of the cement produced. The DoE illustrated that all factors present within this study had a significant impact on the final properties of the cement. An optimum cement composition was hypothesised and tested. This optimum recipe produced cement with final mechanical and thermal properties within the clinical guidelines and stated by ISO 5833 (International Standard Organisation (ISO), International standard 5833: implants for surgery—acrylic resin cements, 2002), however the low setting times observed would not be clinically viable and could result in complications during the surgical technique. As a result further development would be required to improve the setting time of the cement in order for it to be deemed suitable for use in total joint replacement surgery.


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Amine Terminated Liquid Natural Rubber (ATNR) was used as a plasticiser in filled NR and NBR compounds replacing oil/DOP. The scorch time and cure time were found to be lowered when ATNR was used as the plasticiser. ATNR was found to improve the mechanical properties like tensile strength, tear strength and modulus of the vulcanizates . The ageing resistance of the vulcanizates containing ATNR was superior compared to the vulcanizates containing oil/DOP.